Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 875: Liu Fei is pregnant!


"It seems that you have made a decision." The old ancestors looked at Lin Feng for a long time, and finally he spoke. He could see the firmness and slight anger that Lin Feng had on his face.

"Well, I have been holding back for so long, since the snow has already come out of the cold palace, then I have no scruples." Lin Feng nodded heavily. At first, she dressed up as Mu Feng and entered the French Blue Empire. She wanted to take away the snow from the cold palace, but after discovering that it could not work, she went through some calculations and efforts.

This time, the snow came out of the cold palace, then everything went back to the normal track, and the time dragged on for a long time. Lin Feng himself knew that it was time to solve this problem, no matter how strong the opponent's strength.

If there is really no way, I can only continue to pull Fa Kunlun into his own world of martial arts, and at the same time find his soul beads, to avoid his resurrection. With the potential hidden danger of evil tomb, Lin Feng is extremely good at doing things. cautious.

The old ancestors nodded. He understood that Lin Feng’s patience had reached the limit in recent days. The fire in his heart had already accumulated a certain degree. The next step was to release the fire, instead of continuing to endure, with Lin Feng’s temper, endure so. For a long time, it is enough.

Lin Feng took a deep breath and looked at the tree of life that had skyrocketed three times under his body. The dense foliage had a feeling of covering the sky, as if the old tree was here, this is the soul of the Wuhun world, perhaps This ancient tree, to a certain extent, does represent a vibrant world of martial arts.

Lin Feng jumped down the tree of life and walked to Lin Hai's body with a happy face.

"Strength has risen again?" Lin Hai looked at his son, his face full of gratification, he has two sons, the eldest son Lin Feng, the second son Lin is not hurt, but the most proud of him is Lin Feng, and the least worry That is to say, Lin has no injuries, Lin has no injuries and no bones. For a woman, it is in a state of semi-return.

"Well, half a step of the emperor." Lin Feng nodded and smiled. He had no concealment for his father. He would not forget that when he was in his most difficult time, his father, as the owner of the Lin family, had always supported himself. Even if he faced the aggressiveness of the elders, his father did not give up. This is the father's love.

"Well, my father has also touched your light, the strength of the present, you see!" Lin Hai smiled and said, immediately stretched out a punch, the strength of the horrible arrogance, rushed over Lin Feng's chest, Lin Feng was shocked, did not dare to ignore the father's attack, fully attack this attack, but no Counterattack.

Hey, two loud noises, Lin Hai stepped back a few steps before standing. Under the tremendous force, he was shaken out very far. Looking at Lin Feng with amazement, his face’s admiration, his son’s strength is getting more and more. Throughout, he was swept by the power of the power of creation, and his strength has instantly improved to a level. Today, Lin Hai is also the supreme god.

However, Lin Feng has already surpassed him in a realm, but he skipped the violent temperament of the Scorpio. The gap between the Supreme God and the half-step gods is still very large, and the gap between the Emperor and the half-step gods is only Half a level, so don't look down on the half step god.

Lin Feng’s confidence in dealing with Fa Kunlun is also derived from here. The half-step **** has the soul beads. Lin Feng is the first one. With the perfect creation spirit, Lin Feng is also the first one. He has more than a dozen Taoist methods. And the integration of the Taoism into the constitution, Lin Feng is also the first.

Finally, the guts are so big, and never afraid of failure, Lin Feng is still the first.

Lin Feng has some feelings, his father Lin Hai has been living in the world of Wuhun, but he can discover the mystery of the world of Wuhun through the details, and he does not say it in the realm of Shenzun, but it also makes him out of the predicament in the lowest valley.

"Fenger, Liu Fei is pregnant, with the crystallization of your love, don't you look at her?" After Lin Hai was silent for a long time, she thought for a long time, but decided to talk to Lin Feng about this matter. After all, Lin Feng was going to be a father. This matter is not small, Lin Feng should know.

Lin Feng’s mind was all on cultivation. As soon as he heard the news, the whole person was a little embarrassed, but then his face instantly showed a ecstatic look, and he looked incredulously at Lin Hai and asked, “Father, really?”

"Really, it has been three months." Lin Hai solemnly nodded and smiled at Lin Feng. He thought that when he was pregnant with Lin Feng, he was not so happy. As a father, the love for the child is not weaker than the mother, but the way of expression is different, slightly deep.

After Lin Feng was confirmed, suddenly jumped into the sky and went straight to the house. Lin Hai smiled bitterly. Although Lin Feng had several children, it was so heavy for such joy.

Almost all the strength was hardened. It took me ten minutes to get home and appeared in the courtyard of the wooden house.

Liu Fei is squatting on the ground to water the flowers, and the left hand slightly supports the waist, only three months, but still not moving to the point.

Lin Feng suddenly stood behind Liu Fei and scared Liu Fei to jump. Before Liu Fei reacted, Lin Feng directly carried Liu Fei into her arms, regardless of the horror of Yue Meng and the catching up from behind. Lin Feng smiled bitterly.

"Fairchild, how do you make me love you, we finally have a baby." Lin Feng's face was full of excitement, and she looked at Liu Fei with a smug look, and kissed her face with no sorrow.

Although Lin Feng has a lot of children, and the dream of Lin Shutian, and the secluded Lin Qiongsheng of Tang, and Lin Nianer of Qiuyuexin, is also his only daughter, the beloved little princess, and Lin Henger of Duan Xinye, My own little son.

It can be said that apart from the behind-the-day girl and the fire dance, her own woman has her own child. Only Liu Fei, the wife with the same qualifications and dreams, is the last one who has broken her own child. Easy, Lin Feng is clear, Liu Fei himself is also clear.

How difficult this child is, Liu Fei will inevitably care for his life, even higher than his own life to care for this child, I am afraid this child is the spiritual pillar of the future, Liu Fei thought a lot, Lin Feng also felt that she owed more to her.

Liu Fei was still a bit stunned at first, and finally she cried silently. Her eyes were wet and red. After seeing Lin Feng, she clung to Lin Feng’s neck with her hands, and then kissed her for the first time, this time two The individual kissed for ten minutes, and as for Yuemenghe and Linhai, he had already returned to his room.

After all, no grandparents saw their sons and daughter-in-law kiss.

Lin Feng took Liu Fei back to the house and put Liu Fei on the bed. How do I think that Liu Fei is particularly beautiful today, although Liu Fei is very plain, even can be said to be simple, but the redress is not covered. Live the light of this bead.

After more than four months, Liu Fei saw her husband again. The frequency of this meeting was quietly shortened, and Lin Feng decided. If there is time, I will come back to see Liu Fei and take a look at myself. Her children, boys or girls, are their own little ones.

"To be fair, give your child a name." Liu Fei’s face was a bit blushing on Lin Feng’s body. Lin Feng’s hands clasped Liu Fei’s waist and stretched forward along the waist. He also made a lot of unfair chest-lifting actions, causing Liu Fei’s petite, but Lin Feng is still unscrupulous, Liu Fei can only rely on him, who told him to be his own man, relying on his life?

Lin Feng listened to Liu Fei’s words and immediately fell into meditation. The name really needs one. The first few children, no one name is from their father, they are the names of their mothers. This time, Lin Feng Give your child a name.

Lin Feng thought for a long time, his face was very solemn, Liu Fei looked at Lin Feng like this. The more he saw, the more his own man was so handsome, the deep eyes, the black long eyelashes above, the tall nose below the nose is thin lips, the standard The face is constructed, this is her husband, Lin Feng.

Like her dreams, she was one of the first two women to fall in love with Lin Feng, but her position as a boss gave her a dream. The reason is very simple, that is, dreams are more suitable for long rooms than her, dreams are snow. Exquisite, can help Lin Feng more, dreams know Lin Feng's heart, dreams also have a style of not doing things, this Liu Fei can not do.

She didn't want to compete for any position. She just wanted to watch Lin Feng silently, and she had her own children. All this is enough.

Liu Fei looked at Lin Feng's fascination. Lin Feng thought about the child's name and entered the god. The atmosphere inside the house was silent, but it was not embarrassing, but it was very warm.

I don’t know how long it took, Lin Feng looked up and turned to look at Liu Fei, but found that Liu Fei looked at herself like a flower idiot. His eyes were full of infatuation, and he couldn’t help but grin. Looking at Liu Fei.

Suddenly, Liu Fei reacted, her face was even more blushing, and she couldn't wait to find a seam to sneak in. She hammered Lin Feng's chest a few times.

"All old wives and old wives, look at what is afraid, how is it, isn't it handsome?" Lin Feng looked at Liu Fei and asked with a smile.

Liu Fei Jiao slammed 瞪 Lin Feng but did not dare to speak, his face red like a red apple, Lin Feng did not dare to continue to tease.

"I think of the child's name. If it is a boy, it is called Lin Sifan. If it is a girl, she will call her, Lin Sitian." Lin Feng looked very seriously at Liu Fei, this is the name he thought of for a long time.

Liu Fei listened to these two names, and her heart was very happy. She didn't care about the child's name. She liked to feel the atmosphere. The father of the child personally took the name. This would be the most glorious thing for her child. Because the other children are the names of the mothers, only their own children.

Although she does not want to fight for anything, but for her own children, but looking forward to the child Jackie Chan, looking forward to women into a wind, children can not fall behind those brothers and sisters.

Lin Sifan, Lin Sitian, these two names are very nice, and very rehabilitated. Lin Feng does not expect them to fight in this complicated world like Lin Shutian or Lin Qiongsheng. Lin Feng only wants to pray for God to give them An ordinary environment, let them taste the sweetness.

Lin Feng got a good name. After seven months, Lin Feng and Liu Fei will win a child, belonging to their love enchantment, Lin Sitian!


"Well? Why?"

"give me!".

"No, pregnant, very dangerous."

"I do not care…".

"Well, hey, um!".

Soon the house heard a squeaky snoring, and the spring splattered.

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