Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 827: Shock!

Lin Feng took the spell and walked through the front hall of the main hall of the city and walked to the apse. After entering the apse, Lin Feng walked into a relatively quiet and remote courtyard. Not close to the courtyard, Lin Feng suddenly felt a terrible defensive energy. If someone is hard-pressed, it will definitely be killed by this defensive enchantment.

This enchantment was personally arranged by the mighty legend of Lei King Kong. Without his spell as a key, no one can open this enchantment.

Because of the existence of enchantment, Lin Feng could not see the situation inside, let alone the sinister gods and other people, and there was only a blue thunder on the courtyard, as if he could kill people at any time.

Lin Feng held the spell and put the little guy out of the space ring. Jiang Xuan flew out from the inside and saw the moment of the courtyard. The face suddenly became excited.

"Teacher, my parents are all right?" Jiang Xuan looked excited and excited and looked at Lin Feng. Lin Feng smiled and nodded. According to Lei Jingang, these people should have nothing to do.

Lin Feng sent the spell into the sky, stuck in the center of the enchantment, and suddenly the sound of the screaming in the air was like the sound of a bone bursting, and it was like a thunderous sound, but the sound did not last long.

The next moment, the blue thunder on the courtyard gradually disappeared, revealing the inside scene, Jiang Xuan could not wait to push the door and ran in.



Jiang Xuan screamed in the courtyard, screaming, the door was opened, and several people came out from the inside. Lin Feng knew each other, Jiang Yitian, and the evil spirits, and Jiang Xuan’s mother and the last Ziyan god.

"Xuaner, my son, hehe." The handsome woman saw Jiang Xuan and saw her son. She suddenly had an excited smile on her face, but she was already tearful and hugged Jiang Xuan. All her concerns were put down. Jiang Xuan was fine. .

The evil spirits are even more excited. Under the old face, there are two hot eyes hiding on Jiang Xuan. After so long, Jiang Xuan is already a three-strong powerhouse. He has to say that he is following Lin Feng. Next, the speed of growth is really terrible.

The evil spirits looked up and looked at Lin Feng. He guessed that Lin Feng was at least the first respected god, and it was also a arrogant, and so overbearing.

The evil spirits were prepared to look at Lin Feng, but when I saw Lin Feng’s moment, when I felt the majestic momentum of Lin Feng’s body, I was deeply scared, even if he was psychologically prepared, he could not I believe that Lin Feng in front of me is already the strongest person in the high respect.

How is this possible?

The eyes of the evil spirits began to become sluggish, and there was more flustered and fearful in his heart. He once wanted to kill Lin Feng, but now Lin Feng is already a strong person in the upper respect of God. Although he is also at this level, he is also a god. Zun knows that Lin Feng had the strength to compete with him, let alone for half a year.

Compared with the sorrowful and sorrowful gods, Zi Zi Shen Zun looked at his disciple but he was full of gratification and excitement. He was right in this step, no matter how much Lin Feng developed in the future, Zi Shen Shen Zun I am proud and proud of having such a disciple.

"How did you come in?"

Jiang Yitian was also excited to look at Jiang Xuan, but still looked up to see Lin Feng, the strange face of the face, here has been personally arranged by the Leimeng Leimen, enchantment, Lin Feng and Jiang Xuan how come in?

"You don't have to worry about this. I talked with Lei Jingang, you can leave here." Lin Feng grinned, and did not waste his tongue and how much they explained, because there is no need for it. If it is not in the face of Jiang Xuan, Lin Feng will only save the purple god.

Lin Feng’s words made everyone shocked, and my heart was boiling like a pot of boiling water, talking directly to Lei Jingang?

Who is Lei King Kong? That is the patriarch of Leimen. Now the whole city of evil spirits is people's, and it is even more powerful in the legendary world. Lin Feng can actually negotiate with Lei King Kong, and the latter allows them to leave.

How could Lin Feng have such a great energy, and how could his words allow Lei Jingang to obey, can he say that he has anything to do with Lei Jingang?

People like jealousy, even if Lin Feng rescues them, it is the same, especially the evil spirits, self-righteous thinking, so must guess what relationship between Lin Feng and Lei Jingang, why the latter listen to Lin Feng's words?

However, Lin Feng did not give this sinister **** the opportunity to speculate. After the voice of the goddess of purple scorpion, Lin Feng turned and left, even if it was a sinful god, he shouted a few times and thanked him for not paying attention to it. The smile on my face is even bitter.

This is self-destructive, this is to lift a rock and lick his own feet. He knows deeply that from now on, his old bones are no longer qualified to get into Lin Feng’s eyes. Lin Feng has arrived. Ignore his point, and he has no way.

Zi Yan Shen Zun has not spoken, but Lin Feng and his voice before leaving, Lin Feng asked him to go out and talk, Zi Yan Shen Zun acquiescence, but no sound Zhang.

Jiang Xuan and his family reunited. If you have a stomach in your heart, you want to talk. The evil spirits and Jiang Yitian have a lot of questions to ask about Jiang Xuan, and they are all about Lin Feng. When they know from Jiang Xuan’s mouth, the clan contest On the top, Lin Feng gave up the top six, and suddenly felt a pity.

"With Lin Feng's strength, being able to enter the top six is ​​already very good. He is a smart move. Mingzhe protects himself, and it is me, I will do the same." The evil spirits sit in the chair and nodded and analyzed the matter.

Jiang Yitian also nodded. For the strength of Lin Feng, he felt deeply shocked. When Lin Feng just came to the evil city, it was just the ordinary lower god.

However, now, Lin Feng has already been a long-time match. He can talk directly with Lei Jingang and ask Lei Jingang to release them. Instead, they are not qualified to speak with Lin Feng. If not his son exists, Lin Feng may not even come back. Save them.

All of this was changed because of Jiang Xuan. Jiang Yitian realized more at this time that it was extremely necessary for his son to hold Lin Feng’s thigh.

"Father, grandfather, you are too underestimating my teacher. My teacher is not only the strength of the top six." Jiang Xuan listened to the dialogue between the evil spirits and Jiang Yitian, and his face was suddenly a little unhappy, even if he refuted two people.

Wen Yan, the evil spirits and Jiang Yitian all stunned, and then looked at each other, looked at Jiang Xuan stunnedly, and asked the evil spirits to say: "What? Did he enter the top three?"

The tone of the sinister gods is a bit of uncertainty and suspicion, because he does not believe that Lin Feng has grown to the present level, and it is impossible to have the strength to impact the top three seats, which are all of the clan Tianjiao.

"Grandpa, what is the top three, my teacher is directly against the champion." Jiang Xuan looked at the dissatisfied look of Zi Yan Shen Zun, and he thought that his grandfather seemed to see his teacher is not good, he was very unhappy.

The evil spirits are a little embarrassed, thinking of his grandfather, the blood-related grandfather did not even catch a teacher without blood relationship, but after so many things, he also had to admit that Lin Feng is indeed more responsible than his grandfather At least Lin Feng is really treating Jiang Xuan.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Yitian looked at Jiang Xuan, his face full of horrified expressions, Lin Feng even dared to fight against the champion, do not want to live?

"Father, there are two champions in this clan contest, namely the ghost son and Chu Li. You should know the ghost champion, and Chu Li is a disciple of the Lambian Empire."

"Two people in the final battle, only able to fight into a tie, so there have been two championships in history." Jiang Xuan frowned, and the resolute little face was full of seriousness against Jiang Yitian.

It is said that Jiang Yitian and the evil spirits are somewhat unbelievable. This time, there were two champions, and they were double champions. It shows how powerful these Tianjiao strengths are.

"However, what does this have to do with your teacher?" He said that he still shook his head. He did not know what Jiang Xuan said about the relationship between the two champions and Lin Feng?

Jiang Xuan was quite proud of his grin and laughed. He smiled at the evil spirits. "Of course, there is a relationship. My teacher later had a confrontation with Chu Li among Xuan The battle of that day will never be forgotten. This is also an unforgettable thing after he becomes the master of the whole continent in the future. It is also Jiang Xuan personally recorded him in the history books, so that all the younger generations will remember. There is a master teacher named Lin Feng.

"Results?" The evil spirits seemed to realize what was wrong, but he could hardly believe it, so he asked the voice and prepared himself.

"The result is of course the teacher is slightly better, although it can be seen as a tie, but Chu Li personally said that he lost to my teacher, so Grandpa, if my teacher continues to participate, that is the champion!".

Jiang Xuan said with pride, he felt proud of having such a teacher.

The evil spirits are now in shock. When Jiang Xuan said that Lin Feng and the defending champions played against each other, and they were slightly better, it was even more unimaginable to roll the shocking fireball, as if to burn the heart.

"How can this be?" The evil spirits whispered, and they have been shocked by this incident to the point where they cannot think about the problem.

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