Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1424: dream

"Oh!" The horrible death gas suddenly landed in the sky. Lin Feng thought about it, holding a vast palace in his hand and burying the whole void.

Tombstones and other people saw this scene smashed, and then the tombstone shouted: "Lin Feng, you have to be careful!"

"Boom." After all, the tombstones slammed their hands toward the ground, suddenly bulging on the ground, turning into a piece of stone, burying him and the people around him, and then directly plunged into the earth, as if for the real tombstone .

"Kill!" The sword of Heaven is the eye of Lin Feng, and the sword without the body naturally will not fear the power of the law. It will be indiscriminately bombarded, madly sweeping up, and the head of the crow will burst and die, while Lin Feng will step on it. The giant sword and the hand dragged the palace and rushed outwards. The palace could stop the power of the crow to release the law.

"Hey, hey, hey!" There are always crows in the void, and the crows are overwhelming. They release the terrible law force and wrap the swords of heaven. If the sword is a flesh and blood, it will die long. return.

"It's really a tonic!" Lin Feng controlled the death sword in the sword of the gods to devour the power of death. The death power contained in these rules is terrible. Since the sword is not afraid, of course, it must be swallowed up, a head crow crazy. The fall of Lin Feng did not know how much to sweep.

"Lin Feng!" In the distance, a rolling voice whizzed, the golden glow of light came from a distance, overwhelming, illuminating the circle of tens of miles, let Lin Feng's heart tremble, is the Dapeng bird It seems that the living dead are really killed by their joint use of the emperor.

The reason why Lin Feng was separated from the teachers and brothers was that he worried that the Golden-winged Dapeng and the Qijia youth would come to revenge him. These guys had the emperor, especially the Dapeng bird. His imperial device was fast enough to run. Can't escape, there is nowhere to go to heaven.

"Blowing, smashing..." The eye-catching golden wings swept in the void, and the whole world was shrouded in golden light in an instant. All the crows were swept away and all were killed. The golden-winged Dapeng bird floated above the void. That, like a golden eye, watching Lin Feng under the sky, the devil is very incomparable.

"Lin Feng, hand over the ancient scriptures." Dapeng bird eyes filled with boundless scorpion, overlooking Lin Feng who took back the sword.

"Xiao Peng bird, this time Lao Penghuang will give you this kind of imperial treasure, if you die here, it is a pity." Lin Feng sneered.

"You can still laugh out, the deity has no time and you nonsense, give you three time, do not hand over the ancients, kill!" Peng magic screamed, the golden light sprinkled all over the sky, Lin Feng sneered: "You Is it a test of whether the ancient scriptures are on me? You won't know the answer!"

Lin Feng's voice fell, his body flashed, and he was directly immersed in the Jade Emperor's Palace. There was a loud bang, and the palace collapsed on the ground. I don't know how heavy it is.

"Yeah!" Peng Mou screamed, and the sharp golden scorpion squatted on the palace. He wanted to open the palace of the Emperor, and the sound of friction came out, and Mars overflowed. Not broken, this contains the power of the law of gold, the invincible wings can not break the palace.

"The palace of the law is condensed!" Peng devil looks cold, this guy actually has such a palace, he can't break the pure sharpness of the imperial device, unless he controls the power of the law, he can cut the palace. Come.

"Oh!" Peng magic screamed, the huge wings of the boundless fan slammed toward the palace, a loud bang, the terrible power of the palace was shaken, making the palace roll on the ground.

"Peng Devil!" In the distance, a figure whistling, the breath of the sky, the golden-winged Dapeng look a stiff, coldly glanced at the palace on the ground, then fluttered, flicking away, no one can chase Go to him.

Qi Jia's young strong man squatted on the palace and found that he couldn't open it. Then he was a sword and smashed into the void. He couldn't find no space, which made him flash a cold light, very angry. The death genre was taken away by the bastard, and his speed was too fast to catch up, and Lin Feng was hiding in the palace, leaving him helpless.

"Go!" Qijia youth screamed, and then the crowd brought by the East Emperor followed him to go and explore this space.

After Lin Feng discovered that they couldn't break the palace, they quietly cultivated for a month. After one month, when he came out, there was no one left, and they all left. There was a chance to come in once in a hundred years. You can waste, and naturally you have to explore it.

Put away the Jade Emperor Palace, Lin Feng body vacated, heading for the distance, Yu Jian on the top of the sky, overlooking the world below, dead, but there are many strange scenery.

"It's really an ancient battlefield!" Lin Feng glanced down the air. He found that the area in front of him seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember it.

"This mountain!" At this time, Lin Feng saw a series of mountains, and it was somewhat similar to the terrain of the Yunhai Mountains.

"There is also a jungle area!" Lin Feng overlooks the sky, connected to the mountains is a vast forest, which seems to be somewhat similar to the outside of the Yunhai Mountains and the Black Wind Ridge.

"How could it be like this!" The heart gave birth to doubts. Lin Feng continued to break through the sword and went to the direction of Yangzhou City. Sure enough, it didn't take long for him to see a city, although the construction of the city and the city of Yangzhou were far away. The same, but looking down from the sky, it is very similar.

This discovery made Lin Feng’s heart seem to have a strong doubt, how could it be like this.

"If I go from here, I don't need an hour to reach the imperial city of the snowy moon!" Lin Feng looked in a certain direction, then drove away the giant sword, and he secretly calculated the distance. At an hour, Lin Feng saw a city, a city that was incomparably broken, and several cities that passed through the road were very similar to Xueyueguo.

This discovery made Lin Feng’s heart tremble slightly, what is going on, why is this ancient battlefield sealed by the Emperor and the snowy country’s terrain so similar.

"Hey!" The giant sword screamed again. This time Lin Feng went in the direction of the Broken Blade City. He wanted to determine whether this ancient battlefield was the projection of the Snow Moon State. Moreover, according to the living dead, the seal The hometown of the Great Emperor is Xueyueguo, and what secrets are hidden in it.

When Lin Feng came to the Broken Blade City, he found that his guess was not wrong. There was really a city similar to the Broken Blade City. Moreover, the Broken Blades were all there, but the Scorpio was broken. Opened, there is a terrible sword.

"There is no sky sword!" Lin Feng's eyes trembled, and this broken blade was opened by a sword. The horrible sword was filled out from it, revealing the immortal breath, the lawlessness, the heaven and earth can be broken.

"There is no Heavenly Sword Emperor has come?" Lin Feng at the moment has basically been able to conclude that this ancient battlefield is indeed the same as Xueyueguo.

Lin Feng's figure flashed, standing on the edge of the broken blade, looking at the front, the cold and incomparable coffin seal, as if from the sky, cut off everything, here is the border of the snow country, but in this seal, It is like the end of the world, cut off by the coffin seal.

"After the destruction of the snowy emperor, after the destruction of the snowy moon, because of the homeland, has created a new snowy country?" Lin Feng thought so, if this is the snowy month of the ancient times, the homeland of the demon emperor, then the outside snow Where is the country of the moon?

Also, the snowy month here can only be said to be on the topography, but the architecture is completely different. For example, the place in front of the place is the location of the Broken Blade City, but the towering hall is still broken, but still imaginable. Get their former spectacular, the buildings in the city are very close and very distinctive.

"Someone!" At this time, Lin Feng saw a white figure in the distance flashing past, making his eyes slightly stiff, and then the sword moved, and went to the other side, not long after, he came to a building Before the broken old castle, he clearly saw that there seems to be a residual image here.

"Who?" Lin Feng suddenly drunk, then a white shadow floated past his eyes, and suddenly he only felt a dizzy, then slowly lay down, to fall asleep.

When Lin Feng lay down, he felt himself lying on a soft body. The other hand’s palm seemed to gently touch his cheek. He tried to open his eyes and see each other’s face, but he found himself doing it. At the end, I still couldn’t resist and fell asleep.

This is like dreaming. Lin Feng made a long dream. In the dream, he saw the horrible war of destroying the earth and destroying the land. Countless strong people fell, and the terrible killing power made people feel terrified. He felt the powerless feeling. He witnessed this terrible battle. He seemed to feel his own weakness. Lin Feng was crazy cultivation and fighting in the dream. This kind of madness seemed to last for a whole year, and his cultivation became more and more. Powerful, his ignorant power has made progress, this dream is so real, as if it was experienced personally.

Thanks to Zhang Ping _52401 for rewarding works 1888 by wave of coins; zhang1368465 for rewarding works 100 by wave of coins, thank you

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