Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1109: Re-killer

In the courtyard, the horrible flame burned in the ruins. On the body of Lin Feng, the sun's pattern became more and more dazzling, shining and intertwined with the sun in the sky.

Reaching out, I saw Lin Feng's two hands dragging a round of the sun, the sun's rays shining in the hands, a group of sun flames rushing to the sky.

"Call..." Lin Feng spit out the gas, and spit out a flame. The moment the eye opened, the same fire was flashing. At this moment, he was like a fireman, and he was surrounded by a fire.

"Tianwu Wuzhongjing!" Lin Feng's hot eyes reveal a smile, once again broke through, although in the vast endless eight wilderness, his cultivation may not be high, but if he cultivated time To count, it is enough to be proud.

"It seems that this place is not suitable for staying." Lin Feng whispered, then stepped on the foot and went away in the distance. Sure enough, after he left, many people came to explore and watched a piece of scorched earth on the ground. , revealing a thoughtful look.

After getting a map in the city, and inquiring about some news about the city of destiny, Lin Feng went on the road alone, and went all the way, all the way, until he stepped out of the city and came to a wilderness to slow down. Stepped and stopped.

This time to go to the city of destiny, you need to be more prepared. Although Lin Feng has the martial arts, he will never look at everything and see no one in the world. Every area in the eight deserts is a billions of creatures, and the entire vast eight wilderness It is more than 10 billion people, and the territory is vast and boundless. If he wants him to fly alone, even if he has been given him for ten years, he will not be able to circumnavigate the eight deserts. It shows how vast and terrifying the place is. at the old times will not be less, especially the small world of people out, get a strong heritage, not to be taken lightly.

Today, he still needs two pieces of saints in his hands without refining, just ready to spend a few days refining the sacristy.

I found a no-man's Dongfu, Lin Feng sealed it, and immediately sacrificed the banner of the banned by the Yang family. This sacred device can block the void, but it is a very powerful saint. If it is fighting at the same level. The other party wants to escape, and the sacred sacred device is out, all of which have to stay.

After Yang Ziyan returned to the family, the Yang family had a great battle with the Kowloon Island. If she was stunned, Yang Ziyan said that Lin Feng was still alive. I don’t know what the Yang family would look like.

A flash of light, a ship of Nether appeared in front of Lin Feng, Lin Feng quietly felt the next, but soon gave up, and collected it, this virtual warship is the same as the forbidden flag, it is also Lin Feng kill Yang Venerable booty, but let Lin Feng very depressed, aboard the ship void different Yangzi Lan and Ruby Yang, who had no control over, I am afraid to his Holiness to control.

Leave it, Lin Feng Lian Ji began to empty banner ban, after one day, he took all the energy Lian Ji, but at least have the absolute control that can be easily, but now his repair is not enough, not to play full power, Hallows, if control of the power of the Holy pattern, can best exert their power.

Next, Lin Feng took out a curse scepter, an exotic atmosphere spread out from the curse token, this token curse not only have the power of the holy grain, even with a surge of nothingness force curse, but the real dish Hallows, to be higher than the cut-off air holy sword and the secret level, as Maken, Lin Feng did not know what level he Hallows, evil too horrible.

In the process of ritualizing the cursed scepter, Lin Feng reveals a wonderful feeling, sighing the strange power of heaven and earth, cursing the scepter with a spell, able to communicate the power of the scepter, and exert the power of the curse of terror.

Moreover, these wonderful spells are somewhat similar to Buddhism and Mantra, or Magic Road, which can be used to suppress everything, or the magical power of the existing horror, cursing, cursing, and so on. The power, even if you break away from the cursed scepter, can still exert powerful power. It is just as horrible as holding a cursed scepter. Just as the Buddha and the Taoist person use the Buddhist ritual to extract the six-character mantra or the nine-character mantra, the rumor can summon. Real Buddha.

Of course, this spell is not so easy to fully understand, extremely complicated, especially the powerful curse is supported by the soul power of the horror and the powerful spiritual power.

Three days later, Lin Feng finally ended the short-term retreat and walked out of Dongfu.

The body fell to the void, Lin Feng looked at the world, sighed a long time, and now he is in the wilderness, and gathered in the wilderness with countless miles. I don't know how long it will take to fly back on my own air.

"It seems that you have to get a means of transportation!" Lin Feng muttered to himself, he should have gone to the desert island next to the island of Kowloon, although he knew he might not find anyone.

If there is a transmission array arranged by the emperor at the end of the small world, they will be able to leave as long as they are not in the small world. In this case, even if he goes back into a world, he will be sent away, then There is no difference in going in, and if there is no transmission in the small world, he will not be able to come out.

Therefore, Lin Feng guessed that the Wuhuang sacrificed his own small world, he will inevitably have a transmission space, so that he can return to his own nest at any time.

As for the faint and unfortunately they are killed in the small world, Lin Feng is not willing to imagine this situation, I believe that the big pests can live out, they can!

And the strange guy, Lin Feng is not worried about him, anyone may be trapped, but if it is strange to be able to trap the shrewd emperor, Lin Feng even guessed that the old man is estimated to be able to arrange the transmission of the array.

As night fell, Lin Feng looked up at the stars slowly rising in the void. He had a feeling of comfort. He couldn’t tell the truth. Perhaps this shows that everyone will be safe, and this trip will go to the city of destiny. Lin Feng has a hunch that he will meet some acquaintances!

"Call..." Take a deep breath, Lin Feng does not think too much, step out, flash in the wilderness, unlike the prosperity of the city, there are many large and small forces in the endless wilderness, and some heaven and earth are full of vitality, is a holy place of cultivation, however Some places have a sinister atmosphere that makes people feel uncomfortable.

However, these have nothing to do with Lin Feng. He just quietly realizes the silence in the darkness, and the various forces of all kinds are the same as him.

"The fighting sound?" Lin Feng looked away from his own front, only to see the imposing atmosphere, the murderous, the incomparably rich, a horrible tree was torn, the mountain was shattered, shaking this space .

The shape of the emptiness has not stopped. Lin Feng has come to the front. These combatants are two forces. One of them is wearing a black robe. They all use sharp weapons. They are powerful and powerful, as if they were born for killing. Attacks are extremely fierce, to kill people, so that those who deal with them should not be overwhelmed.

However, the strength of the besieged white figures is quite horrible. Under one thought, the surrounding vegetation is used by him. The petals can kill people. The vines can bind people. Although the number is only seven or eight, it is against a terrible killing. The tools can still persist, and in the middle of them, a woman seems to be seriously injured, sitting cross-legged, the holy snow lotus wrapped her inside, the peaceful light poured on her body, revealing an ethereal fairy. Only the blood on the white clothes destroyed the artistic conception of the scent.

"Snowy Yao!"

Lin Feng had some accidents. I did not expect that the Tianwu strong man of Tianzhu Xianyu was actually taken here to be encircled. These people were daring and started to attack Tianzhu Xianyu. I don’t know which force.

Tianzhu Xianyu protects the young people of Xuebaiyao. They are all repaired by Tianwu, and they guard the Xuebaiyao. However, they are also in jeopardy. These black robes are killing and are extremely dangerous.

"They don't want to kill Xue Baiyao!" Lin Feng saw their fighting hearts secretly. If those black robes were going to kill Xue Baiyao, they could use the killing technique at the same time. The people of Tianzhu Xianyu could protect themselves, but they might not be able to protect Sprite. Yao, but those people don't, this is a bit intriguing. It is someone who wants to catch the goddess of heaven and earth.

The man in the black robe did not pay attention to Lin Feng, an insignificant person.

The young people of Tianzhu Xianyu also saw Lin Feng. One of them suddenly shouted: "Teacher, you don't have to wait for the opportunity, don't kill it directly!"

"Well?" Lin Feng looked a stiff, his eyes flashed a chill, this person is too sinister, even pulled himself down to distract the other party's attention.


Sure enough, when the voice of the man just fell, there was a sound of space piercing, and only a black shadow flew directly to Lin Feng. It was lightning fast, but it was just around Lin Feng. A sword wrapped Lin Feng in his body. Lin Feng felt himself. No matter where you dodge, you will fall into the endless killing moves of the other side.

"The killing sword!"

A horrible crisis came, Lin Feng looked stiff, this man's sword is similar to the shadow killer he encountered in the killing land at the bottom of the sea, but it seems more terrible, the breath on the other side makes people feel the scalp Hemp, his sword does not know how many souls are dead!

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