Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1134: Old man

It’s not easy to write a book without a trace – a capable friend can subscribe to the flowers and free tickets, so he can be motivated.

By wave genuine link:

For the author of this book, there is no trace of flowers, seeking rewards, seeking clicks, all kinds of demands! ! !

Lin Feng glanced at the sword of the sky that jumped on the shoulder of the other side. The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, but he still sat down. His heart always felt uncomfortable. He was close to the sword of heaven, which was going to devour his soul. Maybe As long as the old man has a thought, he will become a sword slave.

"Do not worry, this sword does not want to be a human, and he just merged with your magic soldier, and he also brought a breath of yours, and even more willing to replace you as a sword slave." The old man whispered, It seems that I want Lin Feng to let go of my heart. Lin Feng smiled and nodded. He couldn’t worry about it.

“How did the predecessors know that he didn’t want to be a person?” Lin Feng asked.

"Cough!" The old man coughed a little, and the old lady became more obvious. Then he raised his head and smiled at Lin Feng with a smile: "I am older, let Xiaoyou laugh, although I am just a widowed old man who wipes the sword. But in this sword, I have been waiting for a hundred years, that is to say, I am accompanying these swords, there are hundreds of years, how many days and nights, it can be said that, besides the innocent swordsman itself, no one is more than me. Know them, their emotions, I can easily understand."

"A hundred years!" Lin Feng looked at the old man deeply. Is this really just an ordinary old man? With these swords of spirits in the sword for centuries, it is no wonder that even the sword of heaven is so close to him.

"That's it, just now, why did he shoot at me." Lin Feng glanced at the sword of the sky, and saw the sword twitching slightly, scared Lin Feng slightly smashed, this guy is threatening him...

"Oh, this sword is naughty, you don't want to be a little friend." The old man smiled and shook his head: "The swordsman, only know that this is the sword of the swordsman, he thinks that he is a matchless soldier, but ignores the condensed time of the sword soul, no Tianjianhuang uses this sword, and the time to condense the sword soul is not long lost. Therefore, in a sense, this sword soul is like a child of a human being, with naughty characteristics."

"Naughty..." Lin Feng was speechless, a peerless soldier used by the Sword Emperor, the old man actually used the two words of naughty to describe, this is really speechless, the people of the sword, dare to be the sword of the swordless Are children looking at it?

"The people in the sighing swords are all good at swords, but they don't understand the sword itself. They only know that with the power of the sword, they even want to make the little friends a container, as a sword slave." The old man sighed and shook his head: "However, Although the soul of the sword is like a urchin, he has his own life after all. He knows many things. For example, the sword court is the descendant of the swordless emperor. Therefore, when the strong had a slap in the past, he also shot. However, it is precisely because of this that the Jiange is more likely to find the sword slave, the little friend was unfortunately selected, and this little guy, although not willing. But for the sword queen, still want to help them complete the mission."

"Oh..." The sword of the heavens made a whimpering sound, like a sorrow, letting Lin Feng look sluggish. Is it really like the old man said, the sword of heaven, just want to help the sword to complete their mission, accept His container has become the dominant body of his body?

"Predecessors, if that's the case, then?" Lin Feng asked.

"Oh..." The old man sighed again and shook his head constantly. It seemed to be very disappointing: "The people of Jiange, who think they are sword queens, think they are good at swords, but in fact, they are all swordsmen, they don't know swords. Not equipped with a sword, not even with the sword of the sword!"

Not equipped with a sword?

If someone from the outside world hears that the sword is not worthy of a sword, it will be scornful. However, for an old man who has accompanied the sword of the sword for centuries, Lin Feng can't refute it. Maybe he himself does not know the sword like the sword.

"For so many years, they have tried to control the sword for countless times, let the sword sweep the world for them, but the sword with the sword soul once belonged to the sword of the innocent sword, so they can make it. They didn't deal with the sword at all, didn't let them really understand the sword, but just wanted to use the sword to exert a powerful power and enhance their combat power. Later, they thought of the stupid means of looking for a sword slave. You appeared on that day. This little guy just showed that you were listening to his emotions, so he showed some unusual places. Therefore, the person in the swordhouse thinks that he has chosen you as a sword slave, but he does not know the sword, but it is also messy. Measure the mind of the sword!"

In this short time, Lin Feng did not know how many voices the old man sighed and how many heads he shook. Perhaps the old man was too disappointed with Jiange.

"Predecessors are not the people of Jiange?" Lin Feng asked curiously.

"No, I am just a person who sweeps the floor, the people of Jiange, where can I see me, even they don't even know where I am." The old man responded.

Lin Feng’s heart is dark, if it’s true, as the old man said, the people of Jiange’s house do have eyes and no beads. To take a step back, even if the old man is really not strong, he will rely on the experience of the hundred years with the sword. The comprehension has already surpassed the scope of the Jiange strongman's comprehension. I am afraid that in the vast swords, only the old man can make this heavenly sword obedient. This is a terrible wealth, but the sword pavilion is not found. This point, instead thinking of making him a sword slave.

"You should also repair the sword for the younger friend?" the old man asked Lin Feng.

Lin Feng shrugged. In the eyes of the old man, the people in the sword court did not match the sword. Where did he dare to say that he was repairing the sword.

"The younger generation did not dare to recognize the sword." Lin Feng smiled bitterly.

"You don't have to be arrogant, even if you are not strong, but you have motivated this little guy. It has proved that you are much better than those who are arrogant. They can't do this. You are better suited to repairing swords than they are." The old man’s words made Lin Feng feel somewhat flattered. “Maybe the younger generation is just lucky.”

"Old life, I have lived for most of my life, never believe in luck, heaven and earth produce everything, existence is the truth, luck is a part of strength, release the kendo will of your body to me." The old man denied Lin Feng's words.

"Good." Lin Feng nodded, then stood up and stepped back toward the back. The eight-way kendo will blooms at this moment without any cover, and the sword is whistling in the world. The other swords in the swordsman also screamed.

"The repair of Tianwu Wuzhong, the eight-way kendo will, is not bad, come over." The old man recalled Lin Feng and asked: "Do you know about the sword?"

"I just want to ask the seniors." Lin Feng shook his head, he knew that he did not know much about the sword.

"Do you think that when your kendo will reach its peak, what kind of power will it turn into?" The old man asked.

"The righteousness of the sword?" Lin Feng whispered.

"The endlessness of the righteousness is different according to the comprehension of human beings. There are water and fire, righteousness, gold and wood, righteousness, thunder and lightning, the righteousness of the wind, the mystery of space, the ignorance of the mystery, the reincarnation of the righteousness, the inexhaustible, but you listen. Have you said the righteousness of the sword? What is the meaning of the sword? What about the sword? The sword will do it!"

"There is no sword of the righteousness?" Lin Feng looks a stiff, he is also thinking, what is the meaning of the sword?

"Understanding the true meaning of the wind, people's speed is like a wind, turning into a rapid; comprehending the flames of the righteousness, making people attack like a fire, burning the world; comprehending the ages, making people glory, feeling the passage of life; but, if you understand the sword What is the righteousness?" The old man asked again, Lin Feng was silent.

What is the meaning of the sword? Is it a sword? Is it a killing? Will the kendo will come to an end, there is no way forward?

But why do many people admire the sword repair, the sword attack repair is terrible, the more the sword repair, the more horrible?

Lin Feng found that his understanding and cultivation of kendo was caught in a misunderstanding.

When the old man saw Lin Feng’s silence, he could not help but reveal a faint smile. He said: “It seems that you are not born into a big force. It is very valuable to climb into the Tianwu Wuzhong realm by your own age. Now, your cultivation has been completed to Tianwuwu. Heavy, you should also understand some of the supernatural powers of the Sayādaw."

"You don't understand the kendo road, then I ask you, do you know more about the Sayādaw?" the old man asked.

"Supreme, understand the power of the righteousness!" Lin Feng responded.

"Whose one of the sages only understands the power of a kind of righteousness?"

"Nature people are not limited." Lin Feng replied.

"Yes, it is true that the people who have entered the sages are in the same realm, but the gap may be a world of difference. The gap between them is many times larger than that of Tianwu. The difference lies in how many kinds of ignorant power they have realized. Is the strength of the understanding of the righteousness itself strong, for example, is a person who is good at ordinary syllabus comparable to a strong person who is good at the strength of the years?"

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