Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1497: Tiantai disciples gather

Lin Feng knows that his own guess is established. Many of the questions he has encountered have suddenly been solved. Everyone who enters the Temple of the Twelve is a genius and enchanting, because they are the top figures in all sizes and worlds, and they remember that Xiaoya’s head was once It has been said that the Central City of the Holy City is an independent space world, because that is the real big world; and, after he released the three demons, the place disappeared. This small world cannot accommodate each other, I am afraid he has already Broken void left.

But there are also many questions that still linger in Lin Feng’s heart. In the Sansheng Sutra, what is the broken void and what is it? In this world, when the throne is on the throne, why is the power of the law from the outside, the power of the law of the big world, sprinkling all over the small world, the law, that is a rule between heaven and earth, only the emperor can Touched the power of this rule.

Yandi took a shot of Lin Feng’s shoulder and smiled and said: “Okay, let’s go!”

Lin Feng nodded, and the two immediately went down. After a while, they returned to the Flame Mountain.

"Lin Feng, although you haven't seen any big world, but there is the Emperor, you will not let you be wronged, this Emperor will take you to the real world." Yan Di's heart and long look said awkwardly, let Lin Feng turn over I rolled my eyes and looked at the fake emperor’s robe, but how to look at how wretched.

"Let's cultivate you, or else the great Emperor Yan will have to catch up with me. Don't forget that you will encounter jealousy, and I won't!" Lin Feng unceremoniously hit this guy and let Yandi swear After seeing Lin Feng, he is a soul in the past. The closer he is to the previous repair, the harder it is to cultivate. It is hard to get on the previous realm even stronger.

"I am gone." Lin Feng's robe fluttered, and chic, the flame mountain has this pit-common guy, but there is no need to worry about it. As for Yan's own safety, Lin Feng is too reassured, if the Emperor League is to kill He may have left a group of people.

According to Yan Di’s words, this is just a small world. A group of emperors who have not seen the real strength of the real emperor in the world can be compared with the great Emperor Yan. After this guy will be trained as a law, the strength will be able to kill. The emperor of the same realm.

After Lin Feng left the Flame Mountain, he went from the southern wilderness area to the west of the wilderness. He did not take the shortcut to go directly to the Western Expedition through the virtual battlefield channel, but prepared to cross this vast area, and there were more than 20 In the day of the day, Lin Feng is not in a hurry to hurry, why not wash his heart in the red dust, since the last red dust refining, in recent years, Lin Feng understands that he is quite impetuous, murderous, and should be a period of time, Although the martial arts stepped on the bones, they could not be blinded by the murder. The reason why people are human is naturally that they need something to be adhered to and have their own principles.

Although there is Lingyun's ambition, but still need a calm and not impetuous heart, in order to see farther and go higher!

Five days later, there was a huge lake in the border between the South and the West, and there were many lakes, which were beautiful and beautiful.

On top of a small boat, Lin Feng lay on the deck, bathed in the sun, warm and cozy, surrounded by occasional chatter and sounds in the ear, adding a bit of red dust.

"In Biyun Lake, there are many immortals, and the beauty is like a cloud. Why don't the son sit up and enjoy it!" The boatman padd the paddle and said to Lin Feng Xiaoxiao.

"The beautiful people are like clouds, the rivers are like paintings, not for me, why do you have to watch them." Lin Feng put his hands on his head and smiled casually: "How can there be many fairy songs in this Biyun Lake?"

"The son is a wonderful person, but what you don't know is that many of the islands in Biyun Lake are actually the land of martial arts trading. Every island in the island is a party, and these music fairy are these The people of the power, for the island of the island." The boatman said with a smile, Lin Feng smiled lightly, did not ask, still enjoy their own tranquility, every corner of the earth, have their own rules, this Biyun Lake The same is true of the middle.

After Lin Feng learned that the world of existence is a small world, it seems that the mood has changed slightly, the mood has become more open-minded, and the outside world is very light.

The boat floated past the lake, the sound of the piano, and even the beautiful woman dancing in the water pavilion, Lin Feng still closed his eyes and enjoyed this great daylight.

Ten days later, on top of the wilderness of the sky, a figure swayed in the wilderness, rushing in the wilderness, smashing the wind, blowing down the dead wood, splitting the vegetation.

Half a month later, in a small village, under the old trees, there was a baby crying, followed by a young woman holding a child, feeding breast milk to the child, the cry of the child stopped, quietly allowed to **** the mother The essence, the ancient trees not far away have fallen leaves, it seems that there is a cool autumn wind, young women look at the ancient trees not far away, then saw a young and handsome young man carrying the ancient Sword, eyes are laughing at her side.

The young woman’s face suddenly showed a flustered color, but I saw that the young man’s eyes were clear, there was no evil, smile and embarrassment, as the sun was warm, which made her face There was a slight faint blush, turning around and slightly lowering his head.

After a while, the young woman covered the spring part and looked back at the old tree, but there was a young figure.

Twenty days later, in an ancient city, before the ancient house that did not know how many years, a white youth sat on the ground and looked up at the sunset in the sky. His body leaned against the wall of green moss. On the top, hands clasped in front, lazy eyes smashed into a gap, the sky is intertwined with a cloud of clouds, how is it made?

This is a small world, why there are stars and moons, and there are hot sun, what is the rule.

At the time of becoming a emperor, the power of the law of heaven and earth condensed from the heavens. This is another powerful rule of the heavens and the earth. Is it all in the midst of everything, or is it all human beings?

These, it seems that Lin Feng is still quite far away. If you want to be quiet, you will not continue to think more.

The setting sun was getting weaker, Lin Feng was still lying there, until the night fell, his eyes were slightly combined, quiet night, and occasionally a few broken voices passed by him, but he could not disturb his dreams.

When dawn came and the sky had a glimmer of light, he stood up and strolled into the streets and lanes of the city, feeling the terroir in the small town, sometimes encountering some battles and vendettas, and even blood splashing. Body, his heart will not be shaken a little, he is only a passenger in this small town, he is not a savior, can not control the world, he has never been a good man, there is a bone in his sword.

Maybe one day, when he is qualified to build this world rule, he will take care of the world, but on that day, no one knows how far it will be.


The nearest city to the Tianlong Mountain is Gulong City. The city has also experienced many years of baptism and prosperity. It is one of the most prosperous cities in the eight ruins of the ruins. At the end of this ancient dragon city, the Tianlong Fortress is bordered by the Tianlong Mountain Range, and the Tianlong Mountain Range is the place where the Tiantai agreed to meet.

At this time, a young man in white clothes, stepping in the ancient dragon city, reveals the meaning of the servant dust, but his eyes are very clear, like water waves, as if to reflect the soul.

This young man walked in the city, the wind was light and cloudless, which attracted many people to look at it, so that the temperament was good, and, under their gaze, as if between a few breaths, the figure of the youth disappeared into their sight. In the middle, the step of stepping out slowly gives people the illusion of one step and one void.

"I bet that the young man is sure to be an eight-year-old enchanting character." Above a restaurant, someone leaned against the gallery and looked at the disappearing figure.

"It is possible, then you talk about who he will be!" The person standing next to him agreed that with the temperament of that person, it would be a great figure, perhaps an eight-year-old enchanting.

"This is young, wearing an ancient sword, like a white dress, some like Lin Feng!" The man murmured, after the name blurted out, his eyes suddenly trembled, and looked at the person next to him.

"Lin Feng!" The man was shocked and looked at the direction in which Lin Feng disappeared. The direction he went to was Tianlong Fort!

If it is Lin Feng, come to Gulong City and step into the Tianlong Fort, what does this mean? Thinking of this, their body could not help but tremble slightly, as if they found something secret!

Tianlong Mountain Range, the wind and sand rolling, a white figure walking in the yellow sand.

The mountains and sands are rolling, and there are no people in the four fields. Lin Feng stops and looks around. He thinks: "Today is the appointment time, and the brothers don't know it!"

At this time, a tearing sound rolled in, and then the yellow sand rolled apart, slowly cracking, more than a dozen yellow sand cracks, all open, faintly engulfed Lin Feng.

"Haha, Lin Feng, you are coming on time!" A shout of screams came out, only the body of the criminal war broke out, not only him, Lin Feng, in front of each crack, there were people broke, except for wood Outside the dust and Hou Qinglin, the Tiantai 12 pro-disciples, and the other ten have arrived!

"You brothers, it seems to have made great progress!" Lin Feng saw a familiar face and said with a smile: "When is the Master?"

"Lin Feng, Shizun waiting for us at Tianlong Shenbao!" Tianchi came forward and said with a smile, let Lin Feng look a condensed, in Tianlong Shenbao?

Looking around, Lin Feng looked at the Tianlong Fortress at the end of the ancient dragon city, because the Tianlong Mountain is bordered by it, so it can be seen clearly!

"A year ago, three forces from Tianlong Shenbao, Qijia and Sikong family went to my rooftop, forcing the roof to temporarily collapse. After the evil, Lin Feng and Qingtian were doing a big job in Qijia, now, the brothers and sisters Let’s go to Tianlong Shenbao!” Tiandi said with a smile, then stepped out and the body went away!

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