Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1039: Horrible place of killing

"There are people in this forest who have hidden their breath so much. What is it?" Lin Feng said in his heart, his feelings have always been extremely keen, but one day the three-person tribe evaded it until the moment of assassination. He discovered that even creating a terrible environment made him have the illusion of waiting for death.

If his mind is not strong enough, the feeling of waiting for death will last for a while, he is really a dead person.

"Can you go away?" Lin Feng's mouth spit out a cold, cold wind, the will of the wind will wrap the body, the whole person flashes like a cold wind, plus the ethereal footwork, suddenly in the forest The scraped Lin Feng is like a phantom.

However, the sound in front of the sound is silent, just like a dark shadow between the trees, the speed is very fast, erratic, people can not find it anyway as if it was accidental, this hidden means makes Lin Feng shocked.

"It is no wonder that Tianwu's triple realm he dared to assassinate me." Lin Feng's heart secretly, the cold breath locked the other side.

The speed of the two people was gradually getting closer. The man seemed to know that he could not escape. He suddenly turned around. A suffocating chill came in an instant. Once again, Lin Feng felt the illusion of the previous illusion and could not resist the illusion of waiting to die. .

"Kill!" Lin Feng's eyes glared, and the screams shook the other body's body, and then suddenly slammed out of the palm, suddenly a terrible force to seal the other body, so that the other person feels The body is stiff.

"Boom!" The horror of the general trend of the integration into the power of the magic, suddenly the other side of the suppression can not move, with Lin Feng Tianwu four heavy terrorist forces, the other side of the three-day-three people how to withstand, just feel instantly To be completely crushed.

"Bang!" The body of the man was directly crushed to the ground by Lin Fengyi, and a spurt of blood spurted.


The space seemed to be punctured, and a powerful assassination force came to Lin Feng. Even in this case, the man still stabbed the cold dagger, and at such a close distance, the icy feeling was even more strong.

"Looking for death!" Lin Feng squirted the word coldly, and realized how powerful his heart was in the paintings of the Emperor Wu. Since there was already preparation, he would be shaken, and the palm of the rumbling slammed out and directly pressed against each other. Can't breathe.


The powerful force directly shocked the other side again. Lin Feng stepped on the opponent's arm and made a squeaking noise, causing the other party to scream.

"Why did the raid kill me!" Lin Feng said coldly, only to see the other side's eyes cold, staring at him, staring in the faint light.

"Since I came here, I still need to ask!" The other party squirted a cold voice and made Lin Feng look stiff.

"Here, where is it?" Lin Feng asked again indifferently. I saw that the other person seemed to be stunned. It looked very strange. Lin Feng came here and asked where it is. How did he come in?

Moreover, he did not think that this time will fail, with his horror concealment ability, coupled with the power of fantasy, he has killed many people by this means, many of them are like Lin Feng, higher than his realm. In that powerful illusion, the other party will enter a state of death in a short time, and this moment is enough for him to kill each other, but Lin Feng is awake, and the speed is terrible. Without any suspense, he caught up with him. He understood that he had encountered a hard battle. The other party is likely to come to the hunter.

"You don't know?" The other person asked indifferently. This person actually asked him where it is.

"I don't know." Lin Feng nodded.

"So how did you get in?" the man asked coldly.

"Now I am asking you, tell me, maybe, I can't kill you." Lin Feng's voice is cold, let the other person look agile, don't kill him? There is still a chance to live!

Here, failure basically means death, no one will be merciful, and the other party will not kill him.


"You ask a few more questions, maybe I will change my mind and kill you." Lin Feng spit out a cold sound.

"This is a place of trials at the bottom of the sea, also known as the land of killings, many powerful forces, and the disciples of the Emperor. They will come to this space to kill others, in order to forge themselves. With the tempering of death, you can grow up and truly feel life and death, instead of enjoying the glitz and glory, it is a weak person."

The other party finally said, suddenly let Lin Feng's pupils fiercely stiff, the land of the wilderness, here is actually a land of wilderness, no wonder there will be a waste of breath.

Moreover, the people who came here are all powerful people, as well as the disciples of the Emperor Wu. Here, in order to experience life and death, they truly forge themselves. Therefore, it is called the land of killing.

"It is rumored that many of the eight emperors in the eight wilderness have joined forces to open up. There are endless crises and great opportunities. They are creating a terrible trial of their disciples, whether it is Which martial artist recruits the disciples of the Emperor, the disciples must arrive here for a training experience, otherwise, they are not worthy of being a disciple of the Emperor, but some powerful emperors will often enter this place of trial, only the Emperor Wu Permissions put people here, and those who have strong powers want to come in and must pass through the Wuhuang in their field. Therefore, once they enter the area, they will never be merciless and kill. This is what I killed you. the reason."

The man continued to speak, the land of trials, the land of killing, the martial arts have the authority to let people come in. In a sense, here is also the place where the great emperors of the emperors compete, want to become disciples of the emperor, necessary The tempering of this land of killings was created by the joint efforts of the Emperor Wu.

"It's no wonder that wood dust will let us enter here. This is to be judged by the killing land!" Lin Feng thought about the electric turn, and immediately confronted the human on the ground: "How much is this killing land, how many strong people there? ”

"The land of this trial is extremely vast. It is the size of a city. It is the exclusive trial of the people of Tianwu. Otherwise, if there is a saint, there are not so many people who can kill, as many people as there are. I can't say it, but in the eight wilderness, in addition to the disciples of the Emperor and some of the big powers who can come here, it is said that in other areas, people have secretly opened up the passage to the place of trial, so This vast area, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people are possible." The other side responded to Lin Fengdao.

"How can I get out?" Lin Feng asked again.

After the other party heard this, they sank and did not answer immediately.

"To tell the truth, if I find that you have a little bit of falsehood, I will kill you directly." Lin Feng seems to see what the other person is scrupulous, and said coldly.

"After the Tianwu people, after killing ten people, they can go to the transfer area of ​​this trial place, where the masters of this trial place, that is, the Wuhuang who opened up here, are sent to guard. You can return to your place where you are in the Wuhuang site by transferring the altar. If you are a Tianwu two-person, you need to kill 20 people. If you are serious, you need to kill 90 people."

The man responded and said, Lin Feng’s eyes flashed, and he had to kill so many talents to leave. No wonder it’s called a place of killing. It seems that the other party has not said that he is afraid that he will not be able to leave after killing others. He will be killed and he will be one of them.

"Then, I need to kill forty people before I can go to the transfer area to leave." Lin Feng said in his heart, a cruel place, and the Wuhuang personally opened up. Obviously those martial artists believe that the real strong must be stepped on. The bones of other people are on the opposite trend.

When you come here, you will either kill or be killed. If you want to live, you must choose to kill others and do everything you can.

"Our fights must have attracted other strong players. We don't have time to stay." The voice of the other party is quite anxious. There are many strong people here. Those who are weak, must be careful and careful, otherwise they will become the prey of others. !

Ps: Flowers are stagnant, ask for flowers!

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