Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 2 Chapter 537: You are not allowed? How old are you? (...

The gods did not come, the Emperor did not come, the Yinling Hall had just happened a major event, and no one came, so will the Emperor be counted? He refused the request of his negotiation, and he would not let himself go with the deceitful and insidious character of the Emperor.

I still remember that when Emperor Tiantian came here to threaten himself, the rooftop may not be able to hold a celebration smoothly. Lin Feng has never forgotten it, and he has not forgotten it today.


Suddenly, Lin Feng's face changed, and the explosion of the explosion came from his ear. He looked up, and everyone else put down the glass and raised his head. He looked at the crowd of people who suddenly appeared on the sky. There were hundreds of people.

The black-pressed figure was getting closer and closer, and finally stood on the sky above the roof. Lin Feng squinted and lowered the glass to look at these people.

Many people, who know each other, are no strangers. For example, when the Emperor of Heaven came to visit, the head of the Shenfu was there, and Tian Fan, Sima Yan and the recovery capacity, and even the snow came.

Almost all of the old, middle-aged and younger generations except the Shencheng, all came to the scene, and the water around the roof was leaking.

Lin Feng frowned, and the other brothers on the roof frowned. If the evil got up and walked to the side of the admirable old man, he snorted a few words in his ear. The vulgar old man blinked his apprentice and then slowly nodded. .

Tianchi is walking to the side of the Buddha. He also swears a few words in his mouth. The Buddha also raised his head. After a long time, he read Amitabha.

The people of the Great Wilderness all stood together, and the wild girl stood with the three great beasts, and there were several strangers who were stranger beside the three great beasts.

Feng Lingzi, the big disciple of Xuanwu God Beast returned, Li Chuan is also in it. Although there is no Qinglong beast, but Li Chu can know that this Qinglong beast is also returning to the Great Wilderness, but it is secret.

The atmosphere became dignified with the arrival of the Emperor of Heaven, and the anger seemed to be affected, and the light was weak.

"It seems very busy here?"

The Emperor did not say anything, and the head of the shrine that stood behind him broke the dull silence, and the tone was quite interesting. He looked at many familiar people on the high platform.

"Where are you here, what are you doing?" Lin Feng frowned, looked up at the group with a cold look and shouted.

Hearing the words, the shrine of the shrine is a cold smile, a faint saying: "Nature is to give joy to Lin Tianzhu. Today is a celebration of your party. We don't congratulate, what can we do? Are you saying?" He finished Afterwards, a sly look at the many powerful people behind him, all of them all echoed, and the same banter in the same tone.

Lin Feng knows very well that the Emperor of Heaven is coming, and the government of the Shenfu is also coming. Where is this to come to Hexi? This is a trouble, this is the place to come, Lin Feng had expected that there will be such a day, with the character of the Emperor, how can you let the smooth success of the Tiantai celebration? Such a cautious little man will never give himself this opportunity.

"Don't say something useless, just straighten out and say, you come here to make trouble, how much do you want to make trouble?" Lin Feng interrupted the words of the owner, asked in a gloomy tone.

Lin Feng’s words fell, and the atmosphere suddenly became murderous. The smile on the face of the priest’s house was also solidified. He narrowed his eyes and screamed: “What is the difference?”

"Of course, there is a difference. If you want to destroy all of our rooftops, it is not enough to rely on these people!" Lin Feng sneered out and waved his hand. After the high platform, he flew out more than a hundred heroes of the Emperor level, and there were more than 500 semi-god-level powerhouses.

At the same time, the Buddha and the vulgar old man also quietly stood up, the Buddha's hands clasped together, while the admirable old man was carrying his hands, standing on the high platform in the wind, looking at the head and other people.

The face of the government of Shenfu suddenly became gloomy, and there was more confusion in the depths of his eyes. He did not expect that Lin Feng had gathered so many powerful people in such a short period of time. The rooftops were stronger than the completion of the celebration. The four halls even have to catch up with the status of the three dynasties.

"Emperor, let's talk, you want to make trouble, I Lin Feng is accompanying, even if the final result is the destruction of the whole army, I will let your heavenly emperor pay a painful price, then I let the Tianyan Holy Union unite the Great Wilderness to eradicate you. ?how is it?"

Lin Feng is not a soft persimmon that anyone can pinch. The Emperor of Heaven is in person. This is undoubtedly a threat to himself. He wants to surrender himself by virtue of the deterrence of the Emperor. However, Lin Feng is rather a standing and dead, and will never be jealous and steal the Lord. .

Since you threaten me, it is better for me to take the initiative to threaten you, so Lin Feng will sigh and drink, and with a wave of his arms, nearly one hundred emperors will all step forward, roaring, and the voice surrounds the entire city, for a long time. Can not disappear.

The Emperor’s eyes were illusory from the beginning, even if it is still the same now, as if Lin Feng’s words made him unable to raise a little interest, but now more than one hundred gods are shocked, the Emperor knows, the roof Fighting high spirits, afraid that it is difficult to press.

He can completely repeat the scene of the Great Wilderness, and sent more than two hundred Emperor powers. Later, he sent several high-ranking emperors to unite with the Dan Temple and the Yinling Temple and even the Shenfu to destroy the roof.

But doing such a thing is enough. If you do more, it will cause public anger. The Emperor knows that it is a dangerous thing to commit public anger, so he has never touched the bottom line, and today is also true.

But if you don't touch the bottom line, it doesn't mean that he has to be silent all the time. Let Lin Feng ride on his head and pull his fart. If that is the case, what significance does he have in this day?

Thinking of this, the Emperor sighed deeply, his eyes suddenly became gloomy, looked up and looked at the direction of Lin Feng, Shen Sheng shouted: "Lin Feng, disbanding the rooftop, is your only way out."

"Dissolve the rooftop? Why?" Lin Feng listened to what the Emperor said, and the brow couldn't help but wrinkle up, and asked without hesitation.

"Because, I am not allowed! I am not allowed to build a rooftop, and all forces that I am not allowed to ban!". The Emperor of Heaven was sipping coldly, and his face was a majestic look. This is his usual style of doing things.

After listening to the words of the Emperor, countless people all sighed, and the Emperor of Heaven was not allowed. Anything that was not allowed by the Emperor of Heaven would not have legitimacy. This is the conclusion that tens of thousands of years have not changed. The Emperor is now not allowed to establish Lin Feng. On the rooftop, then the Emperor does not have legitimacy.

The words of the Emperor of Heaven are the commandments, the imperial edicts. Anything that the Emperor said is not allowed, that is not allowed, no one dares to question.

The atmosphere became dull with the words of the Emperor, and the sound of a needle on the ground seemed to be clear. Countless people held their breath and watched how Lin Feng should respond.

The Emperor of Heaven is obviously angry. At this time, if Lin Feng continues to rebel against the Emperor, then the Emperor really can break this bottom line and strongly destroy the roof that has not yet been established.

For a time, everyone stopped talking. All of them put their sights on Lin Feng’s body. The same is true of the Emperor. They are waiting for the Emperor to answer. Only the blood gods are still sitting on the high platform, holding the glasses in their hands. It kept going, as if from the beginning, I did not pay attention to the arrival of the Emperor.

Lin Feng knows that everyone will pay attention to himself, and his next answer is also very important. In the end, whether the roof can be established, all depends on one's own words, but who really fears the emperor's majesty?

Lin Feng grinned, and there was a hint of sarcasm on his face. When I saw this, many people guessed how Lin Feng wanted to answer, and suddenly they looked nervous.

"If you are not allowed, you can't build it. How old are you?"

"Emperor, I respect you as a predecessor. It is really difficult to read that you have lived so old. It is really not easy for such a small heart to live to the present."

"But, seniors, I ask you not to interfere with our own affairs on the roof, because Tianfan is built or disbanded, it is my own thing, but not your heavenly emperor, not your heavenly emperor~www Don't take your own feathers as an arrow, what is special about the Emperor? You are just the lord of the Emperor of Heaven, there is no real ruler on the land, you are just a manager. ".

"Predecessors, it’s nice to say that you are responsible for looking after the land of God, waiting for the ruler to come, but you are a slave to him!"

"Oh, then I will talk about it here. If you don't listen, I won't say it, lest your predecessors blew themselves because of their small eyes, then it's not good."

Lin Feng's hearty laughter, no longer continue to speak, but Lin Feng's words are out, everyone feels scalp tingling, so dare to say to the Emperor? Is Lin Feng really not afraid of the Emperor?

[These days are depressed, leading to a bad state. I said that I am happy and happy when I am young, but I am very dull at the moment, just like what is going to happen, it’s uncomfortable. Don’t always ask why the update is not strong. Now, when I am in good condition, I will make up all of them, forgive me.



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