Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 861: Carrion!


"Lin Feng, it seems that this law is already on your list of murders."

After coming to the next palace, the old ancestors came out of the ring and looked at Lin Feng in an adult shape. His face was slightly heavy. Lin Feng listened to the old man’s words and nodded. He smiled, “The kill is killing, but he There is also value in use."

"Haha, when did you learn this trick, it seems that you also know how to use people."

The old ancestors felt funny. He witnessed the growth of Lin Feng in the past year. He was escaping from the smashing city and fleeing to the sinister city. Now he has been regarded as a guest by the French Blue Empire. Difficulties and hardships.

"But the five masters of the ancient souls did not shoot, but it made me more or less accidental. Obviously you played the law, they won't care, but why don't they shoot?" The old man thought of this scene, some strange And doubts, this is the first thing he could not understand.

"It is very simple. Although the five Jies came to the French Blue Empire, there is a cooperative intention between the two forces. The five majors of the great event certainly did not communicate with the ancient souls, so they did not dare to decide whether to help the French Blue Empire."

"Secondly, the five masters also want to punish the law by their own hands. The mouth of the law is too owed. Don't say that I don't like it. They don't like it either, so the five masters want me to take the shot and teach the law."

"In any case, it is not simple. Of course, there is not much conflict between me and the ancient souls. If they take the initiative to provoke me, then this is something to say."

"But the ancient souls of the five masters, although the previous words have provoked me, but not too much action, I can not ignore it for a while, after all, now the things in the Valley of the Devil Valley are more important, not only me, they will also distinguish the primary and secondary" .

Lin Feng said, a faint smile on the old ancestors, continued to run into the hall, the atmosphere around it is a bit horrible, the atmosphere of this hall can be far more horrible than the previous one. The blood on the ground is obviously more, and the golden color on the wall reveals a fascinating purple light.

Inside the hall is a smell of rancid smell, and with the depths of the hall, this taste is getting more and more strong, Lin Feng has to cover his nose, this taste is like the smell of the body rot, It's hard to smell.

Walking to the forefront of the main hall, Lin Feng finally saw what the source of the rancid smell is. This has a coffin, a black ancient dragon coffin, which is about five meters long and two meters wide. It is very scary and placed. At the forefront of the palace, and without a cover, it is placed like this.

Even the coffin has been somewhat rotted, but the black cologne has not rotted a bit. The rot is all the material of the coffin, so at first glance, it is still a bit horrible.

Lin Feng and the old ancestors walked to the front of the coffin. When they looked down, they looked down and suddenly, Lin Feng and the ancestors were all a little surprised, because there was no one in the coffin, not even a thing, but it sprang out from it. The taste, Lin Feng and the old ancestors can not think clearly, what is going on here.

"Crush the cockroach and look at the situation inside." Suddenly, the old ancestors thought of an idea, Lin Feng immediately agreed to take out the sword of the ancestors, and the figure of the old man disappeared into the sword.

Lin Feng’s sword smashed down, and a loud bang, the sound of broken wood came, and at the same time there was the sound of the worm’s beast. The sword smashed down and the smashed into pieces of wood, but climbed out from it. Hundreds of thousands of reptiles, **** reptiles, each with the size of a palm, a spider-like, red monocular, extremely scary.

These blood worms saw Lin Feng as a living person. Naturally, they targeted the body of Lin Feng. At the same time, hundreds of thousands of reptiles all ran along with Lin Feng. The speed was even more dissatisfied. Lin Feng’s face was heavy and his footsteps were getting more and more. Going back quickly, but the number of blood worms is simply too much. Lin Feng used the sword of the ancestors to cut the worms, which was almost useless.

"Yes, the eye of Jia Yan." Lin Feng thought of the eye of Jia Yan, and the blood energy of the eye of Jia Yan, they must be useful for them. Lin Feng did not have the opportunity to think. The forehead turned into a **** eyelid, and the blood-colored column of light came from the eye. Shooting, the sound of screaming sounds, a **** light, smashing thousands of reptiles.

Lin Feng repeats the action. The eye of Jia Yan has almost hundreds of attacks per second. It can only be said that there are too many reptiles in the blood, even though this is not the case.

Lin Feng suddenly felt the pressure multiplying, so that it wouldn't work. Sooner or later, the bones that were eaten by the **** reptiles would not be left, and if you guessed it correctly, this **** reptile should be a carrion, infiltrating from the ground and finally crawling into it. Part of it, and under one sword, they will all be smashed out.

"You can't go on like this, you must think of a way." Lin Feng cold sweat flowed down his forehead. Now there are many reptiles crawling up under his feet. Lin Feng can only lick his feet, then smash them with a foot, seeping the red venom. Lin Feng feels very uncomfortable.

"I don't know if they are still outside, no matter what, they will be attracted to the past." Lin Feng thought, suddenly playing the fastest speed, three times faster than the speed of light across the hall door, directly through the past, back to the previous hall.

It happened that the five souls of the ancient souls and the princes had not yet gone. Looking at them, they should be the arms that were abolished for the treatment of the law.

The law saw Lin Feng suddenly appearing here again, suddenly sinking into his heart, was shocked, his face was somewhat white, thinking that Lin Feng was killing himself, but this time Lin Feng is not coming to kill, but to give They bring something fun.

The face of the five souls of the ancient soul family changed slightly. The head of the man changed slightly and shouted: "What are you doing here?"

"Five brothers, there is a reptile called a carrion, I can't deal with it, I will bother you." Lin Feng has no nonsense, but tells the ancient souls five masters straightforwardly.

The voice has not yet fallen, I saw Lin Feng suddenly crawled out of hundreds of thousands of **** palm-sized spider reptiles, almost instantly eroding the half-wall, running at the fastest speed of the ancient soul five Jay and Fa's body climbed up, and the speed was very fast. They also knew which side there were many people.

As for Lin Feng, they were ignored. All the reptiles were entangled in the five souls of the ancient souls, and the law of abandoning one arm.

"Lin Feng, we have no enmity with you, why do we need to hang us?" The head of the five masters, the black man roared and screamed, only a little, the reptile climbed onto him, corroding him, fortunately he had something Deal with it, but even then, my heart is even more angry.

"No way, whoever makes you here, I can't deal with it alone, I can only hand it over to you, the five Jie brothers, come on." Lin Feng said with a smile, the whole person left the hall very leisurely, and hundreds of thousands of reptiles have no relationship with themselves.

After returning to the next hall, Lin Feng thoroughly crushed the cockroaches. During the period, thousands of carrion worms appeared again, but this time Lin Feng directly killed with the power of creation, there is no left.

"Lin Feng, look at you."

Just as Lin Feng was about to leave the hall and walk to the palace inside, he was suddenly interrupted by the voice of the old ancestors. Lin Feng also stood in the same place and looked at the direction of the sword of the ancestors, suddenly face change.

I saw it in the place where the cockroach was placed. At this moment, because the cockroach was completely smashed, there was a deep hole in the hole. The hole was about three meters in diameter, and there was no light inside, and everything seemed so. dark.

"What will it be?" Lin Feng raised his brow and had a lot of curious expression on his face. If you guessed it well, these reptiles climbed out from inside, but hundreds of thousands of them should have gone.

The deep hole inside may be artificially smashed It may also be the masterpiece of these carrion worms, but no matter what, Lin Feng has decided, to go inside and have a look.

"There has been no adventure for a long time. I must try it this time. I don't feel the feeling of crisis. I am almost petrified." Lin Feng said, it was the decision, this deep hole, certain Have a closer look.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng jumped down, of course, not without any preparation, the power of creation to protect the whole body, the creation of the spirit is also in the excitement, any impact, as long as it is not the level of the gods, Lin Feng can be safe and sound .

Within half a minute, the hole has reached the bottom, Lin Feng took out a night pearl, and the whole bottom is bright as white, and the surrounding scenery is all in sight.

This turned out to be a very narrow corridor, surrounded by purple stones, but some have been corroded, see the traces of corrosion, Lin Feng guessed, is the previous masterpiece of carrion.

There is some dampness in the ground and some sticky liquid, so Lin Feng floats on the ground, the feet are not touched, it is obvious that this is venom in the underground, as long as it touches the ground, it will inevitably be poisoned.

Lin Feng has already entered this hole, but in the hall above, the five souls of the ancient souls still kill the carrion with all their strength, and they have to send a person to look after the law, which can be said to be in a real crisis.

"Wu Feng, my ancient soul five masters, and you are not dead!"

An angry and roaring voice spread throughout the Devil Valley, and even the people hovering outside the stone wall were scared and white.

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