Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1494: clamor

In the past snowy weather, there was a swindler who deceived eight emperors, so that the Eight Emperors sacrificed their lives and were almost eroded by the emperor. This rumor spread in the Eight Senses, but in addition to those who saw it, many people will be suspicious, but at the moment The emperor personally admitted that they would undoubtedly tell them that the rumors were true, and that the Taoist priests in front of him were the former Taoist priests.

"This guy is really courageous!" Everyone saw Yan Emperor sitting on the magic lotus indifferently, with a sinister sorrow in his eyes, facing the emperor without fear, bold enough.

"Why, you were fooled by the Emperor in the past, but now you still want to find the Emperor's account." Yandi squinted and smiled: "Today, the Emperor became emperor, and he was in a good mood. He didn't want to be embarrassed with your group of ants. Let's roll it, don't bother the Emperor to fix it!"

Yan Di said that he also waved his hand, the wind was light and the light, and the people were directly arguing, and the princes were the ants, let the emperors roll!

"This is not dead..." Lin Feng said nothing, this guy, enough to plant.

Everyone in the Flame Mountain is also holding a cold sweat for Yan Emperor. Although this person is not a strong flame mountain, but after all, they are emperors in the flame mountain, and they are the flames of the emperor. They seem to be familiar with black, if he can take the flame mountain. For the Flame Mountain, it is not a beautiful thing.

"Good guys!" asked the emperor without words, this stupid priest.

"Ask the predecessor!" At this time, Lin Feng asked the emperor and asked the emperor to look at Lin Feng.

"Predecessors, this guy is so temperament, I don't know how high the earth is. If you have offended the predecessors, don't blame it. He is a good friend with me. I hope that my predecessors will not be enemies with him." Lin Feng smiled and said, "I want to emperor." When I heard Lin Feng’s words, Lin Feng and this **** Taoist priest are friends?

"Former city of destiny, the prophet once predicted that he can protect me. If you ask Tiange and ask Ao Xue to recognize him, Lin Feng does not need to deceive the predecessors." Lin Feng saw the eyes of the emperor blinking Continue.

After a moment of indulging, I asked the emperor's eyes to flash a strange color, and then smiled: "Well, in this case, I am not embarrassed with him, but your friend, it is enough!"

"It is indeed the best!" Lin Feng deep thought.

Asking the emperor not to be an enemy of Yandi, because of the relationship between Lin Feng, Yandi, the newly-emerged emperor, can stand on the same line with their three emperors, so that their alliance forces will be stronger, Let's not do it. Next, let's see how this guy is!

Penghuang, Qihuang, Tianlonghuang and others, can not talk to the emperor so easily, and heard that Yandi’s words are not inferior, their coldness has become more powerful, and the new emperor of the district dared to be so mad.

"I don't know how high the earth is!" Qi Huang said coldly.

The gold armor of Penghuang is dazzling, and the law of gold penetrates into the void and shoots at the depths of the sea of ​​fire.

"A miscellaneous bird dared to succumb in front of the emperor. The emperor just lacked a mount and rolled over. The emperor took it for you!" Yan Di’s indifferent gaze glanced at the Penghuang in the void, saying in a playful tone. Dapeng's personality is arrogant, arrogant and arrogant, and then screamed and screamed by words. Suddenly, between the golden light and the heavens and the earth, Penghuang turned into the body, and the 100-meter-long golden wings were dazzling.

"Kill!" A fierce whistle, Penghuang shot from the scorpio, the eye-catching Jinmang strong to the extreme, the space where there was a dark crack, the void was cut off by his body, I am afraid the emptiness of the storm shocked the crowd Have to retreat.

"Go!" Yan Emperor reached out and waved, suddenly he and the black body suddenly disappeared in the same place, Peng Emperor shot in the magic lotus.

"Boom!" A blazing flame devours the heavens and the earth, and the flaming mountain riots in an instant, the endless flames of power roll, drowning the collision, where there is a red and dark magic fire.

The figure in the sky was flickering and flickering away. The emperors all had a stiff face, and they moved away with the person beside them. I saw the riot space, and the flames violently violently, as if the horror burst was triggered. The body of Penghuang was buried.

"Oh!" A sound of breaking the sky and whistling from the raging fire, but the crowd still did not see the shadow of Penghuang, only a group of flames like a volcanic eruption, constantly being shot to the sky.

"This is not dead..." Lin Feng’s eyes squinted and almost forgot. The pseudo-Emperor has always been good at pit killing. Although he has been with the pseudo-emperor for a long time, he will never know what the real card is. I don't know how strong he is.

The sound of the whistling sound made the world turbulent, and finally the violent flame was broken, and the Penghuang figure reappeared. However, when I saw Penghuang at this time, everyone only felt the trepidation of the heart, and they felt a cold wind. .

Especially those who are strong in the Wu Emperor, even if they are very hot in the flame mountain, they feel cold.

At this time, the golden armor of Penghuang was broken, and the golden scales infiltrated the golden blood. The large drops of gold blood continually dripped downwards. The 100-meter-long gold wing that was spread out seemed to have lost its originality. The style is stained with a layer of golden blood, and even a black flame is attached to the golden feathers.

This may be Penghuang, claiming to be the strongest defense of the Eighths and Nine, but it is only a blow to the riots. It is so miserable after coming out, those Wuhuangs can almost think of what kind of situation would be if they entered. Can you come out alive? Thinking of how they didn't feel chilly, they were covered in cold sweat.

The **** priests scorned the martial arts, let them inadvertently give birth to anger, this is to lead them to kill him, as long as the shot, is the situation of Peng Huang at the moment!

At this time, the look of Penghuang was already cold and sultry. Without a word, he stared at the violent flame of the sky. After the calmdown, the land of the flames of the abyss, the emperor of the robes appeared again there, slightly leaning back. Looking at the Emperor Peng in the void, the depressed road: "It's a pity, even if it is not cooked, the flesh and blood of the white-winged Dapeng can be a big complement!"

"Oh!" Penghuang was humiliated by these words, screaming out, and the golden rule turned into an endless eye-catching golden arrow, shooting away from the flames of the sky, the whole world is the arrow of gold, each The arrow is as sharp as his feather.

Yan Emperor reached out and made a stroke in the void. Suddenly, the void was torn apart, and all the golden arrows that were shot at him entered the crack. The Taoist priests were still light and calm, and they were calm and relaxed.

"This..." asked the emperor to see this scene smashed, and then there was no words. The priest was the guy who ran out, so horrible, how Lin Feng became friends with this kind of character.

"Get out, fight!" Peng's huge pupil is very cold, and screams at the Abyss.

"Hey, if he comes out, he must die, naturally only dare to shrink." Danhuang sneered.

"If you wait for the garbage emperor to dare to glory in front of the emperor, I will go out and you dare not fight alone, I will let you be in the flames of the mountain!" Yandi scorpion swept the emperor, said the cold, let the emperor look Stiff, seeing the horror of Peng, he had no contempt for Yandi, just want to irritate him with words, but he has lived for many years, but he is still a child with Yan Emperor, angering Yan Emperor, maybe!

Yan Emperor has only appeared several times in the eyes of the people. The last time he was alone in the eight emperors, this time he directly witnessed the emperor as the emperor, watching the law power coming down, they even guessed that Yandi relied on himself to become emperor. Without the power of the law, this kind of martial artist is more powerful than the martial artist who relies on the fate of life. They are purely on their own to understand the power of the heavens and the earth, so that the use of control is stronger.

Seeing the silence of the Dan Emperor, Yan Di despised the road: "Everyone is getting old, but it is still a waste of the Emperor in the district, but it is still not so advanced, and it is not a dare to fight. If I am you, you will not be embarrassed here, lest you Throw the old face."

"Call..." Dan emperor spit out the gas, his face became colder. Although Wuhuang’s heart was not easy to shake, but Yan Di’s he was indeed miserable, as if he was really a waste of the Emperor, so that he felt no face.

"Is there you, Qi Huang? I heard that you have a set of bullies for the younger generation. Now that the Emperor has achieved the throne, he is not familiar with the realm of the Emperor. You dare not practice with me, so that the Emperor is familiar with the military. The realm of the emperor." Yan Di's nephew fell on Qi Huang, so that everyone's heart twitching, this priest of the Emperor of the Emperor today is not to provoke everyone.

"I will help you practice your hand!" Peng Huang Jin put outside, his eyes sharp and sharp.

"I haven't been your turn yet. You so many people have pressed the Emperor together. Of course, the Emperor must look at whether these people are waste or have real power. If it is waste, then don't be embarrassed here. Take it out of the Flame Mountain. After the flame mountain is the emperor's site."

Yan Emperor screamed unscrupulously and continued to look at Qi Huangdao: "When the war and the war do not speak, the emperor was pitted with you. Now it is in front of you. If you dare not, you should not be embarrassed." Let's roll with the old man around you, lest your child's face can't be hanged."

Qi Huang mouth exhales, the breath is cold, if he also refuses to fight, the face is saved!

"War!" Qi Huang screamed, Yandi's mouth showed a smile, and looked at other people: "Since you are looking for the Emperor to settle accounts, one by one, wait for the Emperor to practice first, of course, if you want to join hands to oppress this In the words of the emperor, the Emperor will not mind!"

"It's shameless!" Lin Feng rolled his eyes. The guy said that he didn't mind the other party. If he didn't mind his personality, he would have come out. At that time, the emperors would attack directly, but he said so at this moment. Which Wu Huang is so eager to deal with him with a thick face, this **** is still the same as before, shamelessly so confident!

Thanks to jokb121 for rewarding works 200 by wave of money; 18663002065 rewarding works 100 by wave of money; 13529330419 for rewarding works 100 by wave of coins, thank you

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