Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1434: Waiting for the rabbit

"Sister, let's stand a little farther." The Iraqi tears and smiled softly. Her sister-in-law nodded slightly, avoiding it far away, so as not to be affected when the war broke out. The sword of death that Lin Feng just took is still haunting them. The heart, the sword of the hundred feet, seems to bring the sky out of the sky, if there is someone in the land of Baizhang, all will die.

That sword, the strong man who respected the martial arts was wiped out.

"Sister, this Lin Feng seems to be interesting to you, it is better for you to get along with you, and you will enter the six desires in his body!" said a sister of the Iraqi tears, and the Iraqi tears nodded slightly, watching her sister responded. : "I will consider the words of my sister!"

The sister-in-law’s beauty flashed a glimmer of color, and then smiled and said: “It seems that the sister is really heart-warming!”

The Iraqi people smiled and said nothing, and the two beams of light have already lit up the scorpio at this moment, and they are getting more and more smashed. In the dark void, it is the law of the earth, and the horrible earthy atmosphere In the void, it seems to be a gathering of earth, the earth and the earth's ray of light are spreading all the time; and Lin Feng's other hand is the natural law of life, a green color in the endless vitality of green light. Born, this ancient tree hangs in the sky, revealing an unparalleled life.

"It’s such a big move that it’s hard to attract attention."

A few people in the tears of the Iraqi people secretly thought in their hearts that this area is equivalent to the territory of the snowy country. It is not too big for them to be strong in this level, but each piece of land seems to hide the secrets of the ancient times. It's hard to dig out, but once the beam hits the sky, it can still be seen even in faraway places.

Sure enough, the nearest few people quickly came over. They stood in the void after they arrived, and they watched Lin Feng. They showed a greedy look in their eyes. They wanted to win the life, but the one who took out the life. He is Lin Feng. Now, Lin Feng, who has entered the six-fold realm of Zunwu, has to make them wary.

Lin Feng stood above the void, and the sharp scorpion swept a few people, and the indifferent said: "If you don't have anything, you will stay away from me!"

Everyone heard Lin Feng’s whispered voice, this guy is so arrogant, one of the martial arts illustrious Tiangong strongmen said: “Lin Feng, you take life, come to the market, want to trade, if you If you want to trade, you can ask for a price."

"Roll!" Lin Feng's sharp eyes swept the man.

"This guy is really crazy, who will take the life of the grid to trade." Yi Shi tears a sister whispered, Yi people tears down, her sister seems to have forgotten that she also asked Lin Feng the same words, Lin Feng took life The introduction of the grid will inevitably lead to unrealistic thoughts in life.

Even if someone really wants to exchange them, in addition to the emperor, there are treasures that can be exchanged for life, and they don't want to think about their own.

"Hey!" Suddenly, Lin Feng’s body was slammed with a palm force. It was a martial artist who came from the nine secluded twelve countries. He saw someone actually took out two pieces. Life is coming, and it’s just a strong man who respects the six weapons. Can you **** it!

Lin Feng’s mind was moved, and the dazzling light broke out. The sword of the heavenly sword broke through the sky with lightning, and assassinated toward the other’s head. At the same time, Lin Feng turned around and stepped out, and the wind rose. The world resonates and sends out a wonderful rhythm.

"I don't know how to live and die!" Lin Feng said indifferently, the voice turned into the power of the magic spell, the eyes pierced the other pupil, the sound trembled in the other's mind, and at the same time, the breath of death came from the sky, and the moment came to the other side, as fast as lightning. .

"The land of the earth!" The man screamed, his body floating on the khaki armor, powerful and mighty.

"Life deprivation!" Lin Feng mouth spit out a sound of death, the other eye turned into a gray color, dead air, vitality, and the speed of its horror was stripped, invaded by death.

"Boom, bang!" A terrible breath suddenly bursts into abruptness. Suddenly, there are three strong men in the emptiness that rushed to Lin Feng at the same time. If lightning is fast, the killing will cover the entire void, and take the opportunity to kill Lin Feng. Although Lin Feng’s strength is terrible, the temptation of the two fate is too great. This is the fate of the key to the state of the holy city. The card is the key to the hope of the emperor. As long as they get it, they can exchange it with others. Life, in exchange for the attributes they need, so that when they step into the peak of Zunwu, if they do not have enough understanding, they can use the power of the law of life to help themselves.

It is said that possessing a life trait that fits its own attributes can increase the chances of self-certification by 30% and 30%. This is a terrible probability. For example, if they rely on themselves, only 30% of the hopes are proved, if they rely on the life of their own attributes, There is a 60% hope, more than half, the chance of the sermon is greater than the chance of failure, this temptation can be imagined.

In the eight wilderness, it is too little to be able to rely on his own talents to prove the emperor, and to seize the opportunity of life, once in a hundred years, only the covenant of the emperor, enter this ancient battlefield.

"Looking for death!" Lin Feng put the life on the right hand into the left hand, the cold pupil pierced the eyes of the person in front, the endless killing, the power of death continued to spread out, and finally, the sword of the heavenly sword penetrated the other's head. Kill the other party.

At about the same time, Lin Feng's right hand bloomed in the sky, and the footsteps stepped. Lin Feng's figure reversed, and the wind flickered, and the speed was incredible.

A glimpse of Xiaguang and blood light mixed together, a figure was directly killed, and the screams were too late to be sent.

"Hurry!" The other two people trembled, the wind's mystery and space ambiguity seemed to blend together, attached to Lin Feng's body, the strength of both kinds of ambiguity is more than six weights, making Lin Feng like a void. Force, like the power of the wind, illusory, like lightning.

There were many shadows of Lin Feng suddenly in the void, and the two strong men looked stiff and stared at each figure.

"Oh..." The blood fluttered, and a strong man burst into a sword mans behind him. He was desperate and afraid to imagine at the moment he was dying. How could it be... Why, in the back, those afterimages have been some distance from him. And there is no volatility in the void, but why it appears behind him.

The other person’s eyes were full of desperate looks, and his face was ugly to the extreme. He saw Lin Feng’s shadow coming toward himself, releasing his savage, mad attack, and trembled in the sky, but suddenly his There was a dazzling brilliance behind him, which split his body directly. Like the person just now, he didn’t know how to die.

"The esteemed person is too weak in front of Lin Feng today!" The tears of the Iraqi people and other people trembled in the heart, and they were so arrogant that they were too vulnerable, and their swords could easily be smashed away. The most horrible thing is that the sword is fast enough and his speed is fast enough.

"I still don't roll it!" Lin Feng glanced at the other people in the void, and the few people left in vain, while Lin Feng was collecting the spoils, and then spread his palms again, letting the life of the law contain the power of life. Belong to their brilliance.

As for the two previous killings, it is natural because Lin Feng used the shadow Wuhun. Now his shadow Wuhun has been evolved by the gate of the sky, and it is even quieter. Even in the shadow state, the speed will be faster. He used his own speed of terror to create the illusion that the void appeared in the sky, and his deity quietly left when the shadow was in the sky, and then he would kill.

"I haven't arrived yet!" Lin Feng waited quietly. This method was so quick to come. If he went looking for it, the vast ancient battlefield was not so easy to find people.

"Hey!" In the distance, a figure descended, and the speed was so incredible. It was a monster. When the wings were unfolded, the sky was blowing a hurricane, and a Zunwu seven-peng bird.

Lin Feng’s body suddenly disappeared in the same place, and he stepped toward the Peng bird. His eyes were cold and the dead air ran through the pupil of his opponent. The cursed scepter appeared in his hand: “The Curse of Death!”

"Boom!" The Peng bird just came over and didn't figure out what was going on, and it was passed through the eyes of the konjac. The curse came to the body, and the body of the cockroach turned into a dead gray.

"I see how hard your body is!" The cursed scepter disappeared. Lin Feng's sword fell from the sky, and the sword was killed. The sword of death cut Lin Feng's body. Sure enough, the sword seemed to be subjected to a touch of resistance, but it was still like a broken bamboo. The hard and unyielding feathers break the body of the bird and kill it.

This time, Lin Feng collected the whole body of this Peng bird together. The seven-pronged Peng birds are all treasures. The feathers are sharper than the holy ones. Lin Feng’s sword can open his body, meaning His sword can now at least open the Chinese saint.

After killing Peng Peng, Lin Feng opened his hand again, and the law continued to seduce people. He seemed to have a lot of people who wanted to kill. This is just killing a Peng bird, not enough!

Thanks to shlaogen for rewarding works 5888 by wave of coins; Xuanyuan rewards works for 10,000 by wave; God is a bird who rewards works 1888 by wave, and thanks to other brothers for rewards

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