Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1012: Autumn Moon's anger

After Qiuyue left Tianjing Lake, he returned to the courtyard where he lived. As a result, Lin Feng’s figure was not found, which made her heart jump and gave birth to a feeling of uneasiness.

As long as she is so big, she has always been indifferent to Qiuyue. Others have called her a frosty beauty. Even Qiuyue himself thinks that she is an unintentional person and will never like people. However, this world is so mysterious, as if there is an invisible The string leads the fate of the person. When she saw Lin Feng's moment, she had a familiar feeling, and let Lin Feng take her a ride.

After a few days, the familiar feeling became more and more intense. She found that Lin Feng had already planted in her heart. It was wonderful and could not be explained. Even she felt inexplicable and did not know why.

Today, Lin Feng is gone, she has a sense of loss and uneasiness that she has never had before.

Did not stay in the courtyard, Qiuyue heart went outside to inquire about Lin Feng's news, and soon, she got the news of Lin Feng, but her heart, but instantly fell into the bottom, it is so cold.

Two lines of tears, sliding down the cheeks of Qiuyue, inexplicable tears, but she is very quiet, it is no tears, even her body did not stay for a moment, but mad like flashing in the void Going in the direction of Tianjing Lake.

Qiu Mei and Qiu Lin brothers and sisters took a few people just out of Tianjing Lake. They were in the life of their father. They went to inquire about Lin Feng and saw if Lin Feng had died.

However, they did not go too far, they saw a white coat, and slowly walked through the frosty cold autumn moon.

"It's so cold!" Qiu Mei and Qiu Lin have a tight heart. At this moment, the breath of the autumn moon is too cold, and even the killing spread out.

"Moon heart sister!" Autumn eyebrows showed a smile on the heart of Qiuyue, but her smile was slightly stiff.

"Hey!" A round of bright moon rises from the back of Qiuyue's heart, and then hangs high in the air. This round of moon and ice is as hot as the breath of Qiuyue. It is so indifferent.

"Autumn Moon Wuhun!"

Qiuyue and Qiu Lin look a stiff, Wuhun, Qiuyue heart see their first reaction, turned out to be the release of Wuhun, and Qiuwu Wushen, in the autumn home, only the autumn moon has a heart, is the blood of the mutated Wuhun .

"Moon Heart Sister, what are you doing?" Qiu Mei and Qiu Lin gave birth to a jealous meaning, Wu Wu appeared, no doubt to fight.

"Oh..." A round of cold moonlight sprinkled and shrouded all of their bodies. In an instant, they only felt an invisible force freezing their bodies there.

The horrible killing is released from the heart of Qiuyue. The white figure flutters and the palms are lifted up. In the palm of Qiuyue’s heart, it seems to be a round moon and a cold moon.

"Miss Moon Heart, what are you doing!" The people who guarded the autumn eyebrows and Qiu Lin released a terrible breath, and hardened the freezing power of the autumn moon martial arts. They stepped forward and blocked the autumn moon.

"Block me...death!" Qiuyue's heart is cold and cold, and both palms are slamming out. The two cold moons are filled with silence and turned into two huge moons, strangling toward each other.

"Miss Moon Heart!" The two shouted, but did not expect Qiuyue heart to kill the machine under the autumn eyebrows and Qiu Lin, although they have some gaps, but after all, belong to the Qiu family.

"Boom!" The body was restricted, the horrible round of the moon came out, the two guards were blasted out, and the autumn moon looked at several people blocking her way. The more cold the look: "I will say it again, block I am dead!"

The voice fell, and in the void, the autumn moon actually enlarged, and the coldness of the cold was even worse. The moon, falling toward the bottom, the shadow of the people covering the autumn eyebrows became more and more intense.

"You actually dared to kill me for outsiders, you are crazy." Qiu Lin snorted, his heart was cold, and took out a jade slip directly.

The moonlight that slid down pressed the front of the guard body to death. They only felt that they couldn’t move, and they were shocked. The strength of Qiuyue’s heart was understandable and their strength was strong, but they never thought that they would face it. The attack of the autumn moon heart.

Someone in the distance saw a scene here and couldn’t help but whisper. Qiuyue’s heart was going to kill the autumn eyebrows and Qiu Lin of the Qiu family. What happened? It’s too crazy to be crazy.

"Boom!" Two terrible sounds came out, only to see that the Tianwu-level guards could not stop the footsteps of Qiuyue, and they were all bombarded.

"Why!" Qiu Mei sighed at the autumn moon.

Qiuyue’s cold scorpion looked at the autumn eyebrows and did not answer her words. Do you need to answer? Just the father of Qiu Mei brought them to take her to Tianjing Lake. Then Lin Feng was killed. Is it still unclear?

"Lin Feng is killed by Yang Ziyan and Yang Ziwei's brother and sister!" Qiu Mei saw the killing in the eyes of Qiuyue and snorted, and surely let Qiuyue's footsteps pause and stared at her: "They also participated?"

"It is what they did, it has nothing to do with us." Autumn eyebrows responded.

"I don't know if you have anything to do with you?" The mood of Qiuyue is still cold, and the moon appears again. It kills Qiumei and Qiu Lin, and their faces instantly become pale.

"Stop!" A rage of screaming came, and the heart of the autumn moon shook, and the faces of Qiu Mei and Qiu Lin showed ecstasy and arrived.

"Father, save me!" Qiumei shouted, but saw the footsteps of Qiuyue’s heart stopped, but the killing was still the same, the eyebrows, a round of curved autumn moon emerged, and then a moonlight poured out, God is also a month.

The autumn brow face suddenly stiffened there, her father arrived, and Qiuyue’s heart even dared to kill her, really crazy.

"Qiumei, God read!" Qiu Lin roared, and the autumn eyebrows reacted to release their own power of thought. At the same time, Qiu Lin also released the mind, just need to block the autumn moon for a moment.

"Bang!" The chilly breath invaded the goddess of the autumn eyebrows and Qiu Lin. The two snorted, the mouth spit blood, and the face was pale.

"You are too arrogant." A drink rushed out, their father finally arrived, a horrible breath slammed into the heart of Qiuyue, and the autumn moon flew out, and on the white clothes, it also dyed a touch of red. The color.

Taking back the mind, Qiuyue stared at her three uncles coldly and said: "Autumn, good means, you better keep them, otherwise I will see you once, kill one!"

After all, Qiuyue’s heart turned and left, making Qiu’s face extremely ugly, and Qiuyue’s heart even threatened him.

"Are you going?"

The cold breath burst out, but then I heard the autumn moon heart: "If I ask for death, you will die!"

The sound of Qiuyue’s heart made Qiu Jin’s movements stiff there, staring at the back of Qiuyue’s heart, and it’s too mad, it’s so lawless!

However, if he really kills Qiuyuexin and Qiuyue wants to die, he may die under his hand. I am afraid that he really has no peace. Qiuyue dare to kill his children, but he dare not kill Qiuyue.

Looking at the figure of Qiuyuexin disappeared, the faces of Qiu Jin and others were extremely ugly.

A gust of wind passed, and I saw that Qiu’s father had come over and watched the disappearance of Qiuyue’s heart.

"Father, she is too arrogant." Qiu Yan said coldly.

"Why don't you say that you are doing things recklessly!" The old man snorted coldly: "If the heart of the autumn eyebrows is killed by Qiuyue, what reaction will you have?"

Qiu Yan and Qiu Mei and other people's looks solidified, dare not say anything again, the old man really still favored Qiuyue heart, although they are indeed reckless, but they did not think that Qiuyue heart was so arrogant, directly killed.

"If the man is not dead, I would like to see him, but I can let the heart of the moon be like this." The old man muttered to himself: "You will be careful to me later, don't anger the moon again, let her calm down." After a long time, I put it down, Qiu Mei and Qiu Lin, don't go out alone!"

When Qiu Yan and other people heard the old man's words, his face was even more ugly, and his heart was resentful. He even forbidden the autumn eyebrows, but let the autumn moon heart, which is obviously partiality.

"Don't be dissatisfied in your heart, the moon is hard to like a person, and now you die because of you, naturally let her point."

The old man seemed to know the thoughts in the hearts of the people. He said something, then the body flashed and the news came.

"Father, Grandpa is also wanting to let him die!" Qiu Lin depressed.

"Shut up!" Qiu Yu coldly sighed, this kind of thing, there are counts in the heart, now Lin Feng is dead, and the old man is biased towards the autumn moon, naturally someone has to bear this sin, this is normal in the family!

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