Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 895: Threat!


The distance of 800 miles, for Lin Feng, is the flight time of minutes. However, during this time, Lin Feng’s mood is the most embarrassing, and even can be said to be worried, his wife and son are even the best. The friend Yan Di, both fell in the hands of the evil tomb.

Lin Feng is not difficult to think that this time I am afraid that there will be more and more fierce, the evil tomb will inevitably hold the dream and they threaten themselves, but what is the solution? Do you have to watch the dreams and they are killed?

Of course, if the evil tomb does not want to live, then he can daring to kill the dream and kill his own woman. The evil tomb should understand that if it does, what it means, it means that he will die.

Appearing in the sky above the dilapidated courtyards of 800 miles away, Lin Feng’s knowledge can feel the fluctuations in the depths of the courtyard. It means that the underground palace of the ancient evils is actually inside, the evil tombs are natural. Also here.

"The evil tomb, I have appeared here, you will not feel it, come out." Lin Feng stood in the sky, looking down, faintly drinking, and Fang Feng could hear the sound of Lin Feng in the dozens of miles. The evil tomb in the underground palace can naturally be heard.

"Haha, Lin Feng, you didn't expect it, Laozi is still alive, and he has caught so many women, haha."

Lin Feng’s drink just fell, and the laughter of the evil tomb was spread over the entire courtyard. Then the evil tomb was dressed in a **** robes and flew out of the underground palace. Soon the evil tomb came to the height of the courtyard. Lin Feng is opposite.

Lin Feng’s eyes are as dark as iron, but his heart is already angry to the extreme. If it is not the rationality that dominates, I am afraid that Lin Feng has been desperately desperate at this moment. However, the result of such an approach is to accelerate the crisis of dreams and others.

"You shouldn't catch them." Lin Feng shouted coldly and shook his head. His tone was full of anger. The evil tomb naturally felt the anger of Lin Feng’s heart, but he was indifferent. He had already seen that all the ancient evil disciples and elders’ soul jade had broken. The ancient evils were completely destroyed except him.

In the heart of the evil tomb, there is no anger. If it is not the occupation of this sensible, he will fall into the madness of anger, and he has been desperate with Lin Feng.

He controlled Lin Feng's woman and son. Lin Feng killed all the people of his ancient evil family. It can be said that the contradiction between the two people has long been unable to reconcile. The result of the confrontation is only one, that is, one victory and one death.

But the evil tomb does not want to be the one to die. As a tomb that has already died once, death is such a terrible thing for him. Even for this resurrection, he suffered countless pains. There was a mistake in the plastic body, so the soul flew away.

Fortunately, he finally came over and resurrected, and he was reborn. His strength is still in the realm of the Emperor, but the evil tomb can clearly feel that he is stronger than before, which is more than a little bit. benefit.

The evil tomb stunned Lin Feng, and the smile on his face was a little bit splendid and playful. The tone of his speech became a bit ridiculous: "It seems that they are really important to you."

"I don't want to listen to nonsense, just say, what kind of conditions can let them go." After listening to the words of the evil tomb, Lin Feng couldn't help but scream, and the calmness in her heart had already disappeared. At this moment, Lin Feng only wanted to rescue the dreams and others as soon as possible.

The evil tomb looked at Lin Feng, and after hearing the words of Lin Feng, the smile on his face became more and more splendid. Even the depth of his eyes had been a little more ironic. Lin Feng’s woman was in her own hands, so the initiative was natural. On himself.

The evil tomb will not let these women easily, and will not let Lin Feng be better. Maybe he can't kill these women. However, he needs to use the safety of these women in exchange for his own safety, as long as Lin Feng does not pursue him. Own, then these women, if they want to leave here safely, are not impossible.

Of course, all this is to see how Lin Feng chooses, whether it is important to his life, or the safety of his wife.

"The conditions are very simple, there is only one, that is, within five years, you are not allowed to deal with me, and you can't kill me." The evil tomb of the evil spirits came out with a cold laugh, and the face couldn’t help but sneak a sneer. He leaned on these people and felt that there would be no danger.

Lin Feng listened to the conditions of the evil tomb. If there were not a few dreams in the hands of the latter, Lin Feng would kill the sword directly. If he did not kill the evil tomb, he would not be willing to give up, but this time he could only endure. .

"Do you think that I will promise you such a condition?" Lin Feng screamed at the evil tomb, and snorted.

"Oh, you can not agree, then the consequences of doing so, huh, you need to bear it yourself." The sinful tomb of the evil tomb face, listening to Lin Feng's cold drink, still not angry, but his eyes are in the ring of the hand.

On the ring, there was a time and space shine, and then Lin Feng’s pupil couldn’t help but tighten. I saw the dream, the wild girl, the green phoenix and the fire dance all flew out of the ring, and the dream was faint. The remaining three women were tied up.

After the four women appeared above the sky, Yan Di and Lin Shutian's figure also appeared above the high sky. Yan Di and Lin covered their faces with anger and stalked the evil tomb. However, the evil tomb was just a cold smile.

"How, this condition, do you promise or not?" The evil tomb of the tortoise holds the space ring and looks at Lin Feng. His face is full of confident smiles. He does not believe that Lin Feng really dared to give up because he killed him. These beautiful women who have fallen into the country.

"Don't promise him, be honest, don't be controlled by him, let alone us, kill him."

The voice of the evil tomb did not fall, and the green phoenix that was **** shouted out, and looked at Lin Fengyu with a look of sorrow.

Lin Feng looks at Qingfeng, and looks at the other three women, who are the most loved women. If any one is missing, I am afraid that I will be mad. The evil tomb is to seize this kind of psychology and dare to arrest people and threaten themselves.

"To be fair, don't worry about us, don't let us become your burden, kill him, don't care about us." The wild girl also screamed at the evil tomb, and regretted why several people in the original had to discuss Lin Feng and let the people of the ancient evils discover it.

A few women of the deserted woman blame themselves, and even blame Lin Feng, Lin Feng must have a lot of people who are offended in this country, otherwise how can today's events occur.

Lin Feng listened to the words of the two women, and I was very moved. At the same time, I also had some self-blame in my heart. If I really don’t have too many enemies, they may be a lot of dreams, and they will not be caught by the ancient evils.

"How, or not?" The evil tomb was staring at Lin Feng, and the smile on his face became more and more interesting. The feeling of the hostage was different. Let Lin Feng be overbearing, but now you dare Is it for me?

Don't dare, haha!

Lin Feng had some grievances in his heart, and his anger rose to the top of his head, but he couldn’t vent, so the feeling of sulking was very uncomfortable.

"Little bastard, look at me."

Suddenly, the familiar voice of Emperor Yan was introduced into his ear. Lin Feng looked up and looked at Yandi.

Yandi is still wearing a cyan robes in the same color as before. Although the old guy has changed a little after a change, he still has wrinkles on his face, but this does not mean that he has reached the twilight.

Yan Di’s look at this moment was very dignified. Lin Feng looked at him. Yan’s eyes were complicated. He wanted to say something, but he did not say it when he swallowed it. Finally, he only sighed.

"Little bastard, remember to resurrect Laozi in the future, this time Laozi died for your woman."

There is no extra word, only a very strong anger, Lin Feng is in the midst of awkward still do not understand what Yandi said.

However, Yan Di’s body has been inflated violently, and the energy of terror expansion has made the entire height become restless.

The face of the evil tomb changed greatly and became angry. When a fist hits, it is necessary to fly out the self-destructed Emperor Yan to prevent him from being interfered.

"Fast, little bastard, you really want to blew himself."

When Lin Feng was stunned, the painful and angry roar of Yan Emperor came again in the ear. Lin Feng knew what the old guy of Yandi meant.

Lin Feng saw the opportunity, using the fastest three times the speed of light, almost instantly appeared in front of the evil cemetery, Yan Di's self-destructive behavior interfered with the evil tomb, so that the evil tomb only wants to fly to Yan Emperor.

Lin Feng appeared in front of the evil cemetery, there was no extra nonsense, and the full of anger had already turned into a heavy fist. The past, from the shoulder to the neck, almost became the attack range of Lin Feng, a loud bang, the evil tomb reaction A little slower, it was directly bombarded by Lin Feng.

The sweat of Yandi’s face is full of fear of the feeling of death. If it is a second later, he really wants to be blasted by the horrible energy. Fortunately, Lin Feng’s speed is so fast that it attracts the evil tomb. attention.

"Haha, little bastard, I haven't seen it for so long, and it's really amazing." Yan Emperor wiped the sweat from his face, revealing a playful smile.

However, at this moment, Lin Feng did not feel jokes with the old bastard. The evil tomb rushed over and Lin Feng could only accept everyone into the world of Wuhun.

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