Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1112: Cry a kill

Outside the restaurant, a gray-shirted youth came slowly, carrying an ancient sword behind him. It was just that he said that the next emperor of the rooftop appeared before the Tianlong Fort.

“Hello is the person on the roof?” The crowd of Tianlong Shenbao calmed his face and drank a glass of wine. There was a hint of chill in his voice. The other party’s words undoubtedly poked the pain of Tianlong Shenbao. The last time the city of destiny opened, Hou Qinglin was identified as With the qualification of Wu Emperor, if you do not die, you will be on the throne in 50 years.

For fifty years, for the emperor, how short it is, many powerful saints staying in a realm for 50 years is a very normal thing, but the prophet predicts that Hou Qinglin will be on the throne in 50 years. The Tao is the emperor, the Tianlong Fort, it is impossible to catch up. Although the Tiantai power has risen soon, it is likely to become the first powerful force to appear three emperors.

Moreover, the person who went to Tianlong Shenbao not long ago to kill their Zunwu strongman happened to be Hou Qinglin.

"I am not a person on the roof, just to discuss things." The man said indifferently, and immediately went to a wine table, this table only sat one person, there are several vacancies.

"Can I sit here?" The gray man asked.

Lin Feng smiled and reached out and said: "Feel free!"

“What did my friend think of me?” the gray-clothed man asked Lin Fengxiao.

"Miao Wei!" Lin Feng smiled and raised his toast against the gray man. As a disciple of the Tiantai, he naturally couldn't understand the crowd of Tianlong Shenbao. He just boasted that the few people had talked about the eight landscaping genius. To their Tianlong Fort, they don't want these people to seem to be afraid that others will forget the Tianlong Fortress, boasting the genius in the fort, it is ridiculous, the real genius will be known to the world sooner or later, there is no need to brag.

The gray-clothed man and Lin Feng's toasted each other, the ordinary face with a touch of meaning, smiled and said: "Tianlong Shenbao is here to praise themselves, I don't know how shame, Tianlong Emperor does not know how many years to go to the throne, on the generations The two emperors of Shijie were later than many of his generations, but they later came to the top; nowadays, the Tiantai Hou Qinglin single sword, into the Tianlong Fort, Tianlong Shenbao no one can stop, and now there are still faces bragging here, ridiculous! ”

His voice fell, and suddenly the restaurant suddenly quieted down, and the bird was silent. The gray-haired man spoke too boldly. Not only did he humiliate the Tianlong Fort, but the Tianlong Emperor insulted him, saying that he was not as good as his predecessor. Shi Yu two emperors.

A smattering of the smattering of the people, I saw the body of the Tianlong Fortress slowly stood up.

"The ignorant is fearless, disrespectful to the Dragon King, killing!"

The sound of the cold came out, and the people of Tianlong Shenbao were released, and the man was shrouded. At about the same time, the gray man stood up, the sword slowly squirted, and the cold eyes gazed at the crowd of Tianlong Fort.

"Just do you, do you?" The gray-clothed man snorted and was very proud, ignoring the strong dragons of Tianlong.

"Kill!" The Tianlong Fortress stepped out, the ground cracked, the horrible domineering, and the wine table beside him burst.

"Hey!" The cold light of the cockroach burst out, the sword is attacking people, it is so cold, the horrible swords are filled out, and the gray-shirted people spurt out and want to kill people.

If this sword is not perfect for those who kill Tianlong Fort, it can even be said that it is impossible to kill the crowd of Tianlong Fort, because this sword is the assassination of Lin Feng.

Because he is targeting Lin Feng, this sword is a sword that must be killed. Such a close distance, such a dazzling sword, no way to dodge.

Everyone is stunned at this moment, even the strongest of the Tianlong Fort, the other's sword pointing, actually Lin Feng, is the words he just said, just to get close to Lin Feng? So why do you humiliate the Tianlong Fort, you can get close to Lin Feng, then who is sitting in the youth?

No one would have expected that this sword would become a must-kill for Lin Feng. Even if Lin Feng himself did not expect it, the other party’s disguise was too perfect. There was no such thing as a malicious atmosphere on him, and there was no way to detect it. He deliberately angered the people of Tianlong Fort, one is to close the relationship with himself, and the other is to anger the Tianlong Fort, so that he has the reason to pull the sword, it is a perfect assassination technique, very Obviously, the other party knows who he is.

Whether it is a strategy or the sword itself, it is perfect. When the sword is out, Lin Feng feels a sting, and the throat is hurt by the sword. It seems to be punctured and destroyed. Perfect until there is no way to crack it!

"The sword of the kill!" The crowd saw the stunned sword in the heart of the beating, the preparation and the sword itself, the most perfect assassination technique, very simple, but the most deadly!

"Hey!" Lin Feng screamed, with him as the center, a horrible magic wind swept, tables and chairs shattered instantly, the restaurant cracked, the mad roar, the heavens and the earth changed, as if there were countless devils heading towards each other , banging on the other's sword, finally, let the other side slow down.

However, just a little slow down, the other hand holding the sword, is so solid, murderous heart, so tough, let the mad roar, although shocked by blood, but Lin Feng’s life, he is still Want.

"A terrible killer!" The crowd was stunned by Lin Feng, but the sword in the other hand was so stable and terrible. This person was born for killing. This is the real life. The technique of killing, there is no fancy means, no powerful power, only a sword of death.

Because Lin Feng was sitting there, he couldn’t step out of his footsteps. He couldn’t have passed this sword. All the means were late and there was no solution.

"Boom!" The footsteps came out, and the earth under the foot of Lin Feng split. At the same time, Lin Feng’s body disappeared and disappeared directly into the eyes of the crowd.

“How is it possible?” The crowd looks stunned. Can Lin Feng still teleport?

"Beat!" A soft voice came out, the sword was stained with blood, and Lin Feng’s body appeared again. That sword could not be escaped after all, but at the most critical moment, he slammed the ground and shifted his body. At the same time, using the Shadow Wu Soul, concealing the body, so that the other party in that very short moment, it is impossible to adjust the direction of the sword.

Therefore, the sword stabbed into his right shoulder. As long as he did not shift, the sword pierced his throat and took his life.

"It turned out to be a shadow martial art, good danger!" The crowd only felt the heart beating, and this scene of the shock firmly attracted their minds. When the sword just bloomed, they were instantly attracted to it, and the sword was not strong. But it was too amazing and eye-catching.

Lin Feng, he did not die, he was still alive, this life-threatening sword was hid.

Blood is like a spring, Lin Feng looks cold and cold, the other side just squats, the sword will be strangled again, want to split Lin Feng's whole person, but at this time Lin Feng's palm firmly buckles the sword, the power of terror All gathered in the palm of his hand. At the same time, the power of the magical force was released, the sword was sealed, and his body was sealed. The sword was firmly stuck there!

"Kill!" Angrily screamed, the power of God's thoughts bloomed instantly, the palace was vast and majestic, and all things were suppressed, and the other's eyebrows were directly suppressed. At the same time, his mouth spit out a sword, all of which were terrible swords. To separate the other's body.

When the palms were released, the other party gave up his sword, and the figure floated away. As soon as lightning, it quickly rose to the sky and directly sneaked away from the void. So the lore of the lore did not kill Lin Feng. He was only very short. The moment revealed a pity of regret, and then withdrew, this kind of fruit makes people feel a cold in the heart, if they can kill each other only one step, I am afraid it will never give up, because it is unwilling, because that can Kill each other's luck.

But the killer did not do this. After discovering that something was impossible, he immediately pulled back and the sword gave up.

Lin Feng took back the power of the gods and pulled out the blood-stained sword. The scorpion was filled with the icy icy, and it was so close to death for a long time. The reason why he was careless was because the other person’s cultivation was the same as him, Tianwuwu Heavy, a Tianwu Wuzhong person actually stabbed such a desperate sword, almost killed his life.

"Go, are you still going!"

Lin Feng's scorpion has a strong and powerful killing effect. When the footsteps step on the ground, the cracks expand, his body rises to the sky, and even the **** wounds are ignored. That person must be killed!

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