Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 2 Chapter 535: Come back safely! (1 more flower

Lin Feng looked up and looked at the dozens of emperors who fell in the sky. The atmosphere was familiar to them. The reinforcements finally arrived. Lin Feng’s heart was relieved. If he didn’t come again, he really had to have a relationship with the elders. A fierce battle.

Now the wild woman comes with Yan Emperor and others, and Lin Feng himself has not worried much. If the elders are going to rob themselves, they will let the elders of the Yinling Temple pay some painful price!

The elders of the Yinling Temple also saw dozens of Emperor powers descending from the sky. His heart suddenly trembled and felt a little bad. These people are definitely not the gods they brought, because their breath is Haze, you are familiar with it.

However, the atmosphere of these emperors, he is very strange, and more and more feel dangerous, he is not a fool, such momentum must be Lin Feng's reinforcements arrived.

"Hey, missed this opportunity, and it would be hard to kill Lin Feng!" The elders stood in the depths of the woods, watching the strong people keep moving closer to themselves, their faces and hearts were anxious, but there was no way, if they didn't go, then the next one was dead.

"Life, this kid seems to be desperate." The elders hesitated for a long time, and finally they let go of their fists and chose to leave. They would not continue to chase Lin Feng.

The elders are gone, the wildest women, and the emperor. All of them have seen a strong person shining with the body of the gods, flying quickly from the psychedelic forest and fleeing.

"chase". Yan Emperor sipped and he chased after the dozens of gods behind him. This time, in turn, the big elders were no longer leading the people to chase Lin Feng, but Yan Di led the people to chase the elders.

Lin Feng looked at the elders and fled, and behind Yan Emperor and more than 30 gods to chase, Lin Feng's mouth could not help but a slight arc.

The absurd woman found Lin Feng along the breath, Lin Feng also saw the tearful woman who was tearful at the moment. The wild girl stepped up quickly and hugged Lin Feng tightly, for fear of losing Lin Feng.

Lin Feng smiled faintly, and took a picture of the girl behind her, and smiled comfortably: "Nothing, don't cry, am I not coming back?"

"People, if you have something, I will not forgive myself in my life." The wild woman nodded and left Lin Feng’s arms. Her face was full of hustle and bustle. If Lin Feng had three long and two shorts today, she would not forgive herself in this life. Lin Feng followed her to save her second brother. When something happened, Lin Feng had an accident. The wild woman could not imagine how big the consequences were.

When she fled back, she said this thing to the teachers and brothers on the rooftops. Everyone was clamoring to save Lin Feng. The young woman felt that these Lin Feng’s brothers were very dissatisfied with themselves. The wild girl felt wronged. At the same time, my heart is more flustered.

So she asked Yan Emperor to take forty or fifty of the Emperor's strongmen, and Qian Lizhi aided Lin Feng. Fortunately, there was no accident, and Lin Feng escaped safely.

After a long time, Yan Di led more than 30 emperors flying back from the front of the psychedelic forest. His face was a bit gloomy and some were unwilling. Lin Feng knew that they met the emperors brought by the elders. Both life and death are mixed.

The Tiantai has not yet been established, and it has damaged so many Emperors. Yandi knew that he could not afford this responsibility, so he did not continue to pursue it, but let go of the elders.

"Go back and talk." Lin Feng will have a sentence, and the dozens of people all followed Lin Feng and flew back.

About half a day, Lin Feng returned to the city of God and returned to the rooftop.

Lin Feng came back, all the hearts of the people were released, especially the brothers and sisters of the rooftops, and the stones in their hearts also fell. Lin Feng is not dangerous. There is a future on this platform. If Lin Feng has something wrong, this may not be established. It will collapse half way.

When Lin Feng returned to the rooftop, she saw the Yinjiu sitting outside the temple door, waiting for herself, seeing herself back, her face screaming to her side, her face excited and asked: "Lin Fengge, my uncle ?"

Yin Nine asked, his face full of anticipation, Lin Feng sinking in his heart, thought of the secret that Yinshan said to himself, but now this time, should he tell Yin 9 in the end? After he heard it, can he live with it?

Lin Feng was silent, and Yin 9 was also silenced by Lin Feng. His face became a little dignified until the last one appeared pale.

"What's wrong? Lin Fengge, my uncle?" Although Yin Ji has already guessed something is not good, but still needs Lin Feng to personally admit.

"Yinshan seniors, he did not escape smoothly." Lin Feng sighed and showed a trace of embarrassment and self-blame on her face. At that time, she did not regret making that decision. Now calm down and think about it, Lin Feng has some regrets.

Yin Nine listened to Lin Feng's answer, his face finally became pale. From childhood to him, he has always been taken care of by the teacher Wuyin Mountain, just like a father taking care of his son, let Yin 9 feel the joy of fatherly love, he is Orphans, living in the Yinling Temple from an early age, if there is no Yinshan, he has already died.

Now that the Yinshan is in trouble, the Yinjiu heart is like a gray ash. He sits on the corridor and can't talk for a long time. Lin Feng stands on the steps, and the Yinshan in his hand gives himself a piece of jade, but I don't know how to give it to Yinjiu. And say something.

"People, my second brother wants to see you."

Just when Lin Feng didn't know what to say, the wild woman came in and said to Lin Feng with a smile. He heard that Lin Feng nodded and put away half of the jade in his hand. Let's let the Yin nine calm down.

Lin Feng followed the girl behind the desert, left the rooftop, and rushed to the same wilderness in the city of God. The two places were close together for less than a few hundred miles, so they arrived in less than ten minutes.

Lin Feng followed the girl's side, and the two walked side by side into the hall. No one dared to block Lin Feng. The influence of Lin Feng in the Great Wilderness was not weak. What's more, Lin Feng was the great horse of the great wilderness, no matter the people of the Great Wilderness. Still new disciples, all recognize Lin Feng's identity.

Lin Feng and the aboriginal woman walked into a palace. The palace was very simple, and there were some ancient charms. The abandoned woman temporarily arranged her second brother here.

When Lin Feng rescued the second emperor at that time, he was in the midst of a thousand miles, so he did not take a closer look at the emperor of this great wilderness. Now that the two men are opposite each other, Lin Feng sees the second brother of the abandoned woman thoroughly.

The second emperor also looked at Lin Feng. When he knew that his sister was assigned to the man in front of him, his vision improved a lot, but it was like this. He also felt the temperament of Lin Feng’s brow. .

He only saw this silky dragon on the forehead of the Great Wilderness, that is, his grandfather’s forehead, but Lin Feng’s forehead still has such a true dragon, indicating that Lin Feng’s future is limitless.

The second emperor couldn't pick up a little bit of trouble. This brother-in-law is very satisfied with him. Moreover, according to the truth, this is his own savior. If there is no Lin Feng, his second son of the great dynasty can only be in the space prison. Waiting, there is no day, no hope of a trace.

"Sister, thank you for saving me, I represent everyone in the Great Wilderness, thank you." After the silence of the second emperor, he finally stood up and shouted at Lin Feng’s solemn fist and was sincere.

Lin Feng saw this scene, and quickly helped the second brother of the abandoned woman, and smiled at the same time: "Don't be so polite, I will save you, but also to reduce some of the pressure after the wilderness."

"She is a woman who flows has suffered too much pressure to revive the Great Wilderness. I want you to be a brother and share some pressure for her."

Lin Feng said bluntly that he wanted to save the two emperors who could only enjoy the success. He saved the second emperor, the second emperor, who was able to help the ridiculous woman to do everything.

The second emperor could not understand Lin Feng’s words, but he was not angry because Lin Feng was right. He wanted to set off the burden of reviving the Great Wilderness.

"Sister-in-law, you are right. Since I am out, I must work hard to revive the Great Wilderness. This is also worth the suffering of my little girl for so many years."

The second emperor said, his favorite eyes looked at his sister. He had the best relationship with the wild girl since he was a child. His second brother also hurts his sister. Otherwise, the wild girl will not hear the imprisonment in the Yinling Hall. After the second emperor, it was so impatient.

Now, whether Lin Feng or the two emperors are returning safely, this is a good thing.



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