Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1492: Broken sky beam

Lin Feng did not follow Ruox and Mo Qingtian to leave, there is still a month, if evil and Mo Qingtian also have their own things, perhaps others have to go to experience.

Nowadays, a 12-parent disciple on the rooftop has grown to a certain extent. As long as you don't meet too strong people, there will be no danger. In addition to some characters, they can almost walk sideways.

"I should also leave." Lin Feng said to himself, then looked at Yunfei Yang, and smiled: "Flying, now Jun Mo Xi is not the death of the Palace of the Palace, but unfortunately you and I met in a hurry, not eight, otherwise I have to drink a bit, then, what are your plans?"

"Like you!" Yunfei Yang said with a smile, Lin Feng's scorpion flashed a sharp edge, the two looked at each other and smiled.

The light flashed, and Lin Feng appeared in the hands of several pots of burning spirits and threw them to Yunfei Yang. He said: "If you miss your brother, you will drink this most powerful wine. He will swing the holy city in Zhongzhou, and then!"

"It will be!" Yunfei Yang is still so demon, and when he laughs, he is particularly beautiful. He and Jun Mo and Lin Feng are both present at the same time, and the temperament of the three people is enough to make women crazy. .

"I am leaving first." Lin Feng nodded to the cloud and immediately bowed to the main body of Tianbi Zhuang: "Predecessors, Lin Feng said goodbye!"

"Well, take care." Tianbi Zhuang is still polite, as if to everyone, Lin Feng walked to the front of Feng Yu and Feng Linger, and thought of a move, suddenly the giant sword appeared, three people set foot on the giant sword, Rushed into the sky, disappeared in an instant, no one to stop the body shape he left, even if Zhou Tianruo, the golden sacredness of the whole body gradually disappeared, and the nephew stared at the direction of Lin Feng's departure, killing the ice.

He came here to experience, never imagined that he would be ashamed of today. If he had the guardian of the body, I am afraid that Lin Feng would still marry him. If Zhou Tian can fully see it, the arrogant guy would dare to kill him. He will not be willing to threaten himself if he is decisive, and the youth who are burned to ashes in the fire are good examples.

"If there is a chance, you must be jealous of him." Zhou Tian Ruo Mang Bilu, the heart of himself.

North Yanyun looked at Lin Feng’s disappearing figure, and there was a feeling of unclear in his heart. Lin Feng’s appearance had a very big impact on her. Tianbi Mountain Villa was hidden in the border town, but often there were young strong people coming here. Respectfully, the people of Tianbi Mountain Villa are not so much eye-catching to the outside world because of their strong talents, just like she started to Lin Feng, but perhaps it is because Tianbi Mountain Villa is hidden in Therefore, since she remembered, she has not seen how powerful the enchanting outside is, she will be somewhat conceited. I don’t know that it’s not only her hermits who are enchanting, but the outside world is also Yingjie.

In the distance, the giant sword walked through the rolling clouds. Lin Feng sat on the giant sword and looked at the two beautiful people in front of him. The beauty of Feng Linger was staring at Lin Feng with a smile, while Feng Xiao was sitting aside. There was also a smile on his face.

Their mood seems to be good, but it makes Lin Feng beat the drums. He saw Fengqi, Fenglinger and Qifeng Wuhuang in the past, and they have deep feelings, just like grandpa and granddaughter, not only the teacher. Disciples, like their loved ones, they also said that after she was strong, she would repay the master, but now that the master is dead, they are unaware that Lin Feng does not know how to speak.

"Forget it, let it be." Lin Feng said in his heart, seeing the smiles hanging on the faces of the two women, he really couldn't bear to stab their hearts at this moment, and chose not to say.

The raging sword is flying toward the direction of the empire. It is necessary to return to the eight wilderness. Naturally, the space battlefield channel is the fastest shortcut.


Three days later, the eight wilderness areas in the south, it seems that Lin Feng has set foot on this area for the second time. I remember that the last time it appeared directly in Tianzhu Xianyu, which appeared from Xuebi Yao’s mortuary, and caused quite a stir. .

This time, the place where Lin Feng appeared was on the Flame Mountain.

Feng Qi and Feng Linger wanted to go to Qifeng Mountain when they had no battlefield passages, and Qifeng Wuhuang was killed by the Emperor of the Emperor. Now Qifengshan does not know what it is. Lin Feng certainly wants to stop them. In the end, they told them the truth, but the two women were stronger than Lin Feng’s imagination, but they didn’t have a smile on their faces, and Feng Linger, who likes to talk, became silent.

Lin Feng suggested returning to the south through the exit of the Flame Mountain, and then exploring the news of Qifeng Mountain. Feng Wei and Feng Linger did not refuse Lin Feng’s proposal. They certainly understand that Lin Feng is good for them. For the care of Lin Feng, they are very grateful.

The Flame Mountain is dominated by the former Emperor Yan, but the Emperor Yan was also degraded in Qi State. He had left a message to let the black dissolve the Flame Mountain. However, the father of the watchman ordered that any Wu Emperor might not be guilty of the forces that were destroyed by the Emperor. Otherwise, it is a common enemy of the eight disasters. I don’t know how to deal with the Flame Mountain.

The strongman of the flame mountain guarding the virtual channel exit heard the name of Lin Feng, and did not block Lin Feng. He set foot on the flame mountain range. The palace Qiongyu seemed to be bathed in the flame, the whole mountain range. It has also been branded with redness.

"People are still there, just a little sorrow!" Lin Feng vacated a few people, watching the Temple of the Flame Mountain occasionally moved around, did not pay too much attention to Lin Feng, from their look can be seen, it seems a little absent-minded, spirit The wilting, the flaming emperor, the flame mountain stands in a dangerous situation, the guardian father can protect the flame mountain for a while, but it is impossible to protect him forever, no new emperor is born, the flame mountain will be removed from the eight deserts sooner or later, and now this troubled world Even if there is a Wuhuang sitting in the town, it is not necessarily stable. Qifeng Mountain is a good example.

"I don't know how the guy who pays the black is now." Lin Feng said in the heart, the last time he was immersed in the flaming fire, Lin Feng flames the most pure heaven and earth flame law baptism, stepping into the eight-fold land, strong and terrible, also considered The emperor's grace, it is inevitable to have a sympathy for the flame mountain.

"Hey, hehe..." As soon as the sound of the flame blasting came, Lin Feng looked toward the north side of the flaming mountain. I saw it there. A group of fires rushed to the sky, just like a volcanic eruption. The fire of red magma burned half of the sky, red like blood.

"Is there someone who can't cultivate there, and it's such a big move." Lin Feng thought secretly, the blast that rushed to the flames of the sky, really burned the sky, the whole mountain range, all fire, real Flame Mountain.

After watching for a moment, Lin Feng looked back and said to Feng Xi and Feng Linger: "Let's go!"

The purpose of their trip is to find out what is happening in Qifeng Mountain today.

Feng Yan and Feng Linger nodded, and the three figures walked in the air. They went out in the flames of the clouds. The giant sword screamed. After a while, the three went hundreds of miles away and stepped out of the Flame Mountain. Covering the land.

"Boom!" A muffled sound, as if the heavens and the earth were turbulent, the hearts of Lin Feng, Feng Yu and Feng Linger shivered a little, and they shivered involuntarily, and the distance was even more distant. Everyone’s heart trembled. Next, at this moment, the turbulent world seems to be playing a wonderful flame movement.

Lin Feng and others suddenly turned their eyes and looked at the direction of the flame mountain. Only the rolling flame beam really smashed the sky. The flame magic cloud pierced the heavens, and a crack appeared on the sky. Among them, the terrible flame beam was poured, and it did not enter the flame-covered mountain range. The dazzling flames seemed to light up the entire flame mountain.

At this moment, not only Lin Feng, the owner of the Flame Mountain looked up and looked at the flaming mountains of the sky, and the trepidation of his heart, and some people even had crazy colors in their voices.

The land of the South is endless, but at this time, countless people are looking up at the same time, looking at the direction of the Flame Mountain, watching the light of the flame that broke through the sky.

Tianzhu Xianyu, Dan Emperor's body floats, standing on the top of Xianyu, his eyes are looking at the flame mountain, his eyes are light, but in the depths of his eyes, it seems to have a sense of indifference.

"Who is it?" Danhuang mouth spit out a chill, it is impossible to pay black, he is not so fast, he is still far from the heat.

Outside the Flame Mountain, Lin Feng is the second time to see the light beam that pierces the heavens. The first time is the material that was broken in the Sansheng Sutra. This time, it is a flame, and it should not even be said that the flame pierces the heavens. It is above the heavens, there is a wonderful force that penetrates the sky and landed in the Flame Mountain. This is the law force, the law of fire!

Even if this is the first time Lin Feng saw this scene, he also understood what it meant. Someone became emperor. He and Danhuang gave birth to the same idea, who was it and entered the royal world!

On the occasion of the fall of the emperor, Yanhuang died, and in the flame mountain, someone actually boarded the throne.

In the south, countless figures broke into the direction of the Flame Mountain. If lightning is fast, the fastest one is of course the people of Tianzhu Xianyu. They did not come from the air, but chose to step into the virtual battlefield and then prepare. Stepping directly into the Flame Mountain Passage will be much faster.

"Let's go back and see." Lin Feng said, and the three phoenix phoenix children went back and returned, and once again set foot on the flame mountain, who is the emperor!

Without a moment, the news was directly transmitted to the other martial forces in the eight wilderness. The people of the emperor's forces stepped into the path of no battlefield, ready to enter the Flame Mountain from there!

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