Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1082: Spicy means

Lin Feng once again came to this place, but the second time I felt the scent of this wasteland, Lin Feng did not have the same deep respect as the last time, but full of pride.

Nowadays, even the wild sea that can bury the bones of the world can no longer stop him. He does not need to fear the scent of the wild, and even dare to swallow the power of the wild. As long as he can use the exquisite sacred spirit, he will be able to There are enough wild powers to suppress them into the demon sea for his use.

The edge of the wilderness of the eight wilderness is no more than the other. The warships here are more, and they are directly parked in the wilderness. They can log in at any time. As long as the number is sufficient, they can start immediately. This is the gap.

Lin Feng did not directly choose to take the Void Battleship to Kowloon Island. The Nethership Ship that was taken from the Yang family was too conspicuous. If it was found that the strong man was robbed in the wilderness, it would be bad. It can be used at a critical moment. Many of the battleships in the wilderness are heading to Kowloon Island, showing how prosperous and powerful the Kowloon Island is.

And from here to the Kowloon Island costs do not need to come from the other side of the wilderness to come here so horrible, Lin Feng chose to board a luxury battleship to Kowloon Island, enough to accommodate thousands of people.

Lin Feng’s is also quite coincidental, just enough people can go directly.

When the warships were launched, the light of the righteousness enveloped the warships and headed for the wilderness. The power of the horrible wilderness roared and rolled.

"Wait" was on the battleship for a moment, and a strong drink came from the void, shaking the crowd and rolling, looking up at the two old men, my heart was quite surprised, the two sages, Strong strength.

"Open the Olympic light curtain, let us go in, the crystal of the righteousness pays you double"

The voice of the old man came out, and the people in control of the warship nodded and did not want to offend the two sages: "Everyone is resisting the power of the wild, and it will be enough in a flash."

There will be no people in the crowd who have opinions. They are all people who travel, and the invasion of the power of the wild will not let them do.

For a moment, the light curtain of the righteousness was opened, and the two men immediately set foot on the battleship. Everyone was busy with their own affairs, and did not cause too much waves. The center of the topic was still a major event that occurred in the northern wasteland a month ago. Emperor and Emperor Huang recruited the first batch of disciples of the Emperor, as well as the grievances of Tianlong Fort and the rooftop.

"Now those people have been on the rooftop for more than a month. I don't know what it is now. It is so talented. It should be even more horrible now." A group of people are discussing.

"Oh, indeed, especially the children of the big family in the Northern Wilderness, and some geniuses in other regions, but I did not expect that Xuanyuan did not become a disciple of the Emperor, and was bullied by the grandson of the Emperor. It’s tragic, I’ve lost my face, and I’ve left so many big words.”

"Hey, you don't understand this. Xuanyuan is still a good day. Who is Fei Fei? The grandson of Da Yuhuang, Mu Chen Hou Qinglin gave him face. Lin Feng had a good luck and he got acquainted. Xuanyuan broke. The day is not dead luck, the most miserable thing is to count the Yang family, and I want to put my daughter on others. The result is not successful, and I heard that the two brothers and sisters were all bombarded by Lin Feng, and they lost their faces. I am afraid that I will be opened by the genius children of several other families, the true tragedy."

The person opposite the "small voice" blinked at him, and there were many people who knew that there were people from the Yang family. Moreover, he just seemed to feel a chill.

"Afraid of what, the Yang family has its own ship of the void, it is impossible to appear here, but then again, Xuanyuan did not win the position of the first disciple, nor did he ask the woman of Yang family, but it was wasted. The Yang Ziyan is good, and the blood is special. If I can play with it, it would be fine."

Said, this person laughed loudly, and the people around him laughed too. They all had this kind of thought in their hearts. It was impossible to achieve, only in the mouth.

At this point, Lin Feng's brow slightly wrinkled, and several people who laughed seemed to have not found it. The faces of the two old men who came up behind were already murdered.

"Yang family?" Lin Feng suddenly gave birth to a bad mood. The two men were on the battleship behind him. At this moment, they heard the conversations of those people and revealed the murder.

"Whenever you have it, you just don't know what to do."

Sure enough, one of the old people at the moment said indifferently, suddenly let the laughter of those people come to an abrupt end, watching the old man who talked, want to be angry, but can’t say anything, these people are not good, but The other party’s repairs are unfathomable, and they dare not provoke them.

"How to shut up, let's continue." Another old man's voice was cold and cold, but he also murdered, but he did not immediately kill.

"Predecessors, are you a young man?" one of them asked tentatively.

The two did not answer, but stared at those people indifferently. The killings were revealed, but they did not work, making those people uncomfortable.

"They are delaying the time." Lin Feng's brow wrinkled even more. Then he looked at the control of the warship. He said: "Predecessors, if there is an unexpected situation, they will open the curtain of the righteousness, otherwise we will die."

The eyes of the warship's masters fell on Lin Feng's body, his brows provoked, and saw Lin Feng's look dignified. He said: "What do you mean?"

"The two people must be Yang's people. They came because of me. They want to kill me. At this moment, they don't want to kill the killers because they don't dare to justify the killing, so once they move on, wait for them to shoot. In order not to let people know, all the warships must be destroyed."

Lin Feng said earnestly, after hearing his words, the person in charge of the battleship looked stiff and listened to Lin Feng’s serious voice. It seems that there is such a possibility. Otherwise, the two men have already revealed the murder, why not kill.

The "嗡" battleship suddenly stopped and let the crowd look.

"what happened?"

"Why don't you go?" The crowd said.

"The warship has some problems, you need to return to the air, everyone should be safe, don't miss too much time, and the crystals of the righteousness that you paid, I will retire half." The control person of the battleship said with a smile, still keeps light. Then the battleship turned direction.

However, the next moment, his look was stiff there, and the killing of a forest shrouded him, making people shudder.

"Give me a continuation." The cold voice spit out from the old man's mouth, allowing the warship's controller to completely believe Lin Feng's words.

"Open the Olympic light curtain, I will go, they will certainly chase, so that you can change your life." Lin Feng quietly, continue to voice to each other.


When the other party listened to Lin Feng’s words, a flash of light flashed, and the Olympic light curtain opened again, letting the two old men look stiff.

"Hello, big courage," one of the old men screamed and slammed toward him.

At about the same time, Lin Feng body directly vacated, the virtual warship appeared, and fiercely left the battleship.

"A good deceitful guy, I am going to chase, you solve the people here." One of the old men stepped in and walked straight away. There was also a ship of the void in the foot. If lightning, the two disappeared instantly. Endless sea of ​​waste.

On the empty warship in the wilderness, a **** massacre was launched.

Lin Feng stepped on the empty battleship and squirmed in the air. The heart gave birth to a chill. The Yang family’s good means of sending out two such masters to kill him, and killing everyone, who knows how they died, died in the wilderness I am afraid no one knows.

There was a cold awn in the eyelids, and the ship of the void behind him followed closely. The speed did not need his slowness. Obviously, he had already considered the factor of his ship with a void. This time he must refer to him and die.

"Yang Ziyan, Yang Ziyan, your life I received"

Lin Feng mouth spit out a cold voice, since the Yang family has killed him like this, he has nothing to care about, can not kill them, how can they fight for three times and five times

"Give me a stop, offend Yang, do you think you can still live?" The voice of indifference came from behind, and the other ship's Nethership was getting closer and closer to Lin Feng.

Ps: How can the flowers not rise, flowers and flowers, come to my bowl!

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