Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 859: Speech humiliation!

"Lin Feng, will this token be related to the Long Mo Valley?" asked the old ancestors.

"Sure, since the token found here has a lot to do with the Devil Valley, and the token is engraved with Divin's number three, it should be the token worn by a very old person."

"It just doesn't know what the token is for us now." Lin Feng shook his head and continued to walk forward.

As the depth of the valley is getting deeper and deeper, Lin Feng suddenly discovers that the corroded stone wall that had been obstructed in the middle has disappeared, and the entire vertical magic valley is also distributed like a canyon. Clumps, of course, a lot of bones.

"It seems that it has entered the depths." Lin Feng slammed, and carefully walked inside, the footprints under his feet had increased, and the footprints that were stepped on were calm and powerful, and if they were not high-ranked, God Shen could not do it.

Jia Luluo, the five masters of the ancient souls, all entered the Devil Valley, just do not know if they are in one direction with themselves.

Into the depths, the purple in the underground of the Valley of the Devil Valley is getting shallower and shallower. With the increase of bushes and grass, the green part is occupied, so that the Valley of the Devil does not look so terrible, but if there is a half of the grass next to the weeds As well as the hand bones, and more solid blood, you won't think so.

"The more you go deeper, the more you squat, and the ruins of the palace." Lin Feng said, he took a few steps and set off a broken wall above the palace on the ground. This broken wall also exudes a shallow luster, only this corner, but Lin Feng seems to have seen 200,000 years from this broken wall. The glory of the former Devil Valley.

"Sometimes, a culture or clan is destroyed, and there is no inheritor. This is a terrible thing." The old ancestors spoke in the ring and seemed to send out a special feeling. Lin Feng also agreed.

Because Taiqingmen, Leimen, these clan can find the heirs, and protect the clan very well, so they were not destroyed by the horrible change of 200,000 years ago. As for the Devil Valley, perhaps not so lucky.

"How powerful is it that once the powerful Devil Valley has been trampled on by the masses and the ruins of Zongmen?"

Lin Feng sighed, his face was helpless, this world is like this, strong people will never care about the idea of ​​weak people, and the same powerful forces to eliminate weak forces is just a blink of an eye.

Perhaps in his own eyes, the Devil Valley is a powerful force, but in the eyes of the forces that have destroyed the Devil Valley, it is just an ordinary sect.

Things are such a reality, and cruel, but people can only accept, can not change the world and the rules, then only can adapt to the world and the rules, and finally become a member of the jungle, there is nothing wrong.

Lin Feng said with emotion, and went on to the depths, but did not notice that the token he had in his hand suddenly weakened a little, but it returned to normal in an instant.

A little bit of time, according to Lin Feng’s calculation, I came to the Long Mo Valley in the early morning, so now it should be in the evening when the sun sets.

But the sun can't be seen in the Valley of the Devil, only the gloomy purple mist envelopes above, and the bottom has become a broken palace and skeleton, but this time it is not as simple as a broken wall, but a towering and broken palace, which appears in front of you.

From the left hand side to the right side of a few kilometers away, the entire front is all the halls of the run-down, the blood-colored hall, but also the hall without a little angry, dead, as if the air under the **** off the city.

Lin Feng kicked a corpse and walked inside the dilapidated door of the main hall. When he walked into the hall, Lin Feng saw the inside and could think of the glory and power of the former Devil Valley.

Inside the dilapidated hall is extremely brilliant, **** buildings, but there is a golden light arrangement, even until now the golden chairs and the pillars and columns that stand up are all made of pure gold.

The only shortcoming is that the golden walls are covered with solid blood, and they look like they were killed by a knife, and then the blood stained on the wall.

Into it, Lin Feng stood on a chopping board with weapons placed on it, and there was a weapon shelf made of pure gold. It should be placed with a scepter.

It’s just that today, the scepter has long since disappeared. There is only one empty weapon shelf, which seems to be an unusual scruples.

"The former Devil Valley has reached this point, hehe, people can't believe it, we are very lucky compared to the ancient soul family."

"Yes, the Valley of the Devil Valley and the ancient souls are also considered to be a level of power. It is a pity that time is awkward. Now things are wrong."

Suddenly, Lin Feng heard the sound of the five souls of the ancient soul family, and it was transmitted from the wall next door. Lin Feng’s face suddenly changed. It seems that there are so many secrets in the hall of the Lonely Valley, and there is a secret compartment in the wall. ?



The snoring and the dull thunder rang at the same time. The wall next to Lin Feng was suddenly pushed away by the people inside. The five souls of the ancient soul family came out from the inside.

The eyes are staggered and the atmosphere is a bit heavy.

"It seems that we have come here, and other people have come here."

The black robe man headed by the five souls of the ancient souls faintly sighed, and looked at Lin Feng in front of him indifferently.

"He is not the wooden maple that is very satisfied with the French Blue Empire, Mu Feng Tianjiao?" Another man sneered again and again, looking at Lin Feng.

They looked at Lin Feng, Lin Feng also looked at them, their eyes did not hide, because they are not afraid of them, why do you want to dodge?



It was the sound of a dull wall turning, the wall behind Lin Feng was pushed open, and a group of people came out from the inside. At the same time, Fa Ling came out from behind the ancient souls, and as for the other group. People, Lin Feng also knows, France and India and the bone shadow and the French and Indians.

"Yeah, Mu Feng, huh, huh, it seems that we have gathered together today." The French seal saw that Mu Feng was also here, and suddenly his face was full of playful colors.

After pulling the bone shadow, he did not care about Mu Feng, and he never thought that the bone shadow was not as strong as the wood maple. Can the Tianjiao of the ancient bones still not catch up with a scattered wooden maple?

The French seal is the idea, and the law is the same, even more so, the law believes that after the five ancient masters, you can ignore the wood maple, but the two emperors do not know, this wood maple is Lin Feng, whom they once admired most.

I don't know, when all of them know that Mu Feng is Lin Feng, what would it look like.

Lin Feng's gaze looked at the French and Indian, and glanced at it from the bone shadow. The heart was a bit strange. According to the truth, the ancient bones and the Lambian empire allied each other. How could it come out to hook up the French blue empire?

Unless there is any contradiction between the ancient bones and the Lambian Empire, the ancient bones tend to favor the French Blue Empire and want to re-engage a cooperative ally.

"Wu Feng, you come to the Devil Valley, what do you want to find?" Faye looked at the eye maple, and asked in a deep voice, the tone was a little bit bad, completely forgot to give Lin Feng a wooden stone in the first place.

Lin Feng does not look at the law, if you look at it, you can only feel a little disgusted and disgusting.

"What to look for, this should have nothing to do with you." Lin Feng smiled faintly, squinted at the five souls of the ancient soul family, and squinted at the bones of the eyes, shook his head and smiled, and walked in along the door of the temple next to the weapon shelf, inside is a large hall.


Suddenly, the screams came from behind Lin Feng, and there was a strong arrogance and reprimand in the drink, and more indifference.

Lin Feng didn't stop, but it slowed down and turned to look at the sound of the law, his face was indifferent.

Faye’s face was stunned, and there was even a trace of viciousness and haze in the depths of his eyes.

"You are judged by law, then at this moment is the person of the French Blue Empire. Since it is the person of the French Blue Empire, I am the Prince of the French Blue Empire. You should obey my arrangement. Now I command you to immediately exit the demon. Valley, right away!".

The shackles of the law are full of self-confidence, and the resentment and command of Lin Feng has reached a scene that can only appear between the master and the slave.

Lin Feng's face gradually became colder, and the depth of his eyes was a little colder.

"Look at what? How? Don't think that I don't know if you want to join the empire to be You, I see more people, what is the high?"

"The three princes gave you a face-to-face ceremony including the Eye of Ice, the Belt of Real Dragons, and the Wood Stone. The people who are so tall are all accepted. You are not polite at all, like you who don’t even have a face. , not what is seeking asylum?"

"Oh, let's say something nice. You really did come to our assessment, but if you say something ugly, it is to take the initiative to squint into the assessment. Don't you admit it?"

"Wu Feng, since I came to the French Blue Empire, then everything must be followed by my great prince, my prince, otherwise I will be rude to you."

The words of the law are getting more and more outrageous, ridicule and humiliation plus the swearing and threats, all appearing in Lin Feng’s body, so Lin Feng feels that he is really such a person, but when he thinks carefully, he laughs out, Hey, this person is so naive.

The five souls of the ancient souls looked at Lin Feng, the bone shadow looked at Lin Feng, and the French and Indians also looked at Lin Feng. Everyone wanted to take a look. How did Lin Feng deal with the lawless humiliation of this law, if it was gone, I am afraid that the face will be lost.

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