Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1093: Going to the ruins of the wilderness

Lin Feng’s Kowloon Island warships have just returned to the junction of the North and the Wild Seas and heard a lot about the Yang family and the Kowloon Island. Whether it’s the warships of Yang Ziyan or the warships of Kowloon Island, it’s obviously better than the warships he’s riding. It is much faster, and the mighty land has already reached this northern wasteland, causing a huge wave.

When the group of ships on the island of Kowloon went to the place, the crowd felt that something had happened. Then they all learned that the warships on the island of Kowloon went directly to the Yang family. Later, there was news that the Yang family was in Kowloon. The island auctioned the stone to get a sacristy, which may have contradicted the grandson of the island of Jiulong Island, Qiu Qiuyun, killing Gu Qiuyun in the wilderness and leaving the bones intact. The island of Kowloon vibrates.

The latest news has not been passed, but the crowd guessed that it is likely to have started.

"Without the ship of the void, it is estimated that it is impossible to catch up with this excitement." Lin Feng flashed in the void, quite depressed, I am afraid that the two sides have already fought.

I thought that Lin Feng did not go to the Yang family, but rushed to the relatively close Tiancheng City. He and the big pest agreed to wait for him in Tianjing City. Now he is faint and Jun Moxi and Yun Feiyang’s whereabouts are unknown. Ready to go to the ruins of the wilderness called by the big pests.

He has an incomparably strong resistance to the power of the wild sea. His sages can't compare with him. If he can, he wants to go deep into the wilderness and explore the truth. He must find out whether they are safe or not, otherwise he can't rest assured.

During the trip to Tianjing City, Lin Feng heard news of many Yang family and Kowloon Island. As he expected, Kowloon Island went to Yang Ziyan, but Yang Ziyan did not kill at all. He even admitted that it was impossible. Needless to say, I am sent to death, and as a family of Yang family, Yang family, naturally want to protect, can not let the Kowloon Island kill and kill.

Therefore, a fierce battle started naturally. With many people's descriptions, this battle was a catastrophe, and the blood flowed into a river. All of them were strong defenders of the martial arts level. The door of the emptiness of the Yang family collapsed. However, the island of Kowloon will break into the nest of the Yang family to capture Yang Ziyan, and the Yang family’s void world will be full of sorrow.

After a day, Lin Feng on the road heard the news continue to come. This battle actually went on for a whole day and did not calm down. The people on both sides were angry and stunned, and they were beaten by real fire. In their territory, they killed the little master and were crazy, and the Yang family also covered the murderer; while the Yang family was so deceived by the Kowloon Island that they even broke into their family and were angry.

As for Yang Ziyan, he wants to dig out the soul of Lin Feng from the wilderness. He has no chance to come forward and defend. He will kill him when he goes out to Kowloon Island. He does not dare to go out. Of course, his defense is also It can't be useful.

Lin Feng returned to Tianjing City and found a large pest through the mark left in the ship of the Nether. At this time, the big pest was a little excited. He also heard about the death of Gu Qiuyun. He was so happy that he had already wanted to kill Gu Qiuyun.

"It's really cheap, he didn't kill him!" The big pest looks cold.

"I killed the same as you killed." Lin Feng said coldly, let the big pests look at it, watching Lin Feng: "You said..."

"It's me!" Lin Feng nodded. The reason for the incident was to tell the big pests, so that the big pests felt very happy and killed.

The two men inspected the situation of the Yang family in Tianjing City. I heard that the battle is finally over. Both sides have suffered heavy casualties. Although the foundation of the Kowloon Island is extremely deep, they have killed the Yang family’s nest and paid a great deal. The big price, and it is said that they almost killed it. Later, the top-ranking powerhouse of the Xuanyuan family arrived and persuaded the matter. After all, Xuanyuan also participated in it and witnessed the truth.

The owner of the island of Kowloon knows the horror of the other party and has no choice but to retreat. As for the truth of the **** that the other party said, the people of Kowloon Island are thundering, and they are simply questioning their IQ.

A Tianwu four-person who will take Gu Qiuyun to die together to plant the Yang family? Is it possible that when the people of Kowloon Island are stupid pigs? Too shameful, and do not find an excuse to pass.

Lin Feng, who learned the result, was a pity, but it was destroyed by the Xuanyuan family. It should not be dead, but he also knew that this hatred could not be relieved. Even if the truth was restored in the future, the island of Kowloon discovered that it was not Yang Ziyan. Killed, but with this battle, they will never be able to resolve, it is already dead, and the meeting will be killed and killed.

"Big pests, take me to the place where you are abandoned." Walking on the avenue, Lin Feng sacrificed the ship of the void, and the two men vacated.

"Lin Feng, in the wilderness, without the means of the Kowloon Island, we can't go on once again, and we must die." The big pest shook his head.

"Take me there." Lin Feng looked up at the front. The big pest looked at his face like a tough sword. He knew that he could not persuade the other party and sighed: "Look at them and look at them!"

"First go to Kowloon Island. I used to depart from Kowloon Island. I will know the approximate coordinates after I arrived at Kowloon Island."

The wilderness is too vast and boundless. If you don’t arrive at Kowloon Island first, even if Huanglong has been there once, it is impossible for him to find it again. Only when he first goes to Kowloon Island, he starts from the place and follows the memory. It is possible to find it.

Lin Feng did not say a word, and once again headed for the direction of Kowloon Island, but this time he certainly would not go to the island. If this ship of the Nether is recognized, there may be trouble.

According to Huang Biaolong’s complaint, Lin Feng found the place on the edge of his last departure, but proceeded according to the memory of Huang Xiaolong.

The ship of the Void is very slow. Huangfulong just remembers the general orientation. Without accurate coordinate marks, it is not easy to find a place in the wilderness. Fortunately, Huang Biaolong told Lin Feng to be next to a desert island. Otherwise, if it is in the central desert, The hope of finding it is even more embarrassing.

One day later, the ship of the Voids, which the two of them were riding, was still in the middle of the wilderness. It seemed to be aimless. Lin Feng sat on the ship of the Nether, and there was always a touch of worry between the eyebrows, and even the fear of the heart could be It is said that because of his appearance, faint, and his brother, he will follow him to the eight wilderness. However, now he has become a disciple of the Emperor, the first disciple of the rooftop, and the future is bright.

However, faint, as well as Jun Mo Xi and Yun Fei Yang, but did not know where to go, life and death are unknown, which gave him a trace of sadness, in this desolate and cruel world, in addition to his loved ones, these few most sincere friends Followed by them, they want to sway together and create a bright future, but now, only he and the big pests are still there.

The light shimmered. In the hands of Lin Feng, there was a jug of wine, in which the fierceness of the silk fluttered out like a flame.

Among his storage rings, there are many precious things, as well as a few pots of wine. He has always been treasured, not willing to drink, he regards it as the most precious thing.

"In the past, on the battle platform, singing about wine, how fast is it, now, where are you!"

Lin Feng looked up and looked at the ridiculous sea, the desolate wild sea, raised the glass, and poured it into his mouth. In a moment, a burning scent continued to flow in the body and let it burn.

Looking up at the void, there seems to be a faint and elegant face, looking back and smiling. There seems to be a gentle and gentle wind, the gentleman is upright and honest; there seems to be a cloud there. Flying and unrestrained flying hair, and the bright smile on the handsome face.

"You said, let me go with me, use a **** battle, trample on this eight wilderness continent, when you look back, youth has no regrets, now, where are you!"

Lin Feng drank another bite, and the flames in the chest became more and more flamboyant. "You also said that he returned to the snowy days, and he returned to the snow. He was screaming in the sky, and he was in the world. Now, where are you!"

Lin Feng will drink the last bite of wine and lie on the ship of the Nether. At this moment, he has no boiling martial arts blood, a strange family, no relatives, no brothers to share, he overlooks the Jiuyi continent, it seems to be bleak !

The big pests are red and red, the palms are clenched and creaking, and it seems to hold back the tears of the man!

In the past, he and the snow mountain practiced, and only wanted a Tianchi saint to be a wife, but after actually meeting Lin Feng, he really felt the blood, the feeling, called brotherhood!

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