Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1172: Peeking at the ancient city

The remaining three bodies are stiff in the same place, without going forward, the nine-powered thunder will, and the Chinese paintings of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred Even without any shaking, Lin Feng, his body is too horrible. .

"Tianlei 斩!" A roar came, only to see that the demon and the thunder drums seem to be integrated into one, blending into a thundering thunder, and like a terrible sword of lightning, the thunder of thunder and lightning, toward Lin Feng was killed.

Lin Feng Fang Tian's paintings slammed fiercely and rumbling, and all of them were all horrible thunder and lightning. The terrible purple lightning broke apart and spread out on both sides of Fang Tian's paintings. That makes Lin Feng's body covered with horrible lightning.

Lin Feng brows up, this horrible Baizhang Leimang is just a brilliance released by the assassination of the lightning sword, a suffocating thunder and lightning shrouded the whole body, just now his sword is in this horror The amount of lightning power was repulsed.

The purple thunder of the body is madly rolling, Lin Feng is all infused in the right hand, and firmly holds Fang Tian's paintings.

Lin Feng’s arm trembled a little, and suddenly there seemed to be a horrible world of earth and earth. The Fang Tian paintings, with unparalleled power, assassinated the thunderbolt sword of the thunder drum.

"Boom!" The power of thunder and lightning runs through the sky and the earth. It is like a demon snake dancing, and the raging dragon turns over the river. The other three people are shocked and look at this scene. It is terrible. The heavens and the earth are penetrated by lightning, and the ground is non-stop. The torn, the two men's body retreat at the same time, Lin Feng screamed and killed, and in an instant, the sword of the heavens came back, and the demon smashed.

The body of the demon emptied in an instant, lightning fast, rushing into the sky, endless thunder and lightning wrapped around him, crazy roar, like the thunder in the sky, condescending, overlooking Lin Feng.

"When I am cultivating the power of the righteousness, come and kill you, bang!" The thunder is also knocking the thunder drum, a thunderbolt slamming from the sky, slamming on the sword of the heavenly sword, and even seeing the demon wings spread out, flying Go, killing the sky, the wild meaning is very strong, hateful, and now he alone faces Lin Feng, can not kill.

"When you understand the power of lightning, maybe it is when I kill you." Lin Feng looked at the body of the demon, and spit out a cold sound in his mouth. He could see everything about the demon at the cost of 200,000 lives. Some ordinary opportunities are worth it. If the demon encounters a great opportunity, he will rush to **** it.

Lin Feng turned his eyes and looked at the other three. At this moment, his nephew had the meaning of sharp purple thunder, so that the three could not help but trembled.

"Your martial arts six-strong breath, the ability to fight the demon, drive him away, people admire, still do not know your name, I hope to enlighten me?"

"The strength of Xiongtai is strong. If he has the opportunity to ask for advice."

At this point, the two of the three men smiled and opened their mouths and showed good to Lin Feng. Obviously, they were afraid of the fighting power that Lin Feng had just shown.

"Why is it necessary for him to have a chance today? Just now you are not ready to ask for advice!" Lin Feng's sharp lightning scorpion swept a few people, and the sword was held in his hand.

"Why should a brother be a squatter? The three of us will not be afraid of you, and we will take a step back and do not deceive too much." One of them chilled and chilled.

Lin Feng’s stepping method stepped out, and if lightning was lightning, the sword in the hand swallowed Raymond and smashed it toward the other side. The man’s eyes suddenly condensed, the palm of his hand trembled, and a huge ice and palm print was blasted. To be frozen.

The sword of the heavenly sword crossed, and the ice was destroyed under the thunder and lightning. Then Lin Feng’s hand trembled slightly, and the sword of heaven was drawn from the sky. A very ten-footed thunder and lightning thundered to the other side, and it was incredible. The man wanted to resist. However, I heard a terrible sound coming from the bang, and the body collapsed and was directly killed by lightning.

The sword of the soul of the sword is condensed, and the demon is not afraid to pick it up. What's more, these people can kill a sword. The strength of these people is still worse.

"Kill!" Lin Feng spit out, the sword of the sky, the hand out, and the second person to kill, the horror purple lightning that swallowed out unstoppable, instantly slammed on the other side, he won him The hair is erected, and then the sword of the heavens penetrates his body and kills it.

The last person turned to escape, but saw a cold light flashing in Lin Feng’s voice.

"The soul curse!"

The power of an invisible curse landed toward the other side, perhaps because of fear, the other party did not feel the power of the curse, and the soul was cursed, the mind was confused, the mind was unclear, and the sword of the past was chased. ,dead.

Lin Feng is not stifling, so when he snatches his life, he is only a threat of intimidation. He will never easily kill people. But if someone is eager to see his treasures and wants his life, this kind of person can not be embarrassed.

The seven-color cyan vertical stripes lie in Lin Feng's eyebrows, killing five people in succession. At this moment, his life points are close to 700,000.

Feeling the power of this vast life, Lin Feng put away the sword of the heavens, stepped out of the footsteps, went straight to the Temple of Destiny, and entered the Temple of Destiny. He did not hesitate to spend 200,000 lives, open the eyes of the sky. Once again, one person is a phoenix.

Lin Feng has no intentions to peek at the phoenix. At least for now, his relationship with Feng Yu is not bad. If the other party has any adventures, he will not rob, but if he sees a person, he will have more than one eye. He can pass the phoenix. I saw her experience. If she really found the spring of life, Lin Feng still had to look at it, and perhaps Feng Qi could meet what he was interested in.

Out of the Temple of Destiny, Lin Feng already has unparalleled eyes, dreams, phoenixes, blacks, enchanting youths and thunder demons. They are sharing their own opinions to him, which is better than his own in the Temple of Destiny. More, if he hadn't peeked at the demon, he couldn't win the other's Leizhu, so he would become a sword soul.

Walking in the ancient city, Lin Feng is extraordinarily leisurely at the moment. He is constantly looking for opportunities. None of the five people he traces are ordinary people. The city of destiny can change people's destiny. If it is doomed, some of the five will definitely go to the end, so in the dark peeping at them, Lin Feng can faintly know what is going on in this ancient city.

And he himself, why not use this time, save his life, and silently improve his strength.

"Go!" Lin Feng thought of a move, suddenly the sword of the heavens broke through the space, rushed to the sky, and flew away in the distance. In a blink of an eye, he left the sight of Lin Feng and continued to fly and explore in this ancient city. However, everything he explores will be shared with Lin Feng, and Lin Feng’s powerful connection with the sword of the sky, sword, can’t be lost, and the sword is also his eyes.

Lin Feng’s deity is a quiet walk in this ancient city. At this time, there is a blue-colored monster in front of Lin Feng, a cow-shaped, four-legged sturdy, but with cyan wings. This monster is in the ancient city. Every step is taken out, the earth is cracked, and Lin Feng’s body is also fluctuated with the trembling of the ground. If this horrible monster is stepped on, it can crush many people directly.

The forehead of this monster is three cyan vertical stripes, 300,000 life!

When the gaze of the beast turned, the incomparably huge cyan scorpion stared at Lin Feng, and let Lin Feng give birth to a sense of chill, especially bleak.

Lin Feng thought of a move, a glimpse of the killing bloom, straight to the horror monster.

"咚, 咚, 咚..." The earth cracked, and the horrible monster went straight to Lin Feng. The huge four hoofs made four big holes on the ground every time, and the horror was extremely extreme.

Lin Feng does not need to flash, the body has actually rushed out toward the monsters, every time when they step out, there is a terrible world of heaven and earth in the convergence of the power, very incomparable, imposing.

"Kill!" Lin Feng smashed out with a fist, the box contains the horror Rayman, and all his physical strength.

"Rumble!" It seems that the body that has to penetrate all the fists and the monsters collided with the horrible collision, the earth cracked, tearing out a horrible rift, thunder and lightning wrapped around the horrible demon, let the other body Flashing purple light, slightly twitching.

"Killing, killing, killing..." Lin Feng’s fist trembled three times in a row, three times and three times to recover. The thunder will be the flame will, the will of the kendo will be released, tearing everything, the demon will make a shock, the buildings in the distance seem to be Shaking, but in the end, the body of the beast twitched, softly lying down, life is attributed to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng glanced at his fist and was quite satisfied. He experienced the body of the five thunder, and it was indeed more powerful and able to compete with the horror monster.

Stepping on the body of this powerful monster, Lin Feng continued to move forward, preparing to hunt down the next prey, plundering his life, and tempering his own strength. At the same time, his eyebrows seemed to have many eyes watching everything happening in all directions. And his heavenly sword is still flying in the void, watching this ancient city!

Ps: A person stays up late and the code is blameless. Can the brothers give me some enthusiasm? I will continue to struggle! !

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