Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1032: Two flesh

The horror of the atmosphere gradually subsided, and Xuanyuan’s eyes were cold and staring at Lin Feng, and no more words were made at the moment.

After fighting for so long, he did not suppress Lin Feng’s crushing and killing. He himself had no face to say anything. Now, only by killing Lin Feng with the power of terror can he prove his pride and power, and the blood of the emperor cannot be allowed. Oh, no one can beat.

The crowd saw Xuanyuan's sullen face and no words, but they all felt a suffocating breath, making them feel that breathing was not smooth.

This time, Xuanyuan is going to be really angry!

Lin Feng is just indifferent, watching Xuanyuan break through the sky, not humble, no joy or no sorrow, the power of the descendants of the emperor is indeed not comparable to those of the family. His own conditions are too good, so he dares to be so crazy, even if it is right. Hou Qinglin has no fear of wood dust. He only wants to be able to step on his feet and be ambitious.

This kind of person has only one goal, and that is the emperor!

However, even in the face of the descendants of the emperor, he would be afraid and afraid. He was not seen by the great emperor. The Jade Emperor Palace, four statues, all of them are emperors and emperors. Seeing it with your own eyes, after breaking the mountain of the Demon, the magic of the heavens and the earth rolled, and the space between the waves was torn.

If the target of Xuanyuan’s ruin is the emperor, the goal that Lin Feng looks up to is the ultimate of the emperor, the emperor and the martial art!

"Hey!" In the void, Xuanyuan finally moved again, only to see his palm strokes, suddenly appeared in the void, vigorous and vigorous, full of terrible hegemony, the surrounding voids are non-stop Trembling shudder.

"Oh..." is a terrible wave of volatility. Xuanyuan’s broken palm once again cut through the void, seemingly portraying the writing. Soon, a huge Xuan character appeared in the void, this huge Xuanzi, the surrounding space is shaking, the endless amount of pressure in the town, as if to suppress people to kill, even the people in the distance feel the horrible pressure, let them have a sense of trepidation .

Moreover, Xuanyuan’s broken action is still not stopped, still depicting the next handwriting, 辕 word!

"The power of horror, this is the power of the sacred pattern. That stroke, through the power of the sacred pattern, into the word Xuanyuan, is extremely overbearing." The crowd felt the pressure of the big characters in the void, the heart trembled It’s too strong, it seems that this time, Lin Feng must be suppressed.

When they looked at Lin Feng, they found that Lin Feng’s face was indifferent, and then his head slowly lowered, extremely calm, and raised his hand. Lin Feng’s palm also slowly moved, and a stroke was drawn in the void. This kind of plan seems to contain infinite charm and has thousands of changes.

It’s just a stroke, and in a flash there is a raging murderous spread.

"Lin Feng, even!" The crowd saw that this scene suddenly became a stiff, which is too surprising. Regardless of Xuanyuan’s broken angels, Lin Feng attaches great importance to being able to stand up against the court and do his best.

Xuanyuan two words, gradually condensed, the horrible hegemony spread out from it, to suppress this world.

What Lin Feng portrayed was a huge killing word, which contained a terrible kendo in it.

The word Xuanyuan has the hegemonic will of Xuanyuan, and one of the words has the edge of the sword of Lin Feng.

Looking up, Xuanyuan broke through the sky and saw the scene of Lin Feng’s killing and writing in the whole body. The brows provoked, and the heart sighed that it seemed that Xuanyuan’s word could still be suppressed by Lin Feng.

"I didn't expect you to force me to use real blood power. In the same rank, you are the first person!"

Xuanyuan said slowly, let the crowd tremble, and finally use the power of blood, so that the arrogant power of Xuanyuan will be terrible, it is hard to imagine, Lin Feng, finally lost, but he can It is indeed worthy of pride to fight this step.

I saw Xuanyuan breaking the sky and waving a hand, suddenly the terrible pressure in the void disappeared, Xuanyuan disappeared, since the suppression of Lin Feng, what to use.

Lin Feng saw Xuanyuan's broken action indifferent, and waved his hand. The killing word dissipated in the void, as if it had never appeared.

At this time, the blood of the rolling blood is like a tsunami in the mountains, fierce and fierce, enveloping Xuanyuan's broken body. At this moment, Xuanyuan's broken body reveals a different kind of light, dazzling and dazzling.

"I will fight with you to give you the greatest glory. Even if you lose, you are proud." Xuanyuan said slowly, his body gradually changed, as if he had another body, hegemony, majesty. For example, the emperor of heaven and earth, blood power rushed out of the body to wrap him, that is the blood of the emperor, shaping the body of the emperor for him, fighting the sky, omnipotent.

At this moment, Xuanyuan is like a **** of war, high above, no one can compete with him, even if his cultivation is only a heavy weapon, if it is not suppressed, it will release the tyrannical power of Xuanyuan’s martial strength. The blood of the emperor's blood, shaping the body of the emperor, how terrible it will be, the crowd can't imagine.

"Under the body of the emperor, the same person, a punch is extinguished!" Xuanyuan said with a sigh of relief, this moment he seems to be the master of the heavens and the earth, Xuanyuan, the descendants of the emperor, this is his glory.

"I said, it is just the pride that you think. In my eyes, there is nothing to be proud of. You are like everyone else, but it is just a martial art person, and that's it!" Lin Feng said indifferently, then, together The brilliance of the Taoist blooms, and his body gradually changed. The golden brilliance and the deep glory of the brilliance bloomed at the same time. Lin Feng’s body was constantly changing.

Soon, Lin Feng’s body turned into a golden Buddha, as if it was a Buddhist monk, and the treasure was solemn; but in the next moment, his body turned into a demon, and the whole body showed an unparalleled cold, giving people a glance. It feels like a horror, a Buddha, and a demon.

"The body of the Buddha!" ​​The pupil of the crowd suddenly shrank, and Lin Feng actually possessed the body of the Buddha.

At this moment, even Hou Qinglin in the void is slightly moving, and his eyes are blooming and the body of the Buddha.

Among the nine continents, one of the strongest who possessed the body of the Buddha and the devil, one of them was earth-shattering and extremely terrible. This person cultivated the three magical demons. At the beginning, the Buddha was transformed into a demon body. It was a Buddha, a demon, and an ordinary person. After cultivation, he later practiced. The more terrible this kind of exercise is, even the body is divided into three, turned into three bodies, each body has an unparalleled combat power, this is the supreme power, is the three generations of the emperor, and he Every body of the body has the power of the emperor, equivalent to three great emperors, terrible.

At this moment, Lin Feng, even condensed the body of the Buddha, let him instantly think of the three demons.

However, at this moment, the power of the magical road continues to spread, becoming stronger and stronger, more and more profound, and Lin Feng's whole person is turned into darkness, such as the same demon head.

If Xuanyuan is a **** of war, Lin Feng is a demon god, extremely terrible.

"The body of the Buddha is just to conceal the power of the magic road. This magic power is the real powerful means!" Hou Qinglin in the void sees it all at once. Lin Feng deliberately uses the power of the Buddha, just to cover up his horror on the magic road. What is Lin Feng hiding? Is it to cover up his magic? So what is Lin Feng’s cultivation, is it a terrible magic trick?

"The enchanting, two people are enchanting!" The crowd was shocked and powerful, and Xuanyuan broke through the sky with the incomparable blood force to shape the body of the emperor, and Lin Feng, he condensed the body of the demon, Lin Feng standing in the void at the moment. Unleashed the magic of the rolling, people are trembled, Xuanyuan's breath of the atmosphere makes them want to surrender, Lin Feng's breath, let them feel the fear of the soul.

"Good, good..." Xuanyuan stared at Lin Feng, suddenly angered and screamed. I didn't expect that he never thought that Lin Feng would condense the demon body. If it was only then, this magical body is still the same. The horror, the meaning of the magical road released, is not weaker than the release of his royal body, and can really fight him.

"Since then, I will not call you an ant, but you, I still want to kill!"

Ps: Flowers will not be voted again, thank you!

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