Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 883: Poisoned!

Lin Feng looked at the flashing red light in the temple, and eventually it vanished. The roaring and roaring sounds that seemed to be angry in the ear disappeared. Now there is only a helpless sigh in the hall, which was issued by the old teacher. Lin Feng understands the bitterness of the old country teacher. As a subordinate, he cannot avenge the country. As a friend, he cannot avenge Fa Kunlun. This is how helpless.

Lin Feng looked at the old country teacher and gratefully looked at the latter. In any case, the old national teacher finally gave the soul of the French Kunlun to himself. There was no hiding, and he did not leave a future affliction for himself. This is enough.

Lin Feng slowly walked out of the hall and went straight to the residence of Fa Xuan. Lin Feng believed that the three emperors should not accept the fact that he did not become the king of the country. He would not know why he had always supported him. To fight back, let him be caught off guard.

All of this is in Lin Feng’s own mastery. I don’t need to worry about how much the law is propagating. I just want to see him, but I still have to say it clearly. Otherwise, Xuan Xuan really has a backlog in my heart, and maybe it will be in the future. Become the second emperor.

When Lin Feng came to the hall where he lived in Xuan Xuan, the sky was already shining. In the early hours of the morning, a red glow appeared in the eastern sky. It looked so bright under the white clouds, as if it were burned by fire.

Law Xuan still lived in the Prince's Hall for the time being. After Faye became the head of the country, he did not start to declare the law. After all, he knew that Lin Feng had always supported the law. If this time, the cleaning law would inevitably make Lin Feng unhappy, so he did not dare to move the law. Xuan.

Lin Feng came to the Prince's Hall, and no one dared to stop it. All of them were honest and backward, whether they were the elders of the French Empire or their disciples.

Lin Feng walked into the courtyard. In the middle of the courtyard between the two main halls, Fa Xuan had already set up a banquet, full of tables and banquets, and only he sat in a chair with two altars on the table.

Lin Feng brows his head, and his heart is secretly surprised. Fa Xuan is really powerful. He can guess that he will come over and meet him, so he put the jug in advance.

Lin Feng walked in step by step, and Xuan Xuan stood up quietly. There was no noise, no reprimand and anger. Only surprisingly calm, when looking at Lin Feng, his face still showed a respectful look.

"Lin Feng Big Brother, you can come and explain what you still want to say to me, and my heart will be calm." The law was ridiculously ridiculous, and he did not become angry because of this incident that changed his fate.

But often such people are the most terrible. From the moment of entering the house, Lin Feng can feel that it is a wise and correct decision to let the law become the head of the country and give up the law.

The four sons of Fa Kunlun did not have a simple character, and they did not have a good fruit. The old man relied on the background of the old national teacher, **** and bully, and the second child liked to play ghosts behind him. A perfect prince.

Because the oldest method was kept away from Kyoto, it was thought that this would be a low-key work, loyal and honest three princes, but Lin Feng found himself still wrong, this law is a hungry wolf that puts the fangs away, once he sees In the prey, the fangs will be exposed, and the prey will be killed.

The old four law seals, relatively speaking, are relatively thick, but perhaps because of the former three emperors, Lin Feng did not have much affection for the four emperors, and he also heard that this French imprint likes men, Lin Feng always thinks about this. Can't help but feel bad in the heart.

"Sit down, sit down and say." Lin Feng’s face was also a plain look. He pointed to the chair in front of the table. Lin Feng did not regard the law as the master here. He himself sat down first. The face was full of smiles and he did not care about Lin Feng.

"Before I said that my brother should drink alcohol, because of the reasons, has been owed, this time, I have a good drink with my eldest brother." Fa Xuan’s face was full of bright smiles, and the back end of the jug, respectfully respected Lin Feng poured a glass of wine, and poured himself a cup.

"Big Brother, thank you for your support for such a long time. Although the last position of the Lord is not me, I still want to thank you and pull me back from the hands of the Sun Empire to avoid being a jealousy, thank you." The law sounded loudly and sternly, while the back end was a wine glass, and the wine in the glass was lightly sipped.

Lin Feng squinted at the wine jug and looked at the glass of wine. He did not immediately pick up the glass of wine, because Lin Feng had some doubts about whether the wine was poisoned. Lin Feng picked up the glass and sniffed it with his nose, except for the taste of the wine. There is no other taste.

Lin Feng swept the whiskey with the knowledge of God, and found no abnormalities. Fa Xuan seemed to see Lin Feng’s hesitation, but he just smiled at Lin Feng, and Lin Feng eventually drank this glass of wine.

"Big Brother, you can rest assured that this wine will not be poisonous. I don't dare to poison you, you are the only one who knows my details." Fa Xuan laughed out loudly, his face was full of bright smiles, and then poured a glass of wine to Lin Feng, and also filled the wine in his own cup.

"Big Brother, this glass of wine blesses you with a bright future. I hope that I can survive this difficult time and use your actual actions to impress your heart and make you feel more comfortable with me."

"I know why you didn't choose me at the end of the day. I think it's because I have too many minds. You can't control more. After killing the father, you can't help but think about the empire. So naturally, I want to find An obedient dog, don't know if I analyzed it right?" Fa Xuan said here, his face suddenly became solemn, and his eyes showed a hint of regret.

Lin Feng looked at Fa Xuan, and did not know what his hidden heart was in his regretful eyes. In the end, he regretted that he was clever and instead raised his own feet, or that he regretted why he was coming back with himself. Or why not continue to install a dog, after the death of the old country, and then reveal the fangs.

Lin Feng can't understand this law, he really can't understand it, he doesn't know the thoughts in his heart, so such a person can't support himself. He initially supports the law, and it is nothing more than using the law to let the law Kunlun It is only possible to let out the snow, and now that things are done, Lin Feng naturally gives up this piece.

After living for hundreds of years, Lin Feng has already seen the world, so don't say how his own mind has changed. He also knows how to count other people. He can only say that this rule world has changed himself and changed his own thinking.

No matter how strong the strength is, no matter how high the status is, as long as there is someone, there will be a variety of complicated problems. This is unavoidable, unless one day, all of them will be destroyed, leaving only one person, perhaps At that time, he was the real master, the master of the soul and thought, and the world would no longer have complicated problems.

"You know it, so don't hate me. It's all your problem. If you are stupid, you are obedient like the law, you won't have so many problems." Lin Feng sighed and said helplessly. To be honest, I really liked people like Fa Xuan. If he is not a three-prince, maybe he will be his partner in cooperation.

Of course, the partner is not a friend. Such a person is not suitable for being a friend. He can go to glory with himself and go to a higher and higher place, but he will never accompany himself to the bottom.

Being able to be a brother of Lin Feng or even a brother-in-law is even stronger. Yandi must be one, then Songzhuang of Shenlu Dongfang, and finally the net without traces. These are the brothers who have seen the truth.

Yan Emperor is similar to the emotions of the elders or brothers. The blood of the blood **** seems to be like the general care of the master. In order to be able to have the power of chaos, in order to break through the half-step gods, he will not hesitate to blew himself for his own chaos. Power.

Lin Feng thought of this, but also could not help but wait for himself to calm down and stabilize. After truly standing in the Shenzhou, he will consider resurrecting these dead friends and elders. This is also his own thought.

"Big brother, don't say it, cheers." Fa Xuan interrupted Lin Feng’s words and interrupted Lin Feng’s contemplation. Lin Feng looked up and saw that Xuan Xuan once again drunk the wine in the cup. Lin Feng did not hesitate to drink the wine.

In the next hour, Fa Xuan and Lin Feng continued to drink Jiutan wine in a row. Both people had a red drunken face on their faces. The atmosphere was very silent, but the wine was always floating and never disconnected.

"Fa Xuan, you should take your hand to leave the French Blue Empire, there may be a greater chance, not necessarily to count on this French Blue Empire." Lin Feng looked up, his eyes solemnly speaking to the law, then stood up and looked at the sky is already bright, and should be ready to go back.

But the footsteps just lifted up, Lin Feng felt that his head was a little dizzy, and his body was not controlled. In the end, it seemed that even his thoughts were imprisoned. The angry look of the law in front of his eyes, only the sinister and sinister look.

"you…". Lin Feng pointed to the law, and wanted to scream, but only to say a word, the whole person sat in the chair, and finally squatted on the table, fainted.

"Hey, Lin Feng, Lin Feng, sometimes courage is really useful, but for me, you really shouldn't believe too嘿嘿, there is really no poison in the wine, but the wine is not poisonous, it does not mean you Will not be poisoned."

"On the table, on the glass, even in the air inside my hall, there is poison. Oh, I forgot to tell you that you had poisoned the father before the law, and it was this poison."

"The father is so strong that the Emperor did not find it. If you take it every day, it will lead to a great drop in strength. This will be exploited by you. Otherwise, you think that with so many half-step giants, how could you kill the father in an instant? ".

"I didn't know that this poison was so good before, now I know, haha."

The law reveals the slyness and sinfulness of the face. He poisoned Lin Feng. That is to say, now the French Blue Empire cannot have the right person with him. When he thinks, he is excited.

"Hey, when I made the king of the French Blue Empire, I handed you over to the Nikko Empire. I heard that they are more interested in your physique. They used to be afraid of your strength, but now, haha."

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