Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1191: Warrior desire

Xue Baiyao watched his own door was killed by Lin Feng, and his heart moved slightly, but soon he returned to calm. The people of the martial arts, beware of iron.

Lin Feng and her brothers have no right or wrong, in the world of martial arts, what is right, what is wrong?

None of them, the world of strength, the strength, on behalf of everything, her brothers have tried to slay Lin Feng several times, if they are stronger than Lin Feng, they can kill Lin Feng, but they are not as good as Lin Feng, so Lin Feng wants to marry them, this is a matter of course. Even her, can not stop Lin Feng today.

"Back to Tianzhu Xianyu, I should retreat well, practice Xiangong, and inspire the potential of the body of Xianling!" Xue Biyao said in the heart, this city of destiny has a great impact on her, I thought it was a cross. Into the heaven and the martial arts, but also the body of the fairy, the world can go, but in the city of destiny, especially here, there are too many strong, one by one talent horror.

Lin Feng alone made her unforgettable. Before she entered the city of destiny, she only needed to suppress the cultivation in Tianwu Wuzhong and Lin Feng. Although she lost, she will be reduced to triple the realm. What about today? In just a few months of the city of destiny, it is indeed enough to change the fate of some people's lives. Now, even if she is fully committed to fighting with Lin Feng, I am afraid it will still be defeated.

Lin Feng, who is only in the realm of Tianwu, has already mastered the power of several kinds of esoteric, which is amazing!

At this moment, there are not many people who dare to play Lin Feng’s idea. Except for those young and powerful who have realized the power of the righteousness, under the ups and downs, perhaps no one can fight with Lin Feng.

Ten enchanting, a few people are eager to make a difference, and there is not much interest. The strength of Lin Feng just makes them slightly a little surprised. Of course, that's all. Tian Feng's six-fold Lin Feng, even if he controls several kinds of esoteric forces, How can they, they also control several kinds of ups and downs, and the understanding and application of the righteousness is deeper than Lin Feng. Now Lin Feng is not a threat to them, so it just makes them curious, but if they say Lin Feng Opponents, still can't talk about, the opponents in their eyes, only the same as the top ten enchanting characters.

Finally, one day, the top ten enchanting will be divided, but not now, the city of destiny, not finished, the four destiny temples still stand there, their eyebrows are dazzling, lifeless, still useless, prophet It has not yet appeared, and it is not yet time for the competition.

However, there are still many people who have expressed interest in Lin Feng, such as the tears of the immortals and the monks of the Tianleiyin Temple, the monks who asked the Tiange in the middle of the country, the Qi Tianqi in the East, and the black mountains in the South.

Lei Yao and Longteng went to the Temple of Destiny with the great devils. Although they showed strong murder to Lin Feng, now it seems that they have not been able to kill Lin Feng. Now, they urgently need strong strength.

Lei Yao is a demon queen, dark gold Thunderbird, as long as he gives him time, he will be able to kill Lin Feng.

Longteng, also believes that as a dragon, he will not be worse than anyone, Yu Linfeng, sooner or later, Lin Feng is his murderer.

"Come out!" Lin Feng's eyes slowly turned, and eventually, fell on the clan's desire: "Are you still not ready to shoot?"

The sage wanted to be cold and with a touch of evil laughter. "You really surprised me, but if you really think you can deal with me, I am afraid you will be disappointed!"

After all, the footsteps of the sages slowly stepped out, not afraid of Lin Feng!

"Be careful, this lover's desire is the genius master of human desire heaven. It is very powerful to cultivate a person's desires and evil spirits. In the past, he has realized the power of the wind and the power of the soul, directly affecting people's minds, I Seeing that he stepped into the ruined river, perhaps, now he has control of the soul."

猿飞传音林枫, reminded a voice, let Lin Feng feel amazed, this person wants to be extremely sinister, has been using others to shoot, at this moment, stand up, I am afraid there is a strength to fight.

"Kill!" A cold sound spit out, there is no need to say anything more, the sword of the heavens stabbed straight out, the thunder and lightning rolled, and a smashing Rayman spit out, like a crouching Thunder Dragon.

"The whirlpool of the wind!" The clan wanted to sip coldly, and suddenly the power of the wind turned into a terrible whirlpool, and everything was involved, and the rolling thunder and lightning were swallowed in, and a horrible sound came from the thunder. The Thunder-like electric mansions disappeared with the vortex, and the sword of the heavenly sword cut through everything, and it was necessary to kill the sect.

However, at this time, the sects wanted to move with the wind, and they had already crossed the sword of the heavens. It was like Dapeng spreading its wings. From the top of the nine days, Lin Feng was thrown straight, and the palm of his hand was pulled out. It seemed that there was a huge wind blade. In two paragraphs.

The ups and downs of the wind can not only increase the speed, but also control the power, can keep, can make the speed like the wind, the clan wants to control the wind's righteousness, obviously very skilled, the huge boundless wind blade has space They are hunting.

"Tear!" Lin Feng spit out a word, the force of space torn the void, tearing the incomparably huge wind blade, while the thunder of thunder and thunder, the void burst.

"Kill!" Heavenly sword went back and returned, the space screamed, mad thunder.

"Human desire!" The clan wants to be cold and shouted. Lin Feng saw the evil eyes and his heart trembled. It was like a fire in the soul. There was a desire in the scorpion. The flame was burning, and it seemed to be lost.

"Fane outside the road!" Lin Feng's sun flames suddenly burned in madness, the power of the fire, washing all evil, at the same time, the golden body flickering, Lin Feng's body seems to have the light of Buddhism, the nine turn Buddha magic seems to be from the three magical The stripping or derivation is very useful for the former Lin Feng, but with the increasing strength, the nine-turn Buddha magic has been far from satisfying Lin Feng’s appetite. He needs a higher-order powerful Buddha magic.

But washing the evil spirits in the heart, the power of the Buddha, still can play some role.

"Dementing!" The clan wants to roar, Lin Feng only feels the soul tremble, as if involuntarily, unable to extricate themselves.

"Not good!" Fei Fei and others looked a stagnation, and the sage wanted to suppress Lin Feng in the realm. This roar contains the power of the soul, and the strength is very strong. Lin Feng’s realm is low and must be lost.

However, Lin Feng just woke up in a blink of an eye, with clear consciousness and the same screaming. It was like a madman flurry and danced toward the sect. At the same time, Lin Feng’s palm contained thunderstorms, space tears and tyrannical flames. , 斩 to the sage desire.

"Hey...Boom!" The sound of the horror of the collision came out, the space was violent, and the bodies of the two men were at the touch of the eye. The sect wanted not to take the opportunity of Lin Feng’s counterattack, but took the wind and stabilized his body. His The palm of the hand shivered slightly. The power just seemed to be cracking off his palm. Fortunately, he broke Lin Feng in the realm. Otherwise, the palm of his hand would be smashed.

"It's not that comprehension is more powerful than others. It's more powerful than it is, and it can't use the power of the righteousness. Even if you control more of the righteousness, what is the use?" The clan wants to be shocked by Lin Feng's strength, but in his mouth. It’s proud to say that it’s like learning Lin Feng.

"Hey, the sage wants, you can say that this is really shameless. If Lin Feng has your realm, you will be familiar with the control of the righteousness, and you will be killed!" Fei Fei sounded like a thunder, cold and cold.

"Yes, my people want to work, but they have not fully released." The clan wants to rebel.

"Don't be self-proclaimed, who doesn't know who your ancestors want, if you have the chance, you will kill Lin Feng, you can't do it, you can't do it."

Lin Feng, the dialogue between the two, listened to his ear, and his face showed a faint smile. It seemed that he didn’t care about the war. Wushu, unless practice, only the battle can make people grow up. In the middle of the battle, it is Wushu. path of.

Lin Feng certainly does not think that he can understand a few kinds of ambiguity and can despise all geniuses. If it is miscellaneous and not refined, what is the use? It is better not to understand the power of the righteousness. It is only the first step. Next, we must make real use. The power of the righteousness to play the most powerful value of each kind of righteousness is what he needs to do. The same kind of power is exerted in the hands of different people. The power gap is huge. Otherwise, how to distinguish between the two Genius and mediocrity.

"I just had a battle with the sect, and no one has won. In fact, I have suffered a bit. If it is not a powerful soul, but also a deterrent of the sword, even if the esoteric power is more controlled than he is, it will still be defeated. But this is not enough to explain anything, just because my realm is lower than him, and there is the power of the righteousness that I have just realized. I am not skilled, and the strength I exert is not strong!"

Lin Feng analyzed in his heart and learned some useful experience from this battle. He will be able to score a stronger point in the next battle. If he does not know how to analyze and understand, how can he grow and become stronger.

"Now I can't kill you, but I still want to thank you. The next time I meet, I will use the means you told me to get rid of you!"

Lin Feng looked at the sages and said indifferently. The calm voice was filled with strong self-confidence, which seemed to come from the bones and from the soul.

The brow of the sage's desire was slightly wrinkled, and he used his means to kill him?

(One more flower)

(One more flower)

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