Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1556: Demon Island

Against the agreement between Emperor Wu and Emperor Wu of the Emperor, it is impossible to see the ending in a short period of time, but the ownership of the next small world has finally been decided, and asked Tianbao and Yaowangxian. Palace, Lei Xianxian Palace, a total of 10,000 years of small world, set the rules of the small world, but asked Tianbao to have absolute dominance, eight wilderness, the rise is difficult to block.

The drug Wangxian Palace will be stationed in the land of the eight deserts and nine secluded places. It will be enough for too many things for thousands of years. Just like Qitianbao, a horrible family has been established in the land of the eight wasteland, and it is in the nine The twelve countries have inherited an empire, secretly controlling the eight deserts and nine secluded.

The thunder penalty palace, because it is ranked third, should still be the guardian channel.

However, I wonder if Tianbao and Yaowangxian are still not aware that Qitianbao has already opened the channel and lowered the boundaries to make the small world when it is faintly unable to take control of the next 10,000 years. Many people have come out of the land of the eight deserts, and they have publicized the affairs of the small world. In the past few days, there have been many people who have been riddled with the dream of martial arts and stepped into this film. New soils begin their new journey.

This is a new era and a new beginning for many people with martial arts dreams.

On the day of the battle for the control of the small world, a young strong man, he was furious and angered Zhou Zhouruo, angered Qi Qibao Qi Yuchen, and left a mad saying that he would personally step on the medicine. Wang Xiangong!

It can be seen from the firm voice of the youth that if the youth really has that kind of strength, he will definitely fulfill the words of the day, set foot on the Yaowang Palace, and let some people regret, but how long it will take, no one will Know!

For the nine big fairy palace Tianbao, it has not been related to Lin Feng for the time being. At this moment, he is walking along the rolling clouds with the **** of Emperor Wu, and the speed of Shen Yu Wu Huang is too fast, so Lin Feng even feels Not how far he came.

At this time, at the foot of Lin Feng, it is a vast expanse of sea, endless, and I don’t know how wide it is. In this endless sea, there are many floating islands, and Shen Yu Wu Huang slowed down some speed, making Lin Feng And Mu Yun can see the floating islands under the sky. Some floating islands are cold and terrible, and many floating islands are majestic and magnificent. They cannot even be called islands, but the city of the sea.

"We have come to another area outside the Qingdi Mountain, but it is adjacent to the Qingdi Mountain. Of course, for the people of the martial arts, the area is just an empty word, the real strong, the world. The great singer, whether it is the Qingdi Mountain area or this area, is only a certain area of ​​the mainland.” Shen Yu Wu Huang said to Lin Feng, Lin Feng nodded slightly, and Mu Yun also listened carefully, this is She went out for the first time, and she left the area of ​​Qingdi Mountain directly, not to mention Qitianbao. I am afraid that it is far from the main city where Qitianbao is located.

"We are here!" At this time, Shen Yu said, Lin Feng and Mu Yun's eyes cast forward, only to see the direction not far away, one did not know how vast the presence appeared, the film released a rich and Terrible breath, very demon, the place is inaccessible, can not see the figure.

Soon, the three men set foot on the sky, the endlessness seems to be a bit desolate, only see a few figures, and many are monsters.

"This floating island is bigger than a main city, but it seems that there is no one like it." Mu Yun muttered to himself, and then Shen Yu Wu Huang came to a mountainous place with Lin Feng and Mu Yun, standing at the main peak. on.

"Shen Yu predecessor, where is this place?" Lin Feng finally could not press the curiosity of his heart and asked.

"Demon Night Island!" Shen Yu Wu Huang responded: "Lin Feng, you seem to be good at the mystery, let me see!"

"Good." Lin Feng nodded slightly, and his many meanings will be manifested in the battle. There is no need to conceal the goddess Wuhuang. For him, the goddess Wuhuang is considered a benefactor, and he also helped the Emperor to cure the injury. He really has no reason to hide from the other side.

Lin Feng, who is rolling out the magic of the devil, rushes into the sky, and a hegemonic temperament is born from Lin Feng. The first kind of ambiguity, the magic of the righteousness, the eight!

Immediately, the gas of death descended into the void, letting the surrounding surround the atmosphere of death, and the death of the righteousness is equally eight.

After that, it is the meaning of space, the meaning of the wind, the curse of the righteousness, the earth's righteousness, and the flames.

These ups and downs have almost been used by Lin Feng, and Shen Yu’s heart is trembled with secrets. They are all eight- and seven-strong powerful sinister forces, which trembles his long-wavered heart.

On the other hand, Mu Yun has opened his mouth, and the beautiful eyes reveal an incredible look. These are all the powers of Lin Feng, which is too much.

Moreover, this is not over yet, and the thunder and lightning from the sky above the sky, symbolizing the power of the thunder and lightning, this is already the eighth kind of power.

Then, an immortal gas condensed and dissipated, making the thunder and lightning eternal and immortal, falling in the void.

"The ninth Olympics!" Shen Yu Wu Huang actually ridiculously counted in the heart, and Mu Yun is simply spit out the voice, has the ninth kind of meaning, this is, ten absolutely!

When the strangeness of the wildness is released, it is undoubtedly a symbol of the emergence of the ten, and the expressions on the faces of Shen Yu and Emperor Wu are very exciting.

"Ten extermination!" Shen Yu Wu Huang's eyes reveal a smile, the palm of the ten can be described as ten extinct, this kind of person can comprehend the power of ten kinds of ignorance, understanding terror, also means that they can comprehend The power of more than three laws is poured into the flesh by three laws.

"There is!" Lin Feng said weakly, breaking open ten, the eleventh kind of ambiguity, the breath of life was released, making the heart of Shen Yu Wu Huang beat slightly.

"Enough, don't continue to show it!" Shen Yu Wu Huang said busy. When he saw Lin Feng fighting, he knew that Lin Feng seemed to have quite a lot of meaning, so he wanted to see how much the righteous power Lin Feng controlled. He also Well, I helped Lin Feng with these ambiguities, but I didn't think that Lin Feng would bring him such a shocking surprise. He was a little scared.

This is already breaking the **** of the ten!

Even if he is very optimistic about Lin Feng, he did not expect it to be such a result. He was shocked that he would not let Lin Feng continue to release his own righteous power.

"Is there still?" Shen Yu Wu Huang trembled and asked, he actually felt the nervous emotions, he has not had this feeling for a long time, in front of a younger generation to ask him how many kinds of ambiguous power, Shen Yuwu The emperor was nervous, and his heartbeat seemed to be faster.

Lin Feng nodded gently, letting the heart of Shen Yu Wu Huang tremble with his nod, and sure enough, this is not a problem of ten, and he is not extremely poor!

Mu Yun's expression also changed from a surprise to a smile. Compared with Shen Yu Wu Huang, Mu Yun's shock is less, because her concept of martial arts is not as clear as that of Shen Yu Wu Huang. She only knows Lin Feng's talent. Very strong and strong, she is happy for Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, for the next period of time, I am going to let you bury for a period of time, improve the overall strength, balance the ups and downs, in addition, your world has already realized the 800 trend, I believe that sooner or later can reach a thousand times The potential, in this strong mainland like the cloud, your strength is still weak, at least close to the Emperor, and then seek the opportunity to board the throne."

Shen Yu Wu Huang opened the road to Lin Feng. He felt a little excited at the moment. Perhaps it was a slogan with the anti-dust emperor, who knew that he was not witnessing the rise of such a character!

"Good." Lin Feng nodded. After entering the big world, he himself discovered that the strength could not keep up. It has evolved into a world of countless eras. There are too many powerful people born. I just saw the tip of the iceberg. Later, he even dared not imagine it. Lin Feng certainly understands the truth. With his own strength, he will find that the world is also strong with him. Of course, this is just an illusion. It’s not that the world has become stronger, but he has stepped into the real world of the strong, step by step.

If he is a basalt person, he will not be able to set foot on the eight deserts, he is even less likely to touch this big world outside, he may only be in a small place like the snow, how to see how strong people are outside .

Of course, Lin Feng is not afraid of this. Only the blood, the martial arts journey will never be boring, he is looking forward to becoming a peerless day, standing in the clouds of the nine continents, overlooking the world, what kind of situation.

However, now he is too early to talk about the world, first solve Qitianbao, and Yaowang Palace!

"What ability are you good at?" Shen Yu Wu Huang said to Mu Yun, then Mu Yun released his own spirit, Shen Yu Wu Huang nodded slightly, said: "I will help you find a teacher in the night island Let him teach you!"

"Thank you for your predecessors!" Mu Yun said slightly, thankful.

"Hey!" At this moment, a bright red fluttering came, and Mu Mu swept away. Shen Yu Wu Huang looked a condensate, palms buckled Mu Yun, the body slightly retreat, but saw that the red robe directly Lin Feng Roll up and float away in the distance, as fast as a red spot.

"Leave!" Shen Yu Wu Huang chilled and shouted, the whole person turned into a black mans, spurt out, the whole piece of void seems heavy and depressed.

"Oh..." The robe was torn apart. The red robe suddenly stopped in the distance, revealing a demon-looking beauty, and smiled at the **** Wuwu: "What are you doing so seriously!"

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