Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 824: Do you want to continue?

?? "Lin Feng Gongzi is the Tianjiao of the top 12 of the clan contest. I don't know if I came to Leimen today. What are you doing?" Lei Ben looked at Lin Feng with a bright smile, and his tone was slightly more sloppy.

"I don't know if I can see the patriarch of the nobles, Lei Jingang's predecessor." Lin Feng has no extra nonsense, which directly explains the intention.

Lei Ben's face changed slightly. He didn't think that Lin Feng came to the Lei family to come to Lei Jingang. He wanted to see their patriarch directly, but how could this be?

"My master is not what you can see and see, unless...". Lei Ben said this, his eyes suddenly had a smirk, and there was a slap in the corner of his mouth, which seemed to be thinking about bad ideas.

Lin Feng looked at Lei Ben, naturally can see the look of Lei Ben smirk, this kid certainly did not make a good idea, but Lin Feng has no other way, only see Lei Jingang, for Jiang Xuan, for the little guy, Lin Feng can Said to send himself into the abyss of the devil at the moment.

As long as Lei Jingang has a smattering or hate for himself, then Lin Feng is unlikely to leave the city of evil spirits smoothly, or even fall into an absolute desperation, even more desperate than when he was an ancient evil.

However, Lin Feng does not think that Lei Jingang will do anything for himself. First of all, he does not have much grievances with Leimen. In addition to defeating Lei Ben in the trial, there is not much hatred. If Lei Jingang is so stingy. I hate this thing, then Lin Feng has nothing to say.

Therefore, Lin Feng came to Leimen this time, but also gambling, betting on the attitude of Lei Jingang.

"Unless what, you can say it directly, you don't have to sell a lawsuit." Lin Feng stared at Lei Ben impatiently and shouted coldly.

Wen Yan, Lei Ben’s brilliant laughter, did not anger because Lin Feng’s impatience and screaming, but the tone of the drama: “Unless, you can only see 13 people in a row.” I am a teacher."

"You mean, let me fight against your thirteen divisions alone?" Lin Feng's face showed a trace of horror, and then he looked at the thirteen middle-class gods who were next to Lei Ben, all of whom were his younger brothers.

"And it’s thirteen to you, how are you, afraid?" Lei Ben’s face finally showed the taste of conspiracy. He didn’t believe that Lin Feng really could beat 13 people with one person, so This condition is almost impossible to accomplish in his eyes.

For Lin Feng, it is not that there has not been a similar battle. At the time of the loose country, Jinluncheng has sent dozens of median gods, but at that time it was Zhongzun Shenzun, but now it is Zhongzun. God respects, the difference is three realms, but Lin Feng is not improving several layers of realm?

Therefore, this condition is not too harsh for Lin Feng. On the contrary, Lei Ben gave himself a big opportunity. He only hoped that Lei Ben would not regret it.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng slowly looked up and greeted Lei Ben's confident smile. Lei Ben's eyes showed a slap in the face, and seemed to ask Lin Feng again, you dare to accept the challenge.

"Okay, I agree." Lin Feng nodded to Lei Ben, his face was very bright, and his mouth was full of a curve, full of confidence.

When he was on the scene, Lei Ben’s look changed. He looked at Lin Feng with some incredulity. He couldn’t imagine that Lin Feng had promised to fight against the 13th at this time. This is simply impossible.

Lei Ben must admit that he can't beat Lin Feng. Lin Feng's strength can kill himself, but if he is allowed to believe that Lin Feng can beat 13 of the top honors, he does not believe it.

Because this battle with one enemy and ten is only successful with his mysterious master, but only defeated ten people, but now it is thirteen people, and the difficulty has increased.

However, Lin Feng took the match like this. Regardless of whether he can succeed, at least this courage and courage will make Lei Ben admire. He admitted that when he saw Lin Feng, his heart was indeed not calm. He wanted to take this opportunity to retaliate. In the failure of the clan contest, but now Lei Ben, have to admit that Lin Feng is indeed overbearing, he can not match Lin Feng.

"Well, since you agree to fight, then the younger brothers, prepare." Lei Ben nodded and looked at the 13 younger brothers beside him.

Thirteen people are all eager to move, they are already gearing up, and the sound of the blasting sound in front of the entire hall, everyone’s fists are making a sound, they all know that Lei Ben’s brother is defeated by the guy named Lin Feng. Leimen did not enter the semi-finals.

Therefore, all these 13 people put this anger on Lin Feng, ready to vent in Lin Feng, so when the thirteen people rubbed their hands, the atmosphere on the field was already cold and full of murder.

And everyone did not know, at the top of the main hall at this moment, Lei Jingang looked at the hall under such a faint faintness, he also wanted to take a look, Lin Feng in the end has the strength to impact the top three.

He did not know that Lin Feng and Chu Li had fought for hundreds of rounds in the Lambian Empire, and Lin Feng won the final victory. Although Lin Feng himself did not think of victory, Chu Li admitted.

If Lei Jingang saw the original battle, perhaps there would be no such confidence that he would compare the dozens of apprentices with Lin Feng.

"Okay, let's get started." Lin Feng nodded to the thirteen people in front of him and said that he could fight, and he was ready.

Thirteen people saw that Lin Feng had spoken and shouted out, instead of Lei Ben’s announcement, suddenly anger spread throughout the body, because this in their eyes, this is naked contempt, this is the performance of Lin Feng’s arrogance and arrogance.

"Let me teach you lessons."

Suddenly, a thunderous popping sound rang through the entire sinister city, and a sudden black man rushed out from thirteen people. The man’s face was sinister and slammed directly, and the thunder of the fist was horrible. At the extreme, he is going to beat Lin Feng with full thunderstorm energy.

"Small seven, you bastard."

However, Lin Feng did not respond. Lei Ben was not angry at the side. His face was full of worried colors. He understood the strength of Lin Feng. The small seven single-handedly rushed out, finished, and there is no need to fight. Thirteen people, and thirteen people immediately became twelve.

Sure enough, Lei Ben’s drink just fell, this little seven has come to Lin Feng’s front, punching out, and the power is running in the face of Lin Feng’s face, but for this 'horror' energy, Lin Feng There was a slap in the corner of the mouth, and the left hand came out, and it was easy to grasp the fist of Xiaoqi.

"How is it possible?" Xiaoqi's face changed greatly. He was horrified to find that no matter how he struggled, he couldn't break away from the shackles of Lin Feng. When he changed his face, he knew that he was impetuous.

"Nothing is impossible, your brother can't beat you, you can't, you can go there and rest:". Lin Feng smiled faintly. After a hard arm, Xiaoqi was directly thrown out by Lin Feng and fell on the wall. The wall was collapsed.

"We will shoot together."

The other twelve people saw Xiaoqi so easily that he was thrown out by Lin Feng, and suddenly his face changed greatly. He did not dare to take advantage of Lin Feng’s strength and prepare to encircle Lin Feng.

However, can Lin Feng Lin be effective? Lin Feng smiled.

"Rather than waiting for you to attack, it is better for me to attack you, so that I can see Lei Jingang's predecessors soon." Lin Feng’s mouth has a slight curvature, and the next step is to step out, and the figure disappears instantly.

Lin Feng’s drink was still floating above the sky, and the people had disappeared, but at this moment, the twelve people suddenly became cold and a terrible energy shocked.

"Not good, spread out."

A man's face changed greatly, and the palm of his hand pushed the younger brother next to him. He was the slowest one. He was swallowed up by the terrible energy. The golden energy swallowed up his whole person, and even the screams did not come out. I have already fainted in the past.

Lin Feng stepped out and walked to the golden light group. When he reached out, he slammed the man who had passed out of the way and threw it heavily on the wall. The sound of a wall was collapsed.

"carry on". Lin Feng’s face was full of a smile and a joke, and the figure disappeared again in front of everyone. This time, let’s not say that even Lei Ben could not find where Lin Feng’s figure went.

Only Lei Jinang standing at the top of the main hall knew the movement track of Lin Feng. Even in his eyes, Lin Feng’s movement was so slow, but he already understood that his 13 apprentices had already lost.

"Lin Feng is actually Lin Feng. If he enters, he will have nothing to do with him."

"Maybe it won't last half an hour, it will end the battle."

Lei Jingang's eyes wrinkled, whispered and said his heart.

The battle in the field is still going on, but it can't be described with fierceness and excitement. It is completely a one-sided battle, and even Lin Feng starts to play.

After ten minutes, all 13 people were defeated by Lin Feng, clean and neat, not dragging the water!

Lei Jingang saw here there was some real shock on his face. He guessed that the battle ended in half an hour, however...

Lei Ben stood in the same place, looking at Lin Feng and smiling at him, but he could not feel it. There was only a deep shock in his heart.

Lin Feng is really powerful.

Lin Feng defeated his 13 brothers in ten minutes, and his master defeated ten people in ten minutes, and Lin Feng was much more powerful than his master.

Sure enough, it is true arrogance!

Lei Ben sighed in his heart, he suddenly found that he still needs a lot of hard work, even after seeing the strength of the ghost son, Chu Li and Lin Feng, he even suspected that he was not a Tianjiao, compared with these people, he Really nothing is ah.

"Do you want to continue?"

Lin Feng looked at the eyes and thundered, and the smile on his face gradually became rich.

The atmosphere is a bit dull.


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