Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 833: The decision before leaving!


"My intelligence system has found it, and it is the most accurate news, a good news, another bad news, which one do you listen to?"

Lei Li smiled, finally after seven hours of anxious waiting, Lin Feng asked the snow finally got a clear answer, but two news, one good and one bad, can only see Lin Feng want to listen first One.

Lin Feng slightly raised his brow and looked at Lei Li. After a slight meditation, he smiled faintly: "Say good news first."

"Okay, the good news is that there is no danger to life in the snow, and some of the resources of the Prince have been enjoyed. It is said that it has broken through the median god." Responsively nodded, facing Lin Feng in detail to tell the news from his men.

"Bad news that." Lin Feng asked again, his face is still dull, it seems that the snow has nothing to do with himself, but the complex heart only knows.

"The bad news is that because of the failure to agree to the big prince of the French empire, the great prince lost her patience to her, and she was forced into a cold palace, and no one was allowed to see her, but all resources were provided. It is equivalent to placing her under house arrest."

Lei Li said, while observing the change of expression on Lin Feng’s face, he couldn’t help but tempted and said: “In addition, I think the great emperor of the French Blue Empire may be because he wants to be happy with the snow, but encounters The refusal of Snow, this only brought her into the cold palace.

"Lin Fengxiong, are you with this...". Li Feng’s curious temptation to ask Lin Feng, but the words have not been finished, it was interrupted by Lin Feng.

"Lei Lie, thank you for the news, your intelligence system is really amazing, admire." Lin Feng interrupted the other party's words, but the tone was very calm, and his face was very dull. But Lin Feng, no one would know what he was thinking.

"Okay, trouble you, my mission is finished, it's time to go." Lin Feng nodded to Lei Li, ready to leave, and did not intend to continue to entangle with Lei Li.

"Well, but Lin Fengxiong, if there is anything in the future, I can always find me." Lei Li was a pity for Lin Feng’s departure, but he could not force Lin Feng to stay. He did not have any excuses and reasons.

"Lei Ben, let's go." Lin Feng smiled and smiled. After that, she looked at the thunder and walked and walked outside.

Lei Ben and Lei Li made a simple farewell, and then followed Lin Feng's back, the two left the fierce house.

Lei Li looked away and Lin Feng and Lei Ben left together until they disappeared into his sight. Lei sighed, but soon his mouth was full of a curve.

"The big prince of the French Blue Empire has just held a heavy hand, and is said to be ready to break through the semi-legendary, Lin Feng, that woman really wants to have a relationship with you, I am afraid...".

Lei Li face complex and gloomy shaking his head, he did not tell Lin Feng this news, because this is the real bad news, he does not tell the intention to not tell, can not explain anything.


After the early morning, the city of the evil city.

"Predecessors, except for your big apprentice I have not seen, Lei Li, Lei Kun and the unruly thunderous days, in addition to Lei Li, the other two I have shot, talent is good, need to hone ".

Lin Feng stood in front of Lei Jinang and said something about yesterday. This is also a task.

Lei Jingang nodded with a smile and laughed. In fact, Lin Feng had not reported it. Lei Ben had already said the specific things and details, especially the battle between Lin Feng and Lei Dongtian, which made Lei Ben personally impressed. Description, Lei Jingang could not help but feel that the talent of Lei Tiantian is still not comparable with Lin Feng.

His three disciples, Lei Kun, also beat Lin Feng. Lei Li did not work with Lin Feng. This is a very sensible choice, but Lei Jingang probably can guess that even if Li Li and Lin Feng compete, they may not be able to win Lin Feng. .

Now he has put his hopes on his big apprentice. For a while, his big apprentice should be able to go out. At that time, breaking through the Supreme God should not be a problem.

"Lin Feng, I have worked hard, you have done a good job." Lei Jingang's smile on his face, his heart is also very happy but there is also a hint of worry.

"Nothing, you let people go, I did things, fair trade." Lin Feng shrugged, this is a very common thing, no big deal.

"Lin Feng, are you ready to go?" Lei Jingang looked at Lin Feng, and he was quite a bit reluctant in his tone. He really appreciated Lin Feng’s genius. If he could stay in Leimen, how good it would be, though not Leimen’s disciple, but at least able to do things for Leimen, but unfortunately this is a luxury.

Lin Feng needs the stage of the entire eternal kingdom, rather than limiting a clan so small.

"Well, I am going to take a look at the French Blue Empire." Lin Feng nodded, did not conceal his next stop, and delayed for so long, it is time to go to the French Blue Empire to see it, from the western part of the mainland to the central, is also the country's most powerful country.

Lei Jingang nodded lightly, the French Blue Empire is a good place, and there are a lot of arrogance there. It is estimated that there are many other clan's Tianjiao will go to the French Blue Empire at that time. At that time, Lin Feng was there, and he was able to compete with them.

"Well, I will not leave you, but the gates of Leimen are always welcome to come back to this celestial." Lei Jingang nodded and smiled and said to Lin Feng, he really invited Lin Feng, such a potential younger generation, Leimen is unlikely to refuse.

"Well, I have time, I will come back and have a look." Lin Feng understands that Lei Jingang’s words come from the heart, not the congestion and reasons.

"Lin Feng, there is something to tell you about, your master Zi Zi Shen Zun, I talked to him, he is not ready to return to the Ziqi Mountain, he completely transferred the Ziqi Mountain to the name of Leimen."

Lei Jingang thought of another thing. He felt that it was necessary to talk to Lin Feng. After all, this is what Lin Feng asked him to solve. He has the heart to return the Zizhu Mountain to the Zishen Shenzun, but the Purple Emperor refused.

Lin Feng heard this, and there was some confusion and doubt in his heart. He clearly discussed with Zizi Shenzun. If you can return Leimen to Zizi Mountain, Zishen Shenzun will return to his homeland, but what about Zizi Shenzun now?

"I don't know the specific problem. You may wish to ask your master." Lei Jingang waved his hand, and he knew what happened during this period. He could only ask Lin Feng himself.

Lin Feng nodded, and then did not bother Lei King Kong, left the front hall and went to the apse.

I came to the courtyard where Jiang Xuan lived in the past. The defensive enchantment in this area has disappeared, and I can enter and exit freely. Jiang Xuan and Xie Xie Shenzun are still living here temporarily. Leimen will not be restrained, let alone.

Lin Feng saw Ziren Shenzun sitting alone on the stone bench in the courtyard. The look was a little dignified and seemed to be contemplative. Lin Feng did not bother to disturb in the past, waiting far away.

"Lin Feng, are you here?"

After a long time, Zi Zhen Shen Zun woke up from the meditation, turned around and saw Lin Feng standing behind, with a hint of surprise and smile on his face.

"Master, why don't you go back to Ziwei Mountain?" Lin Feng asked straightforwardly to ask Ziyan Shenzun. For the latter, Lin Feng had nothing to say and could not say.

"Oh, I know that Lei Jingang will definitely tell you." Zi Yan Shen Zun saw Lin Feng look cautious and even somewhat unhappy, I know that he knows this.

"Lin Feng, don't be angry, the master has other things to do, and will not go back in the short term." Zi Yan Shen smiled and looked at Lin Feng with a smile, said with a smile.

Wen Yan, Lin Feng shook his head, he did not understand, do not know the intention of Zi Zhen Shen Zun, but he did not say, he would not ask.

"Ok". Lin Feng nodded helplessly. For the decision of Zi Yan Shen Zun, he had no right to interfere and only respected the master's choice.

Zi Yan Shenzun smiled a little, but his mind was a bit heavy. He didn't know that he would return to Zongmen this time. He still had no chance to return to Zixiao Mountain and continue to live a quiet life. But for Lin Feng, he is willing, even if he is brave. danger.

The disaster of 100,000 years let their masters’ souls be broken, and even a trace of hope has not been left. For this reason, Tiandaoyuan has also retired from the kingdom of God and never appeared again, so until Today, Tiandaoyuan has never announced a comeback, because there is no chance, but there is no chance to come back.

And this best opportunity is Lin Feng, this new little master.

Zi Yan Shen Zun still does not understand why Lin Feng chose Lin Feng as the new master, but since he has already decided, as a member of Tian Dao Yuan, Zi Yan Shen Zun can only accept this challenge.

It failed once 100,000 years ago, so now it is absolutely impossible to continue to fail.

"Lin Feng, are you going to take Jiang Xuan, or?" Zi Yan Shen Zun pondered for a long time, only to realize that Lin Feng had not left, and asked quickly.

Lin Feng shook his head. He didn't intend to bring Jiang Xuan, but before he left, Lin Feng decided to hand over Chaos to Jiang Xuan. As for how to go in the future, he can only rely on himself. Timely let go, for the growth of Jiang Xuan, this is the decision before leaving!

Zi Yan Shen Zun saw Lin Feng shaking his head, and understood the meaning of Lin Feng, they stopped talking.

"I went in and looked at the master." Lin Feng knew that Zi Yan Shen Zun, and then walked inside the house.

Pushing open the door, Lin Feng walked in.

[Today's four chapters are updated, the fourth will be updated before 6 pm, and finally ask for the flowers at the end of the month, and in May, we will continue to work hard, and the future will continue to fight for glory, brothers, fight me.]

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