Peerless Martial God

Chapter 1000: Trial ladder

At this time, on the ladder, some people are trying to climb up, there are scattered people everywhere, their movements are very slow, it seems very difficult.

"This ladder has strong resistance. Only when you climb the ladder, you can step on the roof. Do you want to try it." Qiuyue smiled at Lin Feng and tried to try.

"Good." Lin Feng nodded slightly, then stepped on a footstep, and quickly crossed the first step. In an instant, an invisible force exerted on him, making him feel like he was carrying something.

Qiuyue heart and Lin Feng side by side, almost at the same time, also stepped up the ladder, watching Lin Feng smiled: "This ladder can feel our breath, and thus determine the strength of our body, this use of the world It’s too horrible, it can’t even be called use, but it’s controlled.”

Control, control the world, it is a powerful force.

"Let's try it!" Qiuyue's soft smile, then stepped again and stepped on the second step. Immediately, her figure flashed quickly and leaped forward toward the front ladder. The speed was extremely extreme. Rapid.

Lin Feng's figure is also up, step by step, and sure enough, the force acting on the sky is getting stronger and stronger, and oppressing him, making his body seem to bear strong resistance.

"Lin Feng, you are too slow, the roof is 18,000 feet, the ladder is one foot high, there are 18,000 ladders. I am afraid this ladder will be a big test for us to become disciples of the Emperor, if it is with you. Speed, 18,000 ladders, I don’t know what year and month to go."

Qiuyue’s heart smiled back and looked so extraordinarily happy that there was no indifference when Lin Feng just saw her.

"Good." Lin Feng saw that smile and smiled a little on his face. He seemed to see Xin Ye's simple and clean smile. The noble figure under the moonlight of the old palace still haunts his heart.

"Hey!" A wind smashed, lingering on Lin Feng's body, and even seeing Lin Feng's body leaping upwards, step by step on the ladder, the speed is extremely fast, step by step, just a moment, Lin Feng set foot on the ladder for three hundred days.

However, the three hundred-day ladder is insignificant compared to the 18,000-day ladder. The power of the heavens and the earth is gradually getting stronger and stronger. A little bit of enhancement, spanning three hundred steps, means that Three hundred times of superposition, Lin Feng is hard to imagine, the 18,000 ladder, is a horrible number, where the pressure will be more powerful.

If it is to become a disciple of the Emperor of the Emperor, it is a test that is to climb the 18,000 ladder. It is absolutely catastrophic for people who come to want to become disciples of the Emperor. It is too difficult.

"Lin Feng, hurry!" Qiuyue will occasionally look back, the light light on her face, the smile seems extraordinarily brilliant, as if it is like a ignorant girl.

Lin Feng is getting faster and faster, and the will of the wind is coming out. Now his will to the wind has reached the six will. Even if he is a person who is taller than him, his speed is not as fast as he is, especially when he uses the stepping method. The will to go on the wind, Tianwu triple is definitely faster than the ordinary five-day people.

In a moment, a thousand days of ladders are stepped on one foot.

"A thousand, so tired." Qiuyue smeared the hair of the lower corner, and Lin Feng chuckled to catch up with her: "Yes, the wind will have six."

"Do you want to continue playing?" Qiuyue smiled at Lin Feng.

"You will accompany me when you play." Lin Feng smiled and responded, letting Qiuyue look a little, his brow slightly wrinkled, and then the smile on her face disappeared and became indifferent, as Lin Fenggang saw. The same is true of his time.

"Go up and try again. I don't know how many steps the Wuhuang will let us go when the test." Qiuyue whispered, and didn't look at Lin Feng again. Then her body crossed up again and didn't stop for a while. Did not look back to Lin Feng laughed.

Lin Feng’s brow slightly groaned, and she didn’t understand what happened to Qiuyue’s heart. Her changes were too big!

However, just every smile that Qiuyue’s heart showed to him was not disguised. Lin Feng seemed to be able to see her heartfelt joy, and that kind of bright smile was not disguised.

On the 3,000-day ladder, Qiuyue’s footsteps finally stopped again, taking a deep breath. At this moment, the pressure on the body has made her feel tired, and the next oppression will become stronger and stronger. .

A figure slid silently next to her, her head slightly turned down, and then she saw Lin Feng's figure again. I saw Lin Feng's eyes looking upwards, with a shallow smile on his face, silent. Strictly, across the three thousand ladders, but did not breathe, it seems to be easier than her.

"Hey!" A wind blows, Lin Feng's clothes are picked up, and then he sees Qiuyue's body continue to leap toward the upper ladder, without a moment of pause, the speed is extremely fast.

"Who is she?" Lin Feng looked at the back of Qiuyue's heart and whispered, and there was a strong doubtful color in his eyes. Two people might imagine, but it is impossible to imagine the same, even a twin brother and sister can't. Moreover, why Qiuyuexin feels very close to him. It is only a few days after he knows him. The smile just now is so relaxed, it seems very abnormal.

Did not think too much, Lin Feng's body also turned into a wind, continue to roll up, the wind will be released, and soon, he will follow the pace of the autumn moon, dozens of ladders behind her.

"Autumn moon heart!" At this time, there was a voice coming out of the sky, so that Qiuyuexin and Lin Feng's footsteps stopped slightly.

"Is there something?" Qiuyue looked up at the figure above the stairs, and asked indifferently, and then several people came to the figure and looked at Qiuyue.

"I didn't expect Yang to be lucky enough to see Miss Qiu here. I was very happy in my heart." The young man above smiled and nodded at Qiuyue. Then his eyes turned slowly and fell on Lin Feng's body. .

"Really, Lin brother, you are also there!"

"This world is really small." Lin Feng whispered, looking at the sky in a cold, it was actually Yang Ziyan.

A cold lingering around Lin Feng's body, Lin Feng's eyes slowly turned, looking at the few figures around Yang Ziyan, Yang Ziyan, Qiu Jun, Jiang Ning, they are.

The coldest gaze, naturally, is the enemy of the enemy. I saw his gaze staring at Lin Feng, and he wished to kill Lin Feng.

On that day, in front of everyone, he was so miserable by Lin Feng, and his face was lost.

Later, Yang Ziyan and all of them came to this heaven city together and tried to climb the stairs in the land of Tiantai. When they returned, they saw that Miss Qiu’s autumn moon came to this side, but did not expect more coincidentally, in the autumn month. Behind the heart, they saw Lin Feng's figure again.

"Lin brother said that the world is indeed very small." Yang Ziyan still smiles, but this smile falls in Lin Feng's eyes, but it feels very uncomfortable.

Without looking at Lin Feng, Yang Ziyan turned his eyes to the heart of Qiuyue: "I didn't expect to be able to meet Miss Qiu and try to climb the ladder here. It is better to be with us, and there is a person to talk."

"No interest." Qiuyue vomited a voice, still indifferent.

Yang Ziyan did not care, this Qiuyue heart is a famous iceberg beauty in the northern wilderness, it is not ridiculous to anyone, it is normal for him.

"In this case, I will not bother Miss Qiu, Miss Qiu, please, I have some things to deal with." Yang Ziyan body slightly avoided, let Qiuyue heart away.

Qiuyue heart turned back and shouted at Lin Feng: "Lin Feng, let's go up."

"Well?" Yang Ziyan's look is slightly stiff, how, Qiuyuexin and Lin Feng know?

Moreover, the two of them seem to come together, Qiuyue Xin, she actually accompanied a man?

The eyes of Yang Ziyan and Qiu Junluo are also stiff there. This autumn moon is beautiful and noble. It is the family of the Qiu family, but it is cold and frosty. It is rumored that someone has seen Qiuyue laugh, very beautiful. It’s a rumor, it’s just a rumor. Very few people have actually seen it, and Qiuyue’s heart has always liked to be alone, especially when it’s not with men. At the moment, she and Lin Feng together?

Ps: Eight more, Sao years, no effort in the effort, work together!

(eight more)

(eight more)

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