Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1008: Qiu Jun fell scared

"Can you escape?" The enemy's body flicked into the void, the silver wings opened, and the silvery brilliance of the cockroach was still so dazzling, and a bang of the sound came out, and the body of the vengeful colony turned into a silver phantom and pursued Lin Feng.

The speed of other people is also extremely fast, with their own means, followed by the enemy.

Lin Feng's six winds are all released, and at the same time, the footsteps are fast and the footsteps are really lightning fast. The whole person is flashing in the void, and the enemies behind him are slightly condensed.

"This is... happy stepping?" Qiu Jun stared at Lin Feng's happy figure, and the Shenzong Shenzong was very famous in the land of the Eight Wastes. The Shenzong Shenzong dominated the area of ​​the Southern Wilderness, and there were countless disciples of the Emperor. Is a terrorist force in the eight wilderness, Lin Feng, he is actually proficient in the footwork?

Is Lin Feng a person who is a happy person?

"Impossible, Yang Ziyan said that Lin Feng and her are meeting at the other end of the wild sea. It should be a foreign person, even a happy footwork or a pseudo-free footwork." Qiu Jun immediately denied the guess in his heart, and the gods The happy footwork has spawned many other similar footwork because of its horrible speed. It has the charm of the happy footwork and the speed is extremely fast.

But soon the enemy of the enemy has doubts, although there are many methods derived from the footwork, but the speed is limited, but the speed of Lin Feng is very horrible, and the wind is really comparable to his speed, The silver wing bloom could not catch up with Lin Feng for a while.

"If it is really a happy footwork, his speed will be even more terrible in the future!" Qiu Jun flashed a cold mang in his eyes, Lin Feng must kill, the more the footsteps of the past, the more the world, the world, the strength of the world, take The road of the sacred pattern, stepping out of the way can shuttle the void, like a teleport.

"Hey!" The white brilliance is getting more and more sturdy, the silver wings are expanding again, and suddenly the swaying, the silver wing turns into a thousand fan, and at the same time it trembles, making the speed of the enemy fall more terrible.

In the void, a white mangling emerged, dazzling, but at the moment Lin Feng’s mouth was a touch of indifference, and the palm of his hand moved slightly. It seemed to be smashed, and then the body of Lin Feng was caught by the speed of terror. The sound of a bang, his speed, instantly became even more terrible.

Qiu Jun saw that this face was slightly stiff and difficult to see. He couldn’t catch up with Lin Feng. Is it really necessary to use a killer?

I thought that this hatred of the enemy was a move, holding a jade slip in his hand. As long as he broke the jade, Yang Ziyan would immediately know that he had encountered difficulties in chasing Lin Feng. At that time, he would take the void. The ship pursued it, because it was known that Lin Feng had a ship of the void, and they deliberately left this hand. The ship of Yang Ziyan’s Void will be more horrible than Lin Feng’s body.

The Yang family has a special blood and is easily embarrassed by others. Moreover, when they were young, there was no other family's strength. Therefore, the Yang family prepared a ship for the younger generation. If it is not good, it is Deliberately used to escape life.

Qiuyue heart, as a person of the Qiu family, there is no such treasure.

However, at this time, the speed of Lin Feng in front suddenly dropped, and then stepped down to the next step, let Qiu Jun look a condensate, then sneer again and again, finally stopped, this time, must kill Lin Fengge Here, to wash the last shameful battle.

The land where Lin Feng landed was a huge open space with few people. The city was vast and endless, and there were territories. Most people nowadays almost go to the rooftops, resulting in not many people in other places.

Qiu Jun fell with Lin Feng, the wind swelled, silver awning, waving the silver wings, Qiu Jun fell in the void, cold Lin Feng, the eyes of the endless war.

However, he did not immediately start, but waited in the void.

"Since you are so jealous of me, I dare to come here to hunt down." Lin Feng looked at Qiu Jun’s irony and sneer, and if the enemy had not relied on the defensive power of the silver-winged martial arts, he was attacked by him. Killed, at the moment other people did not arrive, he did not dare to approach Lin Feng.

"Hey, you are only relying on the sword. If you don't have the sword, I can easily kill you!" Qiu Jun looked cold and cold.

"Why don't you say that if you don't have Wuhun, you are already a dead man now." Lin Feng sneered, and it is too ridiculous for him to say this.

"The martial arts is heaven, the gift that the ancestors gave me, my own strength, and your sword is an external force, how can it be compared."

At this time, above the void, another figure flickered, and Lin Feng was trapped in it from the eight directions. One by one looked indifferent and killed accidentally, and wanted to put Lin Feng to death.

"There are a lot of people who want to kill me, let's go together." Lin Feng looked at the crowd.

"Kill you, I am enough, I can hold his sword for me." Qiu Jun said indifferently, the wings suddenly bloomed, and the light became more and more dazzling.

Everyone else is silent, guarding the position of the eight parties, and the look is always cold. Some of them are coming from Yang Ziyan and Yang Ziyan. Some people come from the autumn family, but their purpose is to be consistent, killing Lin Feng, as long as Lin Feng can kill, as to who killed it, it is not important to them.

"Kill!" Qiu Jun fell cold and screamed, silver light, swaying out, suddenly whistling, silver awns like the sea, roaring in the space, rushing toward Lin Feng.

"Destroy!" Lin Feng spit out a word, a footstep, a fierce is a bang, a space to make a loud bang, as if the void burst, a horror of nature, the vast expanse, scrolling everything, let the bang His silver mansions reversed and fell toward the enemy.

"Oh!" The blood of the horror is tumbling, and the invisible force of the enemy's body is rushing toward Lin Feng. Suddenly, Lin Feng's head is over the sky, and the terrible silver storm is once again blown up. The shadow of the silver wing is guarded in the sky.

"Is it the power of blood?" Lin Feng looked up and looked at the sky, and then the body swung up, the blood of the body rolled and moved. From Lin Feng’s body, there was a faint scream of anger, to break through the body, horrible The blood power seems to turn into a huge wave, turning into a roar, and the general trend is extremely incomparable.

A terrible invisible force is centered on Lin Feng, slowly spreading out. This invisible force reveals the power of terrible blood. At the same time, there is also the power of heaven and earth. This trend is top-notch. The sky is propped up.

The illusory silver wings in the sky are slowly moving, and suddenly the wind is raging, the silver storm is once again formed, and the endless silver light is smashed toward Lin Feng, as if to devour the space where Lin Feng is located.

"Oh..." The whistling sound of the whistling sounds, the horrible silver mans seemed to encounter a terrible invisible resistance, and even a substantial humming sound made the real destruction of the storm impossible.


The eyes of the enemy are deadlocked, how can this be?

At this time, the endless silver light was condensing the storm and strangling against Lin Feng. However, Lin Feng stood there, and there seemed to be a raging invisible force in the body. Even in this invisible force, it also contained With a general trend, the world and the earth, silver mansions, can not invade.

"The power of the blood!" Qiu Jun whispered, staring at Lin Feng, how can it, Lin Feng how can there be such a horrible blood force, watching the indifferent figure standing in the void, he only feels the heart Quiver, his head is awkward.

"Yes, the power of the blood, not only the power of your enemies to have blood!" Lin Feng spit out a voice, awakening Qiu Jun.

The eyes of other people are also stiff. The power of Lin Feng’s blood is extremely embarrassing. Like Wang Yang’s anger, it’s rolling out and shocking their hearts. This blood force is more terrible than the blood power of them. .

Frowning, with such a powerful and terrible blood force, Lin Feng's ancestors, certainly extremely powerful, this person, is it concealed identity?

"You are really a Lin family person?" Qiu Jun's look is stiff.

"I said, I have nothing to do with the leaf family in your mouth!"

"The family you are from!" Qiu Jun screamed with anger.

When he heard his loud voice, Lin Feng showed a sarcasm smile: "You are scared!"

Qiu Jun’s look was awkward. Right, after discovering that Lin Feng had such a terrible blood power, he suddenly felt a little cold.

Strong power, the technique of the void, the sword of horror, if all this is understandable, then, where does the power of the blood come from?

If all these are connected together, then it should be: inheriting the blood power of the ancestors, the emptiness of the secretary in the family, and the horrible swords granted by the family, so that Lin Feng has such a terrible fighting power!

Ps: Flowers from six hundred to one thousand have been used for a little more than two days. How can one thousand to one thousand two be so entangled? Originally, I thought of one thousand two and then talk about the next outbreak. It seems that I can't use it. , helpless!

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