Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1104: Faerie body

"The soil of Xianlian, the law does not invade, purify all evil!"

Seeing that Lin Feng was killed, the girl’s mouth was scornful, like a fairy, beautiful and beautiful, suddenly the lotus blossomed and scattered leaves, a piece of fairy soil was born because of lotus, pure snow lotus turned into a fairy lotus, gave birth to a fairy Pure and innocent, revealing a purely ethereal spirit, with the girl as the center, spread out to the surrounding, and instantly reached the foot of Lin Feng, Lin Feng's legs, also stepped on the land of Xianlian, "Well? "Lin Feng's footsteps are stagnation, his body seems to be fixed, and he can no longer move. This can't help but give him a horrified look in his eyes. He can't move. This kind of ethereal soil can hold people's Body shape.

"The real power is also imprisoned!"

Lin Feng, who tries to mobilize the power of Zhenyuan, looks stiff, and the lotus of the immortal, which breeds the soil of the ethereal fairy, can not mobilize the power of the true Yuan, but also purify the evil spirits. The magical technique, the terrible force that he entered into the small world.

Thinking of the old man's disregard for himself, Lin Feng could not help but have some trepidation. Those wise eyes are quite profound.

"You are the first person who dares to be light and thin, and will be the first person I want to kill." The girl looks indifferent and ethereal, and the white jade-like palm picks up a lotus flower petal, revealing a sharp edge.

"The first person to kill!" Lin Feng was quite surprised. This girl was a strong disciple and a big disciple. She never killed anyone.

"It's just a misunderstanding, why bother to death!" Lin Feng was quite helpless. Although he had some frivolous actions, he was also a must. If not, how could he get out of the small world.

"The way of the fairy spirit, graceful, not yelling at you, my heart is not stable." The girl's palm waved, suddenly sharp snow lotus petals stabbed toward Lin Feng, sharp and sharp, the space made a sharp whistling.

"Hey!" Lin Feng snorted, the power of the Buddha and the magic gathered in the boxing, suddenly blasted out, gathering the world around the world, like a lion roaring, overbearing fists blasted above the snow lotus petals, was actually split The blood of the silk blooms, Lin Feng feels the pain of the palm, the other side is a powerful realm, even if injured, the combat power is very scary.

Then Lin Feng did not know the pain, his mind was moving, and suddenly the sun was shining, but the holy device was damaged, but still a shuddering breath.

"Breaken!" Lin Feng screamed, the sunset bow with the majestic squatting on the ground of the fairy spirit, the horror of the rumbling came out, the soil of the Faerie was shaken, as if it was not stable.

"Boom, bang, bang!" Lin Feng smashed out continuously, the soil of the Faerie collapsed and cracked, letting the girl look a stagnation.

Open mouth, the girl fiercely spit out a breath, stunned, actually made people feel particularly comfortable, Lin Feng's mind slightly trembled, feeling a sense of floating, then a horrible crisis came, Lin Feng stepped on the ground, happy Stepping out, the body slams, and at the same time the broken sunset bow is set up, the real power gathers on the arrowstring, and suddenly it is an arrow.

"Hey!" The emptiness of the emptiness, as if to be shattered by this arrow, the girl swayed against the resistance, but the sound of the horrible collision made her spit out a red blood, dyed the white dress, especially bright.

"Cough!" Lightly coughed, the girl's mouth continued to overflow the blood, apparently the injury is not good, and forced to mobilize their strength in the fight against Lin Feng.

When the bow and arrow were opened, Lin Feng’s real power gathered into three arrows, and the space was slightly solidified. The girl felt that she was slightly cold, locked by the arrow, raised her head, and stared at Lin Feng with indifference.

"It’s just that the clothes are folded, there is no skin kiss, but you don’t hesitate to hurt me, why bother!” Lin Feng faintly looked at the girl opposite, it was too persistent.

"There is no skin contact," said the girl. When she heard Lin Feng’s words, her eyes were slightly cold and cold. "Besides the elders, there has never been a man entering my side. You are so arrogant that I am still confident." I thought I couldn't kill you!"

"A good one thought that I couldn't kill me. I stumbled into the shack, causing you to be injured and knowing what to lose. Therefore, you have to get everything in your hand!"

"No need to say anything, I said, you are jealous of me, it will be my first killer." The girl said reluctantly, the voice is beyond doubt.

Lin Feng’s look was cold, and the sunset bow was full of strings. The cold road said: “You are too self-righteous.”

"Hey!" In the void, the three-handed arrow broke into the air, whistling and screaming toward the three women.

The girl's eyes were slightly closed, and a voice of illusory sorrow was spit out in her mouth, which turned out to be a true word. At this moment, she was empty and holy, and was enveloped by a wonderful beam of light, just like a fairy.

The arrow from the arch of the setting sun couldn't be close, and it shot on the strange beam of light and fell straight down. At the same time, a strong breath continued to bloom from the light.

"Hey!" Lin Feng snorted, the silver wings flashed, and the body quickly came to the other side, and a palm was printed directly on the light curtain of the other side.

"Refining!" A terrible black flame spread out and wanted to break through the light curtain. However, at this moment, the light is shining, the light curtain covering the other side is extremely firm, and the black flame cannot be shaken, and refining cannot be achieved.

The horrible magical spirit spread out, and the madness spreads toward the palm of Lin Feng's refining, and the black flame is even more hot and horrible, like the enchanting magic fire, breaking open vain, nothing can stop.

"Breaking!" Lin Feng screamed, the horrible power of the wild gathered together in the palm of his hand, in the flame, condensed the three horror means of the fire of the Nether, the power of the magic, and the power of the wild, a sound of a bang, then shine The overflowing, the light curtain broke and the girl's face was very shocked. However, Lin Feng's palm instantly buckled her, and she could not allow her to react.

The girl's appearance was stiff, and she apparently did not expect Lin Feng to be able to break her body of the fairy. Even if she was seriously injured, a Tianwu four-person should not have such a strong force.

Looking at Lin Feng, the girl's gaze with a hint of indifference, but there is no fear of a little bit.

"You are really embarrassed. Since you keep saying that I am sloppy, you will see how your face looks!" Lin Feng leaned on the other side, waving his palms, uncovering the other side's masked veil, and suddenly, a must The beauty of the face floated in front of him, making him slightly lost.

This face is also like her temperament, ethereal as a fairy, with a dusty air, as if with the cut off the world, is the fairy, and this perfect face with a touch Holy temperament, holiness as a fairy, this is the temperament of dreams!

The girl looked at Lin Feng, with a stubborn indifference, the thief not only dared to be thin and light, but now she unveiled her veil, so she looked at her appearance at close range.

Lin Feng’s eyes flashed a complex look. It seemed to have a sense of missing thoughts. When he saw the face of the other person, he thought of the phantom of the world, and the white clothes won the snow.

"You are not as good as her!" Lin Feng said an inexplicable voice, let the girl squat, you are not as good as her? What is this, she, who is it?

Even, she also saw Lin Feng's complex complex, seemingly an inexplicable sad smile hanging on her face, but did not appreciate her and surprised her face, she could not even see the shock, only calm and a miss.

"I don't bother you, let's go!" Let the girl go, Lin Feng said a faint voice, let the girl look a stiff, do not understand why Lin Feng is so weird after seeing her face.

"I am not as good as her, what does it mean?" The girl still has a stubborn look in her eyes. She is only twenty years old. Now she has been repaired to the heavenly martial arts. She should have been in the martial arts, and was interrupted by Lin Feng. It is rare. The body of the fairy spirit, no one is not shocked, the fairy is amazing; and her face is more recognized, the country is full of enthusiasm, countless people are crazy, but Lin Feng only said one after seeing her face, you are not as good as she was!

"temperament, beauty, although a little similar, but you are not as good as her, before I change my mind, let's go!" Lin Feng once again opened, the girl looks a stagnation, temperament, beauty, somewhat similar, but not as good as her? As far as she knows, in terms of temperament and beauty, she can only stand with her, but there is only one demon girl, and that person is completely different from her. There can be no similarities. Obviously, she does not believe Lin Feng’s words.

"My name is Xue Baiyao, remember my name. After my injury is restored, I will come to take your life!"

The girl said to Lin Feng, using a gauze to cover her face, then she flickered and left.

"Snowy Yao!" Lin Feng blinked, muttered to himself, Xuebai Yao, Xue Lingyu!

Guanghua flickering, a pure white snow-like demon appeared, seeing this little demon, Lin Feng's face showed a bright smile.

Xue Ling’s eye-catching eyes lingered, and then jumped into Lin Feng’s arms, where he was clever.

"Dream, there are too many strong people in the wild, your mother once told you not to let you show up, I dare not take you around, you don't blame me!" Lin Feng said to himself, the heart decided to find the Scorpio Xian Yan, at all costs to get the holy Dan, even if he exchanged the sacred device of his body, but Lin Feng is worried about the people who are ill-intentioned, if he takes out the best saint, the other party will only be greedy, And will not give him a holy drug!

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