Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1581: Circus

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The person who appeared this is naturally Yandi's bastard. Lin Feng finally found the imperial palace of the Promise Emperor, but did not want this old **** to be already there. I don't know how long it has been, and I have already come out of a cave house.

However, it has not been seen for nearly two years. It is still relatively intimate to see this old and undead.

"I don't die, I haven't seen it for a long time, have you stepped into the middle emperor?" Lin Feng asked with a smile, suddenly Yandi rolled his eyes and snorted: "When you are a martial artist, it is Xuanwu Tianwu. There are no ones in the Wuhuang area. Even if they can enter the Wuhuangjing, most of them will take a long time, and they will be used for thousands of years. After entering the realm of the Emperor, they will be cut one step at a time, even if the Emperor is invincible, but It is also impossible to ignore the leap of the realm."

Seeing that Yan Emperor turned his eyes and Lin Feng trembled and smiled, he just asked casually. This **** has never had a shackle since resurrection. Nowadays, he has entered the realm of the Emperor and is getting closer to his former realm. It is also normal for the speed of cultivation to start to slow down. It has both died once, and it is easy to make it easy to step into the achievements of the past with the power of the soul.

There are no one in the world who is on the seat of the Emperor of the Emperor, but it may still be said that Emperor Yan is less talked about, and the number of people in the vast area is inexhaustible, in the billions, but how rare Wuhuang is, Even if the people in the big world are generally stronger, the Wuhuang is also the same. The reason why the Emperor is numerous is because the population of the big world is too large. This is the world that has evolved the endless years, counting by the epoch. People are stupid enough to count how many people in this world, because there are countless things.

Some people are destined to look up to the royal kingdom for life, and some people can climb to the throne in a hundred years, even shorter. This is the cruelty of the martial art world. Only the strong can survive forever. The weak are destined to be eliminated. Only one member who has been eliminated will continue to grow stronger. As the era changes, countless newcomers are born and risen, accompanied by the fall of countless old people.

"How long have you been in this area, and what is in the Dongfu?" Lin Feng asked the Yandi guy.

"A year before you, as for what is in this cave, you should feel it, of course, it is a good thing." Yan Di’s eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes looked at the Promise Emperor, and his eyes were exposed. A very strange look, said: "Hurry up and continue to comprehend, don't waste time here, maybe the old and undead guys will be the same as the Emperor!"

Lin Feng looked at the eyes of Yan Emperor and nodded slightly. He naturally understood what Yandi said and what he meant at the beginning. Resurrection, Yan Emperor also believed that this Promise Emperor might not die, and sealed the gods in copper. Placed in the mainland, people with Promise copper will find a way to find the Emperor Palace, and once they enter the Imperial Palace, they will take out the copper pieces to see if they have any effect, take out the Promise copper pieces, and God will return to their place. And like the case of Lin Feng, the sacred mind of the Promise Emperor is already in his mind, guiding him to come here, directly from his eyebrows, returning to the Promise of the Emperor.

"Go!" Yandi said to Lin Feng, but he was too lazy to continue with Lin Feng. Since Lin Feng came back alive, he would not have to walk in the future. His body shape flashed and Yan Di stepped into another cave.

Lin Feng didn't stop, and walked straight into the cave where Yan Di was just located. In an instant, as soon as the light curtain fluctuated, Dongfu seemed to be closed at the moment he stepped in, but in front of Lin Feng, there was a wonderful story. The texture.

This cave is not big, it is only enough for cultivation, and the roads in the cave are flickering and moving.

Lin Feng looked back at the closed exit and reached out. The tentacles were slightly cold and hard, and the light curtain seemed to be turned into an unbreakable stone wall, blocking him.

Lin Feng's palm trembled slightly and suddenly slammed on the light curtain. However, Lin Feng felt that the place where the palm was bombarded was like a stone of the ages, and it was indestructible. This light curtain did not shake.

This made Lin Feng's brow slightly wrinkled, and he couldn't break it. So, he couldn't get in and out at will.

A terrible force appeared in Lin Feng’s boxing, and there was a force that broke through everything and gathered into a cyclone.

"The earth is cracked!" Lin Feng slammed out, and the land that could easily destroy a mountain peak and sway the earth's konjac was smashed on the light curtain. It did not shake the points. Instead, it was a terrible anti-shock force that fell on Lin Feng. Lin Feng's footsteps rubbed against the ground, and then the back hit the wall of Dongfu. The hard touch made him feel pain in his back. This cave is a closed cave.

"The old immortal did not remind me!" Lin Feng secretly snorted, and then did not continue to try, just that blow he knows how strong the strength, but still can not shake the light curtain, it can be seen that this is not his strength If you can break through, I am afraid that the Yandi guys may not be able to break open. This is a cave house that can not enter.

Lin Feng walked to the middle of the light curtain line, and then sat on the knees and sat in a position that seemed to be a good place for himself. Suddenly, the surrounding lines seemed to move and flow faster. This sudden change did not make Lin Feng. Surprised, but quietly closed his eyes, since Yan Emperor can go out from here, indicating that there is a way out, may be related to this light curtain.

The flowing lines finally swam over the top of Lin Feng’s head, and the space in the cave house became extremely smashed. At this time, Lin Feng felt that he was not in a small space, but in a huge space, space In the middle, there are infinite lines and runes fluttering in front of him, and then he is constantly printed into his closed eyes, engraved into his mind, as if instilling memories for him.

"Array!" Lin Feng's mind is just in front of him, as if floating a huge handwriting, it is a word of the array, to relax his mind, Lin Feng crazy to capture all the memories and lines that are constantly immersed in his mind, like a river, crazy The absorption, the cave house between the mountain walls, is likely to be the inheritance of the Promise Emperor.

It seems that after a long time, I don't know how vast the memory is instilled in Lin Feng's mind. However, based on these memories, he found that he got the circuit, which is one of the three thousand.

"The road, borrow the power of the heavens and the earth!" Lin Feng muttered whisper, the first sentence of the general line of the road, what is the battle, the road, borrowing the power of heaven and earth.

The power of man is poor, and the power of heaven and earth is inexhaustible and inexhaustible; the power of man is extremely strong, and the power of heaven and earth is not extreme, taking the power of heaven and earth, engraving the lines of heaven and earth.

Lin Feng took the outline of the road, which recorded that the weakest person on the road would use foreign objects to form a battle. For example, like the former Emperor Yan, with the help of the oracle stone or some weapons, the power was motivated. It is a powerful force. In the path of the Promise Emperor, this is the weakest talent.

The people who have achieved a little success in the road still do not need to resort to foreign objects. They release their own strength, use their own strength to ignite the power of the heavens and the earth, and engrave the sacred lines with their hands. It is only strong or weak. Of course, it is very difficult to arrange a very strong array. It takes a very long time, and it is necessary to be proficient in various patterns and to unite them together in order to exert a very powerful force.

As for the real strongman, God's Royal World, between the thoughts, the strength of the world, with incredible power!

For example, people who are good at the law of the earth communicate with the laws of the earth in the surrounding world. God melts it and directly uses the power of God to communicate the laws, so that the power of the law of heaven and earth can be gathered into lines, portrayed in a pattern, and then motivates a larger law. The power of the force exerts an incomparably terrible power, and truly makes the power of one mind change. Of course, it is not easy to achieve this kind of realm. It is just that endless arrays, enough for many people to explore their lives.

Everything in memory completely subverts Lin Feng’s cognition of the road. The true master of the road can do it: a thought, a heaven and earth law!

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