Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1128: Sperm

The magic of horror seems to cover the soil of the Faerie, and the breath of the Devil continues to weaken the power of the Faerie. Only a moment later, the land of the Faerie is no longer as holy as the Immortal, and there is no such pure and innocent snow, but Contaminated with the magical atmosphere, the snow is mixed with the tremulous darkness of the color, as if to cover the soil of the Faerie.

The Sansheng Mojing is one of the ancient scriptures created by the Three Emperors. It is a powerful magical martial art. It contains a terrible magical technique. Lin Feng’s magical Taoism has been painstakingly enlightened. After seven days of retreat, he has been cultivating magical powers to ensure that this battle is foolproof. Although he is confident in his own strength, Xuebi Yao is a goddess of the goddess of the heavens and the body of the fairy spirit. He has to cautious.

Sure enough, Xue Biyao summoned the land of the fairy spirit, imprisoned the body, deprived the real power, and was extremely powerful. If it was an ordinary person, the fundamental battle could not fight her, and it would be defeated.

The magic ban is a powerful supernatural power that can create a terrible magical confession. The magic power bans everything, imprisons the other's body, and bans the other's strength.

Xue Bi Yao naturally feels the power of the magical ban, and the power of the horrible fairy spirit continues to spread from her, penetrates into the soil of the Faerie, and does not allow the evil force to erode. This terrible magical technique, It is completely capable of fighting against her land of fairy spirits, and it has the same magical powers. There is no power of the spirit of the gods, only the hegemony of the devil.

Looking up, Xue Baiyao re-examined Lin Feng, the face of the delicate show is as arrogant as the knife, the scorpion is very deep, like the bottomless abyss, the pair of darker long hair reveals the magic, moving with the wind, this It is no longer a young man who laughs, but a master of arrogance.

The palm of the hand condensed, and a strange light of the fairy spirit continually fluttered in the void, and Xue Biyao's palms went forward and crawled toward Lin Feng, as if there were countless tentacles, and Lin Feng's body was wrapped in the air.

"Boom!" Lin Feng lifted his footsteps and trampled on the soil of the Faerie. At the foot was a deep dark demon. At the same time, he was surrounded by horrible flames, black magic fires, and even a strangely devastating power. Once again, it was captured by Xue Bi Yao, but in an instant, the tentacles of Lin Feng’s tentacles vanished, and the magic fire with dark colors burned on Lin Feng’s body.


At this time, the outside crowd saw Lin Feng’s overbearing look. They were smothered by the banned flag, and they could not feel the horrible power of Lin Feng’s body at the moment, but their eyes could see Lin Feng at this time. Just like the same demon god, it actually cracked the soil of the Faerie, and the vines of the Snow Fairy could not trap him.

Lin Feng, not as they imagined, will be defeated by a blow, and will be killed by the snow fairy. At this moment, Lin Feng, like the dark demon, is carrying a magical and majestic trend, trampling the soil of the fairy spirit. Step by step toward Xuebai Yao.

When these two people shot, they were all terrible magical means, shocking people.

"Why I feel the destructive power like the wild sea!" Xue Biyao said in her heart, the soil of the fairy spirit could not stand Lin Feng, her restraint means was ineffective against Lin Feng, the black flame plus the corrosion and destruction power, all the restraints They were destroyed in an instant.

"The light of the fairy spirit turns into a star rain, and wipes out everything." Sprites spit out a voice in the mouth of the mouth, and the light of the fairy spirit filled with the road, shrouded the heavens and the earth, and saw the void, the road The incomparably sharp destruction power is like a star rain. It falls from the void and stabs to Lin Feng. The falling star is too fast, and it is about to have the power to penetrate everything in that short moment.

"Boom!" Lin Feng still took a step, the soil of the Faerie seemed to split, and the swordsmanship of the Taoist rushing into the sky, the eight-way kendo will merge with his six-powered flame power, to destroy everything. Collision with the starry sky in the void, the light of silence does not live, but the eyes can not be opened, the crowd can not feel the power of the silence, but it can be imagined.

The kendo, which is full of flames, is too dazzling, and it is not weaker than the snow rain power of the snow fairy. Above the head of Lin Feng, the atmosphere of destruction is raging in the frenzy, and the space is in turmoil.

"Bang!" Lin Feng once again stepped out. At this moment, he is only a few steps away from Xuebi Yao. Although Xue Bi Yao has all kinds of magical means, but in front of this overbearing magic power, she can feel useless, the same level In the battle, Lin Feng’s magical powers can be swept away. This kind of magic attack is definitely an extremely terrible exercise.

However, the winner of this battle will still belong to her, she does not allow herself to fail!

The snow lotus at the foot blooms more beautifully. The brilliance of Xuebai Yao is more ethereal, like the fairy light, in the void, a horrible force seems to flow into her body, her breath is constantly Become strong.

"The body of the Faerie, who was taken care of by the heavens and the earth, was able to borrow the power of heaven and earth." The crowd saw the sway of Xue Bi Yao's figure like a fairy, too strong.

"Tianwu six heavy!" Lin Feng looks a condensed, the other side by virtue of the magic of the magic, the hard-born will be upgraded to a first-order, this is not the other party violates the rules, but the real power of the magic.

"You have thousands of means, I will break open, magic power, extinction of the world!" Lin Feng's eyes filled with persistent warfare, stepping forward again, cracks in the soil of the Faerie, infinite magic wrap With the power of the world, the force of the world is rolling toward the snow, and the body of the other gods is crushed into pieces.

The light of the fairy spirit is under the overbearing magical power, but it still has the spirit of the ethereal, and the veil on the snowy surface of the snow is blown by the terrible hurricane, moving with the wind, revealing the extraordinary face. Beauty is suffocating.

"This is the true content of Snow Fairy, so beautiful, like the fairy in the sky, can't be embarrassed."

The crowd stared at the face, as if they had forgotten even the battle, but there was no fluctuation in the snow on the surface of the snow. The light of the fairy spirit was madly gathered in the palm of her hand. Her palm seemed to have a snow lotus, and the snow lotus bloomed. In full bloom, immediately in the snow lotus, there is an illusory figure, the figure of the fairy, beautiful and boundless.

"I can't be defeated, the technique of sacred killing, the same level is invincible. Moreover, my realm is higher than you!" Xue Biyao also stepped forward in the footsteps, the fairy light, the magical field on the ground and the fairy spirit. There was a crack in the soil, as if it might break at any time.

"The technique of sacred killing, the same level is invincible, but the devil, against the sky." Lin Feng is not afraid, the magical sky, he can feel the destruction of the humanoid killing in the palm of the other hand, as if attacking anyone It must be destroyed and destroyed, and there is no way to stop it.

However, at this moment, the devil's hegemony cannot be blocked, fearless, and no matter how strong the sinister power can not stop the destruction of the magic.

The Heavenly Magic Seal is condensed in the hands, and it also reveals the power of the horrible Nether Flame, the slashing power of the kendo, and the power to destroy all the ruins.

"Boom!" At this moment, the two men's footsteps are simultaneously taken out, and the power of the singer and the power of the magical road bloom together. The shadow of the fairy and the magical flame of the horror are intertwined, and all the forces are destroyed. Heaven and earth, forming a terrible beam of light, the Scorpio will be pierced by this ruined light beam, and the magical field and the soil of the Faerie will be split.

The figure that is isolated from the outside can't wait to kill Lin Feng. He used the banner of the ban to isolate the breath. They can't imagine how powerful the power of destroying the earth is. How do they want to feel the truth? Make such a terrible power.

A magical light entwined with the light of the fairy spirit, extremely eye-catching, rushing to the sky, the demon is boundless, and the magical field and the soil of the fairy spirit are split, but the two bodies are motionless and constantly The ruinous collisions in the same place, they all have a heart of nowhere, no one can bear the failure.

"Chemical fairy!" Xue Biyao sighed softly, and suddenly the shadow of the flying fairy did not enter her body, she seems to become a real fairy, fairy light.

"Magic ban, ban!"

Lin Feng gave a cold drink, and immediately banned the force to smother the fairy shadow in the void, an invisible slaying force landed on Xue Biyao.


Lin Feng angered, this moment seems to be banned from the void, Xue Baiyao's movements have slowed down at this moment, but see Lin Feng's footsteps, dare to go straight, hands clasped Xue Baiyao's arm, a seal The magical power of the magic power blooms together with the power of the magical ban, and the body of Xuebai Yao is locked in there!

(eight more)

(eight more)

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