Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1025: Eighty-one palaces

Xuanyuan broke into the sky and looked at Hou Qinglin. This person is against him. He is very upset. One day, he will replace Hou Qinglin's position and become the most proud disciple of Wuhuang. Hou Qinglin will become his stepping stone.

Hou Qinglin saw the chill in Xuanyuan’s eyes, and said coldly: “You don’t have to dissatisfaction. This is the assessment of the disciples of the Emperor of the Emperor. I am the master. Since many of you are proud of yourself, think that others are ants, I will To prove to you the opportunity of arrogance, by the time, who is the ants can naturally know."

"He decided to!" The crowd looked agile, and Shi Huang and Emperor Huang recruited the first batch of disciples of the Emperor of the Emperor. They did not personally decide how to assess, but handed it to several pro-disciples, showing their trust in them. Of course, Wu What is the existence of the emperor, they can not do anything personally.

"I am looking forward to it!" Xuanyuan said coldly.

Hou Qinglin turned his eyes and did not look at him again. Instead, he closed his eyes and waited for the end of the ladder. When the time came, he began his assessment.

Later, some people boarded the ladder and came to the top of the platform. However, no one could cross the fourth heaven, which is already the limit of everyone.

"Senior brother!" At this time, the awkwardness in the distance shouted at this side. Hou Qinglin immediately understood and said: "Since it is over, the ladder will be closed. In addition, you will receive those who come to congratulate."

"I understand." The ascetic nodded slightly and looked at the crowds who climbed the ladder. Although these people are still a lot, they are destined to eliminate a large number of people. This division recruits the first batch of disciples of the Emperor, only 80. One.

"Seeking more self-help!" The ascetic monk smiled at the crowd and immediately turned around.

Hou Qinglin glanced at the crowd and said: "Theone who arrives here has the opportunity to become a disciple of the Emperor!"

Hou Qinglin’s voice fell, and everyone’s look was a chance. Isn’t the person who only climbed the first heavens qualified as a disciple of the Emperor?

"The two masters recruited the first batch of Emperor Wu of the Emperor, and the people of Tianwu only received 81 people. However, this is only the first batch of disciples of the Emperor Wu, whoever took the opportunity to get the light key in the Nine Heavens, You can practice on this platform, give you a hundred days, my master will recruit another disciple of the Emperor, and you will be the first to consider, therefore, you do not have to be discouraged." Hou Qinglin explained.

The crowd looked slightly condensed, and many people showed a touch of joy. So, the nine heavens really have deep meaning. Those who can cross the nine heavens are extraordinary talents. They lost the first disciples who became the emperors. Qualifications, but still have the opportunity to become a disciple of the Emperor Wu, although some faint loss, but also sad and happy.

For many people, being able to stay on this platform is a glory in itself.

"In addition, the people who have set foot on the second day and above, most of you will be eliminated, lose the qualification to become the first group of Emperor Wu, and the same, you can stay on the roof to practice, with them. Become the next batch of disciples of the Emperor."

Hou Qinglin said again, but this time those people are not happy. After all, unlike the people who are on the first day, the people who have set foot on the first day have lost the opportunity to become the first disciples of the Emperor. It is quite happy to be able to retreat to the next level, but they still have the opportunity to compete for the seats of the first group of disciples of the Emperor. They are naturally unwilling to be eliminated, and they are on an equal footing with those who have only stepped on the first heaven.

What's more, those who can embark on the second heaven are already talented people. Some are the children of the big family. They will be willing to become losers and become ordinary disciples of the Emperor.

"Where you are on the second heaven, and the higher, let me come!" Hou Qinglin said slowly, then turned and walked toward the depths of the rooftop.

The crowd immediately got up, raised their footsteps, and followed Hou Qinglin. At this moment, they are all speculating. I don’t know what Hou Qinglin’s so-called assessment is.

Hou Qinglin's footsteps are not fast. Even in terms of his cultivation, his footsteps have been extremely slow. However, in this Tiantai-like rooftop, no one has any opinions. Walking in the depths of the rooftop, they wait and see. Looking at the vast palace building, watching the ethereal atmosphere, I only feel comfortable.

"The magnificent, these palaces, I don't know who to live in." The crowd looked at the vast palaces on both sides and whispered.

"These palaces are used to live those people, and those who have been eliminated." Hou Qinglin heard the voice in the crowd and responded: "As long as you become a disciple of the Emperor and practice on the roof, these palaces will always be Theirs, one person!"

One person a palace!

The crowd looks stiff, even the most ordinary disciple of the Emperor, will have a palace on the roof, which is what dazzling.

Especially Lin Feng, even more surprised, it is no wonder that so many people want to become disciples of the Emperor, this identity is a kind of glory.

"After a hundred days, the 18,000-foot ladder will connect with the outside world. The rooftop is connected to Tianjing City. From then on, the people in Tianjing City will be able to see the glory of the disciples. Here, they will be them. The pilgrimage site." Hou Qinglin slowly opened his mouth, and he was very proud of his heart. The two masters' handwritings are very large.

Tianjing City is the largest city in the northern wilderness. However, when the rooftop is the same as the outside world, Tianjing City will become the absolute core area of ​​the Northern Wilderness, and the rooftop will become a place of pilgrimage, worshipped by countless people, although he has no intention. I am proud of my fame and fortune, but I am still proud of my respect.

The pedestrians continued to move forward, and there were clouds in the distance. In the clouds, there seemed to be a layer of ladders that were looming.

On the top of the ladder, there are actually palaces that seem to be virtual, appearing in the eyes of the crowd, floating in the palace between the clouds, just like the fairy palace.

"Where did you see it?" At this time, Hou Qinglin pointed his finger at the illusory palace floating in the distance like a fairyland. The seat seemed to float in the void, from top to bottom, from far to near, as if one was more than one. Honorable.

“Predecessors, where will they be used to live?” someone asked.

"There are a total of eighty-one palaces there!" Hou Qinglin responded with a glimpse of the sharpness in the eyes of the crowd. The first group of disciples of the Emperor Wuwu recruited 81 people, and the illusory palace, There are eighty.

"And, eighty-one palaces are different. They will decide to belong according to the ranking of the eighty-one Emperor's disciples. The top ranked, naturally get the most noble palace." Hou Qinglin's voice filled the crowd With a **** enthusiasm, the world of martial arts has competition everywhere, and Shi Huang and Emperor Huang recruited the first batch of eighty-one disciples of the Emperor Wuwu of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor, and ranked them one by one.

When Xuanyuan broke the sky, he threatened to win the first Wuwu discipleship seat of Tianwu.

Many people even looked at Xuanyuan and saw it in the sky. I saw that his eyes were full of sharp heads. The first martial arts disciple of Tianwu belonged to him. He only belonged to him. He will receive the Supreme Palace.

"When you are on the 9th Heaven, Nine Heavens has the key to the Nine Lights. If you are one of the last 81 people left in you, those different colors of the light will affect you. Ranking, and which palace to own."

Hou Qinglin’s words made the crowd tremble, and those keys actually have such usefulness. Then Lin Feng, he boarded the ninth heaven. If he became one of the 81 people, would he be ranked first and get the Supreme Palace. Not?

Xuanyuan’s gaze suddenly looked at Lin Feng, and there was a hint of killing in the eyes!

Not only him, but many people at the moment look at Lin Feng’s eyes are not good, especially those who have climbed the fourth heaven, must stop Lin Feng from becoming a disciple of the Emperor, in that case, among the 81 people, Without him, they can get a better palace!

Lin Feng is somewhat speechless. Hou Qinglin’s vague words are not pushing him to the wind!

After a bitter smile, he did not know what Hou Qinglin was. In the past, Hou Qinglin helped him several times. He should be biased towards him. Even when Xuanyuan humiliated him, Hou Qinglin also said to him!

"The eighty-one palaces are my own masters, and you are so self-sufficient!" Hou Qinglin smiled and added a song to make the crowd look forward to it!

Ps: flowers and flowers, there are more than one day, may be blasted at any time, not long, continue to desperately go, these days are exhausted!

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