Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1551: overbearing

Zhou Tianxiao heard Lin Feng's words silently staring at Lin Feng, killing and spurting, but against the dust Wuhuang, he did not dare to let go, but the cold mans seem to have voice spit out, he will definitely marry Lin Feng.

Zhou Tianruo was bombarded by Lin Feng for the third time. The first two were in the small world, and this time, in front of his people in the Great Zhou Xian Palace, in the presence of nine main cities, and the Qingdi Mountain. The face of the strong is so humiliated. From then on, he will miss the Qingdi Mountain. Lin Feng ruined his hope of entering the Qingdi Mountain. He was not only physically traumatized, but his martial arts heart was afraid that it would never be possible. So peaceful.

In addition to Zhou Tianruo and Zhou Tianxiao, the last thing that I don't want to see in front of the scene is undoubtedly the person of Qitianbao. At this moment, the face of the purple emperor has already had a killing intention. It is obvious that Lin Feng is out of control, is it that he is missing? What happened to him one night?

However, he was puzzled by the fact that even if Lin Feng took off the control of the fascinating god, he even dared to come back. Is he gambling on the Qingdi Mountain?

Asked on the Tianbao stand, against the dust Wuhuang saw Lin Feng easily beat Zhou Tianruo, could not help but smile, said: "God brother, how do you see this!"

"Excellent!" Shen Yu Wu Huang laughed, he does not need to look at the strength of Lin Feng, a master who can make his master, as a strong emperor of the Wu Emperor, for him to hesitate to ask for the drug Wang Xiangong, he even Poor, where can I go?

The people of this world pursue strength, and the relationship between mentor and apprentice is far from good enough for a martial artist. The humiliation is even unbearable for a martial artist, but the prince is doing this for his disciples. The position of the Emperor Wu’s master, the old guy’s eyes are as sinister as ever, no wonder letting him run for himself, and when the old guy’s small world was opened in the past 100 years.

Against the dust Wu Emperor quite surprised to see the **** of the Emperor Wu, a look at this guy's mouth will spit out the excellent two words, Lin Feng's talent is not weak, but not strong enough to let Shen Yu Wu Huang side destination What the Emperor Wu did not know is that Shen Yu Wu Huang looked at Lin Feng differently, of course, not only because of the strength of Lin Feng, but because of the embarrassment of the old guy.

Of course, if only the old guy's jealousy, he is not so optimistic about Lin Feng, the emperor's glimpse, let him quite shock, from that glimpse, you can see a lot of things!

"There are so many outstanding young people in the nine main cities, and there is no one in the gods and brothers. Now I am looking at a small world brought by Qi Tianbao." The dusty emperor laughed casually.

"The people who came out of that small world, as far as we know, there are a few sturdy characters!" Shen Yu Wu Huang also laughed, and the eyes of the Emperor Wu Jing gaze, and then laughed, Shen Yuwu Among the few people in the Emperor’s finger, it seems that one person once had some relationship with the Emperor Wu.

"There are only a handful of such characters." The anti-dust emperor also said the voice casually, turned his gaze, and once again turned to the battle platform.

Shen Yu Wu Huang smiled, of course, he also knows that although the people in the small world may be talented, but it is not so easy to find a world in the big world, but if you are fortunate enough to be among them So what about a witness?

At this time, Lin Feng’s gaze swept away to other strong men. When his eyes fell on Joe Chifeng, he said faintly: “This person is just my defeat, and now I am standing here. It seems that I am on the Qitian Fort. The people on the battle platform are really not suitable."

Joe Chifeng looked a stiff, Lin Feng made him speechless, he did lose to Lin Feng, there is a sense of war, Joe Chifeng is ready to fight, but Lin Feng did not mean to fight him. The gaze was removed from his body and fell to the position of Qitianbao.

Qi Tianbao entered the first eighteen seats. There were two people. In addition to Qi Yuchen's fifth seat, one person got the thirteenth seat. However, Qi Tianbao's accumulated record was defeated to Lei Xianxian. The palace lost the control of the small world where Lin Feng was in the next Wannian. The small world where Lin Feng is located is the most complete small world in which they are derived. The competition for other small worlds has never been so fierce, but One person has some.

"The Qitianbao strong is so many, but the people who came up to fight actually lost the top three seats. The control of the people is overwhelming. Adults have to say that your eyes are really not good." Lin Feng’s eyes looked at Qi In the direction of Tianbao, the purple Emperor Wu, smile and sly, made the purple coat of arms look stiff and ugly. Lin Feng said this, no doubt he was told by his own, Lin Feng, has taken off the control of Qitianbao.

"Counter against the dust, my brother of Qitianbao is making a chaotic battle, and I have no respect for it. Can I ask him to come down?" At this time, the Wuyi Wuhuang looked at the direction of Tianbao and said to the dusty Emperor Wu, he could not let Lin Feng Going down, if Qingdi Mountain really valued him, Lin Feng would be the scourge of Qitianbao when he had a brilliant future in Qingdi Mountain.

Against the dust, the Emperor’s look was slightly condensed. At this moment, the **** of the Emperor Wu, who was next to him, smiled and whispered: "Reverse Brother, I want to continue to look at my own eyes!"

"Good." Against the dust, Emperor Wu nodded slightly and looked at the Emperor Wu of the Purple, saying: "Do not interfere!"

The purple coat of arms of the emperor looked at the micro-coagulation, and the dusty Emperor said that no one here could rebel against him. Even the main castle of the Nine Palaces of the Tiangong Palace was also to give the right side, let alone him. Therefore, the anti-dust emperor is only free to interfere with the four words, and everyone must not stop Lin Feng, Qi Tianbao, only to see Lin Feng Hu.

Lin Feng mouth sneaked a sneer, since Shen Yu Wu Huang personally brought himself back, let him go to the battle platform, he Lin Fengyi can not cherish the opportunity.

"Adult, I am saving face for Qitianbao, but you say that I am not respectful. So, I have to personally prove it to the adults, your eyes are really poor." Lin Feng said to the Wuyi Wuhuang Then I looked at Qi Yuchen again and said: "You are two people together, or one by one!"

Qi Yuchen released the cold and awning in the scorpion, and rolled out the atmosphere, and stepped on the footsteps. The battle was trembled. Needless to say, only the victory over Lin Feng could wash the shame.

The last time Lin Feng shot him suddenly, the power of the big force and the meaning of death made him unprepared, but if he was in a fight, he did not think he would be weaker than Lin Feng.

Bloody, roaring, Qi Yuchen is angry, but still calm, will not despise Lin Feng, Lin Feng's absolute strength is strong, currently it is still a mystery, he is not clear.

The rolling voice of 哗啦啦, a scroll of emptiness maps to the sky, and then entangled in Qi Yuchen, suddenly, Qi Yuchen's body is wrapped in this golden martial arts figure, the body looming, as if disappearing at any time , did not enter the void.

"Boom!" Qi Yuchen stepped forward, and the golden light curtain rushed to Lin Feng, as if to wrap Lin Feng inside, turned into a void, and was able to get the fifth seat. Qi Yuchen’s strength is naturally Very powerful, when he only collided with the strongest people, he will release his martial arts in the field when he first fought. It is obvious that he attaches importance to this war. In Qi Yuchen's case, this battle only wins and cannot be defeated!

The magic is rolling, roaring and blooming, Lin Feng does not hide the power of the vast magic. When the magical field blooms, the power of arrogant and arrogant will block the power of the golden void, and Qi Yuchen steps forward again. The forbidden soil seems to be shrinking. The magical power of Lin Feng’s cultivation is stronger than that of Qi Yuchen. However, his realm is weaker than Qi Yuchen’s two realms. The gap between Zunwu and Zunwu is very large, just because Lin Feng’s cultivation of the emperor It is rare to show weakness.

A roaring roaring sound came out, and there was a madness behind Lin Feng. The roar of roaring in the void made the magic of the magic more powerful, and the power of the field was stronger. The domain of the void could not invade Lin Feng.

The pure golden axe emerges above Lin Feng. This is the Xuanyuan giant axe. It was once swallowed by Xuanyuan and the martial arts. It is unparalleled. With the strength of Lin Feng and the baptism of the heavens, today’s Xuanyuan Axe is like a big axe. In general, hanging above the top of Lin Feng's head, the increase of the magic of the overbearing.

The body of the devil, the wrath of the madman, the Xuanyuan giant axe, all of them are overbearing. At this moment, Lin Feng has only a heavy hegemony, who will stop him.

"Zunwu seven-fold situation, can actually let their breath reach this level!" The crowd trembled, the exercises, means, and martial arts of this person are very powerful, the three are one, the tyrants are unparalleled.

Lin Feng’s pupil is as overbearing as his own, cold and deep, and the horrible magical will seems to break through the pupils.

Qi Yuchen's hands trembled in the void light curtain, and suddenly there was a light pattern in the light curtain, and the palms trembled. The endless golden emptiness of the sword smashed toward Lin Feng, and each sword of the emptiness reached the attack of Zunwufeng.

"Hey!" Lin Feng stepped forward, six hundred generals came, the sword of the void trembled, and Lin Feng's palm slammed forward, as if there was a prison in the void, and those terrible swords were imprisoned.

Qi Yuchen also appeared on the body of the general trend, and like Lin Feng, six hundred times the general trend wrapped in the hollow sword, the palm of the hand once again trembled above the void, the prison was broken.

"Seven hundred!" Lin Feng took another step, the hegemony was stronger, the seven hundred days of the general trend, carrying the endless hegemony, the space of the two confrontation, as if completely tightened, may burst at any time.

Qi Yuchen brows, seven hundred general trends, and carries endless hegemony, it is terrible.

"Hey!" The world is shaking, the power of the big force, as if to let the golden light curtains burst, this time, is the 800 trend!

Ps: Flowers are only more than seven hundred, powerless, these days the body is not good, but still desperately codewords, do my best tomorrow, I hope the brothers can give some passion, burn my vitality!

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