Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1574: Giant elephant

"Lin Feng, why have you been peeping at the four elephants!" If the evil spirits are around Lin Feng, there are some doubts. Since Lin Feng already knows what is inside, why bother to repeat this movement, as if it is hidden in the secret.

"I was thinking that since the disciples of the Promise Emperor could not find the Promise Palace by turning over the Four Elephants, but the outside world was rumored, the Emperor Palace was in the Four Elephants. I was thinking, this Promise Palace, will not Just in this rumor that no one has ever stepped into the four elephants in the Jedi." Lin Feng looked at the evil, slowly said.

Lin Feng’s words made Ruo and the girl’s eyes stunned and their eyes flickered. I have to say that Lin Feng’s bold speculation is that there is a possibility of existence. Otherwise, how to explain why those great emperors have rummaged through the four elephants. Why can't I find the Palace of the Promise, only this four elephants, they can't get in, so they can't find it.

"Of course, this is just my guess, but I don't rule out the possibility." Lin Feng saw the two thoughts and said with a smile. He also said that he was not sure that the Imperial Palace was in the Four Elephants. It can be told in this way that if it is really possible to enter the Jedi, then it will be decided by the evil spirits to go in and go. After all, this is an opportunity and a danger.

"There is indeed such a possibility, but the Promise Emperor can enter the four elephants in the Jedi, but we can't go in. The Promise of the Promise, is not to let the imperial palace disappear for a long time, why there are rumors on the mainland. The Promise Emperor had already laid out the game and looked for his inheritor." If the evil agrees with Lin Feng's speculation, it still has some incomprehensible points, which contradicts the rumors circulating in the mainland.

"If the rumors of the mainland are true, then since the Promise Palace has laid the chess game, it shows that there is a chance to step into the Four Elephants." Lin Feng said: "So, I am ready to wait outside this four elephants. See if there will be unexpected situations, if you are evil, what are your plans?"

"I don't have any thoughts about the Imperial Palace. I just went out and walked through the experience. Since you want to wait here, I will accompany you for some time." If the evil responded, he and Lin Feng are different. Lin Feng has the Promise. The Emperor’s glimpse of the gods, so the emperor’s palace map can never be faked, and since the Promise Emperor’s shadow and Lin Feng’s dialogue, it means that Lin Feng has the opportunity to reach the location of the Imperial Palace, and he will have the opportunity to step into it. These four elephants are Jedi.

In the next few days, Lin Feng has been squatting on the edge of desperation, sometimes releasing the sword of the heavenly sword and piercing into the four elephants, but the scenes are still there. Occasionally, they can see the ruin of Guanghua, which makes the swords of the heavens vibrate, as if Feel the horrible power of devastating.

In the end, Lin Feng had to give up the exploration with the sword of the heavens, but began the dream of suffering in the mountainside of a mountain in the edge of the land.

Time is spent unconsciously. In addition to Lin Feng, there are many others waiting for this edge. Perhaps, some of them, like Lin Feng, have gathered five pieces of copper to confirm that the Promise Palace is in Among the four elephants, there must be a way to step into the four elephants.

About twenty days later, on this day, among the four elephants in the Jedi, there was a sound of a vocal sound, and the sound of the horror of the elephant voice was like a rolling wave, which resounded in the minds of everyone.

"Xiangming, it appeared again!" Suddenly, outside the four elephants, many people opened their eyes, and there was a glimpse of the edge in the scorpion. The four elephants will have a sound like a sound every other time. It’s not a secret to go through the void, as long as people who have stayed outside the Jedi for a while are aware of it, and often, when the sound of the sound appears, some people will step into the four elephants, from then on. Go back.

Lin Feng, who is practicing in a shallow dream, suddenly opened his eyes, and the body slowly stood up and looked forward to the four elephants in front, like a voice!

"I will go and see!" Lin Feng's figure flashed up. It is impossible for the four elephants to have a sound like the sound of the sound in the Jedi. There must be something in the Jedi.

The sword of the celestial sword came out of the air and floated over the top of Lin Feng’s head. The sword swelled as if it might break out at any time.

Just a moment, Lin Feng has come to the four elephants outside the Jedi. The swords of the heavenly swords wrapped by the various forces suddenly shot out, directly penetrated the fascinating space and entered the four elephants.

In the four places of the Jedi, in the dark space, there is a dazzling golden glare, dazzling, dazzling, and the golden ruin of the stream is like a starry rain, swaying in all directions, shaking people's hearts.

Tianji Jianyao refers to the direction of the sky, suddenly, the four elephants outside the land of Lin Feng, the pupils shriveled down, I saw in the starry night of the void, a huge boundless golden giant elephant Yang Tianxiao, this giant elephant is long, standing It stands like a golden tower in the sky, with a strong visual impact.

"This monster is bigger than the stone scorpion demon!" Lin Feng was shocked. The giant elephant was in the void, on the edge of the four elephants. As soon as he stepped into the four elephants, he could see its existence. .

What's more interesting is that this giant elephant stayed there and didn't mean to leave, as if waiting for something!

"Is this giant elephant a beast that the Promise Emperor sent to pick up?" Lin Feng's look trembled slightly, and the golden stream of destruction was sprayed from the giant elephant's nose, but if it was on the generous back of the giant elephant, it should not suffer. This erosion that destroys the streamer may be safe.

"Hey!" The sword of the sky trembled fiercely, and escaped a stream of light, but he was reluctant to leave the four elephants. He wanted to find out clearly, what the **** is going on.

Suddenly, the four elephants outside the land, Lin Feng’s pupils contracted again, because he saw human beings, of course, four human beings outside the Jedi, stepping into the Jedi, and the body was like a ray, falling directly on the ground. On the back of the giant elephant, standing there, it is extraordinarily small, even if you don't look carefully, it will be ignored.

There are constant storms and ruined streams coming toward the sword of the heavens. Then the sword of the sky is constantly dodging. I still haven’t left the four elephants. He has to see what is going on. The strong man who stepped into the four elephants is a The strong man of the Wuhuang level, but I am afraid that it is still not enough to look at the giant elephant. If Lin Feng speculates that it is correct, the giant elephant is at least the upper demon, even stronger and more terrible, it is the level of the demon.

Therefore, Lin Feng wants to see if this giant elephant will shoot the mighty strongman who is standing on his back.

Lin Feng didn't see it. The giant elephant seemed to be very calm. He didn't feel surprised because the mighty strongman stepped on his back, as if it should have been.

"Hey..." The celestial sword came out and rushed out of the four elephants. It was suspended in the sky above Lin Feng’s head. I saw that Lin Feng’s center was continually turning around, and the heartbeat seemed to be getting faster.

At least the giant elephant of the upper demon level did not move the strong emperor of the emperor, very likely to come to pick up, how this does not make Lin Feng feel excited.

"Can't get in?" Lin Feng struggled in his heart. Among his pupils, he faintly shot a terrible sword, and his heart was so. If he didn't step into it, he would have to leave regrets in his heart.

"Lin Feng!" If the two evil spirits came here, they looked at Lin Feng, who was somewhat excited.

"If evil, there is a horrible monster of the monster, at least the upper demon, seems to be coming to pick up, you two, can't go?" Lin Feng asked the two people, the eyes were serious.

If the evil eye trembles, the monster beast, and at least the upper demon, to pick up, his heart is as stunned as Lin Feng.

"What decision do you have?" If there is faintness in the eyes of the evil spirits, look at Lin Feng.

"I am going to go in." Lin Feng said straightforwardly.

"Well, I will accompany you on a trip." If the evil voice is awe-inspiring, then look at the girl and ask: "What about you?"

The girl’s beauty is flashing, it’s really difficult to decide. She looked deeply at the evil, and she said, “I am going!”

"That's good, start!" Lin Feng is a decisive person. Since the three people are all open, his body immediately rises to the air and finds the closest position to the giant elephant. Then the sword is broken and it is shot into the four elephants. It was really right in front of the giant elephant, and the sword of the heavenly sword came out again, suspended by him.

"If evil, you use the fast meaning to attach to my sword!" Lin Feng stepped on the sword of the heavens, if the evil and the girl are also together, the three are on the sword, and in an instant, the power of the various units will be three Wrapped up, and at the same time, the fast-paced singularity of the sword, the three bodies suddenly shot into the four elephants in the Jedi, disappeared in the sight of the outer crowd, making many people's pupils shrink!

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