Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1169: Terror Ray

"The future things, who knows!" Lin Feng said with a smirk, only to see a piece of debris in the hands of Feng Yu, which is full of horrible life force, Feng Yu put it in the mouth, actually directly into the mouth In the middle of her body, it seems that the power of life is endless. //Visit download txt novel //

It seems that I saw the strange color in Lin Feng’s eyes. Feng Xiao said: “This is the mysterious fragment of life. In this ancient city, there are many strange areas, which may give birth to the mysterious fragments, such fragments and the crystal of the righteousness. Different, the crystal of the righteousness can be used to comprehend the power of the righteousness. It seems to be used for cultivation. This kind of mysterious piece contains the power of the original meaning of the original meaning. It can be directly refining or swallowing and flowing into the body, so that Wu Xiu can really feel it. It seems that the power of the righteousness is born."

Lin Feng’s scorpion flashed a sharp color. It seems that this esoteric shard is much more precious than the Orthodox Crystal. He once saw that the enchanting youth took a similar piece from the turtle bird and refining it. That should be The fragments of the flames of the righteousness are different from the means of refining the phoenix, and the phoenixes are swallowed directly.

"If Wu Xiu is close to the peak of the will, then take the mysterious fragments and feel the power of the righteousness. It will greatly help to understand the meaning of the righteousness." At this time, the wounds on Feng Qi have been healed, showing the power of life. If Feng Qi understands the meaning of life, I am afraid that it will not only save people from healing, but also prolong the life of people.

"We saw a natural vision at the periphery of the Five Elements, and there was a spring of life. Maybe in this area, you can try to find it." Fengqi is both an ancient phoenix, the power of fire, the power of life. There may be other forces, and the spring of life will be very important for Fengqi.

"I will try to find, but the holy water of life spring water, can kill human bones and bones, I am afraid it is not so easy to find, and the outer vision of the void is not simple, there is no place in the wonders." In addition to the spring of life, there are also ghost rivers, which are all places of terror.

"萱姐姐." At this moment, a crisp sound came out, and I saw a girl in a red dress with a fiery red dress flying in the distance. The woman was dressed in a particularly refreshing, eye-catching flash of light, ages around fifteen or six. It is also a beautiful embryo, and there are already fish and geese.

"Linger!" Feng Wei saw the woman shouting and shook her head: "Who will let you down the mountain."

"The teacher is eccentric, I will let you go down the mountain, I can't sneak out!" Feng Ling said with a smile, the beautiful eyes fell on Lin Feng's body, stunned a few times, smiled: "Hey sister, you will not……"

"Don't mess around." Feng Xiao took a look at Feng Ling and pointed to Lin Fengdao: "Lin Feng, this is my sister, Feng Ling."

"You sisters, don't know how many people to marry." Lin Feng said with sincerity, Feng Yan is one of the four beautiful women in the eight wilderness. Her sister Feng Ling, listening to the conversation between the two, is afraid that she has just entered the mountain and entered the WTO. With this kind of beauty, after another one or two years, its rhyme is not going to fall under the phoenix.

Moreover, this Fengling, who is so young, can enter this area alone. Her strength is not as simple as the innocence.

"Lin Feng." Feng Ling looked at Lin Feng, smiled and said: "I tell you, there are many people who call my sister's idea!"

"Amount..." Lin Feng smiled bitterly, but this little girl is completely different from Feng Qi.

"Well?" At this time, Lin Feng flashed a sharp edge in his eyes, and then turned into a smile.

"I still have something to say." Lin Feng nodded slightly to the Phoenix, and then his body flickered and went straight to the direction of the Temple of Destiny.

"This guy, can't understand the pity and cherish the jade, but he doesn't know the flower protection." Feng Ling saw Lin Feng leave, spit out his tongue, and provoked a white eye. Why did Lin Feng suddenly go so urgent?

Lin Feng came to the Temple of Destiny, condensed the image of the demon, and then passed it on to the old man, saying: "I also drive to the side of his 10,000 meters, and hide all the breath, including the life force in the life."

For today's Lin Feng, some of the life, the house will be abandoned, and now, is the moment to seize power.

"Hey!" Lin Feng's body disappeared. After a while, he appeared in a rolling thunderstorm area. The horrible thunder power raged in every part of the space, and in front of him, there was a figure there, Ray. Demon, he found this lightning area.

In front of the demon, there is a huge purple bead, and the endless thunder and lightning are released from the thunder, forming this lightning area, and even Lin Feng clearly sees it, in the purple thunder, Sometimes it will burst out of the thunder.

"Heavy treasure!" Lin Feng's heart trembled. When he saw the scene of the Lei Yao, he would immediately come here. At this moment, his breath was completely hidden, and he used the shadow Wuhun. The Lei Yao did not find him. Staring at the Rays in front of me.

It is a treasure of terror that can create lightning areas and crack the thunderbolt of lightning.

At this time, another person came over. This person was attached to the thunder and lightning, and the power of the surrounding lightning could not hurt him.

"This is no longer a piece of lightning, and it can breed the thunderbolt of lightning debris." The man sighed, his eyes were extremely hot, such a good place, was even the first step to be found by the demon.

"Ley demon, what are you waiting for?" The man shouted at the thunder in front of him, and saw the demon slammed back. The demon scorpion swept him and said: "I am waiting for him to breed some thunder. Oyi debris, swallow it again, people who want to grab me, kill!"

The demon scorpion is full of dark gold and purple awnings, sharp and boundless, revealing the wild demon.

"Swallow him, are you saying?" The man looked horrified, but he saw the demon nodded. "Yes, this is a demon's inner dan, I found out that this is God's will, swallowed up. He, I am a demon statue, now, you guard me outside, no one is allowed to step in."

The man's look is stiff, and the demon's hegemony is notorious, wild is very strong, so it is called the demon.

"You can rest assured that after I swallow him, you will protect the law for me. After the event, I will reward you with ten pieces of thunder. In addition, even if I don't become a demon, I will reach the peak of the demon, who dares to provoke me. ”

In the eyes of the demon, there is a thunder and lightning in the air, and the domineering sky, the person’s heart is slightly trembled, his strength is also very strong, and Tianwu is a heavy repair, but if this is a demon lord, it is a dark gold. Thunderbird's Lei Yao is absolutely the most suitable, he is also a demon, if it is swallowed the demon of the Lei Neidan, the repair will definitely advance by leaps and bounds, at least, will all enter the nine-level heavenly demon.

"If I am defending the law for you, you will kill me!" The man questioned that his combat power is not as good as that of the demon, and that the other party is afraid of some powerful treasures. If he wants to grab it, it is impossible, only to retreat, For the demon guardian, the other party sent him lightning debris.

"My Lei Yao said one thing, I will care about a few pieces of lightning debris in the district, you promised not to agree." Lei demon looks sharp like a knife, a purple lightning thunder from his body, like a thunder.

The man squinted and indulged for a moment, then nodded and said: "Okay, I am protecting the law for you!"

After all, his body walked outside the lightning area.

"Remember, before I step out, anyone will come in and kill innocent, otherwise if someone disturbs me, I will kill you." The demon is domineering, letting the other person bite his teeth, but his steps are still firm.

After the man left, the demon sneaked another thunder net, covering the whole piece of emptiness, but the sharp scorpion was faintly faint.

These are all in the eyes of Lin Feng. This guy is strong and overbearing, but it is not so easy to swallow this demon-rated lightning inner Dan. The last time Lin Feng saw the horror of a demon dragon. Although Neidan is definitely not as good as the demon dragon, but it is not a thing, it is difficult to get close.

Therefore, Lin Feng is not in a hurry. If the demon can do it, he will already start. He will not stand here and wait for a while, and will force the person to protect him for the law.

I saw the demon-minded thoughts, and suddenly a picture scroll appeared in the void. In an instant, the rolling lightning was swallowed into the scroll, which was able to absorb the power of lightning.

Soon, the scrolls descended over the lightning inside Nei Dan, swallowing the amount of horrible thunder power in and out of Nei Dan, and at this time, the body of the demon went to the Thunderbolt.

After getting closer, the demon stunned and sat down with his hands, and suddenly he was horrible thunder and lightning, even as if there were terrible thunder in the sky, he was directly on his body.

"Hey..." A enchanting, Lei Yao fluttered in purple, the horror of the horror, and his breath is increasing in madness.

"He is using the ban, forcing his own strength, so that he can swallow the inner Dan." Lin Feng looked trembled, and as he guessed, the demon wants to swallow Nedan, it can't be that simple, he The body can't stand it.

Ps: No accident, there will be five more today!

(One more flower)

(One more flower)

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