Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1512: the end of the world

The Emperor stared at the figure of the father of the watch, as if he wanted to see through the hidden eyes in the fight. Did he really know that he was deliberately bombing himself?

"Hey!" The mouth of the watchman's father's mouth outlines a sneer arc, faintly said: "Do you think that they are now useful to enter the virtual battlefield channel? It seems that I don't need to do it myself!"

With the voice of the father of the watchman falling, the eyes of the emperor suddenly stagnate and looked pale, and it is clear that the other party did not lie to himself, the father of watch, seems to completely control the situation.

"Boom!" The ground collapsed, the boulders rushed to the sky, and the endless ruins burst. At the same time, a figure appeared in the dust of the ruins in the void.

"Dragon King!"

The crowd saw a figure in it, the pressure overbearing, the body covered with dragon scale armor, the face with a strong cold, it is the Tianlong Emperor.

"The father of the watchman did not make a mistake, and the Tianlong Emperor is really at home, which means... Qi Jia, the Emperor League!"

At this moment, countless people feel that there is a cold sweat in the body. It is a slap in the eighth, and the people who have hunted the Wuhuang potential youth for countless years have turned out to be eight wilderness, royal family, Qi family, and many elderly people. The endless family, how can this make people feel cold?

Among the ruins of the dust, not only the figure of the Tianlong Emperor, but also some of the black figure dressed in the emperor's alliance, as well as the six kings of the emperor, the emperor's emperor, the Tianleiyin Temple, the Emperor, and the Jiuqu Wonderland.

"They are the fathers of the watch, or are you invited by the emperor?" The crowd was convulsed, and it was very similar to the scene of the Tianlong Fort. It was not just the grievances of the rooftops and the family, but the eight wilderness and The grievances of the Emperor League.

"You are waiting for him in the channel of nothingness?" The East Emperor’s eyes seemed to have shot a golden illusory silk thread, revealing terrible sharpness, sweeping through the four great emperors who appeared in the void, just now he did inform Tianlong The emperor quietly left from the virtual battlefield channel, but then, the earth burst, and there were so many strong figures in the virtual battlefield channel.

"Since I am ready to force the Tianlong Emperor to appear, then you will obviously let him quietly leave from the void." The father of the watch sneered.

"I'm afraid not only that, you are so sure that the Dragon King will be at my house, and I can still confirm that he has entered the virtual channel. The last time you were in Tianlong Fort, what should you leave on him!" There is no absolute certainty, there is no absolute grasp, the father of the watch is impossible to gather the eight priests here, the East Emperor still remembers that the last time the guardian of the Tianlong Fortress wanted to kill the Dragon King, he saved the Dragon King Next, but is the father of watch really trying to kill the Dragon King? At this moment, the East Emperor has some doubts!

Hearing the voice of Qi Huang, the Dragon King looked stiff, and he also remembered the last battle with the father of watch, the other party really left a mark on himself? What imprint can be left on him as a martial artist without being discovered, silent?

"It's not important. What's important is that it is now possible to determine that the eight deserted families and the Sikong family are the leaders of the Emperor's League. Tianlonghuang and Danhuang are involved. Is that true? You!" said the father of the watchman. This voice is asked to the martial artists in the void.

Qi Jia, Si Kong Jia, Tian Long Shen Bao, early to determine the alliance relationship, and the three forces of the three emperors have acted together many times, no need to doubt, the two Emperor of the Emperor and the Tianlong Emperor must participate, but Whether the entire Sikong family and Tianlong Shenbao are involved is still open to discussion.

As for the Dan Emperor, at this time his face is covered with a pale color, it is difficult to see, the Emperor and the Alliance, the eight dead and the enemy, a total of!

"Danhuang, you help me to abuse, if it is not you, there will not be so many martial arts in the eight wilderness!" The sound of the big prince is rolling, like the sound of thunder, tremble in the void, the Qiguo banquet, if not The emperor has a toxin that makes him feel paralyzed by the senses and strength, and will inevitably not suffer from the catastrophe.

The mouth of Dan Huang’s mouth trembled for a moment, and his face gradually returned to calmness. He said faintly: “I only participated in this matter, and the ordinary disciples of Tianzhu Xianyu did not know!”

"We will naturally take a trip to the heavenly fairy, and dispel the celestial fairy !!" The sound of the killer's emperor calmed, but the Dan emperor's heart shook a little, coldly sweeping the emperor's emperor, but the heart sighed The foundation industry is bound to be destroyed. Tianzhu Xianyu will be plundered by the Eighths, but the disciples of Tianzhu Xianyu can live, and it will be a good ending. It will not be the same as Qijia and Tianlong Shenbao!

"The people of the Sikong family, I don't know!"

"Hey!" The old emperor screamed coldly: "Sikong is like the Qi family, and it is the enemy of the Emperor!"

"Oh..." Sikong Laowu’s eyes changed. The void in front of his eyes seemed to be stirred up. His nephew stared at the old emperor and said coldly: "Are you going to kill it?"

"Do you know who the old emperor is?" The father of the watch sweeps over the old Emperor Wu, the voice is cold.

Sikong Laowuhuang frowned and asked: "Who?"

The crowd is also quite strange, the old emperor, and other identities?

The watchman’s lips squirmed and screamed at the old Emperor Wu’s emperor. Suddenly, the old Emperor Wu’s scorpion was stiff, and the scorpio was even stronger. It seemed to be a hole in the void. No further arguments were made. The sophistry did not make any sense. Will let go of the Sikong family.

"The old emperor, it seems that you are really bound to come, and soon after the world." Sikong old Wuhuang sneer, suddenly, his footsteps, a few dozen miles.

"Oh!" The horrible Scorpio twisted the void, and the light curtain of this emptiness seal seemed to be spinning in the front. It was to be completely twisted, and a vortex appeared. Sikong Wu’s foot stepped toward the twisted void vortex. The father of watch, they have no choice, today's emperor ambush, it is difficult to imagine, at this moment, the Sikong family, is also suffering an ambush, he must go!

"Oh..." Suddenly, a dark flame filled the vortex and rushed to the Emperor Wuwu with extreme violent temper.

"Get out of the way!" Sikong Laowuhuang roared, the light of the sky was loud, the whole piece of the sky was in disorder, and the dark flame spread out on both sides. However, the vortex in front seemed to have a pair of dark magic eyes, revealing the silence. The power of the annihilation, the fire of the law of terror directly burned into his scorpio, and the old Emperor Wu of the emptiness screamed, and the footsteps suddenly retreated, and instantly returned to the original place.

Sikong Laowuhuang covered one of his eyes with his hand, and Scorpio felt the tingling, as if burned by the flame law, his other eye was staring at the hollow light curtain. Cold, said: "Who, get out!"

"There are other martial arts?" The crowd trembled. Is this really going to gather the Eight Emperors and Emperors? Now there are some martial arts sects in the eight deserts, and now it is eight in this void. Most of the martial arts are deserted.

Sikong Laowuhuang is the middle emperor. He was injured when he wanted to forcibly break open the void.

"Sikong Laowuhuang, your son was killed by the watchman above the Qiguo banquet. Don't you want to take revenge, why bother to leave?" The father of the watchman hoarse, this sentence undoubtedly poked the pain of the old Emperor That day was aimed at other people, but he took his son, the Emperor of the Air, and even the same person who killed his son was wearing the dress of the Emperor League. He could not rescue the Sergeant.

The eyes of Sikong Laowuhuang were removed from the light curtain in front and stared at the father of watchman. Then they looked at the disparity between the two sides. This battle is very difficult!

In the battle of their battles, thousands of miles away, a line of figures flashing wildly, along the East, all the way forward.

"Master, do we really want to go?" If the evil asked the wood dust, it turned out that this pedestrian was actually Lin Feng and Mu Chen, not only them, Feng Wei and Feng Linger, asked Tiange and Asked Ao Xue also has Xiao Yu, Iraqi tears, empty meditation and many other wild enchanting characters, they are all.

"I have to leave in a hurry, can't I reluctantly?" Wood dust smiled at Ruoxou, but still scrolled the space and slid toward the distant sun on the distant sun.

The light of the rising sun was on the body, which made everyone feel a hot feeling. Lin Feng looked at the sun that seemed to be getting closer and closer, and his heart was ups and downs. He knew that one day he would leave this small world soon, but he did not expect it. So suddenly, the master seems to be very anxious, of course, all this is only for them!

The body is getting taller and taller, just like the guy who took him to the end of the world on that day. All the feet are rolling over the beautiful sea of ​​clouds. Lin Feng looked back and he knew that this time it was really going to the end of the world. Go, through the end of the world, step into the real world.

The dust is wrapped in the dust, and the speed is terrible. It is almost unbelievable. Undoubtedly, the wood dust brothers have taken control of the power of thousands of times and wrapped them with the strength of heaven and earth. Lin Feng even has some doubts, the wood dust brothers, whether there is any emperor. ?

Finally, there is a sun castle in front of them, located in the extreme place of the east, it is very hot, and the pressure is very strong, if it is not the wood dust to protect them, Fengqi and other weak people even suspect that they can Can not withstand this pressure, less than eight strengths of the main level of strength, it is difficult to reach this place.

The sun castle gradually became clear and suspended in the sky. Finally, Lin Feng and others stepped up and saw the huge boundless sun pattern in front, as if it might open!

Thanks to dfwwhh for rewarding works 100 by wave of money; jokb121 rewarding works 100 by wave of money; 18780534837 rewarding works 1888 by wave of money; love for no regrets and rewarding works 100 by wave of coins, thank you

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