Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1117: get out

Lin Feng nodded with a sad smile on the sword. The last time he took the black brown meteorite in the barren stone, and the flying ball was no war with the sword. This time, the sword did not have any sadness. The other party did not reveal any maliciousness to himself. Open-minded, not the kind of vengeful villain.

The true swordsman, determined and determined, determined, decisive, and said, the decisive and decisive, the love and hate are distinct; the sharp, the sharp edge of the sword, the invincible, the fearless, the sword, the bend, the unyielding.

"Lin Feng, prepare for life." The ancient scorpion was full of sorrow, Lin Feng body shrouded, Lin Feng killed his younger brother in the trial land, and later attracted Hou Qinglin and Mu Chen to enter the Tianlong Fort, Tianlong Shenbao was ridiculed by others, Today, Lin Feng kills the Tianlong Shenbao strong, Lin Feng, can not die.

"You are the ancient dragon of Tianlong Fort?" asked the sword on the side of the sword without any sorrow.

"The sword has no sorrow!" Gu Yu obviously also knows that the sword has no sorrow.

The sword nodded slightly without any sorrow, saying: "The people of your Tianlong Fortress are not as good as others, causing them to be killed. Now, many of your strongmen are killed together, and they are against the people of the five-day martial arts. Do you think it is detrimental to the name of the Tianlong Fort?"

When Gu Yu heard this, his face sank and he said coldly: "This seems to have nothing to do with the sword!"

"Nature has nothing to do with me, but Tianlong is one of the emperors. Tianlong Shenbao has stood up for eight years. No one knows, but now it is necessary to suppress people. It is inevitable that people will be despised!" However, with a touch of abandonment of color, there is disdain for the behavior of the Tianlong Fort.

Everyone looks a glimpse. This sword has no sorrow to speak. It is direct, despising the people of Tianlong Shenbao. So many powerful people come together. Among them, there are even famous people who are famous for their martial arts. It is no problem to kill a forest maple. However, it seems that Tianlong Shenbao is incompetent. So many strong people are in perfect harmony. Compared with Lin Feng’s one-day Wuwu people, it seems that Tianlong Shenbao is pressing people.

When the people of Tianlong Shenbao heard that the sword had no sorrow, they suddenly looked very good. They came from revenge. No one felt that there was anything wrong with it, but the sword did not have such a point of sorrow, and it seemed that Tianlong Shenbao was deceiving.

"There is no such thing as a sad brother. Both sides have both hatred and grievances. The strong ones are born, the weak ones die, and the ones that come with the pressure of the people say that if they kill, they will kill. If he is strong, he will pity his enemies." In the distance, there are a few more people coming. The person who opens the door is white, and it seems to have a bit of dust. The face is handsome, and there are other people around him. The temperament is extraordinary, especially one of the girls. The clothes are fluttering, and the ethereal spirit is like a fairy, so that when you look at it, you will feel a sense of self-defense.

"The celestial celestial scorpion is also here." Everyone looks condensed, watching the young temperament of the young men and women, the singular white girl, should be the sacred sacred sacred woman, the rumored fairy body snow fairy .

Everyone's gaze fell on her body, and it couldn't be left for a long time. Although the gauze was masked, the skin that was exposed to the outside seemed to be blown, and the jade hand was soft and boneless, and the pair of scorpions were as soft as water. The stars are bright.

Many people even marvel at the heart. If it is possible to unveil the veil, it will be a wonderful thing to see the fairy.

This person actually stood on the side of the ancient scorpion, and even had the meaning of killing Lin Feng.

"It's you again!" Lin Feng looked cold, and the cold scorpion looked directly at the other side. This person was the one who attracted the killer to himself and even wanted to let the strong man of Tianzhu Xianyu search for himself.

"Oh." The man snorted at Lin Feng and said: "You shameless generations have come to the city of destiny, ridiculous!"

"You are right, both sides have hatred, the strong and the weak are dead. If the people of Tianlong Fort are able to kill me, even if they come, before the people of Tianlong Fort, do you ask me, can we There is hatred?" Lin Feng stared at the man, cold.

"You just can't get used to your shameless generation." The man sneered again and again. He always had a loving heart for Xue Bi Yao, but he couldn't get the beauty to pity, but he didn't want Lin Feng to break into the boudoir of his goddess, even Taking advantage of Xue Biyao, he let him hate Lin Feng, and wanted Lin Feng to die three times and five times.

Lin Feng stepped forward slowly, toward the man, pointing at his nose: "Get out!"

"Well?" The man looked stiff, and he shot a mans in his gaze, staring at Lin Feng: "Let your fingers down!"

"Get out!" Lin Feng said again, his face was cold, making everyone's face extraordinarily interesting. Not long ago, Lin Feng killed a Xia Fan of Tianlong Fort, and several strong players of Tianlong Fort, now he The finger pointed to the strong man of the day, and the clever thing is that the man’s cultivation is the same as that of Xia Fan.

The person who was heavily swayed by the Tianwu five-pointed man shouted out of his nose. The young strong man of the celestial celestial being had received such treatment. The face was bright and blue, and his eyes became more and more sharp, as if he wanted to shoot Lin Feng.

"You say it again!" The voice of the man was completely gloomy, and his body was murderous.

Lin Feng looks as usual, the waves are not shocked, it seems incomparably indifferent, the cold-scorpioned scorpion still stares at each other, three times and five times to set him to death, really when he is a soft persimmon, and also the people of Tianlong Shenbao, in the fate Before the city, you will be famous for yourself, lest everyone think that he can bully at will.

"I will say the third time, get out, you will not dare to come out, then go back to the celestial fairy !!" Lin Feng chilled out a voice, and finally, the person's footsteps crossed, came forward and burst into a burst The sound came out, and the earth under the feet appeared cracked. The killing was like a fierce wave, and a wave of water rushed to Lin Feng.

Seeing this scene, the people of Tianlong Fortress showed a sense of interest. Since the people of Tianzhu Xianyu shot and killed Lin Feng on their behalf, they did not mind.

"You are right, since there are hatreds in the body, then the strong and the weak will die!"

Lin Feng’s mouth spit out a cold sound, and the footsteps also stepped forward. There was no horrible bursting sound. However, there was space to whistle, as if there was an inexplicable power that rolled forward with him. This kind of potential is It is the natural trend of heaven and earth.

"Using the natural and natural forces of the world to be so skilled, this talent is extraordinary!" The hearts of the people secretly, it is no wonder that the other side can kill Xia Fan.

On that day, the young people of Zhu Xianyu sneered again and again, saying: "If this is your cuddling, you will die very hard to see!"

"Boom!" The power of the mad tyrants raged out. There was a crack on the earth that extended toward Lin Feng. It was extremely horrible, and almost at the same time, there seemed to be an invisible force spreading from the ground.

Lin Feng's footsteps are still steadily moving forward, and the world is getting more and more terrible. However, at his feet, there is a purple brilliance flashing.

"What is that?" Everyone looked condensed and looked at the purple brilliance, seemingly a seed.

The attacking technique of Scorpio Scorpio has always been different. It often uses some seed power, can take root and sprout, and become a weapon. It is very powerful. Is these purple light a seed?

I saw the sneer of the young man in the eyes of the immortal singer that day, the mouth of the mouth squirming, seems to be voicing, but the crowd could not hear clearly, but they saw that the seeds at the foot of Lin Feng began to take root, 哗啦啦The sound of the sound spread out, and the wisteria spread out, and instantly enveloped around Lin Feng's body, but it did not wrap up Lin Feng, the young man is still mourning what, the purple light is more and more horrible, and the wisteria becomes extremely strong.

Lin Feng is still expressionless, and a flame of fire burns up. The horrible flame seems to be burning everything. His footsteps are still moving forward, and their bodies are getting closer and closer.

"Go, do you still move, end it, give me a bond!" The young man spit out, suddenly the sound of screaming, the horrible wisteria tied Lin Feng's whole person inside, rigorously, almost buried Lin Feng Lost.

"Purple Blade!" The young man spit out a voice again. In an instant, a strip of wisteria stretched out and turned into a sharp sharp blade, aiming at the tied Lin Feng, as if it could be stabbed at any time.

"The means of Tianzhu Xianyu is extraordinary!" The color of the people is condensed, the power of the seeds is too magical, and the sacred sacred sacred priest, a seed power can accommodate a world.

"Let me get out, are you qualified?" The young man spit out a cold sound. This is Lin Feng’s own death and can’t blame him.

At this time, everyone secretly regrets that if Lin Feng is higher in realm, he may be able to confront this person. Unfortunately, the realm is too low, so scary wisteria, Lin Feng can not get rid of it, so many horrible purple blades assassinate the past, Lin Feng will die.

The ancient sneer sneer, the strong of Tianlong Shenbao seems to have seen the death of Lin Feng.

The sword has no sorrow and calmness, and the dark road is very strange. The reason is that Lin Feng himself fought. If he died, he would blame himself for being incompetent!

As for the strong people of Tianzhu Xianyu, they look calm, and the holy woman Xuebi Yao looked at this scene without stopping. Although she wanted to kill Lin Feng personally, if Lin Feng only had this strength, it is not necessary!

Ps: Before tomorrow at 23 o'clock in the evening, the flowers will reach 900 after the day and the next five, and each time the flowers will be increased by 50 plus one, and the reward of one hundred equivalent flowers 50 will be capped on the same day. If it exceeds, continue to make up the explosion!

(four more)

(four more)

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