Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 4 Chapter 1271: Zhuang Lingyun!


"What? You said that Lin Feng killed the eight great ancestors of the Dragons, and there are two spiritual ancestors?"

Within the **** hall of the bloodland center, the blood of the domain is full of blood, and some incredulously look at the **** clouds that come to report. The first feeling is false news, but he hears blood. The skyless report also received the news of the domain's main impermanence and power domain in the dry domain, so it is unlikely to be false.

If this is the case, then the wilderness and the wilderness may really become the contents of Lin Feng's bag, plus the relationship between the savage domain and the corpse, Lin Feng's hand is not casually mastered four. Is it a big field? This is already half of the octagonal domain.

There is also a sacred ancestor in the corpse, plus Lin Feng, the genius of the gods, but the metamorphosis of the spirit of the ancestors, and the three sacred ancestors who did not know where to come, this is a lineup that swept the majority of the octagonal domain. .

"No, if that's the case, we can't sit still." There is no panic in blood. Ever since he became a sacred ancestor, there has never been a panic like today, and it is still because of a small ancestral god.

"Domain, what do we do? It is said that Lin Feng has successfully left the corner, although the corner is not very powerful, but their old domain master Tuo Hanyuan is already a half-footed ancestors, if Lin Feng has a cultivation resource, In the short term, he will let him break through the holy products. As a result, Lin Feng has clenched five major fields in his hands, which is very unfavorable to us. The **** cloud wrinkled his brow, and he never thought that the little Lin Feng could do something.

Blood has naturally thought of these, but he dare not easily introduce the general situation, in the end what direction should be developed, but this has developed too fast, and yesterday I have not heard that Lin Feng has plans to gather the octagonal domain.

"There is only one way to walk now. As long as Lin Feng does not touch the power field and the dry field, plus the first big field in our blood field, there is still a chance. If you do, go to the big elders in the dry field immediately. Tao, as well as the great elders of Lili."

"The three of you will immediately discuss the three major areas of the alliance, the sooner the better, and tell them the pros and cons, if their domain owners are not stupid, they will not use all kinds of conditions to make it difficult. On the contrary, it will work harder to promote cooperation."

"We have already arrived at the road by Lin Feng, and there is no road behind. Then we can only go all the way to the end, and then wait for opportunities to find opportunities."

The blood is well-planned and the plan is only waiting for the cooperation between the dry field and the force domain. The blood-stained cloud does not dare to talk nonsense at this moment, leaving the hall directly and immediately acting.

"I hope to resist the infighting of Lin Feng's guy." The blood of the face is full of worry, the long and easy life makes him lose some of himself, and he can sit in the octagonal domain safely as a sacred ancestor.

Now a younger generation has launched an impact. It is only at this time that blood is aware that there is something that can’t be felt. Although it’s no problem to kill Lin Feng with his own strength, who is waiting for you to kill now? The other party has at least three holy ancestors.

Such a strong strength, where can I solve it alone?


Within the main hall of the wilderness domain, there is a brown scorpion, which is filled with dead bodies. Lin Feng does not let the disciples of the wilderness open, which is a respect for the deceased. Lin Feng stands far. At the same time, silently bowed.

"Predecessors, killing your murderer, I think you know it. Dull is your disciples in the wilderness. Now the wasteland has reached the moment of choice. I hope that the seniors will understand this truth. Otherwise, the mountains will not be killed. You, to control the wasteland."

"I Lin Feng really wants to rule the entire octagonal domain, but I don't want to use the tough means to dominate the octagonal domain. I just want to discuss the alliance and cooperation with you. It is a blessing to share, and it is difficult to be the same."

"Just didn't think about it, you just went there, hey, then the cooperation can only be...".

"Cooperation, I am the master!"

Lin Feng had not finished the sentence yet. I saw a crisp child voice behind him. The people turned around and bowed to the child who was only ten years old. Lin Feng also turned and stared at the child in surprise.

The child is only a little more than a meter long, with a white mourning dress and a red-eyed eyes, but the child looks very handsome. On his face, Lin Feng can’t help but think of Jiang Xuan’s little point, his face is Happy.

"You are?" Lin Feng looked down and looked at the little guy. He couldn't help but ask, since the child can claim that he decided everything, then the status should be extraordinary.

"I am the son of the domain leader. He has no son in this life. I am his son, Zhuang Lingyun!" The child said stubbornly, but the tears still flowed down in disappointment, and Zhuang Lingyun was in front of him. This moment, the atmosphere of sadness was rendered inside the house.

Lin Feng silently watched this Zhuang Lingyun, but at the age of ten, but the strength has reached the realm of the upper deity, compared to Jiang Xuan is not bad, and Jiang Xuan is inherited its own taboo body, then What is this Zhuang Lingyun relying on?

"Do you know who I am?" Lin Feng asked him, his face showing a hint of light smile.

"Know that the ability to change the pattern of the future octagonal domain is also one of the hegemons of the future!" Zhuang Lingyun said with a small face, but he was very determined.

Wen Yan, Lin Feng himself bowed, then smiled and said: "How do you know?"

"I will be deductive, this is my innate ability." Zhuang Lingyun smiled lightly and showed a strong self-confidence. His deductive skills were able to rank among the top three in the entire battlefield.

This point, the disciples of the entire wilderness can testify.

Lin Feng was shocked, will be the ten-year-old child who will perform the technique? This, this is the future master of deduction. If you cultivate well, it is equivalent to knowing the talents of the future. In this way, your success can increase many chances.

"Can you show me my future?" Lin Feng was interested in Zhuang Lingyun, could not help but ask, I would like to know some detailed information.

"I have limited strength now, but I can play things for the next five years." Zhuang Lingyun is bitter and somewhat unwilling. If he is also the ancestor of Lin Feng, then thousands of years of things are not a problem.

"How to say?" Lin Feng continued to ask him with interest.

Zhuang Lingyun squinted at Lin Feng, and glanced at the expressions of different looks. Finally, he fell to Bi Linfeng and wanted to know the future of the Eight Diagrams. Zhuang Lingyun engraved these faces in his heart and said slowly: "In the next five years, the octagonal domain will undergo earth-shaking events. Within three years, the octagonal domain will be accepted by you, and the octagonal domain will be unified."

"In the next five years, the octagonal domain will become a field alone, and it will be separated from the jurisdiction of Nihuang. Because after five years, you will be the hegemon of the new generation. Megatron will be in the north and have a shock with the ancestral road of the north. A confrontation in the war."

"But after five years, I can't see through it, unless I can see it if I break through the power of the Emperor." Zhuang Lingyun was very confident at the beginning, and there was a certain color in his speech, but he could only be helpless in the end.

Lin Feng listened to the results of Zhuang Lingyun, and he was shocked to know that he could become the hegemon after five years. If it is not the technique that Zhuang Lingyun will deduct, he does not believe that the overlord is so easy to achieve?

I am struggling with the strength of the singularity of the tiger, but it has reached the realm of the ancestors of the genius. The difference between the ancestral ancestors and the ancestors of the ancestors is the spiritual ancestor and the sacred ancestor, and then the ancestors of the land.

The ancestors of the land will be qualified to compete for the hegemon, but not all the ancestors of the land are the hegemons.

Eight people in the Eight Diagrams are the most excited inside. If you really follow Zhuang Lingyun’s deduction, then Lin Feng may become a hegemon within ten years, then the ants still need to be afraid. What about the Dragons?

Unspeakable mood, this time eight people in the Eight Diagrams have realized.

Song Qiujiu’s heart is happy, happy for his brother, and also happy in the octagonal domain. He came here here, and he is also holding a determination to transform the octagonal domain, but there is too much involved here. He couldn't help himself, if this moment began to help Lin Feng do something within his power.

When the future octagonal domain is unified, it is also a minister of the stock market, and it is also worthy of the original intention.

"Can you deduct me, haven't you put forward your righteous father today?" Lin Feng thought of a very real problem, and couldn't help but ask Zhuang Lingyun, but Zhuang Lingyun shook his head very painfully and sighed: "I Said, five years ago and the righteous father said, if he adopted me, there will be bad luck after five years, but he does not believe, insisted on adopting me."

"Hey, now, now, hehe...". After all, children are children, even if they are going to perform the technique, how to see through the future, but the mind is not mature, or will cry.

Lin Feng sighed deeply and put Zhuang Lingyun in his arms. The experience of this child is definitely extraordinary. Perhaps it is also a child who survived the disaster. For such a child, Lin Feng himself has a lot more tolerance.

"Lin Feng seniors, do you want to adopt me?"

Suddenly, Zhuang Lingyun looked up and the red face was full of stubbornness.

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