Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1563: trap

Qi Tianbao is undoubtedly like the medicine Wang Xiangong. He hates Lin Feng very much. They certainly want to assassinate Lin Feng. But Lin Feng said that all the thoughts have been turned into a bubble. Lin Feng wants Qi Tianbao, he dares to kill Lin Feng?

Around the demon night island, there are thousands of floating islands, above the floating islands, grouped with the demon animal group, obeying the demon night island order, as long as the demon night island is ordered, can convene a horrible monster army, not to mention It is his Qitianbao. Even if the nine great palaces are combined, they will not be able to unite. Otherwise, the night island will not be the same as the Qingdi Mountain. The essence of Qingdi Mountain is extremely deep, but it will not be willing. Raise the group of monsters.

Therefore, once Lin Feng stepped into his Qitianbao Mansion, Lin Feng, he must not die, because Lin Feng came with a demon night, the meaning is different.

However, the thoughts of the drug Wang Xiangong are different. When they heard that Lin Feng wanted to live in the Qitianbao station, the eyes of the white-beard Emperor Wu’s eyes were obviously bright, if they could kill Lin Feng at the site of Qitianbao. , that can be more perfect, of course, he also knows how difficult this is, Qitianbao will not let them have a chance, and they can not expose themselves, otherwise even if they kill Lin Feng, the same as Qitianbao Unlucky together.

Qi Yunzhen seems to think of the drug Wang Xiangong will pay attention, the cold scorpion glanced at the drug king Xian Palace, this group of people is still self-respecting.

"You have to go back with the forces of the Nine Palaces Tianbao, please feel free." Lin Feng stood up and said with a smile, then the figure flickered to the front of the Qitianbao crowd, eyes swept through those familiar figures. Especially after staying for a moment in the East Emperor and Qi Huang, the two men came to the big world.

"Please!" Qi Yunqi stood up and smiled at Lin Feng, but anyone knows that there is a real kill behind the smile.

"You guys don't come innocent!" Lin Feng said with a smile, then stepped out and headed for Qitianbao's resident direction. In addition to Lin Feng, there are still many people who choose to go to Qitianbao resident. Followed behind.

Once again, I came to the station of Qitianbao, but it was a very different identity. The last time he was pretending to be controlled by Qitianbao, this time, it’s really imperious to step in, don’t need to cover up, don’t need Any camouflage, Qitianbao also needs to protect him.

After arriving at Qitianbao, it was true that Qitianbao actually let Jinchenjun guard Lin Feng and took Lin Feng to a place of core courtyard. He said: "Lin Feng, you will live here. If anything, you can always Call me, I will always be waiting outside."

"Troubled Jin Chenjun!" Lin Feng said with a smile, the two know that it is very fake, but still imaginary to the snake, as if very friendly, Jin Chenjun obviously can not wait for this **** to roll out of the Qitianbao place, but be polite It is a very depressing thing to call him to rest and to protect him.

Lin Feng did not cause any trouble. After entering the room, he began to fall into the dream to practice. Over the past year, in addition to comprehending the power of the general trend, he spent most of his time in the major On top of the understanding of the righteousness, at the same time, it is to temper itself with those demon kings. Therefore, it is neglecting the realm, and it is still only a place of respect for the martial arts.

But the realm is a matter of course, and the power of the righteousness has such a good opportunity to let him comprehend. Of course, Lin Feng must fully grasp and strive for the improvement of the overall nature, reach the limit of the righteousness, and wait until the realm enters the Zunwu. You can try to begin to understand the power of the law, and motivate the power of the laws of heaven and earth into the body.

The power of comprehending the law and the law of stimulating the heavens and the earth are filled into the **. They are completely different concepts. They simply understand the power of the law. You have been able to use this law to attack. The power is terrible, but the law is understood. It does not mean that the emperor, only when you also comprehend the thousand times of the situation, the realm has arrived, the water will come to the fore, the law is poured into the body, and boarding the seat of the emperor.

Therefore, it is sometimes more important to understand the power of a thousand times than to grasp the law. Because there is no thousand times of general trend, it is impossible to introduce the law into the body, and comprehend the potential of a thousand times, and it is possible to increase the probability of becoming a king by the power of life. Use the power of the law of life to embed the body, and then use the power of comprehension of the law to infuse the laws of heaven and earth into the body to achieve the seat of the emperor.

As for the realm, there is no need to say that as long as the two conditions of the emperor are met, the power of the thousand times and the power of the law, once the realm arrives, automatically enter the throne, of course, comprehending that the two conditions are still in the realm, this The situation is too rare. Almost all of the martial arts are in the realm of being able to reach both conditions.

However, Lin Feng seems to be approaching to develop in such a rare direction. A respectable person makes those invincible masters extremely scrupulous, even if the invincible masters of Zhou Tian are not afraid to fight, this is more interesting. .

The night of the night gradually came, and the station of Qitianbao tonight seemed to be extraordinarily lively. Because there were more outsiders, the people in Qitianbao were very headaches, and some were not peaceful.

At this time, Qitianbao’s certain position suddenly lit up, and the radiance of the road was scattered in the void. The golden Huaguang was particularly dazzling. These brilliance gathered in the void, and slowly turned into a vast expanse. The majestic fairy palace is like the immortal mansion on the top of the sky, and even the two clear characters are engraved on it, no Promise!

The vast expanse of the imperial palace, which made the people living in Qitianbao suddenly condense, staring at the Guanghua, the Promise Palace, yes, this must be the Promise Palace. It seems that the news is really not fake, this area really has the news of the Promise Palace.



A horrible atmosphere began to bloom from the eight sides of the Qitianbao station. There were even sounds of cracked and broken houses. When those people saw the Palace of the Promise, the body rose into the sky, regardless of where they were, directly The Promise Palace rushed over.

"What happened?" Qi Yunzhen was vacant at this time, and all the voids were filled with whistling sounds, but in a very short moment, the entire station of Qitianbao was completely chaotic, chaos, Qi Yunyi I didn't understand what happened. Why did Qitianbao have the shadow of the Promise Palace, who broke the force of the ban on the copper sheet and let him appear in Qitianbao.

Jin Chenjun's gaze stood on the roof, watching the movie of the imperial palace, and the numerous ruined figures. His brows were slightly wrinkled. How could it be so clever, everyone came to his Qitianbao station, suddenly here. There was a shadow of the imperial palace, which seemed to be arranged with care.

"Chaos!" Jin Chenjun said in the heart, at this moment there has already begun to collide, the aftermath of the battle has smashed everywhere, the station of Qitianbao has suffered innocent disasters, and the horror of destruction of the light curtain has fluctuated all over the world.

Suddenly, Jin Chenjun was tight, only feeling that his hair was upside down and his eyes turned into gold.

"Not good!" Jin Chenjun suddenly turned around, and then the body slammed down the air, a horrible golden light curtain spread out, the entire building must be sealed in gold.

At about the same time, however, the power of a terrible law seems to buckle the whole piece of emptiness. The power of this law is terrible, as if an invisible big hand buckled the whole piece of void.

"Boom!" The golden light curtain collapsed, the whole room shattered, and a black figure strolled in the darkness, step by step, and suddenly came to Jin Chenjun's side.

Because the movements in the distance are also in the big battle, the fluctuations are too strong, and many people who are guarding the surrounding are taken away, which makes the battle here no one knows except Jin Chenjun.

A terrible virtual big palm print flooded the world, and directly printed it toward Jin Chenjun. Although it may not kill Jin Chenjun, it is enough to fly Jin Chenjun.

"Someone killed Lin Feng!" Jin Chenjun screamed and turned into a golden body, but he was still swallowed by the empty palm of the world. The golden body was cracked, and the man flew out, and he yelled. It was passed away far.

"Someone killed Lin Feng!" Qi Yunqi and Qi Yunyu heard the snoring of Jin Chenjun. At this time, they were on the other side of the battle. They heard Jin Chenjun’s snoring and screamed. Someone wanted to kill him Qitianbao, borrowing Lin Feng’s Life, kill him Qitianbao!

Ps: amount, what is passion, powerless!

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