Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1447: Killing

Scorpio squinted, and there were three figures in the sacred door. The strong, he had never seen it. At this moment, his heart was faintly worried, and the three lords would have to deal with it!

"Begin!" At this moment, a whispered voice came, letting Tianzizi gaze slightly, and turned back. He saw a figure in the crowd behind Tianchi, and it was Lin Feng.

Scorpio nodded slightly to Lin Feng, who was hiding in the crowd, and then swept his eyes to everyone: "This time, Tianchi convened everyone to hold a 10,000-strong conference. I want to see how the strength of the young people in the cadres of the current field is now. The young people who want to try out can go to the battle platform."

"Hey." The owner of the door snorted and gave a look to a young man behind him. He suddenly stepped on the battle platform and went straight to the battle platform. This person is a Tianwu six-year-old in the younger generation. It is already very strong.

The owner of the Happy Gate is cold and looks straight into the direction of Tianzhu Peak. He has to look at what Tianchi can play with.

The Yutian royal family, a young figure on the battle platform, breathable, vast and strong, rolling, the body reveals the breath of the emperor, as if it is a descendant of the emperor.

The youth of the East China Sea Dragon Palace is full of breath, and it is very strong.

Immediately, the Jingu Palace, the Jiuyi Jianmen, and the Yutian royal family all had their disciples on the battle platform, and there were some other forces, but not many people. Most people actually came to see the lively, Tianchi held a 10,000-strong conference. And in the Wushang Villa, what is the purpose? This must be a feast, so the people who come today are vast and endless, and the land is full of people.

"The people in Tianchi!" asked the owner of the door.

"Here!" A figure vacated from the Tianchi, white robe fluttering, the figure is soft, stepping onto the battle platform, it is Lin Feng, he let the sword Ling Ling convene the people of the cadre to hold the Wanzong Conference, for the net is exhausted So that he does not have to go to every major force to run, it is too much trouble, and it is more convenient to solve the problem at one time.

"Donghai Dragon Palace, Yutianhuang, you are all here!" Lin Feng has already killed his mind in the heart, but he is restrained. He wants to erode their hearts a little bit, so that they will never die. In the past, the East China Sea Dragon Palace and the Yutian royal family The pain brought to him, he almost fell into a land of eternal annihilation, the dream was bogged back to the original shape, he turned the devil, Yan Yu teacher and so many friends and relatives died, Liu Yan also died because they are behind the scenes, all this, today, Debt, it should be.

When the Donghai Dragon Palace Dragon Master, the Yutian Emperor Duanmu Prince and the Jingu Palace, and the Jingmeng Palace, and others saw Lin Feng’s moment, their pupils suddenly collapsed, and there was a smothering of the body, especially the Happy Gate. The door master, the ruthless palace master, they are almost destroyed because of Lin Feng!

"Death!" The killings fluttered toward Lin Feng with impunity. They wanted Lin Feng to die. He even sent it to the door.

"You dare to come back!" The owner of the Happy Gate has the strongest killing. He once went across the wilderness to go to the Eight Deserts to chase Lin Feng. Later, he went to the headquarters of Xiaoyao Gate to go to Shenzong, and immediately, the Shenzong Shenzong sent several figures of the Lord. With him crossing the wilderness, returning to the dryland, and starting to develop the Xiaomeng Gate here, others may not know that the Xiaoyaomen, which was almost burnt out by Lin Feng, has now revived, but has been acting low-key. Today, it is necessary to make a threat.

Lin Feng's indifferent gaze swept away the owner of the door, calmed down to no waves, and his eyes fell in the Donghai Dragon Palace and the Jade Emperor's crowd, seemingly searching for who figure, soon, his His eyes locked in two figures, and he had participated in two figures of the Snow Moon State killing. One was a Yutian royal family. He saved a paragraph without a road, while the other was a person from the East China Sea Dragon Palace. There are no boundaries, these two people, respectively, are not too eye-catching characters of the East China Sea Dragon Palace and the Yutian royal family, but in those years, they were trapped in his desperate situation.

"Do you still recognize me?" Lin Feng glanced at the two people and let them look at each other. They certainly recognized Lin Feng. This guy broke into the magic road in the snowy month and became a devil. It was terrible, and they were shocked. Leaving the snowy month, and later creating a horrible storm in the dryland, he is said to have gone to the eight wilderness a few years ago and is now back.

"How do you want to die!" Lin Feng looked cold and stared at the two.

"I don't know what to do, you still have to think about how you die!" The dragon's overbearing eyes stared at Lin Feng, the ridiculous person, without the dependence of the Tianchi array, did he think that he could pick up the storm?

"Yes, I am waiting here, come kill me!" Lin Feng smiled at the dragon master of the East China Sea Dragon Palace, and there was no wave of calm eyes. Today, he is coming to kill!

"Do you think that the cultivation of the hidden secrets is very mysterious? You are strong, and you can go to what position in a few years!" Duanmu Huangzi was a royal man, and his heart secretly thought that the killing was strong, Lin Feng had to kill, this The talents of the sons were so powerful that when they were in the snowy area, they also took a fancy to Lin Feng and the Donghai Dragon Palace. Unfortunately, this person did not know the current affairs, and even refused to find death. This was the later Xueyue tragedy.

"Kill him!" Duanmu Huangzi spit out a cold sound, Lin Feng, is likely to get the treasure of the Yutian royal family.

"Kill him!"

"Kill him!"

"Look at this person!"

The owner of the Happy Gate, the Lord of the Desolate Palace, and the Dragon King of the East China Sea are together. It seems that all forces must target the youth above the battle platform, the youth of the pool that day.

"Who is he?" Many unsuspecting people asked, the crowd around them whispered, how did this person come out and caused such a big movement, and the four powerful forces of the powerful forces all ordered to kill him, this person, cited four The forces killed together.

"Yi Lin, the genius disciple of the former Tianchi, is now back." Although after a few years, there were too many people who had seen Lin Feng, many people could not forget this enchanting figure.

"It turned out to be Lin Feng. This young man is actually Lin Feng. It's no wonder." Except for some of the descendants, most people know the name of Lin Feng. This name has caused a storm in the dry field. No one knows, he just shot alone. Going to the Happy Gate, the headquarters of the Happy Gate was burned.

"There are only those in the big forces who have been demon and the Jiujian Jianmen have not expressed their opinions. I don’t know if they will want to marry Lin Feng." The crowd thought, Yu Linfeng actually means to deal with those forces. Tianchi, this time, is not a battle with Lin Feng, but a battle between these powerful forces and Tianchi. Of course, this is just what they thought. Perhaps, today is only a one-person battle!

"The Sovereign, Xiaoyaomen has been secretly accumulating in the past few years, and there is help from the Shenzong Shenzong. How do we choose this time!" Jiuyi Jianmen, a strong man said to the door.

The main voice of the door flashed sharply, looking at Lin Feng on the battle platform, cold and cold: "Hey!"

He did not hesitate for a long time and decided to stand with many forces. Lin Feng may have a heavy treasure. If he kills him, he can divide it and Tianchi. This time is too vigorous and must be eradicated. This tiger, this Let him lie down, as for the fight, let the Happy Gate and Tianchi to fight, it is best to lose both sides, since Tianchi held a 10,000-strong conference, obviously also prepared, he is the gatekeeper of the Jiuyi Jianmen, of course know how to Choose.

"You shouldn't come back!" The lords of the Mozong Mozong also made their own choices. The position was clear and clear. Lin Feng, almost all the forces, had decided to kill Lin Feng, but in fact he was declaring war with Tianchi.

Lin Feng’s gaze saw the door of the nine-sword Jianmen and the lord of the Modu, and a faint smile appeared in the corner of his mouth. “You are not a good choice for your choice!”

At this time, on the battle platform, a vast expanse of breath, all the people's atmosphere, all aimed at Lin Feng, including those slightly weaker Zongmen, also decided to eradicate the Tianchi, Tianchi rise too fast, must be extinguished Drop it.

"Come on!" Lin Feng turned and looked around at the people on the battle platform. They looked at their eyes full of contempt, a group of ants, nothing more!



A terrible atmosphere began to bloom, and everyone on the battle platform started to kill Lin Feng. For a time, Lin Feng seemed to be the place where the storm gathered.

"Dead!" Lin Feng spit out a word, strong air, suddenly, space solidified, those rushing to Lin Feng suddenly stopped, all covered by a layer of gray death, their eyes are all desperate The meaning of fear is struggling and wants to ask for survival.

"Hey!" A figure fell from the void, and then the sound of the cymbal continued, and the figure lay softly down, and the body twitched down and died. Their life force was too fragile in front of Lin Feng. It’s easy to be stripped and killed, just one word!

"It's too weak, change a group of people to come up, stronger!" Lin Feng looked around at everyone, bohemian, as if to be the enemy of the world, today, he came for killing.

Now, kill, start!

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