Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1428: Leading road

"The swallowing of the death crow, let the power of death into the blood of the blood, so that understanding the death of the righteousness is more smooth." Lin Feng felt the seven-fold death of the righteousness of the body, flashed a dark meaning in the scorpion, death sin and other attacks are different, This is the mystery that can deprive others of their lives. If they are used in conjunction with the power of the curse, it will be even more terrible.

When I thought about it, Lin Feng had a few fruits in his hand. It was the magic bodhi fruit. Lin Feng threw it directly into his mouth and chewed it. With the crisp sound, the breath of the silky spirit infiltrated into the body. This is also a way to enhance the magic. The method of strength, the resources, the nature to use, the sows in the martial arts so many trees, can be wasted.

Lin Feng not only chews Bodhi, but also chews some of the mysterious fragments. He has got a lot of mysterious fragments in the Temple of Destiny. When he wants to comprehend some kind of meaning, he will cooperate with the mysterious fragments, so that he can improve himself. Faster.

"Miscellaneous birds, don't let me see you again!" Lin Feng's scorpion flashed a meaning of death, stood up and looked into the distance, but at this moment he saw two sudden appearances in the void. Pointing white light, his eyes suddenly trembled.

"Who!" Lin Feng’s death was strong, and the madness filled out. How did a monster appear again? Moreover, the monster was covered with a black robes, and his head was covered. Nothing could be seen. Two white spots are exposed, it seems to be eyelids, but it is extraordinarily demon, as if it were the eyes of a dead person.

"Hey, hehe..." The crisp sound came out from the mysterious figure, and then the black robe slowly turned around. He looked back at Lin Feng and seemed to be telling Lin Feng to follow him.

"What monster!" Lin Feng's eyes are stiff. The body hidden in the black robe is very small. It is not like a person at all, but the eyes are like dead people. There is no smell at all, but it seems to imply that he follows. Let Lin Feng have some doubts.

"You want me to follow you!" Lin Feng stepped into the void and stepped into the black robe. From a close look, he seemed to see the white bone beside the eye. This is a skeleton of death. Only one eyeball was exposed.

The black robe nodded slightly and actually could understand his words. He wanted to let him follow. This strange scene made Lin Feng’s mouth tremble slightly. After this space, the facts were all strange. There should be no real life in the space of the film. No matter whether it is a living dead or a woman, it cannot be considered to have life. The shadow of the black robe in front of the eye is obviously only a flaw. Why should he follow him? It is the power of the soul. Drive him, let him retain the consciousness of independence?

"Let's go." Lin Feng said indifferently, he would like to see, this black robe is going to take him to somewhere.

A black robe and Lin Feng fluttered in the void, which was extraordinarily weird. Seeing that the other party was too slow, Lin Feng simply placed the black robe on the giant sword and let him guide the direction. Finally, the black robe came with Lin Feng. The land of the jungle is surrounded by bushes, the old trees are towering, the ancient atmosphere, and there is a strong vitality.

On top of such a battlefield of death, it is not easy to have such a place to preserve. It is like a paradise. Every plant is fresh, life is strong, lush, and many trees in the forest are more than the outside world. Be more life.

"Is there a life frame with the power of natural law?" Lin Feng suddenly flashed a sharp edge in his eyes, as if suddenly thought that there is such a land in such an ancient battlefield full of deadness, which may mean that there is a fate here. In order to make this land contain such a strong vitality, it may be the lifeblood containing the law of life, or it may be the lifeblood containing the laws of nature.

Turning his head, Lin Feng looked at the black robe, only to see the black robe nodded slightly, affirming Lin Feng’s words, which made Lin Feng’s heart twitch slightly. What is the existence of this head, why did he bring him, and know There is a life frame with the power of law.

"Hey!" A powerful soul force will be shrouded. He is not malicious. He just wants to peek into whether the other person’s soul power is controlling all of this. The result is that Lin Feng is shocked and really has a soul. Power exists in the shackles, very secretive, if he does not carefully peep or even feel.

"Who are you?" Lin Feng stared at him, but after he finished speaking, he thought that he was also asked, and the other party could not answer him.

Seeing the sly flashing and walking to the side, Lin Feng stepped into the jungle, and the gods spread out, quietly feeling where there is a law force, and the life seems to be hidden.

"Hey!" A light from the light of Lin Feng's hand, it is a dark magic fire, slowly burning, blending the power of magic and flame.

"Burning!" Lin Feng's magic fire turned into a thousand, violently smashed out on all sides, if it is an ordinary shrub, it will incinerate under the magic fire.

"Hey!" A terrible flame of fire has been overwhelming, burning up madly, and how strong the magic fire is, the burning flame is filled and expanded, and all the vigorous vitality will be burned out. .

“嗡, 嗡!” Suddenly, the eye-catching light beam illuminates. Every ancient tree and every lychee suddenly contains a powerful life force. It seems to suddenly live, and the green light is dazzling and dazzling. At the same time, the endless plants climbed toward Lin Feng, and the speed was extremely fast, and Lin Feng was to be entangled.

"The power of law, there is really a fate born here, so that these trees have become tree demon!" Lin Fengben still has some doubts about it, but at the moment it can be sure, here is indeed hiding the life, but who is in the end Secretly control the guide to guide yourself to life?

"Oh la la la..." The terrible branches entangled, covering the sky and covering the sky, as if there were thousands of demon woods shrouded him.

"Hey!" Lin Feng's body is full of sorrowful swords, terrible, the overwhelming branches not only entangle him, but many branches like a sword, to pierce his body, want to kill him.

"Hey!" Lin Feng smashed his hands, and the sword was attached to the horrible magic fire. He screamed, the branches were constantly cut off, and Lin Feng rushed out. However, the next moment, the more terrible branches descended from the sky, and it was so terrible. I don’t know how many, it seems to be the power of the laws of nature, the commander of all plants.

"Hey!" Lin Feng's hand appeared in the cursed scepter, violently lifted up, and suddenly the curse of the sky spread out.

"The curse!"

"The curse of death!"

Lin Feng gave a cold drink, and suddenly the trees passed away, as if to become a dead object, Lin Feng’s sword once again smashed out, and the body skyrocketed and swayed. At this time, Lin Feng looked down from the sky and saw a huge old tree. Like the old tree-tree demon, it releases a dazzling green light, as if it were the king of Wanmu.

"The life is there!" Lin Feng's eyes sharpened, as if to penetrate the huge ancient tree, the roots of the ancient tree, the light is especially terrible, the fate must be there, but this guy is just a Tree, but after all, the power of the law has become the king of Wanmu, and it is not easy to get the life.

"There is a fate!" At this moment, a few figures in the distant sky flashed, and this hollow green light rushed to the sky, and people in the nearby area naturally found it, and immediately rushed over.

哗啦啦, the leaves are rolling, sprinkling to the sky, and the tree king wraps up the body and protects himself inside. Lin Feng’s body is constantly vacating, and there is no immediate looting. At this moment, many people come and can let them try their hands. .


In the distance, the wind is blowing, the golden light is shining, the world is going to compete with the green light of the rushing, and the figure in the sky is approaching to the point of horror. The golden wings of 100 meters are spread out, and the golden body is cast, and everyone is suddenly made. The scorpion is a stiff, golden-winged Dapeng bird. This guy takes the imperial device to do whatever he wants. The speed is terrible, the attack is terrible, the defense is terrible, and everything is robbed.

The icy golden scorpion swept Lin Feng and seemed to sneer with a mockery.

"Is it life again!" said the Dapeng bird, Zhang Zhang said, the body swooped down from the sky, the two hundred meters long golden wings like a sharp edge, cutting foreign objects, everything that blocks him in front of him will be The gold broke open.

The overwhelming papers all flocked to the Dapeng bird. Lin Feng smiled indifferently. He held the cursed scepter and slowly stepped on it. The body of the righteousness began to roll, and he was ready to make a fatal blow for the Dapeng bird.

"Broken, broken, broken!" Dapeng bird roared out, although the tree demon had a life in it, but he was not good at using it, and the power of this law was weak, not as terrible as the law of death, and It is a wooden property. It is restrained by the golden rule contained in the emperor's body. It can't stop the Dapeng bird. The towering old trees are constantly bursting open. The endless green light is wrapped around the wings of the Dapeng bird, but it still does not block. Staying with each other is nowhere to go.

"Just this time!" Lin Feng saw that the Dapeng bird was close to where the fate was, and the horrible darkness was released from the scorpion. The cold screamed: "Death, die, die!"

"Hey!" Lin Feng's body suddenly disappeared, and the cursed scepter slammed directly on the Dapeng bird. The terrible death curse power came to the Dapeng bird in an instant.


"Oh!" Dapeng's body instantly became dark, and the power of death was to deprive him of his life. Although he had the strongest defense and speed, the root of his life was the power of life. At this moment, he felt dying, life. To be deprived.

"Oh!" Crazy roar, as if it were the roar of death, the wings swept away and split the void.

"Hey!" Lin Feng's body disappeared suddenly. The golden wing was terrible and could kill him directly. He couldn't wait for the life of the Dapeng bird, but this time it flashed, and he let himself fall directly to where the life is. !

Ps: Amount, I haven't stayed up late for a long time, I feel a little dizzy, I am sorry to update later, the brothers continue to impact the flowers, thanks to the tomato giant once again rewarding 100,000 yuan.

Thanks to the tomato face for the reward of 100,000 laps of money; God is a bird who rewards the work 1888 by the wave of money; b7404672 rewards the work 100 by the wave of coins; the holy sword makes saber reward the works 100 by the wave of coins; Reward the works 100 by the wave of coins; jokb121 rewards the works 200 by the wave of coins, thank you brothers for your support

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