Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1053: Ancient

"Autumn moon!" Qiuyue heart saw the man killing Lin Feng, indifferently spit out a voice, the autumn moon martial arts put a cold, and his body was shrouded in the moonlight, the bleak coldness made his footsteps It’s all a bit slower. //The fastest update of 78 novels //

"Hey!" Lin Feng's mouth spit out a voice of indifference, and his mind was moved. The virtual air magic was released, and the snow road appeared in an instant. The man slammed a palm, but found that the killing power of the silence seemed to be like Blocked by the power of the void, I couldn’t get close to Lin Feng, and even the enchanting technique that he released from the martial arts felt a lot weaker.

The brilliance of the brilliance blooms, dazzling, Lin Feng's hands in the hands of the sword reappear, Tianwu seven heavy people want to press him with strength, he will suppress it with the holy device.

The sword was continuously pointed out in the void, and in a short moment, one of the words was killed. A horrible killing force suddenly emerged from it. Although it was as strong as the slow-sentence of Lin Feng, it was characterized by a sword. , still with the charm of a sacred force in it, extremely terrible.

"Holy!" The man looked stiff, only to see the stars intertwined in the sky, turned into a terrible killing, like to lock his body, let his pupils shrink sharply, this People not only possess the smashing treasures of the ancient times, but also instantly annihilate the people of Tianwu Wuzhong. They even have terrible saints.

"Moon shadow cold!" Qiuyue heart coldly spit out a cold sound, suddenly a cold and incomparable shadow of the moon will freeze the body, let him only feel the soul is shaking, this month shadow, seems to contain the power to freeze the soul Very cold.

"The moon is flashing away." Lin Feng spit out a voice, and then the sword in his hand burst into a horrible star, and the starlight intertwined with the intention of killing turned into a beam of light, killing the man, and the space was A beam of light illuminates, and there is no match, but it reveals a powerful power of silence.

"No!" The man felt the horrible power roaring, but it was already late. The moon shadow chilled his body and made his movements slow and unresponsive, and then the sword of the heavenly sword broke out. Mang, destroying everything, there is no way to stop, his body is swallowed by the star-studded killing swords, and die!

Qiuyue’s body flickered and arrived at Lin Feng’s side: “You obviously have such a powerful sacristy, why never used it before fighting.”

"The sacred sect is a soldier. It is an external force. Although it is equivalent to its own strength category, it is not the most fundamental martial art. In the future, some powerful forces that I have to face will also hold the holy sect. If it is my martial art. I don’t have the advantage, how can I overcome others.” Lin Feng said calmly: “If these people like to be bullying, I would not use the holy device to kill it. I can fight myself with my own strength.”

"You are more persistent than many people in martial arts. It is no wonder that the fighting power is better than the same level of Xuanyuan." Qiuyue smiled and held the holy device but could not control it, but to temper his own strength. This is the martial art. Perseverance has prompted Lin Feng to do so, and keep moving forward for a stronger realm.

"Let's go, thank you to these people. Now that the mission is completed and you return to the rooftops, you should be named as a disciple of the Emperor Wu. It is also a relief." Lin Feng said with a smile, from the dry land to the eight wilderness Isn't it just for the Shihuang and Emperor Huang to recruit the first Wuhuang disciples? He needs a broader stage, but he has contact with the vast world, people and things he could not reach before, so it is the potential to become a disciple of the Emperor. No, no one can shake and block him.

"Yeah." Qiuyue nodded slightly, and now the mission has been completed, they can finally go out.

The figure flickered and the two continued to move in the direction of the altar.

At this time, the land of trials, the place where the altar is located, is a huge curved area. The altars stand in an arc, and each of them has a figure guarded here. These people are respectful. The strongest in the realm of Wu is the people under the command of the great emperors.

The curved area is very spacious, and there are several figures in the front of the arc. At this moment, one of the faces is ugly, and a terrible breath is released from the body.

"Gui, what's wrong?" Someone asked by the man: "Guli and the two guys haven't come yet, isn't there only the last two!"

"The soul of the ancient courage, broken!" said the young man called the ancient 枭.

"What?" The man's face trembled, and his look instantly became extremely cold: "Broken!"

The soul of Jupiter is broken, meaning others, being killed.

"How can this be the case, only the last two people, just need to wait until the two come over and kill them. It is enough to use the strength of Coulee. You shouldn’t miss it." The other person looked ugly and said coldly. Coulee and Guzhen are two brothers. The strength of this ancient scorpion is very strong. This time, I took a look at the place where the ancients came to the trial, and went back to the tower to improve the strength. However, I never thought of it. At the end of the moment, Gu Li was hunted.

"I don't know, they were hunted on the way to here. If someone comes here, it is very likely that they are doing it." Gu Yu screamed a cold voice, showing a strong killing The meaning.

"Well, the death of Coulee can't be made up, we are waiting here, killing the people who come here and revenge for Coulee." Another person responded that the old man nodded, only so, his eyes are revealing Bloodthirsty killing.

The three people waited outside the arc. In addition to them, there are still many people in this vast area. These people dare to stay here, not good, and many people need to kill a few people. Going out, too lazy to look for it, you will be waiting for the rabbit directly here. If there are some weak people coming over to hunt directly, the means are hot, and when others are about to leave, they will be hunted and take others as stepping stones.

When they heard the old sayings, they suddenly felt a glimpse of their eyes. It seems that there was a good show. Someone killed the old brother of Gu Yu. The strength of Coulee is good. The person who killed him is not weak. It is better to be able to It’s fun to play with the ancient war.

Lin Feng and Qiuyuexin did not know the situation here. They were the first time they came to the land of killing. They have not experienced the dangers of this. Naturally, many situations have not been understood. They thought that they could safely leave the place of killing. However, when they came to this side, they found that many people were surrounded by the circular space around the altar, as if they were blocked here, and these people are very powerful, otherwise I dare not stand so unscrupulously.

When they saw the scene in front of them, they stopped at the footsteps and stopped at a distance from the crowd. Their eyes flickered. At this moment, they clearly felt a lot of eyes focused on both of them.

Especially in front of a cold gaze, which reveals a sense of killing, seems to want their lives.

The gaze is naturally ancient, I saw him staring at Lin Feng and Qiuyue heart, some can not be sure, the strength of Qiuyue heart is Tianwu seven heavy, Lin Feng is Tianwu four heavy, and the strength of the three of Gu Li is Tianwu Qizhong, Tianwu Liuzhong and Tianwu Wuzhong, obviously want to press Qiuyue heart and Lin Feng, is it that the woman has a strong fighting power and will kill Gu Li?

"You two, come over." Gu Yu's gaze fell on Lin Feng and Qiuyue's heart, indifferently spit out a voice, with the tone of command, it seems that Lin Feng and Qiuyuexin must follow his orders.

Qiuyue’s heart is indifferent, staring at the ancient pipa. Although this person has been repaired as a martial art, it is too arrogant.

Lin Feng is also frowning, staring at the ancient sly eyes, there is always a chill in this person to cover him, and this man seems to have some similarities with the people he just killed, which makes them have I guessed.

"Is there something?" Lin Feng faintly asked, but the footsteps did not move.

"Let you roll over and hear it!" The people around the ancient body squirted a cold voice, revealing a strong threat.

Lin Feng’s eyes slowly turned, and he fell on the person who spoke. He looked at the person with contempt, and even chose to ignore it, so that the other’s eyes were stiff, and the four-person people were too Crazy!

Ps: Seeking support, relatively deserted!

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