Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1132: Sword slave

It’s not easy to write a book without a trace – a capable friend can subscribe to the flowers and free tickets, so he can be motivated.

By wave genuine link:

For the author of this book, there is no trace of flowers, seeking rewards, seeking clicks, all kinds of demands! ! !

No one expected this to happen. When everyone was insane, a mysterious force took out a powerful sacred device and swallowed Lin Feng directly, then stepped on it into the already-arranged transmission sacred array and left. Here, the other party is coming to Lin Feng. When the strongmen from the rooftops are all shot, they give the final blow, and they immediately leave with a blow.

"It's them!" The crowd thought of the mysterious forces that threatened Tianzhu Xianyu on that day. They had long been guilty of Lin Feng, and apparently they had been preparing for it. Moreover, this force even dared to threaten Tianzhu Xianyu. The forces that have been manifested today are indeed terrible. Everyone has fought a battle in vain. The main character Lin Feng has been taken away. The dead people are also dead, and they have made a wedding dress.

I don't know who took Lin Feng, but after this battle, Lin Feng will know for everyone. The same realm defeated the sacred woman of Tianzhu Xianyu. This is a record worthy of pride. Maybe, if he is not dead, In the prophecy of the City of Destiny, there will be his name.

Also, Lin Feng’s wife, the demon-like demon-like demon, is so beautiful, it is completely comparable to the four beautiful women in the eight wilderness, and even faintly surpasses the trend, perfect to no flaws, her black hair at the moment Flying, the air of the holy fairy enveloped the whole body, the meaning of the frost makes people think of Lin Feng, the tears in the corner of the eye are heartbreaking, can not help but want to help her erase.

"Hey!" The radiance of the sacred celestial glory shrouded the body of the dream, and the effect of the drug became more and more intense. It seemed to inspire a strange power in her body, such as dreams and perfection.

"What kind of monster is she?" Many muttered, guessing that they had never heard a demon like a fairy.

Even the Fengqi and Xuebaiyao at the moment are all lost, they feel faint, and another person who is as dazzling as they are, is about to be born, not only has the face of the world, but also has a horrible talent, which will be very noble. The demon world, otherwise you will get the power of the Holy Spirit.

And some of the older generation are sharp, especially some of the strongest of the celestial fairy, they think of a kind of demon.

"Some of them are not wonderful!" The huge scorpion kept flashing, and it was estimated that the identity of the dream was recognized by the people who had the heart. In the end, there will be people who dream of dreams.

"The power of the Holy Immortal is inspired by the power of the Holy Medicine. If it can stimulate ancient memories, then it will be fine."

I have a lot of thoughts, I don’t know how Lin Feng’s kid is, but the kid has always been a big man, not a short-lived person.

At the moment, the strongest of the rooftops are guarded by Lin Feng’s side. They look at the crowds around them indifferently. They are ashamed and clasped together, and they scream at the Buddha. They said: “There are some big forces involved in today’s events. If the first disciple of Tiantai Tianwu happened, We will count this account. If he is okay, if he has other powers, he will never be silent!"

"Hey!" There was a strong cold, and then went empty. Now Lin Feng was taken away, and they left no meaning. Now I want to grab the woman, I am afraid that the people on the roof will be crazy, not worth the candle.


As for Lin Feng at this time, after being swallowed up by the darkness, when he saw the light again, he found himself in a huge and ridiculous garden. Around him, all sides were strong and strong, and it was difficult to fly.

Looking at these people, Lin Feng’s look flashed and asked: “Who are you? Why are you arresting me?”

No one cares about him. I saw a few people flickering away, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Others just guarded him in all directions, but they didn’t say a word, but he decided not to run.

Lin Feng’s thoughts kept flashing, thinking about how to leave this ghost place. The other party’s fee was so strong that he was arrested. What is it for?

However, Lin Feng found that he had no way to go, and he was waiting for someone around him. No one was able to deal with him.

Soon, the few people who had just left went back. They just swept Lin Feng indifferently and immediately said, "Follow me!"

His voice fell, and the strong men around him gathered around Lin Feng in an instant, and he was locked in a sigh of breath, and he was not obedient.

The man who spoke turned and led the way. Lin Feng knew that there was no room for rebellion. He lifted his footsteps and followed each other. These people did not kill, nor did they attempt to sacred him. He also wanted to know what the other party wanted.

Passing through this ridiculous land, Lin Feng saw a lot of buildings in the distance, suddenly his eyes were stiff and his body trembled slightly.

"It's them!"

Lin Feng, he has been here not long ago!

However, why are they taking their own? Lin Feng is puzzled!

Following them, Lin Feng came to the last familiar place. Looking at the land that had not been known for many years, Lin Feng felt that it was not normal.

At this moment, Lin Feng’s place is the Jiange Pavilion; in front of him, it is the sword of the swordhouse!

"Is it because I have spurred the sword of the Emperor Swordsman?" Lin Feng's eyes flickered, and Jiang Ge, in the end, was plotting something.

At this time, the sword has no sorrow and is outside the sword. I saw that the strong man in the family came with Lin Feng. His look is quite complicated.

"No sadness, is the sacrifice good?" The strong man in front of Lin Feng asked without a sorrow to the sword.

"The blood sacrifice has been completed, but Grandpa..." The sword looked at the strong man with no sorrow, and there was a reluctant look in his eyes.

"No sadness, I know that you hope to reproduce the glory of your ancestors by your own strength. I also look forward to your continued growth and the appearance of the ancestors. However, you must understand that now our generation is not as good as one generation, and the forces are constantly Being weakened, if it were not some relics left by the ancestors, I am afraid that our swords are long gone. Therefore, in addition to relying on ourselves, we also need the help of the gods. The ancestors’ gods have been silent for so long, it is born, we Need to use its power to reproduce the glory of the sword!"

The strong man’s eyes flashed with sharp swordsmanship, with a strong expectation.

"But Grandpa, we may not be able to control, why should we take such an adventure!" The sword has no sadness.

"It is no longer necessary to say that the gods are the weapon of the ancestors of the ancestors, and now they will be able to take control of the blood of our people." There seems to be a strong obsession in the voice of the man, and the sword can no longer fall behind. Going on, now, the power of the imperial power of the sword city has been oppressed to the head of the sword. If this continues, there will be a day when the sword will go to destruction.

"Open the sword!"

A voice of anger came out, and the sword opened. In a moment, a horrible kendo meaning was filled with madness. At the same time, there was a very strong blood stain. Just now, the Swordsman made a blood sacrifice and sacrificed blood. Ancestors.

"What do you want?" Lin Feng's look became extremely cold, and the edge shot, wanting to flash back, but immediately there was a strong man blocking him, and he was not allowed to leave.

The figure in front turned slowly, and the grandfather with no sorrow looked at Lin Feng. His eyes were sharp: "We will let you become a peerless sword repair in a short time, so that you have the opportunity to kill those who dare to do it for you!"

"If you want to speed up, I don't need this opportunity." Lin Feng stared at each other, and he vaguely knew what the other party wanted to do.

"Hey, you can't be a member of my family, become a peerless sword repair, it is your glory, enter the sword!" The man said coldly, his face was forced, and Lin Feng refused.

"Can you let me consider a few days!" Lin Feng's eyes were stiff.

"Go in immediately!" The strong man's eyes showed a sultry look, and suddenly Lin Feng felt that he was in the cover of a sword, as if he might be killed by the sword at any time.

Lin Feng looks stiff and has no choice. The other party may kill him at any time. However, once he walks into the sword, he knows what it might mean. Maybe he will become a sword slave!

Jiange, I want him to be the body of the sacred swordsman, the sword sorcerer, he is a sword slave, since then, he is no longer him, but a sword, a peerless strong, what is the use !

"Why is it me?" Lin Feng asked coldly.

"Because the soldiers chose you, this is your glory!" The other party replied coldly and said: "Go in!"

Ps: Thank you for a few friends to reward!

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