Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1030: As arrogant

"Bang!" It was a terrible bursting sound, and the snow-capped mountains alongside them broke down and turned into a cold snow.

The bodies of the two were separated again. At this moment, the clothes on them were all hunted by the winds of the general trend, rolling and screaming.

"Good!" Xuanyuan shouted and shouted: "The combat power is good. It is not luck to be able to cross the nine heavens. However, you will still be destroyed in my hands."

Xuanyuan said that the palms are slowly moving, and suddenly the world screams. Every simple movement attracts the power of heaven and earth for him to use. The crowd can see that he did not use other uses, but completely The flesh is tempted, this is a horrible talent, just a moment, Xuanyuan broken the sky as if the whole person is bathed in a ray of light.

"Although you don't use other magical means, the true talent is not just the means of magical power. Even if you don't rely on any power, the power you can exert is not something you can compete against!" Xuanyuan said proudly, at this moment He seems to be proud of the world, despising everything, no one can stop.

"Your talent is not comparable to Yang Ziyan, but your self-righteousness, but no difference with Yang Ziyan, you think you must win!" Lin Feng stepped into a span, suddenly a bang loudly, as if there is a general trend Cover him, the power of nature, the power of heaven and earth, must be used for him.

"It’s so horrible. Even if you only use the natural power of heaven and earth, he can exert a terrorist force that is five or six times stronger than himself. If he recovers, he can use this power without using any magical means to be able to leapfrog. The battle. "The crowd looked at the two people more and more fierce, my heart sighed, but Lin Feng is not born in a big family, otherwise the talent given by the ancestors plus his own horror talent, he is a paradox.

"My Xuanyuan broke through the sky and broke the ground. I have never lost in the same level. You can stop me." Xuanyuan said with pride and arrogance.

"You have never lost, I have lost, and the same level of fighting, just like Yang Ziyan, it is easy, you admit that the battle against the enemy, I will gather the power of the world, the battle." Lin Feng roared, the world Rolling, gathered on his body, and went to Xuanyuan.

"Kill!" Xuanyuan screamed and screamed, and it was a palm of ruin. The snow-capped mountains next to it suddenly turned into powder, bursting open, and terrible.

"Hey...Boom, Boom, Boom!" The heavens and the earth roared. The two men fought from heaven to the ground and fought from the ground to the void. The atmosphere of destruction was violent, and many people in the film space even forgot their own battles. Staring at Lin Feng and Xuanyuan, the two men had a short moment and didn't know how much horrible power they had.

This brings the horrible power of the heavens and the earth, and they can annihilate them and deprive them of their qualifications to become disciples of the Emperor. At this moment, they are secretly thinking that no matter who defeats the two, they must not be provoked. Otherwise, I am afraid that it will definitely die, and it will not become a disciple of the Emperor.

"Well, I can fight with my Xuanyuan, and you should be proud. Just now you have realized a piece of power, and you just have a good time to let you know what is the power of comprehension." Xuanyuan said with a smile, The body and Lin Feng were separated, and then there was a terrible momentum in his palm, revealing the terrible destruction.

"It’s so powerful. It’s also the cultivation and comprehension of two hours. The magical means that Xuanyuan’s cultivation has not yet bloomed does not know how many times it is stronger than that of Yang Ziyan. It’s impossible to compare it.” The crowd felt the destruction. The power of the heart trembled, Xuanyuan broke through the sky and now repaired in the realm of Tianwu, but it can still send such terrible means, too powerful.

"Yes, I just want to see how your insights are!" Lin Feng’s palms swayed, and suddenly there was a spread of silence in his palm. This silence is an inexhaustible silence. The light is so powerful that it seems to destroy everything.

"This power is also terrible." The crowd trembled. Just now, Lin Feng used Jiangmeng to kill Jiang Ning. He was just a random blow. At this moment, his power was really revealed.

"Broken everything, kill!" Xuanyuan screamed and slammed out.

"Hey!" The world shook fiercely, and Xuanyuan’s broken palm seemed to disappear, infiltrating into the void, revealing the terrorist power to suppress everything.

"The palm of the void!" The crowd looked condensed, and this horrible power was integrated into the power of the void, which was terrible, and there was no way to dodge.

At about the same time, Lin Feng's fingers bloomed out and were surrounded by the heavens and the earth. This finger blooms, and the crowd only feels that there is no indestructible meaning, and everything must be penetrated.

"Hey!" means that the mans disappeared and disappeared into the void, extremely terrible.

"The finger of the void!" Lin Feng's look solidified there, Lin Feng and Xuanyuan unexpectedly similar, Xuanyuan breaks the sky to practice the empty palm, suppresses and destroys everything, and Lin Feng's **** is invincible.

"Oh!" The emptiness of the emptiness, in the middle of the two, a horrible destructive force infiltrated from the void, and then the crowd saw that the mans and the palm prints appeared at the same time, collided in the void, and instantly made A terrible destruction of power spread.

"Two enchanting characters!" The crowd is getting more and more shocked and terrible. Not only is it terrible in the use of the heavens and the earth, but the power of comprehension is also extraordinary and refined. It is less horrible than the magical means of cultivation by other people.

"I have seen it, not very good, but it makes me very disappointed." Lin Feng looked indifferently and looked at Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan was indifferent to the sky, but Lin Feng was not so powerful. His repairs were much higher than Lin Feng, and he also had a lot of contacts. He should be much stronger than Lin Feng in understanding the power of the void and the power of the sacred lines. But the fact does not seem to be the case. Lin Feng’s one-of-a-kind person is not worse than him in comprehending the power of the void and the power of the sacred pattern.

"Survey is also very good, but unfortunately you are not born in a family, there is no tyrannical blood and martial arts power, otherwise it is a rare genius character. If all the people here are unfortunately use all the power of magical power, to your heritage Still far from being able to do so, many people can easily defeat you. In front of me, you are still an ant, even if we are both heavy and powerful!"

Xuanyuan was so arrogant and arrogant that he said to Lin Feng that although there was a hint of appreciation, there was also a pity and a pity, and he had some great talents, but unfortunately there was no good birth.

Lin Feng looked at Xuanyuan’s ruthlessness and revealed a cold smile. “I’m sorry, I can’t use all the power of the magical power. Otherwise, I will let you know that your so-called talent is worthless in front of me. You don’t have any Where you are proud, you regard me as an ants. It is just a few years of cultivation. If it is the same level, I regard you as an ant."

When I heard the words of the two people, the crowd suddenly trembled, and the arrogant guy, Lin Feng, was as arrogant as Xuanyuan’s ruthlessness. He even dared to say that if he could use all the magical means, he would see Xuanyuan in the same order. It’s too arrogant to break the sky.

"I don't know what Lin Feng relies on, but I dare to sing the same tone as Xuanyuan." The crowd said secretly, they thought that Lin Feng was a bit exaggerated. Xuanyuan broke the sky, he has the blood of the emperor, if he recovers all The power of horror can only suppress Lin Feng by virtue of the power of blood. Lin Feng will not be an opponent at all, but this method of assessment limits Xuanyuan and other people who have the advantages of blood and Wushu.

"It’s a big deal, but unfortunately you can’t try it, otherwise I will let you know how ridiculous your words are.” Xuanyuan said coldly.

"What can you do besides madness? Just now you didn't say that I was an ant, but the result!" Lin Feng responded indifferently.

Hou Qinglin in the void heard a smile on his voice and said: "Since you are so confident, I will give you a chance to try it out!"

Ps: The second is more, eat, go after eating, and ask for strength!

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