Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1518: No way to go

In addition to waiting, Tianchi and others can't do anything. In the face of the middle-ranking emperor, they are weak and too weak.

"The ancestors of the emperor, the legs of the criminal war, can you cure?" Tian Ti was watching the criminal battle sitting on the ground, and his heart was not a taste. The emperor was silent for a while, and the leg of the criminal war was the law of the middle emperor. The force is torn apart, it is too difficult to heal, and the law is not a general injury.

"It seems that my leg is abolished!" The corner of the criminal war revealed a bleak smile.

"Criminal war!" Tianqi and the tombstone are very sad, I don't know how to comfort.

"Today's life is the teacher's honor for us to come back, what is a leg, repaired with my strength, without this leg can practice the battle." The criminal war grinned, Tianchi and the tombstone can only nod There is a kind of burning feeling in my heart, my eyes are always looking at the void, Master, can you come back!

This feeling of urgency was lasting for a long time. Finally, the void trembled and the two figures suddenly appeared in front of everyone.


"Master!" A group of figures stepped out of the footsteps, and the two figures were exactly the Yan Emperor and the Emperor.

It’s just that the Emperor at the moment seems to be very bad. The corners of the mouth are all blood, as if there is no power, the breath is floating, and the vitality is not so strong.

"I'm fine!" The mouth of the emperor's mouth showed a blunt smile, and the eyes of Tian Ti and others became red, and the madness of the unstoppable release was released.

Angry, they hate, hate themselves for not being able to!

"East Emperor!" A voice full of killing intentions spit out from the mouth of Tiandu.

"Thanks to Emperor Yan, otherwise I am afraid that I can't come back alive!" The Emperor was still optimisticly laughing. He controlled the power of the law of the earth and defended against it. But the Emperor, who controlled the law of the void, attacked and moved. It’s terrible, and the power of the law is far stronger than him. He can’t escape and the defense can’t stand the attack of the other side. It’s a deadly game. In fact, he’s gone from the face of death. Save him at all times.

"Thank you for your predecessors!" Tian Ti and others all showed gratitude to Yandi.

"Accepted by people!" Yan Di said calmly, making everyone's eyes reveal amazement.

"Master!" In the distance, the dust of the wood dust and Lin Feng's body came quickly, and they came to the space in an instant. Their faces were very ugly.

The Emperor Huang’s eyes looked at Muchen and Lin Feng, and smiled slightly. “We have to inform the Eight Emperors in a hurry. The East Emperor has the treasure to find us. You can search from the void!”

"Oh..." In the void, it seems that there is a mirror shining down, but the moment is gone, and it flashes away, making everyone's scorpion suddenly stiff.

"It's this thing!" The Emperor looked up, the mirror light had disappeared, but it was swept twice. How could he not understand that this thing had searched for his position, and then the East Emperor would kill him directly.

"It seems that the eight wastes can't stay for a long time!" Wood dust also looked at the void, the Wu Emperor was better, but the enchanting disciples of the great Wuhuang forces, they could not withstand the killing of the Central Emperor, caught a dead One, and, the messenger tamed the rules of the world, only gave them thirty days to go out, they were forced to leave this small world, and they had to leave without leaving.

Space fluctuations, asked the emperor to appear here, I saw him look ugly, said: "The East Emperor is using a mirror to scan the eight wild."

"We need to inform the eight kings of the ruins." The emperor said to the emperor and asked the emperor to nod. "I understand that my father has already done this, and you are injured."

Yan Huang smiled and shook his head. His body suffered from the law of the void. Although there was no problem in life, the body’s internal guilt and meridians were severely damaged, and the strength was seriously damaged. It was difficult to recover.

"Yan Di!" Lin Feng will look at the pseudo-emperor dressed as a Taoist priest, this guy has a broad knowledge, he should understand some.

"The Emperor is not healing the Emperor, nor the power to control the laws of life. He can't do anything about the damage caused by this law." Yan Di looked at the Emperor Huang: "Unless you go to the Central City, you can find the median emperor who is good at the law of life or The mid-level emperor and the strong realm; or a strong alchemy teacher and pharmacist can cure his injury."

Said that Emperor Yan also pointed to the criminal war, said: "He was hurt more by the power of the law, easier to heal than the Emperor."

When Emperor Huang heard the words of Emperor Yan, there was some loss in his heart. The Emperor was the only martial artist who was good at alchemy in the eight wilderness areas, and he was now wiped out. In the Eight Senses, it is impossible to cure. Only the Holy City has a strong state. They can heal them, but those who are high above them will easily help you heal, which is unrealistic.

"Xiao Lao!" Lin Feng thought of a person in his mind. Xiao Lao gave him Lin Feng's feeling is mysterious. At the beginning, he was seriously injured, his life was dying, he was cured by Xiao Lao, and it not only did not affect his future cultivation, but also promoted it. The role, plus he is the person of the state of the Holy City, Lin Feng guessed that Xiao Lao may be a strong emperor, not the person he once considered.

However, Xiao’s old man is in the holy city of Zhongcheng. He is now a problem when he goes out, not to mention the search for the old man’s footsteps in the vast holy city of Zhongzhou. This vast world is just a small world. The vastness and vastness of the big world will be hard to imagine.

"You don't have to think about my injury first, or think about how to go out!" The emperor seems to be quite calm, but the taste of the crowd can be realized, the people of the martial world, because of serious injuries, the repair is greatly restricted. The painful things they can imagine, and in this way, the Emperor Huang could not progress even before the injury was healed.

"To the central city of the Holy City, is there only the only exit that the messenger guards?" Lin Feng asked, the messenger is not a good thing, with his embarrassing attitude of the East Emperor and one thing that happened today, The messenger is likely to help the East Emperor deal with them.

Hearing Lin Feng’s question, several of the Emperor’s eyes are all condensed, and more than one!

"Another exit, you don't have to think about it!" Da Yu Huang shook his head: "This small world is dominated by eight deserts and nine secluded, eight outlying areas have an exit, nine secrets and nine countries' secrets are nine quiet places, rumors There is also an exit, but the land of Nine Secluded is the Jedi, and the Emperor Wu’s entry is a must, no need to say that the exit is out of this small world!”

"Yes, the nine secluded exports do not have to think about it!" Asking the emperor nodded, it is impossible, nine secluded land is desperate, no one can enter it.

"If you have the strength of the sky, when you reach the upper level, you can break the sky, break the world, break the sky, and naturally you can go out!" Yandi said, making Lin Feng tremble, to break the sky, Like the power of the law and the things that run out of the Sansheng Sutra, breaking this day, can touch the big world outside.

"The limitation of this world is that the upper emperor and the superior emperor can break this world, so the strongest person in this small world is the middle emperor, and the upper emperor is not bound!" Lin Feng thought of Yan Di’s words. That being said, the things that were broken out in the third life were not attacked by the superior.

In this way, if you want to go out, you must go to the channel that the messenger controls. There is no other way to go.

While everyone is thinking about how to deal with it, the father of the emperor and the emperor began to grab time. The emperor continued to search for the sky, and the second person he searched was originally Lin Feng, but Seeing that Lin Feng and Yan Emperor are together, although there is a strong killing in the heart of the East Emperor, they can only give up temporarily. The stupid Taoist does not know who it is. It is so powerful, it is proficient in the law of terror, and it can communicate with force. Heaven and earth, it is the line of the eight people, is actually a horrible use of the power of the sacred, in the hands of Yan Emperor.

After temporarily giving up the killing of Lin Feng, the next search for the Emperor was the Sixth Emperor Wu. In the view of the East Emperor, the woman had been standing on the side of the Emperor, and this time she would take her life to life. Come as my own stove, but I have not tasted the joy of the six desires, the fairy can just play for myself, and her female disciple Yiren tears, very beautiful, grab together!

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