Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1437: Discouraged

In the dark ancient battlefield, the two beams of the sky are particularly conspicuous, even those in distant places can clearly see the green and green trees hanging in the sky.

At this point, several figures rushed toward Lin Feng, and when they saw the figure holding up the two beams, they could not help but squat.

"Lin Feng!" Hou Qinglin was quite surprised. I didn't expect to find out that Lin Feng was in his hands and was unscrupulous.

"Senior brother!" Lin Feng saw Hou Qinglin smile. At this moment, Hou Qinglin and the three of them were together. Except Hou Qinglin, Mo Qingtian and the criminal war were all safe and sound. When Hou Qinglin stepped into this ancient battlefield, he already had the war. The strength of the person, and there is a royal device in his body, there is him, how can the three people have something, and Mo Qingtian and the criminal warfare are very strong.

Today, three years later, Hou Qinglin’s cultivation has already entered the Zunwu Jiuzhong, and Mo Qingtian has also stepped into the realm of respecting the Lord, respecting the martial arts, and fighting for six weapons.

His masters and brothers have all experienced the transformation of the gates of heaven. The talents need not be said more, and the cultivation of the realm is higher than him. Now it is only natural to step into the six weapons and seven heavy weapons.

"Lin Feng, what are you?" The criminal warfare saw Lin Feng holding his life, and could not help but say nothing. This guy is not purely looking for it!

"Want to deal with some people, it is not easy to find, they will specifically lead them." Lin Feng will be put away, calm road, Hou Qinglin saw Lin Feng's cultivation, could not help but reveal a smile: "Three years, from Zunwu tripled into the Zunwu six-fold, good, and now there are very few people who can threaten you with the whole battlefield. It is no wonder that you guys dare to do this."

Lin Feng smiled and asked: "Brother, other brothers and sisters are all right!"

"Tian idiots with hatred and tombstones, Ruoxus, Prajna, Wu used and the four people with disabilities, this lineup, there should be nothing!" Hou Qinglin replied, the strength of the other two groups is also strong enough, as long as Be cautious and do not have big problems.

"I hope so!" Lin Feng laughed, the Tiantai twelve pro-disciples, each is a pillar, the Tiantai Shengshi will wait for them to open, it is best to live well.

"Oh!" At this time, the dark ancient battlefield seemed to tremble slightly. Lin Feng and Hou Qinglin and others looked away and looked into the distance. Then they saw a striking beam of light rushing to the sky, even in the distance. Countless miles can be clearly seen.

"It is the land of the entrance!" Lin Feng looked away from the distance, the direction they entered when they entered this ancient battlefield.

"It's over, this is the export opening, we can go out!" Seeing the beam, Hou Qinglin whispered for more than three years, and the messenger opened the seal again, allowing them to go out.

When the export is opened, it means that everyone must go out in one day. This trip is completely over. If you don't go out, no one knows what will be waiting for them, maybe it is the power of destruction, or perhaps waiting for a hundred years. No one knows this, and no one dares to try it. Even if it is not destroyed, you are not coming in from a hundred years later. Can those martial artists let you go out?

No one knows, so no one will stay. At this moment, the whole figure in the dark old battlefield flickered and all went to the beam.

"Let's go!" Hou Qinglin said, and suddenly the four people flickered and went away.

"For more than three years, I don't know how the outside world is!" Lin Feng thought in his heart, and he had the meaning of missing in his heart. For him, three years has been a long time, and the outside world must have undergone earth-shaking changes. Let's go.

The speed of the four people is very fast, the beam is getting closer and closer, as if it will arrive soon. At this time, in the distance, there is a dazzling golden light above the sky, and the sound of Peng Xiao is extremely harsh. The sky is lit up.

In the void, a few figures in the crazy battle, the golden wing of the Dapeng 100 meters long gold casting wings open, the invincible, no one can be blocked, the wings swept like a peerless golden sword, killing the horrible.

"It is evil!" Hou Qinglin saw this scene suddenly condensed, and the light shining on his body was the light of the emperor. At this moment, his speed suddenly increased sharply, and it was almost unbelievable.

"Miscellaneous bird!" Lin Feng's scorpion flashed a sharp cold mans, the stray bird even started to his brothers, the giant sword skyrocketing, Lin Feng at this time is fast.

"Peng Devil, you are looking for death!" Hou Qinglin screamed, and witnessed the golden wings of the Peng Devil sweeping through the phoenix's golden body, and the slammed blood was almost killed.

The golden-winged Dapeng bird heard this rolling anger and gaze, and then he saw a striking reincarnation beam from the scorpion, with the meaning of reincarnation, to let him into the reincarnation.

"Hey!" Dapeng bird's golden wings swept past, screaming at Hou Qinglin, and the sound of a loud bang on the scorpio, and at this time, Lin Feng's body also arrived, cursing the scepter in his hand, angered: " Miscellaneous bird, die!"

The cursing power of horror instantly fell on the body of Peng, so that the body of Pengmo was instantly attached with the gas of death. With a long scream, a wing wrapped his body and wanted to escape.

"Death, death, death!" Lin Feng screamed out loud and madly, and the killing was fierce. All of them came to the Dapeng bird. Hou Qinglin’s body flashed. The whole person stepped on the back of the Dapeng bird, and the palm violently trembled. In the Dapeng bird, the power of the reincarnation suddenly infiltrated into the body of the Dapeng bird, and the Dapeng bird made a scream.

"Hey!" The other wing was madly beaten. The speed of the Dapeng bird suddenly increased sharply, rushing toward the exit, and it was incredible.

"Reincarnation strangled!" Hou Qinglin's sword was assassinated toward the Dapeng bird wrapped in the wing. The body of the Dapeng bird was ups and downs, as if flying was a bit frenzied and unstable, but at this moment he had already rushed to the exit, Hou Qinglin stepped across. From the back of his back, he knew that once the other party rushed out, there was a Penghuang, and he could not have won the other side.

"孽畜!" Several people on the roof came at the same time, staring at the exit with cold eyes, and ran away by the animal.

"Plain!" The crowd turned and walked like a knee-shouldered moment. When the golden body broke, he seemed to split his body. At this moment, he was covered in blood. Lin Feng’s figure flashed forward and came to the side of Prajna. For him to recover some injuries, after a while, the prajna face was slightly better, opened his eyes and pointed at Lin Feng slightly nodded.

"What is going on!" At this time, another force on the rooftop, Tian Tian, ​​they also flashed, and asked if they saw the injury.

"The miscellaneous bird, using the emperor to kill the brothers." The cold warfare.

"It's the scorpion!" The celestial scorpion flashed a cold mang: "The scorpion also chased me three, but the two beams of life drove him away, and we were safe."

"There is a chance to marry him." Hou Qinglin's voice is cold: "Everyone is fine, then the life beam is made by Lin Feng. I didn't expect to help you. Maybe this is the number of lives. We all have the heavens in the sky. If you can’t die, you will be ruined."

Many people around him heard Hou Qinglin’s frivolous voices rushing toward this side. Many people even detoured. The Tiantai’s eleven pro-disciples disciples were enchanting. Now three years have passed, they are all stronger, and one Not dead, now this lineup is enough to stir up the turmoil in the eight wilderness, and Tianlong Shenbao no longer has the qualification to compete with the Tiantai. Eleven people are enough to be a thousand troops.

Not only the Tianlong Fort, but now the Emperor Wu, except for the younger generation who want to compete with the Tiantai, it is difficult to find the whole eight.

This Hou Qinglin stepped into the realm of Zunwu Jiuzhong. With his reincarnation power, he was enough to fight against the invincible master; Tian Ti, Ruo Xie, Mo Qingtian and others all stepped into the realm of respecting the Lord, relying on their strong fighting power, absolutely It is terrible. The rest of the people are at the top of the six weapons, including Lin Feng, a six-fold Lin Feng, who is enough to stir up a storm.

Especially those who saw Lin Feng’s temptation to lure and then hunted were even more stunned. Today’s rooftop is terrible.

"I'm fine, go out!" At this time, Prajna stood up and smiled at the brothers, and then the Tiantai line walked out of the beam and stepped into the door of the seal.

When they stepped out, they felt that countless eyes were shining, and the sharpness was very sharp. They were the eyes of the Emperor. Now, the emperors are still there, and no one is leaving.

A terrible killing is extremely fierce. Lin Feng and others turned their eyes. Even if he saw the horror of Peng’s eyes, he shot a metal-like killing gas. At his side, Peng’s magic curled up there. The murderous gas seems to be in pain, and the cold scorpion is shot at Lin Feng and Hou Qinglin.

"Master!" The Tiantai and others walked toward the place where the Emperor was located. The Emperor saw that the disciples were coming out intact, and could not help but smile, nodded and smiled: "Good!"

"Lin Feng!" At this time, a roaring roar came and saw that the great prince and the prince of Tianlong came out from the exit, and the temper was volley, and the murderous temper was terrible.

The Tianlong Emperor saw this scene suddenly, his eyes were frozen, only two people came out!

"What is going on!" Tianlong Huang asked stiffly.

"Father, four brothers and six younger brothers, Lin Feng..." The great prince of Tianlong could not say it. Hearing his words, the eyes of Tianlonghuang were gloomy to the extreme, and the cold swept to Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, how do you still have two!" Yan Huang smiled and asked Lin Feng, let Tianlonghuang look a stiff, still left two?

Lin Feng also squatted, and then a smile appeared in the scorpion: "The Tianlong Emperor did not trust a few waste sons, deliberately left them with a royal device, otherwise I would smash together!"

Lin Feng’s words are light and windy, as if the Dragon Prince and the Second Prince were both wastes, and there was no royal device to smash together. The Emperor and his calm dialogue, the Tianlong Emperor and the two Princes felt their faces were lost. The breath of the body was unstoppable, they hated, they were killed, and they were so humiliated!

Thanks to the evil spirits (rain marks) for rewarding works 100 by wave

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