Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1022: Strong sky

"If the sky presses me, I will fight the sky!"

The heroic and **** voice echoed in the hearts of the crowd. This nameless person is destined to become dazzling at this moment. He wants to fight with the sky. He has broken through the miracle of Xuanyuan and broke through the sixth heaven. Xuanyuan broke When the exploratory crosses the sixth heaven, the sky retreats, leaving the fifth heaven is the limit of the crowd, but Lin Feng broke the limit.

Qiuyue’s small hand is tightly held. Looking at Lin Feng’s eyes, she has a proud color. When she talks with Lin Feng, she can feel the unyielding meaning of Lin Feng’s heart. The will of Wu Dao is extremely tough. At this moment, he will The spine is quite straight, and it is necessary to fight against the world.

Yang Jiazhi, one by one ugly, seeing Lin Feng, who is unyielding at this moment, they feel very embarrassed, especially Yang Ziyan, his face is slightly purple, his mouth ants are so proud, beyond the Xuanyuan Five days across the road.

Lin Feng screams in the sky, roaring, and the blood of the horror is madly rolling. The power of the magic and the power of the real power are constantly flowing. The power of the will envelops the body, and the infinite power blooms at the same time. At the same time, Lin Feng’s hand holds Living in the Scorpio stone, quietly feeling the world's general trend, this horrible general trend has become clear.

"Boom!" Lin Feng stepped out again and stood still, shaking the heart of the crowd.

Who said that Lin Feng is looking for a dead end, he can still go up, he reached the sixth heaven, still in the sky behind the sixth heaven.

"Bang!" is another step. It trembles in the hearts of the crowd. It is not a strong back. At this moment, it seems to be such a stalwart in the eyes of the crowd. This is an unyielding figure. The world is not pressing across the sky. He, he wants to fight the sky, every day dares to fight, what can stop him from moving forward.

"Boom, bang, bang..." step by step, and under the horror of the crowd, Lin Feng reached the ninth step of the sixth heaven, the key of the blue light, at your fingertips, as long as he is willing, he will immediately Get it and board the rooftop.

"Call..." The crowd spit out the gas and was deeply shocked by Lin Feng. The ascetic monk in the void has said that getting the key behind the back can get the bigger benefits. Now, Lin Feng got the blue light spoon. I am sure I can get a great opportunity, at least definitely better than Qingguang.

The smile on the face of Qiuyue’s heart is particularly splendid at this moment. Looking at the back, she is happy for Lin Feng and proud of him.

"Blu-ray spoon, get it!" Qiuyue smiled, she got the green light spoon, but Lin Feng, the blue light spoon is at their fingertips, but her heart, but only joy.

"Let's go to the rooftop!" Qiuyue shouted at Lin Feng. However, she did not get Lin Feng's response. Then she saw Lin Feng's head and slowly shook it, which made her heart, too. The beating jumped.

Lin Feng... What does he want to do!

"I can go up!" Lin Feng's mouth spit out a crisp sound, but this slight voice made the crowd's heart twitch, Lin Feng, he can go up? He has reached the sixth heaven, and he has been a heavier day than Xuanyuan. He even wants to go up, Lin Feng, is he really wanting to go against the sky?

"Lin Feng..." Qiuyue whispered, and at this moment she was shocked and she didn't know what to say. However, looking at the unyielding back, she looked up slightly and looked at the sky. Her mind seemed to think of it again. Those unyielding words, and the unyielding gaze.

"I support you!" Qiuyue smiled, and felt very comfortable in the heart: "You challenge the world and the unyielding martial arts. This is your way. Even if it fails, it will be glorious. I will leave with you. Not on the roof!"

The words of the autumn moon make the crowd look stiff, what? What is the relationship between Qiuyuexin and Lin Feng, she actually wants Lin Fengning not to go to the rooftop.

Yang Ziyan’s look is even stiffer. When he sees Qiuyue’s heart and this person, he feels weird. Who is Qiuyue’s heart, is called a frosty beauty, and many disciples can’t see it, but I saw Lin Feng, and because Lin Feng’s death wanted to kill the autumn eyebrows and Qiu Lin of the Qiu family, he also killed him, and he really liked Lin Feng.

The temperament of Qiuyuexin has heard a lot of things. Once it is determined, it is extremely difficult to change. She likes Lin Feng, and she can’t change her mind so quickly!

At this moment, Yang Ziyan's eyes stared at Lin Feng's back and kept flashing.

"The family came to the news. When they killed the enemy, the enemy almost suffered the catastrophe. However, even at the end, the enemy still denied that there was such a person who appeared on that day." Yang Ziyan muttered to himself, he Suddenly I felt that something was wrong and it was very wrong.

"You are Lin Feng, you are not dead!" Yang Ziyan suddenly said, let Qiuyue feel a stiff heart.

"Lin Feng?" The crowd is also a gaze, Lin Feng is not dead, this person will be Lin Feng? Wait, Qiuyue Xin doesn't like Lin Feng, how come he joins this youth today, and he can even give up waiting for the roof.

At this moment, everyone's gaze once again gaze at the back.

The space was silent, and the figure stopped.

"It turns out that you are not stupid!" At this time, a figure spit out, and then I saw the figure manually, and then the head twisted over, so that the heart of the crowd suddenly became stiff, and it turned out to be a face, more young, Handsome, unyielding, proud.

"Lin Feng!" Yang Ziyan spit out a cold and extremely cold voice, actually it was Lin Feng.

When the crowd heard Yang Ziyan’s words, it was really Lin Feng. He didn’t die. It turned out that this is the man that Qiuyue likes. Although his cultivation is quite low, but the crowd has a feeling, Lin Feng is worthy of the autumn moon. With his talent and the unyielding heart of the martial arts, it is a matter of time before people like Yang Ziyan.

"You didn't die, the person who appeared that day, is it also you?" Yang Ziyan stared at Lin Feng coldly, and he remembered the man of the enemy, who took away his empty ship.

"Do you think I will have the silver wing martial arts? Just rely on the body of the enemy, and control him with the dead spirit!" Lin Feng said coldly.

"You actually use this evil means." Yang Ziyan naturally believed Lin Feng's words, not that he trusted Lin Feng, but he also took it for granted that Lin Feng could not have the martial spirit of the enemy, but if the body was controlled by the dead spirit, It is entirely reasonable.

"Evil? Yang Ziyan, Yang Zizhen, when I went to Yangjiazhi, I was kind to you Yang family, but they were humiliated and driven away by you. In your eyes, I am an ants. Now, do you still think that you despise my qualifications?" Jump word. Lin Feng said coldly, and he was not watching the two.

His eyes turned back, his eyes fell again in the sky, the seventh heaven.

Seeing the heart of Lin Feng’s action crowd is once again tight, to go to the sky, Lin Feng, to be on the seventh heaven.

"The people of the martial arts, you can be crushed by the pressure!" Lin Feng murmured, then his footsteps once again stepped out and embarked on the seventh heaven!

"Oh, oh..." The horrible world of heaven and earth came at this moment, and the sound of screaming came out. The hard ladder seemed to have cracks and was crushed.


Lin Feng’s body was crushed, and the blood seemed to burst. He stood on the ground with one knee and propped up the body.

"The world has the power of heaven and earth. Wu Xiu has the power of martial arts. The realm of heaven and earth must be used for martial arts. Wu, omnipotent, I can control the martial arts and control the world."

The sound of Lin Feng, who is clinging to the celestial stone, is solemn. The world is pressing down with a wonderful trajectory, and he is going to be killed.

The knees are on the ground, slowly rising, the blood is roaring in madness, and the crowd hears the faint sound of the sound of the ocean, the blood power, the power of the Buddha, the power of the magic, the power of the true power, the power of the will, this moment, and The earth and the earth are entangled, and the unyielding trend that melts into him has become his martial art.

Top, standing, unyielding, not forgiving, unable, no heaven!

"The martial arts against the sky, the world and the general trend, after all, must also be used for military!"


Lin Feng’s feet stood straight, and the body stood up again. On his body, the horrible trend rushed to the sky and entangled with the heavens and the earth. At the same time, the horror of the heavens and the earth gradually melted away, used for the martial arts, became his Potential.

"The world is used for the military, it is for my use!" Lin Feng sighed in the sky, and there was a whirlpool storm in the sky. It seemed to be the world's general trend, rushing toward the top of Lin Feng. However, this time it was not a blast of Lin Feng. But, for his use!

"Boom!" Lin Feng's footsteps are again going out, the storm is rolling and moving, the general trend contains the real power, Lin Feng's breath is becoming stronger, Lin Feng, he is against the trend, let the contrarian, become the homeopathy, let yourself , complete the transformation!

Ps: Thank you for the reward of the s commander brother, thank you for the rewards and flowers of the brothers, continue to fight, the last three days of the battle, our opponent is very strong, Wu Shen wrote for so long, never so intense!

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