Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1101: Very sad

"Hey!" The horrible void power shrouded Lin Feng's body, and the brilliance flashed. Lin Feng only felt a terrible suction coming from him and swallowed him into the void. //Update the fastest 78xs//


Lin Feng's look was stiff. At this moment, he suddenly found out that he had left the hall in the void. The moment when the throne was pulled up, the power of terror came, and he was to be taken to another place.

After a sigh of relief, Lin Feng was speechless. The ancient emperor, even under the palace of the small world, engraved with transmission power, would not be the transmission to the old emperor's nest? Many words have passed in countless years, and who knows where his old nest is.

At this time, Lin Feng can only pray in the heart, don't be too far away.

"Hey!" The terrible fluctuations came out. Lin Feng felt his body land on the ground, but the surroundings were dark and there was no luster. I didn't know where it was.

"It seems to be too early." Lin Feng smiled bitterly, he was also ready to rob other small worlds, did not expect to be directly passed out, this can not patronize other small worlds.

The singularity was not transmitted. The last thing he brought was the throne that was pulled up by him. He was taken up by him, and then he entered the void, but Lin Feng did not worry about the strange life and death. Everyone is fine, and it is the age of thousands of years before the death, there must be a way to go out, as to whether he can get the treasures of other small worlds is not known.

"Big pests and big pests, you don't have to wait for me." Lin Feng bitterly, he agreed with the big pests, I am afraid that by the time the big pests found that he has not gone up, he will think that he died in the wild sea.

However, this is not bad news for him. The palace of the Emperor is connected to his old nest. Then, will other Wuhuangs also arrange such a place of transmission? If they are faint and Jun Mo, they also enter. In the small world, if there is no accident, there may be opportunities to be transmitted from the small world. Now I can only pray that they are as lucky as themselves.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Feng observed the place where he was at the moment. It was a very incomplete cave house with many artifacts around, but all of them were decaying or damaged.

"Be robbed!"

Lin Feng saw the scene in front of him. The first thing that came to mind was that it used to be the place where Wu Emperor practiced and lived. However, he was ransacked by future generations. The useful treasures were looted, and the leftovers were either broken or not. value.

Going a few steps forward, I found that the mud sealed the small hole, and let Lin Feng feel awkward. It was speechless and found that he was underground at the moment, he was buried!

Slightly licking his mouth, Lin Feng relieved, the Emperor Wu of the ancient times, his place of residence is not robbed by people to blame, countless years, it is also very normal to be buried here.

"But although it has been ruined, it has become a ruin, but there is still a fascinating general trend, just like the dragon's pulse." Lin Feng's keen instinct felt the extraordinaryness of this place, the heart was quite emotional, the strongest of the Emperor Wu is difficult to sigh, even if he died Innumerable years, the place where he once lived has turned into a dragon's qi. It is conceivable that the land above the burial place is definitely a place of Zhongling, which is very suitable for the cultivation of martial arts.

"I don't know where I am now." Lin Feng murmured, and then the body trembled, a sharp air split the earth, his body penetrated into the sky.

The place where he was was actually buried very deep. After a while, there was a faint scent floating into the air, which made people feel refreshed. Lin Feng knew that he was going out.

"Sure enough, it is the place where Zhong Ling is beautiful, and the vitality is so strong, like a fairy, people are obsessed with fascination."

"Hmmm?" At this time, Lin Feng suddenly stopped and reached out. Lin Feng’s tentacles were extremely hard. He knew that he touched the surface and turned out to be a very hard thing, blocking him from going up.

The sharp power of the sharpness gathered in the palm of his hand. Lin Feng slammed out into the sky, and a bursting sound came out. The stones on the top froze and the horrible atmosphere destroyed everything. Lin Feng forcibly broke the top.

"Excessive force!" Lin Feng snorted, his body rushed into the ground, but when he just got up, his look was a stagnation, and he stood on the ground, and the place where he was at the moment was fragrant. As he guessed, it is indeed the place where Zhong Ling is beautiful, but what makes him extremely depressed is that this is actually a woman's boudoir!

Moreover, he just rushed out from under the bed and gave the stone bed an imposing.

What is even more depressing is that this stone bed was originally sitting alone, and is practicing. He suddenly rushed out from the bottom of her boudoir. She was completely unprepared, and she devoted herself to cultivation and was so The impact of power directly leads to the disorder of the whole body, the blood flow countercurrent, and the redness of the eyes, which is the blood of the other's mouth.

Lin Feng's heart wiped the cold sweat, silent for a while, there is an impulse to shoot himself.

At this moment, I saw a pair of beautiful eyes staring at him, filled with the coldness of the cold, a white gauze will be wrapped around the graceful body, the hair is like a waterfall on the shoulders, and even a pure white veil on his face. Just like the people in the painting, the beauty is not good, only the cold eyes will destroy this artistic conception. If at this moment, the beautiful eyes can smile, and the flowers are eclipsed.

Both of them were silent for a moment, Lin Feng only felt very incomparable, and squeezed a smile of apology, Lin Feng said to the woman: "I am sorry, I am not intentional."

"Hello, despicable, in order to deal with me, I am hiding under my bed!" The woman finally spoke. Lin Feng’s explanation was useful. He rushed out from under the bed of others and wounded her. Then he said that he was not intentional. The other party would believe him. ?

"Amount..." Lin Feng is very incomparable, it seems that the other party is treating himself as a *thief!

After a bitter smile, Lin Feng knew that the explanation could not be explained clearly. After taking out a medicinal herb, Lin Feng walked toward the other side.

"Whether you believe it or not, I really don't want to appear here. There is a healing medicine here. You should take it first." Whether you are interested, but after all, you broke into the other's shack, causing the other person to be injured. Lin Feng has ashamed.

"Stand up, do you think I will believe you?" The woman's voice was indifferent, and there was a strong breath in her body. Even though she was seriously injured and seriously injured, she still couldn't accommodate Lin Fengyi.

"Who are you, you have done such awkward things." The woman screamed, her voice rolling, and Lin Feng looked stiff.

"You are shouting people!" Lin Feng was in the heart, and his heart was very cold. However, after all, he thought that he was wrong, he did not say anything, stepping forward and flashing toward the outside.

Seeing that Lin Feng left, the woman apparently collapsed. She did not understand why Lin Feng was. Since he tried to lurk in the ground of his room, why not come for himself?

"Bold madman!" Lin Feng just stepped out of the room, he felt that two sharp spirits locked him, and the brilliance of the brilliance shot, the sword is like autumn water, cold light, with a bit of ethereal gas, making people unpredictable .

"Let's get out!" Lin Feng's footsteps, the two women are not old, they all have Tianwu four repairs, the sword is superb, I don't know where he went.

The palms of the hand smashed out, and suddenly the swordsmanship of the road was blooming. Lin Fengqi’s body seemed to be like a sword, and opened up a road, stepping through the middle of the two.

"Someone is not good for the lady!" The two women screamed, and Lin Feng felt a strong breath to lock his body and make him feel stiff.

Immediately, there were several figures in the void that volleyed and the atmosphere was strong. These people turned out to be saints.

"A good daring madman, will leave it!" A sizzling drink came and trembled in Lin Feng's mind, making him feel the body trembled slightly, the strength of the other side, terrible.

"Hey!" Lin Feng was extremely depressed. Not long ago, he was still proud of his luck. He didn't expect it to be so arrogant at the moment. He didn't know where to go. The strong is like a cloud. In the blink of an eye, he has seen more than a dozen respects. This made him feel powerless and unlucky.

It turned out that luck was too good to be thundered.

There is a little bit of Lin Feng, but there is no guessing. It is indeed the place where Zhong Ling is beautiful. Obviously, there is a big force that occupies this place with a strong dragon's pulse, as his own ancestral gate!

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