Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1096: Encourage

"A good and powerful dead spirit, the big pest must have encountered a great crisis on the day, otherwise it will not stop me." Lin Feng’s heart secretly, such a strong dead spirit, with the repair of the old pests, if there is no sacrament The dragon axe is in the hand, I am afraid that it will not kill.

"Feng!" Lin Feng's palm trembled, suddenly a terrible power of the magical magic bloomed, the void trembled, the dead spirits seemed to be still, all were sealed, and now Lin Feng's understanding of the power of the magic, the more The more terrible it is.

"Incinerate!" Lin Feng cold drink, the horrible Yanghuo really gathered together, turned into a terrible dark fire lotus, like the Nether, to destroy everything.

A black flame spread out, and all the dead spirits were entangled. The sound of the harsh sounds came and went. The voices of the dead spirits were extremely sharp and ugly, struggling in the flames.

"Do not believe that you will not die."

Lin Feng strengthens the power of the flame, and at the same time, the power of refining and chemical penetration permeates, the harsh sound is getting louder and louder, and finally the dead body turns into flying ash and annihilates in the void.

Gradually, the sharp voice disappeared, and the dead spirits were all smouldering in the flames. After all, they were only the life of the remnant souls. They were not really immortal, and the masters of the corpses were already dead.

At this time, it was only when I swayed out, I was arrogant and proud of the world, and whispered: "A group of dead spirits dare to squat in front of the Emperor, Lin Feng, there seems to be an entrance, a blast, Let's go in and see if we have a big world."

"I don't die!" Lin Feng really wants to squat on the strange ass, let him come to eat a dog, this old is not a thing too much, owe, but now very moment, maybe you still need to rely on this Old bastard, so Lin Feng will endure.

When I stepped forward, Lin Feng punched the ruin and it was an entrance.

"Go!" Lin Feng's figure is flashing, and he is going to the entrance.

"Wait!" Poorly shouted, Lin Feng stopped.

"These corpses are all treasures. They are definitely good materials for refining the sacred objects. Are you throwing them like this?"

"Other people's bones you have to remember, it is too unscrupulous, what **** the great emperor." Lin Feng snorted, but the movements of the hands did not stop, the corpses were collected, so that the strange stunned, Shameless, too shameless...

The front is still in ruins, and all around it is broken. This small world seems to be a connected palace. The powerful weapons that have been ruined are scattered on the ground, and there is no brilliance in the past, or even buried in the ruins.

"It's all saints, but all are broken, but unfortunately, you will develop your child."

Lin Feng also clearly saw everything in front of him. The golden bell is now dull and dull, covered with gray, with cracks on it; the ancient mirror is broken and cannot be restored; and the gourd that has been opened is cut into several pieces. The sword is covered with a cracked black shield.

These weapons, even if they have been sleeping for thousands of years, can still feel the powerful atmosphere contained in them, such as the corpse in front of Lin Feng, holding a hand-painted painting in the hand, majestic and incomparable. It seems as if the earth can be opened, and there is a horrible crack under the ground. However, the middle of the sky is now broken and broken, and it does not have the power of the past.

"In the ancient times, what kind of horrific war broke out in the ancient times. Even the small world of the Emperor Wu was broken. The corpses of the peers were everywhere. The saints were easily split like ordinary weapons." Lin Feng's heart It’s quite shocking, it’s terrible, it’s hard to imagine the horror of the ancient battlefield, and the annihilation of the holy device.

The fabulous spear obtained by Yang Ziyan’s auction should be a survivor of the sacristy. He was buried in the wilderness and buried in the barren stone. He was lucky to be obtained from the island of Kowloon. He could feel the holy device from his horrible peerlessness. Powerful, and here these broken saints, I am afraid that many have the absolute power of the peerless spear.

"Put it up and collect it." Although the pity seems to be a pity, the eyes are still shining: "These things are broken, causing the sacred pattern to split, unable to exert the power of the sacred device, but it is still the top material for refining the sacred device. Even if he had found a great sacred master of the sacred refining, he had a chance to fix them."

Lin Feng nodded. Of course, these things would not be missed. Once again, they began to sweep. Whether it was the sacrum or the broken sacred device, all of them were taken away, and they were never let go.


Just when Lin Feng collected the Fangtian paintings that were inserted on the ground, I saw a horrible illusion in Fang Tian's paintings, which rushed toward Lin Feng as if to be integrated into Lin Feng's body.

"Boom!" The flame of Lin Feng's body burned in an instant, the hurricane shrouded the body, the body plunged, the soul, and the sacred sacred device still sealed the soul.

"Self-sealed for countless years, finally someone came." This illusion spit out a voice, the illusory long hair fluttering, the eyes with a burning meaning, floating in the void, staring at Lin Feng.

"I actually met an old monster!" Lin Feng is dark and suffocating. It is really a man who does not die for thousands of years. This should not be a complete soul, but it is obviously much stronger than the remnant. He has been self-proclaimed in his own sages. Born.

The poor and very unreasonable retreat back, even in the open, which makes Lin Feng have the urge to vomit blood, livestock, this time did not deliberately open.

"Lin Feng, he is just a soul without a flesh, and sacrificed your holy device to kill him." The poor and very derogatory behind him, he supported Lin Feng in spirit.

"There is still a strange thing." The phantom looked at the strange, his eyes showed a funny look, and then he pointed to Lin Fengdao: "Boy, your body is for me, I will make you a strong existence." I am with you, regardless of each other."

"Dream!" Guanghua flickering, Lin Feng sacrificed the sword of the heavenly sword, and it was directly attacked by a sword and went to the other side.

"Bang!" The sound of the bursting sound came out, but Lin Feng found that the other side of the soul was scattered, and the sword was actually in the void.

Once the soul re-converges into a human form, the other stare at Lin Feng sneer: "It's useless, give me the flesh, you are me, I am you, what are you worried about!"

The ghost shadow drifted toward Lin Feng like a ghost. The eyes were full of greed. For many years, he did not know how he endured it. Today, someone finally sent the flesh.

"Lin Feng, come out." At this time, Lin Feng heard the strange voice, did not think about it, once again took out a sword and then turned and walked away, rushing toward the place where he had just entered.

The shadow of the soul is not in a hurry, and flies toward Lin Feng. Both the poor and Lin Feng have reached the road, relying on a wall that has been sealed to make a sly smile on the face of the virtual shadow.

"Over the years, I don't know how the world is like now. The deity can finally see the sky." The virtual shadow stepped out of the opened hole and continued to go to Lin Feng, but at this moment, together The brilliance of the Taoist rushes to the sky, and the shadow of the shadows is momentarily frozen there.

His face changed greatly, and the shadow of the shadow was lowered. He saw it underneath him, engraved with a pattern of sacred patterns. Guanghua emerged from it and shrouded his soul.


The illusion whispered, and then the body seemed to tremble, and a horrible devouring light appeared in the sacred pattern, swallowing his body into the streak.

"Chen the soul, how can a beast be arrested!" The shadow of the madness roared, but at this moment his entire body did not enter the holy pattern, leaving only a sly face outside, making unwilling roar.

"Ghosts and ghosts, even dare to insult the Emperor!" The singularly swayed and swayed forward, slamming a sacred pattern, and suddenly the sacred flame was born.

"Ah..." The shadow of the horror of the horror of the horror is so fierce, the Emperor... This singularly strange beast claimed to be the Emperor and was able to arrange the power of the sacred pattern.

Lin Feng came forward and said that this guy is still kind. The deliberate opening of the singer was to arrange the sacred pattern here, and the soul of the other party was instantly restrained.

"Although you are an ancient existence, but this emperor is also a figure of thousands of years ago, although he is now attached to the poor, but you are such a ants can be humiliated, not respectful and high-sounding Yan Di." The problem started again, and Lin Feng rolled his eyes.

The shadow of the virtual shadow flashed, and then said: "Yan Emperor seniors, can you let me go, I am willing to follow."

"Well, you are quite conscious. When you raise it yourself, the Emperor will give you a chance to sacrifice your Lord's soul, and the Emperor will accept you as a servant!"

"Let me go!" The frantic roar of the shadows, the sacrifice, the beast actually let him sacrifice, hehe!

"It seems that you have not yet fully realized!" The stunned look is a sly look, this guy still wants to play with him, who he is, the great Yandi.

The horrible fire of horror burned again, as if to refine the other side.

Lin Feng secretly screams, this ancient guy wants to play with this strange guy, not to be killed by the death, this thousand-year-old guy is absolutely personal.

"No, I am willing to sacrifice!" The other side is helpless and can only give in. If he does not agree, he will be revived alive.

I accepted the sacrifice of the other party and became the master of this soul.

"Who are you from? Who is this small world? What is your relationship with him? What kind of battles have happened here, and other small worlds have martial arts relics?"

Lin Feng asked a lot of questions at once, and ended up collecting a servant. At least it would be more convenient. He just let the other person take him to find the remains of the emperor. If he is there, it will be convenient. After all, It is the strongest in this small world.

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