Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1059: Break open the void

"Brothers!" Hou Qinglin naturally saw the wood dust, nodded and smiled at him. It seems that there was no accident that the wood dust came. The world thought that his Hou Qinglin talent was terrible, but he did not know that his brother Mu Chen was the best teacher. Since he is here, nothing will happen.

Wood dust smiled, then looked at the gathering of the Tianlong Emperor, the indifferent road: "Tianlonghuang predecessors have been famous for a long time, now how the disciples under the door are so incompetent, so many people who kill my brother, Don't feel ashamed!"

"Wood dust, Hou Qinglin killed Tianlong Shenbao, killing our people here, depending on my Tianlong Fort, no one has to die here, you don't have to talk about it, and you step into my god. Fort, we don't care about you, but if you intervene, let's leave your life with your brother!"

The strong man who used the hand of heaven and earth said coldly, if today, Hou Qinglin was left safely, and the face of Tianlong Shenbao was saved. Tianlong Wuhuang had to be angry with Longyan.

"You said the wrong thing, it is your Tianlong Fortress sent to the trial site to protect the people who sent the altar to attack us to send the altar to the first, ignoring my two divisions, Shijiu Emperor, my second brother came to Tianlong The emperor cleaned up the portal and was frank, what was wrong."

The sound of wood dust floated, and continued: "My younger brother, Hou Qinglin, is a five-folder of Zunwu. If you have a man who has repaired the same realm and can kill my brother, I will not say a word, but if you I’m bullying and bullying, I can’t sit back and ignore it, and the incident will come out, and others will say that there’s no one under the Dragon’s Gate.”

Killing Hou Qinglin in the same realm?

The sage of the gods of Tianlong Shenbao sneer, who does not know the strength of Hou Qinglin, the power of the palm reincarnation, the same realm wants to defeat him is difficult to climb, not to mention killing.

The other side glanced at the wood dust, and looked cold and indifferent: "If today let him live alive, others will say no one under the Dragon King!"


A killing sound rolled out, turned into a terrible killing light, and bloomed toward Hou Qinglin. At the same time, his palm trembled again and turned into a big hand, and Hou Qinglin was crushed to death!

"The stone emperor and the emperor's doorman, tolerate others to deceive!" Wood dust saw the other party's shot, indifferently spit out a voice, palms waving, suddenly Lin Feng was covered in a light curtain, and the shadow of wood dust disappeared.

Lin Feng knows that wood dust is protecting him from harm. He looks at the figure of wood dust step by step, and gives him an illusion. His pace is the heaven and earth avenue, completely blending with the heavens and the earth, containing the rhyme, one step. Stepping out, the void moved, the figure of wood dust appeared directly next to Hou Qinglin, and the two brothers and sisters smiled and fought side by side!

The light of the reincarnation once again bloomed in the heavens and the earth, and a brilliance rushed to the sky. Hou Qinglin still plainly pulled out a sword. However, others would not understand how many times the sword trembled and truly communicate the power of the world. .

The space was torn out of a huge mouth, and the abyss reincarnation of the wheel reappeared. In the land of the abyss that broke open, it seemed as if the soul was roaring, there was a ghost in the cycle, and the horrible reincarnation power spread out. To make a round of horror devouring power, as if to swallow the entire world into the cycle.

"Give me out!" A cold voice spit out. The big handprints of that day were much more horrible than the mountains. The figures were extraordinarily small in front of the big handprints of this world. The big handprints of this world directly printed on the swallowing mouth of the void reincarnation. , the reincarnation of the void is buckled, but it can not be destroyed.

Above the void, endless terrorist attacks are pressed against Hou Qinglin and Mu Chen, and every attack makes the world tremble, strong enough to make people suffocate.

Lin Feng looked at the attack in the void, only feeling horrified, terrible, as long as one of the attacks fell on him, he could be destroyed.

"Long world, can break the law!" A sound in the dusty mouth, then the endless light spread from his body, as if it is a ray of vines, turned into billions, spread out, in an instant, the whole This piece of heaven and earth is all such brilliance vines, endless, infiltrated into all attacks.

"Dust to dust, soil to earth, annihilation!" Wood dust faintly spits out a voice, in an instant, this endless attack instantly turns into nothingness, annihilated in the air, smashed into a grain of real dust, just like the dust in the wood As said, the dust is returned to the dust and the soil is returned to the earth.

"What power is this!" Lin Feng's heart twitched, screaming in a word, and breaking through the law, the stone emperor and the emperor's first disciple, the first person, the dust, the strength of terror.

"Today's business, wrong in the guardian of the altar, I think the Tianlong emperor will not forgive him in the same way, my younger brother will kill him, this matter will be counted in the past, just do not pass!" Wood dust said indifferent As soon as he is a master, he will not make things out of control. Otherwise, the Tianlong Emperor will be angry, and when he will really provoke the War of the Emperor, he will have to trouble the Master.

"Teacher, let's go!" Wood dust said to Hou Qinglin, and then stepped on a footstep, and immediately came to Lin Feng's side, pulling up Lin Feng and drifting away.

"Want to go!" The strong man of Tianlong Shenbao looked awkward and immediately chased away. Wood dust and Hou Qinglin came to make a big break and left, how others would see the honorable people of these Tianlong Fortress, weak Incompetent, the land of the imperial court, but was free to come, go with the sex.

The three wooden dusts did not go outside the Tianlong Fort, but they came to the location they sent. They saw the dust and thoughts, and suddenly the eyebrows seemed to have hundreds of millions of gods to come out and drill directly. In the void, at the same time, his palms are constantly waving in the void, seemingly portraying something.

"What is this doing?" Lin Feng's look is a condensed, wood dust should be portrayed by the power of the sacred pattern, and through the powerful force of the void, the front of the heaven and earth void has a strong hollow force infiltration, the emptiness whistling, as if There was a hole that was torn open.

"The door of the void, open!"

The dust of the wooden dust trembled, and suddenly the piece of emptiness opened open and turned into a door of nothingness, and the power of terror continued.

Lin Feng couldn't see how many times the wooden dust had been waved for a short time, and how many complicated sacred lines were portrayed. He only felt that the heart had been beating all the time, and the wood dust was used to open the door of the void!

"Go in!" Wood dust whispered, with Lin Feng entering the door of the void, Hou Qinglin also stepped into it. In an instant, Lin Feng only felt a dazzling, he found that he had a feeling of riding a veil on the altar at this moment. Wood dust replaced the altar with his own power, started the void, and sent them back.

The sound of anger and anger behind him still echoed, but it quickly faded away and disappeared. The three were enveloped by the emptiness and were walking through the void.

Lin Feng opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something, but he listened to Hou Qinglin's voice: "Lin Feng, don't bother the master, although the master is set to a good position, but walking through the void will still lead to spatial confusion."

The gaze was fierce, and then Lin Feng nodded. Wood dust did not say a word. The billions of gods thought that the power would always be in front of the road. Lin Feng really realized this time to open up time and space with manpower. This was not in the past. Dare to imagine, too shocking!

"Hey!" A horrible space wave came out. Lin Feng only felt that the body was shaking constantly. Then a hand was placed on his body, suddenly and vertically, and then the world was spinning. Lin Feng felt his footsteps on the ground. Above.

When he stabilized his body and saw the foreground image, there was still an incredible feeling. When he came back, they returned directly to the altar of the trial place.

Not only is Lin Feng sluggish, but now the crowds are all looking at the three of them. The altars of this trial are all one-way transmissions. These three people are directly breaking through the void and then crossing the void?

Hou Qinglin, Mu Chen, and Lin Feng three people, they really walked in the Tianlong Emperor's site, and then safely turned back from the void? On that day, the people of the Dragon King are not going crazy!

Ps: Actually kept the first of the night, yes, haha, the brothers continue to cheer!

(one more)

(one more)

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